Coral del Val Muñoz




Researcher Profile

Total Desde 2020:
Citas Total: 3589 Desde 2020: 1554
Índice H Total: 29 Desde 2020: 19
Índice i10 Total: 50 Desde 2020: 28

Publicaciones (93)

Título Autores Año
Subgrouping germinal center-derived B-cell lymphomas based on machine learning-deduced DNA methylation modules S Glaser, A Fischer, JE Martínez-Manjón, C López, H Kretzmer, .... 2025
MicroRNA Expression in High‐Grade B‐Cell Lymphoma With 11q Aberration G Di Stefano, A Fischer, E Chteinberg, S Bens, R Wagener, D Abramov, .... 2025
Identification of novel biomarkers for early diagnosis of malignant melanoma by untargeted LC-HRMS-based metabolomics: a pilot study J Peña-Martín, MB García-Ortega, JL Palacios-Ferrer, C Díaz, .... 2024
Pleiotropic Effects of PhaR Regulator in Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens Microaerobic Metabolism JI Quelas, JJ Cabrera, R Díaz-Peña, L Sánchez-Schneider, .... 2024
Gene expression networks regulated by human personality C Del Val, E Díaz de la Guardia-Bolívar, I Zwir, PP Mishra, A Mesa, .... 2024
Identification of novel biomarkers in the early diagnosis of malignant melanoma by untargeted liquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry-based … J Peña-Martín, MB García-Ortega, JL Palacios-Ferrer, C Díaz, MÁ García, .... 2024
Explainable Machine Learning Models Using Robust Cancer Biomarkers Identification from Paired Differential Gene Expression E Díaz de la Guardia-Bolívar, JE Martínez Manjón, D Pérez-Filgueiras, .... 2024
Identification of novel biomarkers for early diagnosis of malignant melanoma by untargeted LC-HRMS-based metabolomics: a pilot study. J Peña-Martín, MB García-Ortega, JL Palacios-Ferrer, C Díaz, Á García, .... 2024
Abstract P35: High-grade B-cell lymphomas with 11q aberrations show a dark zone expression profile similar to Burkitt lymphoma but with additional extension towards … E Chteinberg, G Di Stefano, H Loeffler-Wirth, A Staiger, S Hillebrecht, .... 2024
Uncovering the complex genetic architecture of human plasma lipidome using machine learning methods M Lehtimäki, B H. Mishra, C Del-Val, LP Lyytikäinen, M Kähönen, .... 2023
Temperament & Character account for brain functional connectivity at rest: A diathesis-stress model of functional dysregulation in psychosis I Zwir, J Arnedo, A Mesa, C Del Val, GA de Erausquin, CR Cloninger. 2023
FUNCTIONAL CONNECTIVITY, PERSONALITY, & PSYCHOSIS I Zwir, J Arnedo, A Mesa, C Del Val, G De Erausquin, C Cloninger. 2023
Subgrouping of Burkitt lymphoma variants by DNA methylation is driven by an EBV‐associated epigenotype. S Glaser, C Del Val, R Wagener, H Kretzmer, W Klapper, M Hummel, .... 2023
Identification of novel prostate cancer genes in patients stratified by Gleason classification: role of antitumoral genes. R Barrios-Rodríguez, I Zwir, JJ Jiménez-Moleón, C Del Val. 2022
Identification of novel prostate cancer genes in patients stratified by Gleason classification: role of antitumoral genes E Díaz de la Guardia‐Bolívar, R Barrios‐Rodríguez, I Zwir, .... 2022
Gene network downstream plant stress response modulated by peroxisomal H2O2 LC Terrón-Camero, MÁ Peláez-Vico, A Rodríguez-González, C Del Val, .... 2022
Evolution of genetic networks for human creativity I Zwir, C Del-Val, M Hintsanen, KM Cloninger, R Romero-Zaliz, A Mesa, .... 2021
Uncovering Tumour Heterogeneity through PKR and nc886 Analysis in Metastatic Colon Cancer Patients Treated with 5-FU-Based Chemotherapy MB Ortega-García, A Mesa, ELJ Moya, B Rueda, G Lopez-Ordoño, .... 2020
miRNAs as radio‐response biomarkers for breast cancer stem cells C Griñán‐Lisón, MA Olivares‐Urbano, G Jiménez, E López‐Ruiz, .... 2020
