Antonio Peregrin Rubio




Researcher Profile

Total Desde 2020:
Citas Total: 911 Desde 2020: 135
Índice H Total: 15 Desde 2020: 7
Índice i10 Total: 20 Desde 2020: 5

Publicaciones (59)

Título Autores Año
Fish abundance estimation with imaging sonar in semi-intensive aquaculture ponds JC Gutiérrez-Estrada, I Pulido-Calvo, J Castro-Gutiérrez, A Peregrín, .... 2022
Estimation of jellyfish abundance in the south-eastern Spanish coastline by using an explainable artificial intelligence model based on fuzzy logic J Castro-Gutiérrez, JC Gutiérrez-Estrada, J Aroba, I Pulido-Calvo, .... 2022
Integrating local environmental data and information from non-driven citizen science to estimate jellyfish abundance in Costa del Sol (southern Spain) JC Gutiérrez-Estrada, I Pulido-Calvo, A Peregrín, A García-Gálvez, .... 2021
Evolutionary Design of Linguistic Fuzzy Regression Systems with Adaptive Defuzzification in Big Data Environments S López, AA Márquez, FA Márquez, A Peregrín. 2019
A view of High Dimensional, Large-Scale and Big Data Fuzzy Rule based Regression and Control Systems AÁ Márquez, FA Márquez, AM Roldán, A Peregrín. 2018
EDGAR-MR: un algoritmo evolutivo distribuido escalable para la obtención de reglas de clasificación MÁ Rodríguez, A Peregrín. 2018
A Review of Distributed Data Models for Learning MÁ Rodríguez, A Fernández, A Peregrín, F Herrera. 2017
A scalable evolutionary linguistic fuzzy system with adaptive defuzzification in big data AA Márquez, FA Márquez, A Peregrín. 2017
ECOS-LINCE: A High-intensity Heavy-ion Facility for Nuclear Structure and Reactions I Martel, PN Ostroumov, MJ Ruiz-Pomares, LA Acosta, JA Prieto-Thomas, .... 2016
Study on the use of uninorm aggregation operators in linguistic fuzzy modeling JM Bardallo, MA De Vega, FA Márquez, A Peregrín. 2015
Study on the use of uninorm aggregation operators in linguistic fuzzy modeling. JM Bardallo, MA De Vega, FA Márquez, A Peregrín. 2015
ECOS-LINCE: a high intensity multi-ion superconducting LINAC for nuclear structure and reactions I Martel, R Carrasco Dominguez, A Orduz, J Prieto-Thomas, A Maj, .... 2014
ECOS-LINCE: a high intensity multi-ion superconducting LINAC for nuclear structure reactions I Martel, L Acosta, R Carrasco, JA Duenas, T Junquera, AK Orduz, .... 2014
An efficient adaptive fuzzy inference system for complex and high dimensional regression problems in linguistic fuzzy modelling AA Márquez, FA Márquez, AM Roldán, A Peregrín. 2013
A mechanism to improve the interpretability of linguistic fuzzy systems with adaptive defuzzification based on the use of a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm AA Márquez, FA Márquez, A Peregrín. 2012
An efficient multi-objective evolutionary adaptive conjunction for high dimensional problems in linguistic fuzzy modelling AA Márquez, FA Márquez, A Peregrín. 2012
REGAL-TC: a distributed genetic algorithm for concept learning based on REGAL and the treatment of counterexamples LI Lopez, JM Bardallo, MA De Vega, A Peregrin. 2011
Introduction to the experimental design in the data mining tool KEEL J Alcalá-Fdez, F Herrera, S García, MJ del Jesus, L Sánchez, .... 2010
A multi-objective evolutionary algorithm with an interpretability improvement mechanism for linguistic fuzzy systems with adaptive defuzzification AA Márquez, FA Márquez, A Peregrín. 2010
Introducción de un mecanismo para la mejora de la interpretabilidaad en sistemas difusos lingüísticos con defuzzificación adaptativa AA Márquez, FA Márquez, A Peregrín. 2010
A methodology to generate compact and accurate fuzzy knowledge bases based on fuzzy clustering and evolutionary selection and tuning RM Toscano, J Aroba, A Peregrín. 2010
Una metodología para generar bases de conocimiento difusas basada en agrupamiento difuso, selección y ajuste evolutivos RT Melo, JA Páez, A Peregrín. 2010
Rule Base and Inference System Cooperative Learning of Mamdani Fuzzy Systems with Multiobjective Genetic Algorithms. AA Márquez, FA Márquez, A Peregrín. 2009
