Pedro Villar Castro
UGRTotal | Desde 2020: | |
Citas | Total: 1370 | Desde 2020: 203 |
Índice H | Total: 18 | Desde 2020: 8 |
Índice i10 | Total: 22 | Desde 2020: 6 |
Publicaciones (66)
Título | Autores | Año |
DiatomNet: An automatic Diatom genus identification system through microscopic images and Deep Learning | S Tabik, P Villar, J Casado, D Fernandez, P Sanchez. | 2025 |
Teranga Go!: Carpooling Collaborative Consumption Community with multi-criteria hesitant fuzzy linguistic term set opinions to build confidence and trust | R Montes, AM Sanchez, P Villar, F Herrera. | 2018 |
A first approach to a fuzzy classification system for age estimation based on the pubic bone | P Villar, I Alemán, L Castillo, S Damas, O Cordón. | 2017 |
A decision making model to evaluate the reputation in social networks using HFLTS | R Montes, AM Sanchez, P Villar, F Herrera. | 2017 |
Fuzzy-Citation-KNN: a fuzzy nearest neighbor approach for multi-instance classification | P Villar, R Montes, AM Sánchez, F Herrera. | 2016 |
Una aproximación difusa del vecino más cercano para clasificación multi-instancia | P Villar, R Montes, AM Sanchez, F Herrera. | 2016 |
Aplicación del uso de valoraciones hesitant lingüísticas en una red social de economía colaborativa | R Montes, AM Sanchez, P Villar, F Herrera. | 2016 |
On the combination of pairwise and granularity learning for improving fuzzy rule-based classification systems: GL-FARCHD-OVO | P Villar, A Fernández, F Herrera. | 2016 |
GL-FARCHD-OVO | P Villar, A Fernández, F Herrera. | 2016 |
A web tool to support decision making in the housing market using hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets | R Montes, AM Sánchez, P Villar, F Herrera. | 2015 |
Improving the OVO performance in fuzzy rule-based classification systems by the genetic learning of the granularity level | P Villar, A Fernández, R Montes, AM Sánchez, F Herreraz. | 2015 |
Designing a compact genetic fuzzy rule-based system for one-class classification | P Villar, B Krawczyk, AM Sánchez, R Montes, F Herrera. | 2014 |
Classification Systems | O Cordón, MJ Del Jesus, F Herrera, L Magdalena, P Villar. | 2013 |
Cardiac Dysfunction in Mitochondrial Disease–Clinical and Molecular Features– | P Villar, B Bretón, P García-Pavía, C González-Páramos, A Blázquez, .... | 2013 |
Feature selection and granularity learning in genetic fuzzy rule-based classification systems for highly imbalanced data-sets | P Villar, A Fernandez, RA Carrasco, F Herrera. | 2012 |
A linguistic multicriteria decision‐making model applied to hotel service quality evaluation from web data sources | RA Carrasco, P Villar, MJ Hornos, E Herrera‐Viedma. | 2012 |
A new model for linguistic summarization of heterogeneous data: an application to tourism web data sources | RA Carrasco, P Villar. | 2012 |
Web of Knowledge Page 1 (Records 1–10) | O Cordon, F Herrera, P Villar, L Magdalena. | 2012 |
An Extraction, Transformation, and Loading Tool Applied to a Fuzzy Data Mining System | RA Carrasco, MJ Hornos, P Villar, MA Aguilar. | 2012 |
Desarrollo de una página web para el aprendizaje interactivo del lenguaje de programación R | R Romero Zaliz, J Arnedo Fernández, VA Dueñas Robles, P Villar Castro, .... | 2011 |
Studying the behavior of a multiobjective genetic algorithm to design fuzzy rule-based classification systems for imbalanced data-sets | P Villar, A Fernández, F Herrera. | 2011 |
A linguistic multi-criteria decision making model applied to the integration of education questionnaires | RA Carrasco, P Villar, MJ Hornos, E Herrera-Viedma. | 2011 |
A genetic algorithm for feature selection and granularity learning in fuzzy rule-based classification systems for highly imbalanced data-sets | P Villar, A Fernández, F Herrera. | 2010 |
A genetic learning of the fuzzy rule-based classification system granularity for highly imbalanced data-sets | P Villar, A Fernández, F Herrera. | 2009 |
Un algoritmo genético para selección de características en sistemas de clasificación basados en reglas difusas para conjuntos de datos altamente no balanceados | P Villar, A Fernández, A Sánchez, F Herrera. | 2009 |
Hybrid crossover operators with multiple descendents for real‐coded genetic algorithms: Combining neighborhood‐based crossover operators | AM Sánchez, M Lozano, P Villar, F Herrera. | 2009 |
Bajo la lupa: Calatayud, el hombre que pinta cristales | P Villar. | 2008 |
Preface: Special Issue on Genetic Fuzzy Systems and the Interpretability–Accuracy Trade-off | J Casillas, F Herrera, R Pérez, MJ del Jesus, P Villar. | 2007 |
Hybrid fuzzy logic control with genetic optimisation for a single-link flexible manipulator | H Kharrati, S Khanmohammadi, R Alcalá, JA Fdez, F Herrera, J Otero, .... | 2007 |
Optimization of fuzzy partitions for inductive reasoning using genetic algorithms | J Acosta, A Nebot, P Villar, JM Fuertes. | 2007 |
Learning fuzzy partitions in fir methodology | J Acosta, A Nebot, P Villar, JM Fuertes. | 2007 |
