Macarena Espinilla Estévez
UJATotal | Desde 2020: | |
Citas | Total: 2922 | Desde 2020: 1698 |
Índice H | Total: 29 | Desde 2020: 23 |
Índice i10 | Total: 65 | Desde 2020: 46 |
Publicaciones (232)
Título | Autores | Año |
Methodology based on linguistic protoforms for activity detection in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus | D Díaz Jiménez, JL López Ruiz, J González Lama, M Espinilla. | 2024 |
A fuzzy-based IoMT intelligent data platform for enhanced glucose data interpretation and healthcare assistance | JL López Ruiz, JF Gaitán Guerrero, C Martínez Cruz, M Espinilla Estevez. | 2024 |
Indoor Area Location System Using UWB Technology and Axis-Linear Bounding Boxes | JL López Ruiz, JM Jiménez Villar, AP Albín Rodríguez, .... | 2024 |
Metodología basada en protoformas lingüísticas para la detección de actividades en pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 | D Díaz Jiménez, JL López Ruíz, J González Lama, M Espinilla Estevez. | 2024 |
Sistema IoT para la Monitorización de Glucosa en Tiempo Real: Empoderando el Cuidado y la Prevención de Diabetes | JL López Ruiz, JF Gaitán Guerrero, C Martínez Cruz, D Díaz Jiménez, .... | 2024 |
Living Dataset PLATERA: Fusión de datos de sensores ambientales, Vestibles y señales BLE | D Díaz Jiménez, JL López Ruiz, M Espinilla Estévez. | 2024 |
A New Horizon in Healthcare: An Innovative Methodology for Sensor-Based Adherence Platforms in Home Monitoring of Key Treatment Indicators | D Díaz-Jiménez, JL López, JG Lama, M Espinilla. | 2024 |
Towards an Interpretable Continuous Glucose Monitoring Data Modeling | JF Gaitán-Guerrero, JL López, M Espinilla, C Martínez-Cruz. | 2024 |
T1GDUJA: Glucose dataset of a patient with type 1 diabetes mellitus | JF Gaitán Guerrero, JL López Ruiz, C Martínez Cruz, M Espinilla Estévez. | 2024 |
PLATERA: A Comprehensive Web-Based System and Sensor Dataset for Activity Recognition in Households Environments | D Díaz-Jiménez, JL López, JF Gaitán-Guerrero, M Espinilla. | 2024 |
IoT-Powered Vital Signs Monitoring System for Optimal Hospital Assistance | C Montoya, JL López, JF Gaitán-Guerrero, D Díaz-Jiménez, M Espinilla. | 2024 |
Linguistic Summaries for Dwellings Energy Poverty Monitoring | D Díaz, J Medina, A Montoro, JL López, M Espinilla. | 2023 |
FuzzyIoT-Platform for Descriptive Analysis of Sensor Data Stream | FJ Martínez Mimbrera, A Montoro-Lendínez, JL López Ruiz, .... | 2023 |
Medición, publicidad y el" ying" y el" yang" | M Estévez. | 2023 |
Evaluation of the Impact of the Sustainable Development Goals on an Activity Recognition Platform for Healthcare Systems | JL López, M Espinilla, Á Verdejo. | 2023 |
Activación de geo-audiencias: Los datos hablan | M Estévez. | 2023 |
OBLEA: A New Methodology to Optimise Bluetooth Low Energy Anchors in Multi-occupancy Location Systems. | JL López Ruiz, Á Verdejo Espinosa, A Montoro Lendínez, .... | 2023 |
Advanced Home-Based Diabetes Monitoring System: Initial Real-World Experiences | D Díaz Jiménez, JL López Ruiz, A Montoro Lendínez, J González Lama, .... | 2023 |
Engineering and Technology Education in University Studies: Driving Digital, Sustainable, and Resilient Development-A Case Study in Andalusia, Spain | Á Verdejo, A Montoro, F Jurado, M Espinilla. | 2023 |
ACTIVA. Innovation in Quality of Care for Nursing Homes through Activity Recognition | A Montoro, JL López, C Nugent, M Espinilla. | 2023 |
A First Approach to the Generation of Linguistic Summaries from Glucose Sensors Using GPT-4 | C Martinez-Cruz, JFG Guerrero, JLL Ruiz, AJ Rueda, M Espinilla. | 2023 |
Meta-learning. An Approach Applied to Clinical Data | S Amador, K Turbay, A Montoro, M Espinilla, H Mora, D Gil. | 2023 |
Unifying Wearable Data: A Novel Architecture Integrating Fitbit Wristbands and Smartphones for Enhanced Data Availability and Linguistic Summaries | D Díaz-Jiménez, J Medina-Quero, M Espinilla-Estévez. | 2023 |
IoT-Driven Real-Time Glucose Monitoring: Empowering Diabetes Care and Prevention | JLL Ruiz, JFG Guerrero, CM Cruz, DD Jimenez, JG Lama, M Espinilla. | 2023 |
Transforming Elderly Care Through Ethical and Social Evaluation of Intelligent Activity Recognition Systems in Nursing Homes | AM Lendínez, C Linares, A Perandres, A Cruz, JLL Ruiz, C Nugent, .... | 2023 |
New Trends in Machine Learning Techniques for Human Activity Recognition Using Multimodal Sensors | J González-Lama, A Montoro, M Espinilla, JC Valera, D Gil, J Peral, .... | 2023 |
Shedding Light on the Energy Usage of Activity Recognition Systems in Homes | A Montoro Lendínez, JL López Ruíz, D Díaz Jiménez, M Espinilla Estévez, .... | 2023 |
