Carlos Porcel Gallego




Researcher Profile

Total Desde 2020:
Citas Total: 3200 Desde 2020: 1173
Índice H Total: 26 Desde 2020: 19
Índice i10 Total: 38 Desde 2020: 30

Publicaciones (102)

Título Autores Año
Energy internet project evaluation in circular economy practices: A novel multi-criteria decision-making framework with flexible linguistic expressions based on multi … H Wang, Y Ju, C Porcel. 2025
Emerging Perspectives on the Application of Recommender Systems in Smart Cities G Andrade-Ruiz, RA Carrasco, C Porcel, J Serrano-Guerrero, F Mata, .... 2024
A utility-based three-way group decision consensus model with overlapping subgroups Y Xu, Y Ju, Z Gong, J Sun, P Dong, C Porcel, E Herrera-Viedma. 2024
Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Spanish Validation of the Computerized Information Processing Assessment Battery (COGNITO) N Revert-Alcántara, MJ Funes-Molina, C Porcel, C Sáez-Zea. 2023
Profiling clients in the tourism sector using fuzzy linguistic models based on 2-tuples I Bueno, RA Carrasco, C Porcel, E Herrera-Viedma. 2022
Soft computing for recommender systems and sentiment analysis L Malandri, C Porcel, F Xing, J Serrano-Guerrero, E Cambria. 2022
Soft computing for recommender systems and sentiment analysis. L Malandri, C Porcel, F Xing, J Serrano-Guerrero, E Cambria. 2022
Introducing CSP Dataset: A Dataset Optimized for the Study of the Cold Start Problem in Recommender Systems J Herce-Zelaya, C Porcel, Á Tejeda-Lorente, J Bernabé-Moreno, .... 2022
Reciprocal Recommender Systems: Analysis of state-of-art literature, challenges and opportunities towards social recommendation I Palomares, C Porcel, L Pizzato, I Guy, E Herrera-Viedma. 2021
A linguistic multi-criteria decision making methodology for the evaluation of tourist services considering customer opinion value I Bueno, RA Carrasco, C Porcel, G Kou, E Herrera-Viedma. 2021
Corrigendum to “Reciprocal Recommender Systems: Analysis of state-of-art literature, challenges and opportunities towards social recommendation” Information Fusion Volume 69 … I Palomares, J Neve, C Porcel, L Pizzato, I Guy, E Herrera-Viedma. 2021
A preliminary study of a citizen participation system based on consensus for Decision-making Processes F Mata, A Verdejo, L Pérez, C Porcel. 2021
Reciprocal Recommender Systems: Analysis of state-of-art literature, challenges and opportunities towards social recommendation (vol 69, pg 103, 2020) I Palomares, J Neve, C Porcel, L Pizzato, I Guy, E Herrera-Viedma. 2021
Trust Based Fuzzy Linguistic Recommender Systems as Reinforcement for Personalized Education in the Field of Oral Surgery and Implantology C Porcel, J Herce-Zelaya, J Bernabé-Moreno, Á Tejeda-Lorente, .... 2020
Grey Wolf Optimizer-Based Approaches to Path Planning and Fuzzy Logic-based Tracking Control for Mobile Robots RE Precup, EI Voisan, EM Petriu, ML Tomescu, RC David, .... 2020
Trust Based Fuzzy Linguistic Recommender Systems as Reinforcement for Personalized Education in the Field of Oral Surgery and Implantology. C Porcel, J Herce-Zelaya, J Bernabé-Moreno, A Tejeda-Lorente, .... 2020
Grey Wolf Optimizer-Based Approaches to Path Planning and Fuzzy Logic-based Tracking Control for Mobile Robots. RE Precup, EI Voisan, EM Petriu, ML Tomescu, RC David, .... 2020
New technique to alleviate the cold start problem in recommender systems using information from social media and random decision forests J Herce-Zelaya, C Porcel, J Bernabé-Moreno, A Tejeda-Lorente, .... 2020
Reciprocal Recommender Systems: Analysis of State-of-Art Literature, Challenges and Opportunities on Social Recommendation I Palomares, C Porcel, L Pizzato, I Guy, E Herrera-Viedma. 2020
Features Words Extraction Methods of POI for Japanese FIT Using Comments in a Tourism Web Site S Li, J Sasaki, C Porcel Gallego, E Herrera-Viedma. 2020
A context-aware embeddings supported method to extract a fuzzy sentiment polarity dictionary J Bernabé-Moreno, A Tejeda-Lorente, J Herce-Zelaya, C Porcel, .... 2019
A risk-aware fuzzy linguistic knowledge-based recommender system for hedge funds Á Tejeda-Lorente, J Bernabé-Moreno, J Herce-Zelaya, C Porcel, .... 2019
An automatic skills standardization method based on subject expert knowledge extraction and semantic matching J Bernabé-Moreno, Á Tejeda-Lorente, J Herce-Zelaya, C Porcel, .... 2019
