Pedro Villar Castro




Researcher Profile

Total Desde 2020:
Citas Total: 1370 Desde 2020: 203
Índice H Total: 18 Desde 2020: 8
Índice i10 Total: 22 Desde 2020: 6

Publicaciones (66)

Título Autores Año
DiatomNet: An automatic Diatom genus identification system through microscopic images and Deep Learning S Tabik, P Villar, J Casado, D Fernandez, P Sanchez. 2025
Teranga Go!: Carpooling Collaborative Consumption Community with multi-criteria hesitant fuzzy linguistic term set opinions to build confidence and trust R Montes, AM Sanchez, P Villar, F Herrera. 2018
A first approach to a fuzzy classification system for age estimation based on the pubic bone P Villar, I Alemán, L Castillo, S Damas, O Cordón. 2017
A decision making model to evaluate the reputation in social networks using HFLTS R Montes, AM Sanchez, P Villar, F Herrera. 2017
Fuzzy-Citation-KNN: a fuzzy nearest neighbor approach for multi-instance classification P Villar, R Montes, AM Sánchez, F Herrera. 2016
Una aproximación difusa del vecino más cercano para clasificación multi-instancia P Villar, R Montes, AM Sanchez, F Herrera. 2016
Aplicación del uso de valoraciones hesitant lingüísticas en una red social de economía colaborativa R Montes, AM Sanchez, P Villar, F Herrera. 2016
On the combination of pairwise and granularity learning for improving fuzzy rule-based classification systems: GL-FARCHD-OVO P Villar, A Fernández, F Herrera. 2016
GL-FARCHD-OVO P Villar, A Fernández, F Herrera. 2016
A web tool to support decision making in the housing market using hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets R Montes, AM Sánchez, P Villar, F Herrera. 2015
Improving the OVO performance in fuzzy rule-based classification systems by the genetic learning of the granularity level P Villar, A Fernández, R Montes, AM Sánchez, F Herreraz. 2015
Designing a compact genetic fuzzy rule-based system for one-class classification P Villar, B Krawczyk, AM Sánchez, R Montes, F Herrera. 2014
Classification Systems O Cordón, MJ Del Jesus, F Herrera, L Magdalena, P Villar. 2013
Cardiac Dysfunction in Mitochondrial Disease–Clinical and Molecular Features– P Villar, B Bretón, P García-Pavía, C González-Páramos, A Blázquez, .... 2013
Feature selection and granularity learning in genetic fuzzy rule-based classification systems for highly imbalanced data-sets P Villar, A Fernandez, RA Carrasco, F Herrera. 2012
A linguistic multicriteria decision‐making model applied to hotel service quality evaluation from web data sources RA Carrasco, P Villar, MJ Hornos, E Herrera‐Viedma. 2012
A new model for linguistic summarization of heterogeneous data: an application to tourism web data sources RA Carrasco, P Villar. 2012
Web of Knowledge Page 1 (Records 1–10) O Cordon, F Herrera, P Villar, L Magdalena. 2012
An Extraction, Transformation, and Loading Tool Applied to a Fuzzy Data Mining System RA Carrasco, MJ Hornos, P Villar, MA Aguilar. 2012
Desarrollo de una página web para el aprendizaje interactivo del lenguaje de programación R R Romero Zaliz, J Arnedo Fernández, VA Dueñas Robles, P Villar Castro, .... 2011
Studying the behavior of a multiobjective genetic algorithm to design fuzzy rule-based classification systems for imbalanced data-sets P Villar, A Fernández, F Herrera. 2011
A linguistic multi-criteria decision making model applied to the integration of education questionnaires RA Carrasco, P Villar, MJ Hornos, E Herrera-Viedma. 2011
A genetic algorithm for feature selection and granularity learning in fuzzy rule-based classification systems for highly imbalanced data-sets P Villar, A Fernández, F Herrera. 2010
A genetic learning of the fuzzy rule-based classification system granularity for highly imbalanced data-sets P Villar, A Fernández, F Herrera. 2009
Un algoritmo genético para selección de características en sistemas de clasificación basados en reglas difusas para conjuntos de datos altamente no balanceados P Villar, A Fernández, A Sánchez, F Herrera. 2009
Hybrid crossover operators with multiple descendents for real‐coded genetic algorithms: Combining neighborhood‐based crossover operators AM Sánchez, M Lozano, P Villar, F Herrera. 2009
Bajo la lupa: Calatayud, el hombre que pinta cristales P Villar. 2008
Preface: Special Issue on Genetic Fuzzy Systems and the Interpretability–Accuracy Trade-off J Casillas, F Herrera, R Pérez, MJ del Jesus, P Villar. 2007
Hybrid fuzzy logic control with genetic optimisation for a single-link flexible manipulator H Kharrati, S Khanmohammadi, R Alcalá, JA Fdez, F Herrera, J Otero, .... 2007
Optimization of fuzzy partitions for inductive reasoning using genetic algorithms J Acosta, A Nebot, P Villar, JM Fuertes. 2007
Learning fuzzy partitions in fir methodology J Acosta, A Nebot, P Villar, JM Fuertes. 2007