Monitoring environments with new generation devices | A Montoro Lendínez, JL López Ruíz, MP Barbero Rodríguez, .... | 2023 |
Engineering and Technology Education in University Studies: Driving Digital, Sustainable, and Resilient Development | Á Verdejo Espinosa, A Montoro Lendínez, F Jurado Melguizo, .... | 2023 |
Check for updates New Trends in Machine Learning Techniques for Human Activity Recognition Using Multimodal Sensors | J González-Lama¹, A Montoro, M Espinilla, JC Valera, D Gil, J Peral¹, .... | 2023 |
Engineering and Technology Education in University Studies: Driving Digital Sustainable and Resilient DevelopmentA Case Study in Andalusia Spain | AV Espinosa, AM Lendinez, FJ Melguizo, ME Estevez. | 2023 |
Activa: Innovation in quality of care for nursing homes through activity recognition | AM Lendínez, JLL Ruiz, C Nugent, ME Estévez. | 2023 |
Mi condición humana seguirá intacta… al menos por ahora | M Estévez. | 2022 |
Sin miedo a la inteligencia artificial | M Estévez. | 2022 |
Review of Ultra Wide Band (UWB) for Indoor Positioning with application to the elderly | S Campaña Bastidas, M Espinilla, J Medina Quero. | 2022 |
La clave está en el mix óptimo humano-IA: Vamos a tener que seguir pensando, creando, inventando, cambiando de opinión y mejorando. Eso sí, con un nuevo lenguaje que vamos a … | M Estévez. | 2022 |
Dudas en torno a la Web 3 | M Estévez. | 2022 |
Initial Prototype of Low-Cost Stool Monitoring System for Early Detection of Diseases | JL López-Ruiz, D Díaz-Jiménez, A Montoro-Lendínez, M Espinilla. | 2022 |
Review of Ultra Wide Band (UWB) for Indoor Positioning with application to the elderly. | SC Bastidas, M Espinilla, JM Quero. | 2022 |
Low-cost IoT gas concentrator system prototype | A Montoro-Lendínez, JL López-Ruiz, F Charte, M Espinilla-Estévez, .... | 2022 |
Case Study of a Low-Cost IoT Device with a Thermal Vision to Monitor Human Stool Behavior in the Home | A Montoro-Lendínez, D Díaz-Jiménez, JL López-Ruiz, J Medina-Quero, .... | 2022 |
Classifying Sport-Related Human Activity from Thermal Vision Sensors Using CNN and LSTM | A Polo-Rodriguez, A Montoro-Lendinez, M Espinilla, J Medina-Quero. | 2022 |
Past, Present and Future of Research on Wearable Technologies for Healthcare: A Bibliometric Analysis Using Scopus | YM de-la-Fuente-Robles, AJ Ricoy-Cano, AP Albín-Rodríguez, .... | 2022 |
Classification of Food Types in a Box with Gas Sensors Using a Machine Learning Method. Case Study of Intelligent Electronic Nose | A Montoro-Lendínez, N Pombo, B Silva, M Espinilla-Estévez, .... | 2022 |
Challenges of ubiquitous and wearable solutions to address active ageing in the Andalusian community | A Polo-Rodriguez, P Dionisio, F Agnoloni, AP Gomez, C Paggetti, .... | 2022 |
Challenges of ubiquitous and wearable solutions to address active ageing in the Andalusian community. | A Polo-Rodríguez, P Dionisio, F Agnoloni, A Perandrés Gómez, .... | 2022 |
Datos con valor | M Estévez. | 2022 |
Low-cost IoT gas concentrator system prototype (ponencia) | A Montoro Lendínez, JL López Ruíz, F Charte, M Espinilla Estévez, .... | 2022 |
Application of IoT in Healthcare: Keys to Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals | ÁV Espinosa, JLL López, FM Mata, MEE Estevez. | 2021 |
UJA Human Activity Recognition multi-occupancy dataset | E De-la-Hoz-Franco, ER Bernal Monroy, P Ariza-Colpas, .... | 2021 |
How Does the Family Influence the Process of Transition to Adulthood? A Comparative Study of Young People with and without Family Ties in Spain | L Cano-López, D la Fuente-Robles, Y María, V Fuentes, M Aranda, .... | 2021 |
UJAmI Location: A Fuzzy Indoor Location System for the Elderly | AP Albín-Rodríguez, YM De-La-Fuente-Robles, JL López-Ruiz, .... | 2021 |
El uso de técnicas computacionales para mejorar el cumplimiento de técnicas del recuerdo en entornos inteligentes (REMIND) | SD Gramajo, M Espinilla, J Medina, E Bernal. | 2021 |
Sistema inteligente de reconocimiento de actividades en el entorno de envejecimiento activo y de seguridad (ACTIVA): evaluación de herramienta informática desde el ámbito social | JMM Martínez, JMM García, AC Lendínez, LG López, AP Gómez, .... | 2021 |
Assessment of sustainable development objectives in Smart Labs: technology and sustainability at the service of society | Á Verdejo, M Espinilla, JL López, F Jurado. | 2021 |
Fuzzy cloud-fog computing approach application for human activity recognition in smart homes | MA López-Medina, M Espinilla, I Cleland, C Nugent, J Medina. | 2020 |