Diversity and sequence motifs of the bacterial SecA protein motor C del Val, AN Bondar. 2020
A graph-based approach identifies dynamic H-bond communication networks in spike protein S of SARS-CoV-2 K Karathanou, M Lazaratos, E Bertalan, M Siemers, K Buzar, .... 2020
A graph-based approach identifies dynamic H-bond communication networks in spike protein S of SARS-CoV-2 (preprint) K Karathanou, M Lazaratos, E Bertalan, M Siemers, K Buzar, .... 2020
Uncovering the complex genetics of human personality: response from authors on the PGMRA Model I Zwir, P Mishra, C Del-Val, CC Gu, GA de Erausquin, T Lehtimäki, .... 2019
Role of nitric oxide in plant responses to heavy metal stress: exogenous application versus endogenous production LC Terrón-Camero, M Peláez-Vico, C Del Val, LM Sandalio, .... 2019
Low endogenous NO levels in roots and antioxidant systems are determinants for the resistance of Arabidopsis seedlings grown in Cd LC Terrón-Camero, C Del Val, LM Sandalio, MC Romero-Puertas. 2019
Deep Learning in Omics Data Analysis and Precision Medicine J Martorell-Marugán, S Tabik, Y Benhammou, C del Val, I Zwir, F Herrera, .... 2019
Three genetic–environmental networks for human personality I Zwir, C Del-Val, J Arnedo, L Pulkki-Råback, B Konte, SS Yang, .... 2019
Analyzing gender disparities in STEAM: A Case Study from Bioinformatics Workshops in the University of Granada E Ruiz, C del Val, R Alcalá, A Fernández, C Cano, W Fajardo, .... 2018
Uncovering the complex genetics of human temperament. I Zwir, J Arnedo, C Del-Val, L Pulkki-Råback, B Konte, SS Yang, .... 2018
Uncovering the complex genetics of human character I Zwir, J Arnedo, C Del-Val, L Pulkki-Råback, B Konte, SS Yang, .... 2018
Uncovering the complex genetics of human temperament I Zwir, J Arnedo, C Del-Val, L Pulkki-Råback, B Konte, SS Yang, .... 2018
Can Bioinformatics close the gender gap in STEM skills?: Reflections from the I Bioinformatics UGR Workshop C del Val, E Ruiz, R Alcalá, A Fernández, C Cano, W Fajardo, .... 2017
Charged groups at binding interfaces of the PsbO subunit of photosystem II: A combined bioinformatics and simulation study C del Val, AN Bondar. 2017
Uncovering the hidden risk architecture of the schizophrenias: confirmation in three independent genome-wide association studies J Arnedo, DM Svrakic, C Del Val, R Romero-Zaliz, H Hernández-Cuervo, .... 2015
High throughput sequencing analysis of Trypanosoma brucei DRBD3/PTB1-bound mRNAs A Das, V Bellofatto, J Rosenfeld, M Carrington, R Romero-Zaliz, C del Val, .... 2015
Membrane protein structure, function, and dynamics: a perspective from experiments and theory Z Cournia, TW Allen, I Andricioaei, B Antonny, D Baum, G Brannigan, .... 2015
Identification, sequencing and comparative analysis of pBp15. S plasmid from the newly described entomopathogen Bacillus pumilus 15.1 DC Garcia-Ramon, MJ Luque-Navas, CA Molina, C del Val, A Osuna, .... 2015
Two pipelines as annotation system for non-coding RNAs from sequence data A Hotz-Wagenblatt, C del Val, C Previti, KH Glatting. 2015
Molecular Genetics of Schizophrenia Consortium et al. Uncovering the hidden risk architecture of the schizophrenias: confirmation in three independent genome-wide association … J Arnedo, DM Svrakic, C Del Val, R Romero-Zaliz, H Hernandez-Cuervo, .... 2015
Molecular Genetics of Schizophrenia Consortium Uncovering the hidden risk architecture of the schizophrenias: confirmation in three independent genome-wide association studies J Arnedo, DM Svrakic, C Del Val, R Romero-Zaliz, H Hernández-Cuervo, .... 2015