Un Algoritmo Genético para Aprendizaje de un Sistema Basado en Reglas Difusas tipo Takagi Sugeno F Herrera, P Villar. 2007
The ‘‘Hot Orogen’’: two separate Variscan low-pressure metamorphic events in the Central Iberian Zone (Abstract 76) P Valverde-Vaquero, MA Díez-Balda, A Díez-Montes, W Dörr, .... 2007
Special Issue on Genetic Fuzzy Systems and the Interpretability–Accuracy Trade-off J Casillas Barranquero, F Herrera Triguero, FGR Pérez Rodríguez, .... 2006
Dealing with Electrical Distribution Problems using the Fuzzy Inductive Reasoning Methodology A Nebot, J Acosta, P Villar. 2005
A hybrid learning process for the knowledge base of a fuzzy rule-based system J Casillas, O Cordón, F Herrera, P Villar. 2004
Aprendizaje híbrido de la base de conocimiento de un sistema basado en reglas difusas mediante algoritmos genéticos y colonias de hormigas J Casillas, O Cordón, F Herrera, P Villar. 2004
Automatic learning of fuzzy partitions in human central nervous system modeling using genetic algorithms J Acosta, A Nebot, P Villar, JM Fuertes. 2004
Linguistic modeling with hierarchical systems of weighted linguistic rules R Alcalá, JR Cano, O Cordón, F Herrera, P Villar, I Zwir. 2003
A multiobjective genetic learning process for joint feature selection and granularity and contexts learning in fuzzy rule-based classification systems O Cordón, MJ Del Jesus, F Herrera, L Magdalena, P Villar. 2003
A multiobjective genetic algorithm for feature selection and data base learning in fuzzy-rule based classification systems O Cordón, F Herrera, MJ Del Jesús, L Magdalena, AM Sánchez, P Villar. 2003
Multiple Crossover per Couple with Selection of the Two Best Offspring: An Experimental Study with the BLX-0. Crossover Operator for Real-Coded Genetic Algorithms F Herrera, M Lozano, E Pérez, AM Sánchez, P Villar. 2003
A prediction system for cardiovascularity diseases using genetic fuzzy rule-based systems O Cordón, F Herrera, J de la Montana, AM Sánchez, P Villar. 2002
Multiple crossover per couple with selection of the two best offspring: an experimental study with the BLX-α crossover operator for real-coded genetic algorithms F Herrera, M Lozano, E Pérez, AM Sánchez, P Villar. 2002
Genetic Algorithms-Multiple Crossover per Couple with Selection of the Two Best Offspring: An Experimental Study with the BLX-a Crossover Operator for Real-Coded Genetic Algorithms F Herrera, M Lozano, E Perez, AM Sanchez, P Villar. 2002
Multiple Crossover per Couple with Selection of the Two F Herrera, M Lozano, E Pérez, AM Sánchez, P Villar. 2002
A multiobjective genetic algorithm for feature selection and granularity learning in fuzzy-rule based classification systems O Cordón, F Herrera, MJ Del Jesus, P Villar. 2001
Generating the knowledge base of a fuzzy rule-based system by the genetic learning of the data base O Cordón, F Herrera, P Villar. 2001
A genetic learning process for the scaling factors, granularity and contexts of the fuzzy rule-based system data base O Cordón, F Herrera, L Magdalena, P Villar. 2001
Metazeunerita y picrofarmacolita del yacimiento de oro de Salamón (NE León) ÓF Loro, MCM Benito, AP Condado, MLC Pérez, JL Crespo, .... 2001
Different proposals to improve the accuracy of fuzzy linguistic modeling SJIZ O. Cordón, M.J. Del Jesus, F. Herrera. 2000
Analysis and guidelines to obtain a good uniform fuzzy partition granularity for fuzzy rule-based systems using simulated annealing O Cordón, F Herrera, P Villar. 2000
Analysis and guidelines to obtain a good uniform fuzzy rule based system using simulated annealing O Cardon, F Herrera, P Villar. 2000
Aprendizaje de las particiones difusas para sistemas basados en reglas lingüísticas PV Castro. 2000
Aportaciones al conocimiento geológico y mineralógico del yacimiento de Sn-Au de Mina Dominica JN Jato, MCM Benito, JL Crespo, P Villar, ÓF Loro. 2000
Aportaciones al conocimiento geológico y mineralógico del yacimiento de Sn-Au de Mina Dominica:(Salamanca) JN Jato, MCM Benito, JL Crespo, P Villar, ÓF Loro. 2000
Influence of fuzzy partition granularity on fuzzy rule-based system behaviour. O Cordón, F Herrera, P Villar. 1999
Reflectancia espectral en el visible e infrarrojo cercano (400-2500 nm) de distintas litologias en un conjunto ígneo y metamórfico (Salamanca, España): aplicaciones en … AR García, JE Viruete, P Villar, SR Martín-Alfageme. 1994
Reflectancia espectral en el visible e infrarrojo cercano (400–2500 nm) de distintas litologías en un conjunto ígneo y metamórfico (Salamanca, España): aplicaciones en … A Riaza, J Escuder, P Villar, SM Alfageme. 1994
España): aplicaciones en cartografía geológica. A RIAZA, J ESCUDER, P VILLAR, SM ALFAGEME. 1994

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