Evaluation of convolutional neural networks for the classification of falls from heterogeneous thermal vision sensors | MÁ López-Medina, M Espinilla, C Nugent, JM Quero. | 2020 |
Fuzzy Monitoring of In-bed Postural Changes for the Prevention of Pressure Ulcers using Inertial Sensors Attached to Clothing | EB Monroy, AP Rodriguez, ME Estevez, JM Quero. | 2020 |
Integración de conceptos tecnológicos emergentes en educación superior a través de aprendizaje basado en proyectos | JM Quero, MDR Lozano, JMS Chica, ME Estévez. | 2020 |
Education in smart grids: a perspective from the field of engineering | ÁV Espinosa, CR Casas, ME Estevez, MDR Lozano, CM Cruz. | 2020 |
A new architecture based on IoT and machine learning paradigms in photovoltaic systems to nowcast output energy | G Almonacid-Olleros, G Almonacid, JI Fernandez-Carrasco, .... | 2020 |
Fuzzy Protoform for Hyperactive Behaviour Detection Based on Commercial Devices | AP Albín-Rodríguez, AJ Ricoy-Cano, YM de-la-Fuente-Robles, .... | 2020 |
Smart Grids and Their Role in Transforming Human Activities—A Systematic Literature Review | Á Verdejo-Espinosa, M Espinilla-Estévez, F Mata Mata. | 2020 |
Analyzing daily behaviours from wearable trackers using linguistic protoforms and fuzzy clustering | C Martinez, JM Quero, M Espinilla, SD Gramajo. | 2020 |
Entre la institución y la familia: Las familias colaboradoras como apoyo a los menores tutelados | L Cano-López, V Fuentes-Gutiérrez, M Espinilla-Estévez, .... | 2020 |
menores tutelados que participan en el programa “familias colaboradoras”: transformaciones significativas y oportunidades | LC López, VF Gutiérrez, ME Estévez, YM de la Fuente Robles. | 2020 |
¿ Cómo se es familia colaboradora? | LC López, VF Gutiérrez, ME Estévez, YM de la Fuente Robles. | 2020 |
Perspectiva desde el ámbito de la ingeniería para la formación en redes inteligentes | MAV Espinosa, CR Casas, ME Estévez, CM Cruz, MDR Lozano. | 2020 |
El ecosistema de aprendizaje del estudiante universitario en la post-pandemia. Metodologías y herramientas | F Charte Ojeda, AJ Rivera Rivas, J Medina, M Espinilla Estevez. | 2020 |
La investigación en empresas de consultoría | M Estévez. | 2020 |
Methodology for improving classification accuracy using ontologies: application in the recognition of activities of daily living | AG Salguero, J Medina, P Delatorre, M Espinilla. | 2019 |
Efficient activity recognition in smart homes using delayed fuzzy temporal windows on binary sensors | R ali Hamad, AG Salguero, MR Bouguelia, M Espinilla, JM Quero. | 2019 |
Straightforward Recognition of Daily Objects in Smart Environments from Wearable Vision Sensor | JM Quero, F Cruciani, L Seidenari, M Espinilla, C Nugent. | 2019 |
Ontology-Based Framework for the Automatic Recognition of Activities of Daily Living Using Class Expression Learning Techniques | AG Salguero, P Delatorre, J Medina, M Espinilla, AJ Tomeu. | 2019 |
Fuzzy Linguistic Protoforms to Summarize Heart Rate Streams of Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease | MD Peláez-Aguilera, M Espinilla, MR Fernández Olmo, J Medina. | 2019 |
Activity Recognition for IoT Devices Using Fuzzy Spatio-Temporal Features as Environmental Sensor Fusion | MÁ López Medina, M Espinilla, C Paggeti, J Medina Quero. | 2019 |
Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence—UCAmI | M Espinilla, V Villarreal, I McChesney. | 2019 |
Challenges of Ethical Evaluation Models for Intelligent Assistive Technologies. An Initial Ethical Model Based on Linguistic Decision Analysis | M Espinilla, MA Verdejo, L González, C Nugent, AJ Cruz, J Medina. | 2019 |
Abordando las necesidades de los usuarios en las tecnologías de recuerdo | N Hernández-Cruz, P McCullagh, S Zhang, C Nugent, AR González, .... | 2019 |
Uso de sensores termales para la monitorización en el hogar | M Burns, JM Quero, C Nugent, P Morrow, S McClean, M Espinilla. | 2019 |
Fuzzy Linguistic Protoforms to Summarize Heart Rate Streams of Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease. | MD Peláez-Coca, M Espinilla, MRF Olmo, J Medina. | 2019 |
El modelo EDP desde un laboratorio de inteligencia ambiental | SEC Bastidas, LG López, ME Estévez. | 2019 |
Tecnologías para la localización de personas mayores con problemas de demencia en centros de residencia | SEC Bastidas, ME Estévez, JM Quero, JFG Medina. | 2019 |
Intelligent System for the Prevention of Pressure Ulcers by Monitoring Postural Changes with Wearable Inertial Sensors | EB Monroy, DZ Romero, ME Estévez, F Cruciani, I Cleland, C Nugent, .... | 2019 |