Un Algoritmo Genético para Aprendizaje de un Sistema Basado en Reglas Difusas tipo Takagi Sugeno | F Herrera, P Villar. | 2007 |
The ‘‘Hot Orogen’’: two separate Variscan low-pressure metamorphic events in the Central Iberian Zone (Abstract 76) | P Valverde-Vaquero, MA Díez-Balda, A Díez-Montes, W Dörr, .... | 2007 |
Special Issue on Genetic Fuzzy Systems and the Interpretability–Accuracy Trade-off | J Casillas Barranquero, F Herrera Triguero, FGR Pérez Rodríguez, .... | 2006 |
Dealing with Electrical Distribution Problems using the Fuzzy Inductive Reasoning Methodology | A Nebot, J Acosta, P Villar. | 2005 |
A hybrid learning process for the knowledge base of a fuzzy rule-based system | J Casillas, O Cordón, F Herrera, P Villar. | 2004 |
Aprendizaje híbrido de la base de conocimiento de un sistema basado en reglas difusas mediante algoritmos genéticos y colonias de hormigas | J Casillas, O Cordón, F Herrera, P Villar. | 2004 |
Automatic learning of fuzzy partitions in human central nervous system modeling using genetic algorithms | J Acosta, A Nebot, P Villar, JM Fuertes. | 2004 |
Linguistic modeling with hierarchical systems of weighted linguistic rules | R Alcalá, JR Cano, O Cordón, F Herrera, P Villar, I Zwir. | 2003 |
A multiobjective genetic learning process for joint feature selection and granularity and contexts learning in fuzzy rule-based classification systems | O Cordón, MJ Del Jesus, F Herrera, L Magdalena, P Villar. | 2003 |
A multiobjective genetic algorithm for feature selection and data base learning in fuzzy-rule based classification systems | O Cordón, F Herrera, MJ Del Jesús, L Magdalena, AM Sánchez, P Villar. | 2003 |
Multiple Crossover per Couple with Selection of the Two Best Offspring: An Experimental Study with the BLX-0. Crossover Operator for Real-Coded Genetic Algorithms | F Herrera, M Lozano, E Pérez, AM Sánchez, P Villar. | 2003 |
A prediction system for cardiovascularity diseases using genetic fuzzy rule-based systems | O Cordón, F Herrera, J de la Montana, AM Sánchez, P Villar. | 2002 |
Multiple crossover per couple with selection of the two best offspring: an experimental study with the BLX-α crossover operator for real-coded genetic algorithms | F Herrera, M Lozano, E Pérez, AM Sánchez, P Villar. | 2002 |
Genetic Algorithms-Multiple Crossover per Couple with Selection of the Two Best Offspring: An Experimental Study with the BLX-a Crossover Operator for Real-Coded Genetic Algorithms | F Herrera, M Lozano, E Perez, AM Sanchez, P Villar. | 2002 |
Multiple Crossover per Couple with Selection of the Two | F Herrera, M Lozano, E Pérez, AM Sánchez, P Villar. | 2002 |
A multiobjective genetic algorithm for feature selection and granularity learning in fuzzy-rule based classification systems | O Cordón, F Herrera, MJ Del Jesus, P Villar. | 2001 |
Generating the knowledge base of a fuzzy rule-based system by the genetic learning of the data base | O Cordón, F Herrera, P Villar. | 2001 |
A genetic learning process for the scaling factors, granularity and contexts of the fuzzy rule-based system data base | O Cordón, F Herrera, L Magdalena, P Villar. | 2001 |
Metazeunerita y picrofarmacolita del yacimiento de oro de Salamón (NE León) | ÓF Loro, MCM Benito, AP Condado, MLC Pérez, JL Crespo, .... | 2001 |
Different proposals to improve the accuracy of fuzzy linguistic modeling | SJIZ O. Cordón, M.J. Del Jesus, F. Herrera. | 2000 |
Analysis and guidelines to obtain a good uniform fuzzy partition granularity for fuzzy rule-based systems using simulated annealing | O Cordón, F Herrera, P Villar. | 2000 |
Analysis and guidelines to obtain a good uniform fuzzy rule based system using simulated annealing | O Cardon, F Herrera, P Villar. | 2000 |
Aprendizaje de las particiones difusas para sistemas basados en reglas lingüísticas | PV Castro. | 2000 |
Aportaciones al conocimiento geológico y mineralógico del yacimiento de Sn-Au de Mina Dominica | JN Jato, MCM Benito, JL Crespo, P Villar, ÓF Loro. | 2000 |
Aportaciones al conocimiento geológico y mineralógico del yacimiento de Sn-Au de Mina Dominica:(Salamanca) | JN Jato, MCM Benito, JL Crespo, P Villar, ÓF Loro. | 2000 |
Influence of fuzzy partition granularity on fuzzy rule-based system behaviour. | O Cordón, F Herrera, P Villar. | 1999 |
Reflectancia espectral en el visible e infrarrojo cercano (400-2500 nm) de distintas litologias en un conjunto ígneo y metamórfico (Salamanca, España): aplicaciones en … | AR García, JE Viruete, P Villar, SR Martín-Alfageme. | 1994 |
Reflectancia espectral en el visible e infrarrojo cercano (400–2500 nm) de distintas litologías en un conjunto ígneo y metamórfico (Salamanca, España): aplicaciones en … | A Riaza, J Escuder, P Villar, SM Alfageme. | 1994 |
España): aplicaciones en cartografía geológica. | A RIAZA, J ESCUDER, P VILLAR, SM ALFAGEME. | 1994 |
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