Parallel distributed two-level evolutionary multiobjective methodology for granularity learning and membership functions tuning in linguistic fuzzy systems MA De Vega, JM Bardallo, FA Márquez, A Peregrín. 2009
Rule base and adaptive fuzzy operators cooperative learning of Mamdani fuzzy systems with multi-objective genetic algorithms AA Márquez, FA Márquez, A Peregrín. 2009
Parallel evolutionary multiobjective methodology for granularity and rule base learning in linguistic fuzzy systems JM Bardallo, MA De Vega, FA Márquez, A Peregrín. 2009
An evolutionary ensemble-based method for rule extraction with distributed data DM Escalante, MA Rodriguez, A Peregrin. 2009
An Evolutionary Ensemble-Based Method for Rule Extraction with Distributed Data. DM Escalante, MA Rodriguez, A Peregrin. 2009
Efficient distributed genetic algorithm for rule extraction A Peregrin, MA Rodriguez. 2008
Cooperation between the inference system and the rule base by using multiobjective genetic algorithms A Márquez, FA Márquez, A Peregrín. 2008
Multiple Source Estimation Method Combined with Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing A Peregrin. 2008
Increasing fuzzy rules cooperation based on evolutionary adaptive inference systems J Alcalá‐Fdez, F Herrera, F Márquez, A Peregrín. 2007
Cooperative evolutionary learning of linguistic fuzzy rules and parametric aggregation connectors for Mamdani fuzzy systems FA Márquez, A Peregrín, F Herrera. 2007
A study on the evolutionary adaptive defuzzification methods in fuzzy modeling O Cordón, F Herrera, FA Márquez, A Peregrín. 2004
Stability analysis and synthesis of multivariable fuzzy systems using interval arithmetic JM Andújar, JM Bravo, A Peregrın. 2004
Genetic adaption of rule connectives and conjunction operators in fuzzy rule based systems: an experimental comparative study. F Herrera, FA Márquez, A Peregrín. 2003
Searching for basic properties obtaining robust implication operators in fuzzy control O Cordón, F Herrera, A Peregrın. 2000
Integración de operadores de implicación y métodos de defuzzificación en sistemas basados en reglas difusas. Implementación, análisis y caracterización AP Rubio. 2000
Integración de operadores de implicación y métodos de defuzzificación en sistemas basados en reglas difusas: implementación, análisis y caracterización AP Rubio. 2000
A practical study on the implementation of fuzzy logic controllers O Cordón, F Herrera, A Peregrín. 1999
Looking for the best defuzzification method features for each implication operator to design accurate fuzzy models O Cordón, F Herrera, A Peregrín. 1999
Characterisation of implication operators in fuzzy rule based systems from basic properties. O Cordón, F Herrera, A Peregrín. 1999
Characterisation of Implication Operators in Fuzzy Control based on Basic Properties and Defuzzification Methods O Cordón, F Herrera, A Peregrín. 1999
Chareacterisation of Implication Operators in Fuzzy Control based on Basic Properties and Defuzzification Methods O Cordón, F Herrera, A Peregrín. 1999
IN FUZZY RULE BASED SYSTEMS FROM BASIC O Cordón, F Herrera, A Peregrín. 1999
Applicability of the fuzzy operators in the design of fuzzy logic controllers O Cordón, F Herrera, A Peregrín. 1997
A study of the use of implication operators extending the boolean conjunction in fuzzy control O Cordón, F Herrera, A Peregrín. 1997
T-norms vs. implication functions as implication operators in fuzzy control O Cordon, F Herrera, A Peregrin. 1995
Applicability of T-norms in Fuzzy Control E Cárdenas, JC Castillo, O Cordón, F Herrera, A Peregrin. 1995
FUZZY O Cordn, F Herrera, A Peregrin. 1995
Influence of fuzzy implication functions and defuzzification methods in fuzzy control E Cárdenas, JC Castillo, O Cordón, F Herrera, A Peregrín. 1994
SCD 1.4 SOFTWARE DE CONTROL DIFUSO MANUAL DE USUARIO E Cárdenas, JC Castillo, O Cordón, F Herrera, A Peregrín. 1994
Estudio comparativo de sistemas de inferencia y métodos de defuzzificación aplicados al control difuso del péndulo invertido E Cárdenas, JC Castillo, O Cordón, A Peregrín. 1993

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