Activity Recognition for IoT Devices Using Fuzzy Spatio-Temporal Features as Environmental Sensor Fusion. | MMÁ López, M Espinilla, C Paggeti, QJ Medina. | 2019 |
Fuzzy Linguistic Protoforms to Summarize Heart Rate Streams of Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease. Hindawi Complexity, Vol. 2019, pp. 1-11 | MD Peláez-Aguilera, M Espinilla, MF Olmo, J Medina. | 2019 |
Fuzzy Linguistic Protoforms to Summarize Heart Rate Streams of Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease. Hindawi | MD Peláez-Aguilera, M Espinilla, MR Fernández, J Medina. | 2019 |
Algoritmosy futuro | M Estévez. | 2019 |
Ontology‐based framework for the automatic recognition of activities of daily living using class expression learning techniques | AG Salguero, P Delatorre, J Medina, M Espinilla, AJ Tomeu. | 2019 |
Efficient Activity Recognition in Smart Homes Using Delayed Fuzzy Temporal Windows on Binary Sensors. | H Rebeen, AG Salguero-Hidalgo, MR Bouguelia, M Espinilla-Estévez, .... | 2019 |
A new approach based on temporal sub-windows for online sensor-based activity recognition | M Espinilla, J Medina, J Hallberg, C Nugent. | 2018 |
Sensor-based datasets for human activity recognition–A systematic review of literature | E De-La-Hoz-Franco, P Ariza-Colpas, JM Quero, M Espinilla. | 2018 |
Using ontologies for the online recognition of activities of daily living | A Salguero, M Espinilla, P Delatorre, J Medina. | 2018 |
Intelligent multi-dose medication controller for fever: From wearable devices to remote dispensers | J Medina, M Espinilla, ÁL García-Fernández, L Martínez. | 2018 |
The experience of developing the UJAmI Smart lab | M Espinilla, L Martínez, J Medina, C Nugent. | 2018 |
Ensemble classifier of long short-term memory with fuzzy temporal windows on binary sensors for activity recognition | J Medina-Quero, S Zhang, C Nugent, M Espinilla. | 2018 |
Ontology-based feature generation to improve accuracy of activity recognition in smart environments | AG Salguero, M Espinilla. | 2018 |
A flexible text analyzer based on ontologies: an application for detecting discriminatory language | A Salguero, M Espinilla. | 2018 |
Collection of a Diverse, Realistic and Annotated Dataset for Wearable Activity Recognition | I Cleland, MP Donnelly, CD Nugent, J Hallberg, M Espinilla, .... | 2018 |
Real-time recognition of interleaved activities based on ensemble classifier of long short-term memory with fuzzy temporal windows | J Quero, C Orr, S Zang, C Nugent, A Salguero, M Espinilla. | 2018 |
Location of persons using binary sensors and BLE beacons for ambient assitive living | AR Jiménez, F Seco, P Peltola, M Espinilla. | 2018 |
Predicting the Urgency Demand of COPD Patients From Environmental Sensors Within Smart Cities With High-Environmental Sensitivity | JM Quero, MÁL Medina, AS Hidalgo, M Espinilla. | 2018 |
UCAmI Cup. Analyzing the UJA Human Activity Recognition Dataset of Activities of Daily Living | M Espinilla, J Medina, C Nugent. | 2018 |
Detection of Falls from Non-Invasive Thermal Vision Sensors Using Convolutional Neural Networks | J Quero, M Burns, M Razzaq, C Nugent, M Espinilla. | 2018 |
Human Activity Recognition from the Acceleration Data of a Wearable Device. Which Features Are More Relevant by Activities? | M Espinilla, J Medina, A Salguero, N Irvine, M Donnelly, I Cleland, .... | 2018 |
Ieee Access Special Section Editorial: Ambient Intelligence Environments With Wireless Sensor Networks From the Point of View of Big Data and Smart and Sustainable Cities | M Espinilla, J Medina, G Urzaiz, P Singh. | 2018 |
H2Al—The Human Health and Activity Laboratory | K Synnes, M Lilja, A Nyman, M Espinilla, I Cleland, AGS Comas, .... | 2018 |
Real-time Recognition of Interleaved Activities based on Ensemble of LSTM and Fuzzy Temporal Windows | JM Quero, C Orr, S Zhang, CD Nugent, A Salguero, M Espinilla. | 2018 |
IoT by Smart Enviroments–Aplication to diabetic and hypertensive patients in domiciliary modality Technological model of monitoring and follow-up | E Bernal, S Campaña, C Gómez, M Espinilla, J Quero. | 2018 |
Nuevas arquitecturas hardware de procesamiento de alto rendimiento para aprendizaje profundo | AJ Rivera, F Charte, M Espinilla, MD Pérez-Godoy. | 2018 |
Computer vision-based gait velocity from non-obtrusive thermal vision sensors | J Medina-Quero, C Shewell, I Cleland, J Rafferty, C Nugent, ME Estévez. | 2018 |
The impact of dataset quality on the performance of data-driven approaches for human activity recognition | N Irvine, C Nugent, S Zhang, H Wang, WW Ng, I Cleland, M Espinilla. | 2018 |