Web platform for learning distributed databases’ queries processing J Herce-Zelaya, C Porcel, J Bernabé-Moreno, Á Tejeda-Lorente, .... 2019
A comparison between Fuzzy Linguistic RFM Model and traditional RFM model applied to Campaign Management. Case study of retail business. RG Martínez, RA Carrasco, J García-Madariaga, CP Gallego, .... 2019
Contractor selection for construction projects using consensus tools and big data O Taylan, MR Kabli, C Porcel, E Herrera-Viedma. 2018
Quantifying the emotional impact of events on locations with social media J Bernabé-Moreno, A Tejeda-Lorente, C Porcel, H Fujita, .... 2018
Adaptive contents for interactive TV guided by machine learning based on predictive sentiment analysis of data VM Mondragon, V García-Díaz, C Porcel, RG Crespo. 2018
Sharing notes: An academic social network based on a personalized fuzzy linguistic recommender system C Porcel, A Ching-López, G Lefranc, V Loia, E Herrera-Viedma. 2018
Using the AHP Model to Improve the Measurement of Satisfaction in the ICT Sector. RA Carrasco, LN Forero, SX López, E Herrera-Viedma, C Porcel. 2018
Herramientas para la mejora de la práctica docente de la Informática. Experiencia piloto en el Grado en Gestión y Administración Pública. F Mata, L Gonzaga Pérez, C Porcel. 2018
Leveraging Localized Social Media Insights for Industry Early Warning Systems J Bernabé-Moreno, Á Tejeda-Lorente, C Porcel-Gallego, .... 2018
Adapting recommender systems to the new data privacy regulations Á Tejeda-Lorente, J Bernabé-Moreno, J Herce-Zelaya, C Porcel, .... 2018
An Embeddings Based Fuzzy Linguistics Supported Model to Measure the Contextual Bias in Sentiment Polarity J Bernabé-Moreno, A Tejeda-Lorente, J Herce-Zelaya, C Porcel, .... 2018
Using Information Extracted from Microblogs in Order to Palliate the Cold Start Problem in Recommender Systems J Herce-Zelaya, C Porcel, Á Tejeda-Lorente, J Bernabé-Moreno, .... 2018
Herramientas para la mejora de la práctica docente de la Informática. Experiencia piloto en el Grado en Gestión y Administración Pública F Mata, L Gonzaga Pérez, C Porcel. 2018
Using the AHP model to improve the measurement of satisfaction in the ICT sector RA Carrasco, LN Forero, SX López, E Herrera-Viedma, C Porcel. 2018
Fuzzy linguistic recommender systems for the selective diffusion of information in digital libraries C Porcel, A Ching-lpez, J Bernabe-Moreno, A Tejeda-Lorente, .... 2017
Using Bibliometrics and Fuzzy Linguistic Modeling to Deal with Cold Start in Recommender Systems for Digital Libraries A Tejeda-Lorente, J Bernabé-Moreno, C Porcel, E Herrera-Viedma. 2017
Analysis of different proposals to improve the dissemination of information in university digital libraries C Porcel, A Ching-López, A Tejeda-Lorente, J Bernabé-Moreno, .... 2017
A Fuzzy Linguistics Supported Model to Measure the Contextual Bias in Sentiment Polarity J Bernabé-Moreno, A Tejeda-Lorente, C Porcel, E Herrera-Viedma. 2017
A Holistic D omainKnowledgeDiscovery and Recommendation System for Collaborative Wikis E HERRERA-VIEDMA. 2017
Fuzzy Linguistic Recommender Systems for the Selective Diffusion of Information in Digital Libraries. C Porcel, A Ching-Lopez, J Bernabé-Moreno, A Tejeda-Lorente, .... 2017
A holistic domain knowledge discovery and recommendation system for collaborative wikis J Bernabé-Moreno, A Tejeda-Lorente, C Porcel, E Herrera-Viedma. 2017
Improving queries and representing heterogeneous information in Fuzzy Ontologies using multi-granular fuzzy linguistic modelling methods JA Morente-Molinera, IJ Pérez, FJ Cabrerizo, C Porcel, E Herrera-Viedma. 2016
A model to represent users trust in recommender systems using ontologies and fuzzy linguistic modeling C Martinez-Cruz, C Porcel, J Bernabé-Moreno, E Herrera-Viedma. 2015
CARESOME: A system to enrich marketing customers acquisition and retention campaigns using social media information J Bernabé-Moreno, A Tejeda-Lorente, C Porcel, H Fujita, .... 2015
REFORE: A recommender system for researchers based on bibliometrics A Tejeda-Lorente, C Porcel, J Bernabé-Moreno, E Herrera-Viedma. 2015
A new model to quantify the impact of a topic in a location over time with Social Media J Bernabé-Moreno, A Tejeda-Lorente, C Porcel, E Herrera-Viedma. 2015