Living Lab social, una herramienta clave en el codiseño de hogares inteligentes | YM de la Fuente Robles, LG López, ME Estévez. | 2018 |
Fuzzy framework for activity recognition in a multi-occupant smart environment based on wearable devices and proximity beacons | M Espinilla, JM Quero, N Irvine, I Cleland, C Nugent. | 2018 |
Unas palabras acerca del ROI | M Estévez. | 2018 |
Colpas P Quero JM Espinilla M | EA De-La-Hoz-Franco. | 2018 |
Espinilla Macarena. Real-time recognition of interleaved activities based on ensemble classifier of long short-term memory with fuzzy temporal windows | MQ Javier, O Claire, Z Shuai, N Chris, S Alberto. | 2018 |
Sensor-based datasets for human activity recognition–a systematic review of literature. IEEE Access 6, 59192–59210 (2018) | E De-La-Hoz-Franco, P Ariza-Colpas, JM Quero, M Espinilla. | 2018 |
IoT y Ambientes Inteligentes–Aplicación a pacientes diabéticos e hipertensos en modalidad domiciliaria IoT by Smart Enviroments–Aplication to diabetic and hypertensive patients … | E Bernal, S Campa, G Carlos, M Espinilla. | 2018 |
Diseño, construcción e implementación de un prototipo de producto IoT | M Navas-Damas. | 2018 |
Aplicación Móvil con tecnología NFC para el intercambio de información | A Segovia-Pastor. | 2018 |
Sistema web de monitorización basado en IoT para potencia comportamientos saludables. | AJ Cruz Rodríguez. | 2018 |
Espinilla Macarena. Real-time recognition of interleaved activities based on ensemble classifier of long shortterm memory with fuzzy temporal windows | MQ Javier, O Claire, Z Shuai, N Chris, S Alberto. | 2018 |
El reto de la medición de publicidad en su conjunto. Predicciones a 5, 10 y 20 años | M Estévez. | 2018 |
Sensor-based datasets for human activity recognition-a systematic review of literature | E De la Hoz, PP Ariza Colpas, J Medina Quero, M Espinilla. | 2018 |
Optimizing the configuration of an heterogeneous architecture of sensors for activity recognition, using the extended belief rule-based inference methodology | M Espinilla, J Medina, A Calzada, J Liu, L Martínez, C Nugent. | 2017 |
Fuzzy intelligent system for patients with preeclampsia in wearable devices | M Espinilla, J Medina, ÁL García-Fernández, S Campaña, J Londoño. | 2017 |
Comparison of fiducial marker detection and object interaction in activities of daily living utilising a wearable vision sensor | C Shewell, J Medina‐Quero, M Espinilla, C Nugent, M Donnelly, H Wang. | 2017 |
Subscribing to fuzzy temporal aggregation of heterogeneous sensor streams in real‐time distributed environments | J Medina, L Martinez, M Espinilla. | 2017 |
Fuzzy fog computing: A linguistic approach for knowledge inference in wearable devices | J Medina, M Espinilla, D Zafra, L Martínez, C Nugent. | 2017 |
Computational intelligence for smart environments | M Espinilla, C Nugent. | 2017 |
Special issue on “Recent Advancements in Ubiquitous Computing” | M Espinilla, J Liu, JM García-Chamizo. | 2017 |
Improving Activity Classification Using Ontologies to Expand Features in Smart Environments | A Salguero, M Espinilla. | 2017 |
Key factors for innovative developments on health sensor-based system | MD Peláez, M López-Medina, M Espinilla, J Medina-Quero. | 2017 |
Indoor localisation through object detection within multiple environments utilising a single wearable camera | C Shewell, C Nugent, M Donnelly, H Wang, M Espinilla. | 2017 |
Classification of the risk in the new financing framework of the Deposit Guarantee Systems in Europe: K-Means Cluster Analysis and Soft Computing | P Gómez, A Partal, M Espinilla. | 2017 |
Evolución tecnológica del hardware de vídeo y las GPU en los ordenadores personales | FC Ojeda, AJ Rueda, M Espinilla, AJR Riva. | 2017 |
Uso de dispositivos FPGA como apoyo a la ensenanza de asignaturas de arquitectura de computadores | FC Ojeda, M Espinilla, AJR Riva, FJP Rubio. | 2017 |
Real-time monitoring in home-based cardiac rehabilitation using wrist-worn heart rate devices | J Medina Quero, MR Fernandez Olmo, MD Pelaez Aguilera, .... | 2017 |
Research Article Fuzzy Intelligent System for Patients with Preeclampsia in Wearable Devices | M Espinilla, J Medina, ÁL García-Fernández, S Campaña, J Londoño. | 2017 |
Investigar para atribuir mejor | M Estévez. | 2017 |
Real-time fuzzy linguistic analysis of anomalies from medical monitoring devices on data streams | J Medina, M Espinilla, C Nugent. | 2016 |
An initiative for the creation of open datasets within pervasive healthcare | C Nugent, I Cleland, A Santanna, M Espinilla, J Synnott, O Banos, .... | 2016 |
Environment simulation for the promotion of the open data initiative | J Synnott, C Nugent, S Zhang, A Calzada, I Cleland, M Espinilla, .... | 2016 |
A mobile application for easy design and testing of algorithms to monitor physical activity in the workplace | S Spinsante, A Angelici, J Lundström, M Espinilla, I Cleland, C Nugent. | 2016 |
Recognition of activities in resource constrained environments; reducing the computational complexity | M Espinilla, A Rivera, MD Pérez-Godoy, J Medina, L Martínez, C Nugent. | 2016 |
A Web system for managing and monitoring smart environments | D Zafra, J Medina, L Martinez, C Nugent, M Espinilla. | 2016 |
Improving the quality of user generated data sets for activity recognition | C Nugent, J Synnott, C Gabrielli, S Zhang, M Espinilla, A Calzada, .... | 2016 |
Description logic class expression learning applied to sentiment analysis | A Salguero, M Espinilla. | 2016 |
Fuzzy Intelligent System for Supporting Preeclampsia Diagnosis from the Patient Biosignals | M Espinilla, S Campaña, J Londoño, ÁL García-Fernández. | 2016 |
Activity recognition using dynamic instance activation | A Calzada, C Nugent, M Espinilla, J Synnott, L Martinez. | 2016 |
Generalized dynamic instance activation for activity recognition | A Calzada, C Nugent, M Espinilla, L Martinez. | 2016 |
Gamificación en procesos de autoentrenamiento y autoevaluación. Experiencia en la asignatura de Arquitectura de Computadores | M Espinilla, A Fernández, J Santamaría, AJ Rivera Rivas. | 2016 |
Cuestionario de detección de deterioro cognitivo AD8-arg para su uso Atención Primaria de la salud en Argentina | R Blanco, F Román, M Iturry, A Leis, MJ Russo, L Bartoloni, E Barceló, .... | 2016 |
Modelo lingüístico difuso para problemas de evaluación con información heterogénea considerando la posible dependencia entre criterios. Aplicación a la evaluación del desempeño … | FJ Martínez-Mimbrera. | 2016 |
Calculation of marketing ROI in marketing mix models, from ROMI, to marketing-created value for shareholders, EVAM | MM Suárez, M Estevez. | 2016 |
Cálculo del ROI de marketing en modelos de marketing Mix, del ROMI, al valor creado del marketing para los accionistas EVAM | MM Suárez, M Estevez. | 2016 |
Cálculo del Roi de marketing en modelos de marketing mix, del roi, al valor creado del marketing para los accionistas evam | M Méndez Suárez, M Estevez. | 2016 |
Modelos econométricos | M Estevez. | 2016 |
Desarrollo de servicios basados en sonido, voz y habla para interfaces hombre-maquina en ambientes inteligentes | JC Navarrete-Solana. | 2016 |
Aplicación móvil de vigilancia de un ambiente inteligente mediante servicios | JA Pérez-Cruz. | 2016 |
Aplicación móvil con tecnología NFC para el intercambio de la información | AJ Cruz-Rodríguez. | 2016 |
Internet de las cosas. Seguridad y privacidad | L Gómez-Padilla. | 2016 |
Sistema para la monitorización de ambientes inteligentes a través de la gestión y acceso a servicios | D Zafra-Romero. | 2016 |
Los cambios de Roma | M Estévez. | 2016 |
Amantes pero no enamorados | M Estévez. | 2016 |
El científico de datos. | M Estévez. | 2016 |
Generation of a partitioned dataset with single, interleave and multioccupancy daily living activities | FJ Quesada, F Moya, J Medina, L Martínez, C Nugent, M Espinilla. | 2015 |
Pure linguistic PROMETHEE I and II methods for heterogeneous MCGDM problems | M Espinilla, N Halouani, H Chabchoub. | 2015 |
Feature sub-set selection for activity recognition | FJ Quesada, F Moya, M Espinilla, L Martínez, CD Nugent. | 2015 |
A Lightweight Distributed Architecture to Integrate Fuzzy Relevant Objects in Real-Time Environments | J Medina, FJ Quesada, M Espinilla. | 2015 |
Fuzzy linguistic sensory evaluation model for olive oil with unbalanced linguistic scale | M Espinilla, F Estrella, L MARTinez. | 2015 |
Reducing the Response Time for Activity Recognition Through use of Prototype Generation Algorithms | M Espinilla, FJ Quesada, F Moya, L Martínez, CD Nugent. | 2015 |
Activity recognition by means of rule-based inference engine based on fuzzy linguistic approach | J Medina, M Espinilla, F Moya, C Nugent. | 2015 |
FLINTSTONES: A fuzzy linguistic decision tools enhancement suite based on the 2-tuple linguistic model and extensions | FJ Estrella, M Espinilla, F Herrera, L Martínez. | 2014 |
Computación con palabras en la toma de decisiones mediante mapas cognitivos difusos | K Pérez-Teruel, M Leyva-Vázquez, M Espinilla, V Estrada-Sentí. | 2014 |
Fuzzy Linguistic Olive Oil Sensory Evaluation Model based on Unbalanced Linguistic Scales. | FJ Estrella, M Espinilla, L Martínez. | 2014 |