A dynamic recommender system as reinforcement for personalized education by a fuzzly linguistic web system Á Tejeda-Lorente, J Bernabé-Moreno, C Porcel, P Galindo-Moreno, .... 2015
Integrating ontologies and fuzzy logic to represent user-trustworthiness in recommender systems C Porcel, C Martinez-Cruz, J Bernabé-Moreno, Á Tejeda-Lorente, .... 2015
Emotional profiling of locations based on social media J Bernabé-Moreno, A Tejeda-Lorente, C Porcel, H Fujita, .... 2015
A learning Web platform based on a fuzzy linguistic recommender system to help students to learn recommendation techniques C Porcel, MJ Lizarte, J Bernabé-Moreno, E Herrera-Viedma. 2015
Recommending scientific papers through a method based on bibliometric measures Á Tejada-Lorente, C Porcel, J Bernabé-Moreno, E Herrera-Viedma. 2015
Solidaridad en la redes sociales: cuando el usuario abandona su zona de confort-el caso de Charlie Hebdo’ EH Viedma, JB Moreno, C Porcel, MÁM Sánchez. 2015
Solidarity in social media: when users abandon their comfort zone-the Charlie Hebdo case E Herrera-Viedma, J Bernabe-Moreno, CP Gallego, MAM Sanchez. 2015
A quality based recommender system to disseminate information in a university digital library Á Tejeda-Lorente, C Porcel, E Peis, R Sanz, E Herrera-Viedma. 2014
TPLUFIB-WEB: A fuzzy linguistic Web system to help in the treatment of low back pain problems B Esteban, Á Tejeda-Lorente, C Porcel, M Arroyo, E Herrera-Viedma. 2014
Integrating quality criteria in a fuzzy linguistic recommender system for digital libraries A Tejeda-Lorente, J Bernabé-Moreno, C Porcel, E Herrera-Viedma. 2014
Aiding in the treatment of low back pain by a fuzzy linguistic Web system B Esteban, Á Tejeda-Lorente, C Porcel, JA Moral-Munoz, .... 2014
Leveraging localized social media insights for early warning systems J Bernabé-Moreno, A Tejeda-Lorente, C Porcel, E Herrera-Viedma. 2014
A hybrid recommender system for the selective dissemination of research resources in a technology transfer office C Porcel, A Tejeda-Lorente, MA Martínez, E Herrera-Viedma. 2012
Using a Recommender System to Help the Technology Transfer Office Staff to Disseminate Selective Information C Porcel, A Tejeda-Lorente, MA Martínez, E Herrera-Viedma. 2012
Using memory to reduce the information overload in a university digital library A Tejeda-Lorente, C Porcel, MA Martínez, AG López-Herrera, .... 2011
Dealing with incomplete information in a fuzzy linguistic recommender system to disseminate information in university digital libraries C Porcel, E Herrera-Viedma. 2010
A quality evaluation methodology for health-related websites based on a 2-tuple fuzzy linguistic approach JM Moreno, JMM Del Castillo, C Porcel, E Herrera-Viedma. 2010
An improved recommender system to avoid the persistent information overload in a university digital library C Porcel, JMM del Castillo, MJ Cobo, AA Ruız, E Herrera-Viedma. 2010
A recommender system for research resources based on fuzzy linguistic modeling C Porcel, AG López-Herrera, E Herrera-Viedma. 2009
A multi-disciplinar recommender system to advice research resources in university digital libraries C Porcel, JM Moreno, E Herrera-Viedma. 2009
A computer-supported learning system to help teachers to teach fuzzy information retrieval systems E Herrera-Viedma, AG López-Herrera, S Alonso, JM Moreno, .... 2009
Using incomplete fuzzy linguistic preference relations to characterize user profiles in recommender systems E Herrera-Viedma, C Porcel. 2009
A fuzzy linguistic recommender system to disseminate the own academic resources in universities C Porcel, E Herrera-Viedma. 2009
A linguistic recommender system for university digital libraries to help students in their learning processes C Porcel, MJ Lizarte, E Herrera-Viedma. 2009
A web-based service for the elicitation of resources in the biomedical domain JM Morales-del-Castillo, C Porcel, E Herrera-Viedma, E Peis. 2009
A Linguistic Recommender System For University Digital Libraries To Help Users In Their Research Resources Accesses. C Porcel, MJ Lizarte, E Herrera-Viedma. 2009
A Linguistic Recommender System For University Digital Libraries To Help Users In Their Research Resources Accesses C Porcel, MJ Lizarte, E Herrera-Viedma. 2009