Computational intelligence in decision making | M Espinilla, J Montero, JT Rodríguez. | 2014 |
FLINTSTONES: Una suite para la toma de decisiones lingüísticas basada en 2-tupla lingüísticas y extensiones | FJ Estrella, M Espinilla, L Martínez. | 2014 |
Modelos de evaluación de la importancia del impacto ambiental en contextos complejos bajo incertidumbre | YZ Véliz. | 2014 |
Integration of Dependent Features on Sensory Evaluation Processes | M Espinilla, FJ Martínez, FJE Liébana. | 2014 |
A New Unbalanced Linguistic Scale for the Classification of Olive Oil Based on the Fuzzy Linguistic Approach | M Espinilla, FJ Estrella, L MartÌnez. | 2014 |
Propuesta de una asignatura de Diseño de Servidores para la especialidad de Tecnologías de Información | AJ Rivera Rivas, M Espinilla, A Fernández Hilario, J Santamaría López, .... | 2014 |
Advertising effectiveness: An approach based on what consumers perceive and what advertisers need | M Estévez, D Fabrizio. | 2014 |
Active learning and dynamic pricing policies | MJ Vázquez-Gallo, M Estévez, S Egido. | 2014 |
Fuzzy Linguistic Olive Oil Sensory Evaluation Model Based on Unbalanced Linguistic Scales, J | M Espinilla, FJ Estrella, L Martínez. | 2014 |
A 360-degree performance appraisal model dealing with heterogeneous information and dependent criteria | M Espinilla, R de Andrés, FJ Martínez, L Martínez. | 2013 |
A discriminative dynamic index based on bipolar aggregation operators for supporting dynamic multi-criteria decision making | Y Zulueta, J Martínez-Moreno, L Martínez, M Espinilla. | 2013 |
Sistema de recomendación de canciones OL-RadioUJA. Ampliación de funcionalidades | I Palomares, M Espinilla, D Parras. | 2013 |
Experiencias de tutorización en el Grado de Ingeniería Informática | LG Lemus-Zúñiga, C Rus-Casas, SM Terrasa-Barrena, M Espinilla. | 2013 |
A Fresh Breeze of Excellence in Jaén | L Martínez, M Espinilla, RM Rodríguez. | 2013 |
Decision Analysis Linguistic Framework | M Espinilla, M Gimenez, SD Gramajo. | 2013 |
A linguistic software requirement prioritization model with heterogeneous information | K Pérez-Teruel, M Leyva-Vázquez, M Espinilla-Estevez. | 2013 |
A comparative study of heterogeneous decision analysis approaches applied to sustainable energy evaluation | M Espinilla, I Palomares, L Martinez, D Ruan. | 2012 |
An extended version of the fuzzy multicriteria group decision-making method in evaluation processes | M Espinilla, J Lu, J Ma, L Martínez. | 2012 |
Implantation and evaluation of ICT Resources oriented to self-learning and self-assessment | I Palomares, M Espinilla, L Martínez. | 2012 |
Deporte y matemáticas | M Estévez. | 2012 |
An extended hierarchical linguistic model for decision‐making problems | M Espinilla, J Liu, L MARTinez. | 2011 |
A Method Based on AHP to Define the Quality Model of QuEF | M Espinilla, FJ Domínguez-Mayo, MJ Escalona, M Mejías, M Ross, .... | 2011 |
A Heterogeneous Evaluation Model for the Assessment of Sustainable Energy Policies | M Espinilla, R de Andrés, FJ Marténez, L Martínez. | 2011 |
A weighted quality evaluation framework by applying the analytic hierarchy process | FJ Dominguez-Mayo, M Espinilla, MJ Escalona, M Mejias. | 2011 |
Tendencias del Rol. Un análisis del retorno de la inversión en los modelos econométricos Conento. | M Estévez. | 2011 |
Abchir, Mohammed-Amine 413 Aguiló, I. 125 | A Airola, E Barrenechea, BRC Bedregal, G Beliakov, DV Britsom, .... | 2011 |
Using linguistic incomplete preference relations to cold start recommendations | RM Rodríguez, M Espinilla, PJ Sánchez, L Martínez-López. | 2010 |
An extended hierarchical linguistic model for managing integral evaluation | R de Andrés, M Espinilla, L Martinez. | 2010 |
A heterogeneous evaluation model for assessing sustainable energy: A Belgian case study | M Espinilla, D Ruan, J Liu, L Martínez. | 2010 |
Desarrollo y empleo de juegos educativos on-line destinados al auto-entrenamiento y auto-evaluación | M Espinilla, I Palomares, L Martínez, M Pagola, HN Bustince Sola. | 2010 |
Potenciando el aprendizaje proactivo con ILIAS&WebQuest: aprendiendo a paralelizar algoritmos con GPUs | J Santamaría, M Espinilla, AJ Rivera, S Romero. | 2010 |
A Web based evaluation support system by integral performance appraisal | M Espinilla, FJ Martínez, L Martínez. | 2010 |
Design and Development of Online Educational Games based on Questions. | M Espinilla, I Palomares, H Bustince. | 2010 |
Performance Appraisal with Multiple Linguistic Scales | R de Andrés, M Espinilla, RM RODRÍGUEZ, L MARTÍNEZ. | 2010 |
Computing with words based on a hybrid semantic-symbolic model | RM Rodriguez, M Espinilla, L Martinez, J Liu. | 2010 |
Auto-entrenamiento y auto-evaluación a través de juegos educativos | M Espinilla, I Palomares, F Mata, RM Rodríguez, A Aguilera, L Martínez, .... | 2010 |
Probabilistic decision making with the OWA operator and the 2-Tuple linguistic approach | JM Merigó, M Casanovas, M Espinilla, L Martínez. | 2010 |
Uso de jerarquías lingüísticas extendidas para mejorar la representación de información lingüística no balanceada | ME Estévez, LM López. | 2010 |
El Roi de nuestras vidas | M Estévez. | 2010 |
Aplicación web para evaluación de desempeño 360 grados basada en un modelo lingüístico multigranular | ME Estévez, FJ Martínez, L Martínez. | 2010 |
Matemáticas y marketing | M Estévez. | 2010 |
Reja: a georeferenced hybrid recommender system for restaurants | L Martinez, RM Rodriguez, M Espinilla. | 2009 |
An evaluation model with unbalanced linguistic information applied to olive oil sensory evaluation | L Martínez, M Espinilla, J Liu, LG Pérez, PJ Sánchez. | 2009 |
Nuevos Modelos de Evaluación Sensorial con Información Lingüıstica | M Espinilla. | 2009 |
Nuevos modelos de evaluación sensorial con información lingüística | ME Estévez. | 2009 |
Optimizing the method for building an extended linguistic hierarchy | M Espinilla, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez, F Mata, J Liu. | 2009 |
A comparative analysis of symbolic linguistic computational models | RM Rodrıguez, L Martınez, M Espinilla. | 2009 |
SR-REJA. Sistema de Recomendación Híbrido Georreferenciado | M ESPINILLA, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez, LG Pérez, M Barranco. | 2009 |
SR-REJA | M Espinilla, RM Rodríguez. | 2009 |
RM RODRíCUEZ, M. ESPINILLA, L. MARTſNEZ and J. LIU'Computer Sciences Department, University of Jaén | SS MODEL. | 2009 |
M. ESPINILLA, RM RODRfCUEZ and L. MARTINEZ Computer Sciences Department, University Jaén, Jaén 23071, Spain. | R DE ANDRES. | 2009 |
" Dashboards" inteligentes: la mejor defensa ante la crisis | M Estévez. | 2009 |
A knowledge based recommender system with multigranular linguistic information | L Martinez, MJ Barranco, LG Pérez, M Espinilla. | 2008 |
A linguistic multigranular sensory evaluation model for olive oil | L Martinez, M Espinilla, LG Pérez. | 2008 |
Improving the effectiveness of knowledge based recommender systems using incomplete linguistic preference relations | L MartINezt, LG Perez, M Barranco, M Espinilla. | 2008 |
Modelo de evaluación sensorial con información lingüística multigranular para el aceite de oliva | M Espinilla, L Martínez, LG Pérez, J Liu. | 2008 |
A knowledge based recommender system based on consistent preference relations | L Martínez, LG Pérez, MJ Barranco, M Espinilla. | 2008 |
Extended linguistic hierarchies | L Martinez, M Espinilla, J Liu. | 2008 |
Extended linguistic hierarchies for dealing with multi-granular contexts in decision making | L Martínez, M Espinilla, LG Pérez, J Liu. | 2008 |
A Knowledge Based Recommender System with Multigranular Hierarchical Linguistic Contexts | L Martínez, MJ Barranco, LG Pérez, M Espinilla, EJ Castellano. | 2008 |
A Knowledge Based Recommender System Based on Consistent Preference Relations, Intelligent Decision and Policy making Support Systems | L Martinez, LG Perez, MJ Barranco, M Espinilla. | 2008 |
Modelos linguíasticos difusos aplicados a la evalución sensorial | M Espinilla. | 2008 |
Precios, promociones, publicidad y amor | M Estévez, PG Martínez. | 2008 |
Modelos Lingüísticos difusos aplicados en la evaluación sensorial | M Espinilla. | 2008 |
Sensory evaluation model with unbalanced linguistic information | L Martínez, M Espinilla, LG Pérez. | 2007 |
A fuzzy model for olive oil sensory evaluation | L Martínez, LG Pérez, J Liu, M Espinilla. | 2007 |
Exploiting liguistic preference relations in knowledge based recommendation systems,” | LG Pérez, M Barranco, L Martınez, M Espinilla. | 2007 |
XII Fuzzy Logic Applications-A Fuzzy Model for Olive Oil Sensory Evaluation | L Martinez, LG Perez, J Liu, M Espinilla. | 2007 |
Sistema de recomendación basado en conocimiento con información lingüística | LGP Cordón, L Martínez, M Barranco, ME Estévez. | 2007 |
Un modelo lingüístico multi-granular para la evaluación sensorial del aceite de oliva | LM López, ME Estévez, LGP Cordón, AS Hidalgo. | 2007 |
Competencias de enfermería del rol investigador y tutorización de alumnos: grado de desarrollo en unidades de hospitalización | M Aceituno, M Estévez, M Martínez. | 2007 |
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