A consistency‐based procedure to estimate missing pairwise preference values S Alonso, F Chiclana, F Herrera, E Herrera‐Viedma, J Alcalá‐Fdez, .... 2008
A fuzzy linguistic recommender system to advice research resources in university digital libraries E Herrera-Viedma, C Porcel, AG López-Herrera, S Alonso. 2008
A recommender system to promote collaborative research groups in an academic context C Porcel, AG LÓPEZ-HERRERA, E Herrera-Viedma. 2008
A tool to disseminate the own information resources in a university digital library C Porcel, E Herrera-Viedma. 2008
A fuzzy linguistic IRS model based on a 2-tuple fuzzy linguistic approach E Herrera-Viedma, AG López-Herrera, M Luque, C Porcel. 2007
Using visualization tools to guide consensus in group decision making S Alonso, E Herrera-Viedma, FJ Cabrerizo, C Porcel, AG López-Herrera. 2007
A software tool to teach the performance of fuzzy IR systems based on weighted queries E Herrera-Viedma, S Alonso, FJ Cabrerizo, AG Lopez-Herrera, C Porcel. 2007
A Linguistic Multi-level Weighted Query Language to Represent User Information Needs E Herrera-Viedma, AG López-Herrera, S Alonso, C Porcel, FJ Cabrerizo. 2007
Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms in the Automatic Learning of Boolean Queries: A Comparative Study AG Lopez-Herrera, E Herrera-Viedma, F Herrera, C Porcel, S Alonso. 2007
A personalized information filtering system for research resources based on multi-granular fuzzy linguistic modeling C Porcel, E Herrera-Viedma, S Alonso, AG López-Herrera. 2007
A Fuzzy Linguistic Recommender System to Advice Research Resources E Herrera-viedma, C Porcel, AG López-herrera, S Alonso. 2007
Information Retrieval as eLearning Course in German–Lessons Learned after 5 Years of Experience E Herrera-Viedma, S Alonso, FJ Cabrerizo, AG Lopez-Herrera, C Porcel. 2007
Information retrieval as elearning course in german-lessons learned after 5 years of experience A Henrich, K Morgenroth. 2007
Evaluating the information quality of web sites: A methodology based on fuzzy computing with words E Herrera‐Viedma, G Pasi, AG Lopez‐Herrera, C Porcel. 2006
Strategies to manage ignorance situations in multiperson decision making problems S Alonso, E Herrera-Viedma, F Chiclana, F Herrera, C Porcel. 2006
Improving the user-system interaction in a web multi-agent system using fuzzy multi-granular linguistic information E Herrera-Viedma, C Porcel, AG Lopez-Herrera, S Alonso, A Zafra. 2006
User Modelling and Personalization-Improving the User-System Interaction in a Web Multi-agent System Using Fuzzy Multi-granular Linguistic Information E Herrera-Viedma, C Porcel, AG Lopez-Herrera, S Alonso, A Zafra. 2006
Sistemas de acceso a la información basados en información lingüística difusa y técnicas de filtrado CG Porcel Gallego. 2006
Tuning the matching function for a threshold weighting semantics in a linguistic information retrieval system E Herrera‐Viedma, AG López‐Herrera, C Porcel. 2005
Techniques to Improve Multi-Agent Systems for Searching and Mining the Web E Herrera-Viedma, C Porcel, F Herrera, L Martínez, AG Lopez-Herrera. 2005
A New Model of Linguistic Weighted Information Retrieval System. E Herrera-Viedma, AG López-Herrera, C Porcel. 2005
A fuzzy linguistic multi-agent model for information gathering on the web based on collaborative filtering techniques E Herrera-Viedma, C Porcel, AG López, MD Olvera, K Anaya. 2004
Sistemas de recomendaciones: herramientas para el filtrado de información en Internet C Porcel, EH Viedma, L Hidalgo. 2004
Collaborative Filtering and Recommendation-A Fuzzy Linguistic Multi-agent Model for Information Gathering on the Web Based on Collaborative Filtering Techniques E Herrera-Viedma, C Porcel, AG Lopez, MD Olvera, K Anaya. 2004
Revisión de los sistemas de recomendaciones para la recuperación de información E Herrera-Viedma, L Olvera, E Peis, C Porcel. 2003
Information gathering on the internet using a distributed intelligent agent model with multi-granular linguistic information F Herrera, E Herrera-Viedma, L Martınez, C Porcel. 2003
Revisión de los sistemas de recomendaciones para la recuperación de la información C Porcel, EH Viedma. 2003
H= 2. 5 kpc is the disc scale length and hz (S) is the scale height for spectral type S. C PORCEL. 1997

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