Membrane Protein Structure, Function, and Dynamics: a Perspective from Experiments and Theory. J Hénin, MA Kasimova, A Kolocouris, ML Klein, S Khalid, MJ Lemieux, .... 2015
A multiobjective method for robust identification of bacterial small non-coding RNAs J Arnedo, R Romero-Zaliz, I Zwir, C del Val. 2014
Molecular Genetics of Schizophrenia Consortium et al. Uncovering the hidden risk architecture of the schizophrenias: confirmation in three independent genomewide association … J Arnedo, DM Svrakic, C Del Val, R Romero-Zaliz, H Hernandez-Cuervo, .... 2014
Coupling between inter-helical hydrogen bonding and water dynamics in a proton transporter C del Val, L Bondar, AN Bondar. 2014
Channelrhodopsins: a bioinformatics perspective C del Val, J Royuela-Flor, S Milenkovic, AN Bondar. 2014
Dynamics of the channelrhodopsin light-gated cation channel C Mielack, C del Val, L Bondar, AN Bondar. 2014
Proton-Coupled Water and Hydrogen-Bond Dynamics in Channelrhodopsin C Mielack, C del Val, ML Bondar, AN Bondar. 2014
PGMRA: a web server for (phenotype× genotype) many-to-many relation analysis in GWAS J Arnedo, C del Val, GA de Erausquin, R Romero-Zaliz, D Svrakic, .... 2013
In vitro contraction of cytokinetic ring depends on myosin II but not on actin dynamics M Mishra, J Kashiwazaki, T Takagi, R Srinivasan, Y Huang, .... 2013
A survey of sRNA families in α-proteobacteria C del Val, R Romero-Zaliz, O Torres-Quesada, A Peregrina, N Toro, .... 2012
Kinetics of proton release and uptake by channelrhodopsin-2 M Nack, I Radu, BJ Schultz, T Resler, R Schlesinger, AN Bondar, .... 2012
Ser/Thr motifs in transmembrane proteins: conservation patterns and effects on local protein structure and dynamics C Del Val, SH White, AN Bondar. 2012
Potential of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi for C Leyval, C del Val, K Haselwandter. 2012
Integrating network motifs into a genetic network: a case of study based on the Phop/PhoQ two-component system O Harari, C Del Val, I Zwir. 2011
Finding Promoter Profiles with Multiobjective identification of cis-regulatory modules based on constraints R Romero-Zaliz, J Arnedo-Fdez, I Zwir, C del Val. 2011
Optimization of multi-classifiers for computational biology: application to gene finding and expression RR Zaliz, CR Escudero, C del Val Muñoz, I Zwir. 2010
Dynamics of SecY translocons with translocation-defective mutations AN Bondar, C Del Val, JA Freites, DJ Tobias, SH White. 2010
The transcriptome of the colonial marine hydroid Hydractinia echinata J Soza‐Ried, A Hotz‐Wagenblatt, KH Glatting, C del Val, K Fellenberg, .... 2010
TissueDistributionDBs: a repository of organism-specific tissue-distribution profiles S Kogenaru, C del Val, A Hotz-Wagenblatt, KH Glatting. 2010
PromoterSweep: a tool for identification of transcription factor binding sites C del Val, O Pelz, KH Glatting, E Barta, A Hotz-Wagenblatt. 2010
Cis-cop: Multiobjective identification of cis-regulatory modules based on constrains RCR Zaliz, MMM Ballesteros, IJS Zwir, MCDV Muñoz. 2010
Optimization of multi-clasiffiers using a fuzzy logic approach: an aplication to the gene prediction problem RCR Zaliz, MCDV Muñoz, IJS Zwir. 2010
Ciscop: Multiobjective identification of cisregulatory modules based on constraints R RomeroZaliz, MM Ballesteros, I Zwir, C del Val. 2010
Profile analysis and prediction of tissue-specific CpG island methylation classes C Previti, O Harari, I Zwir, C del Val. 2009
Identifying promoter features of co-regulated genes with similar network motifs O Harari, C del Val, R Romero-Zaliz, D Shin, H Huang, EA Groisman, .... 2009
Optimization of Multi-classifiers for Computational Biology: Application to the Gene Finding Problem R Romero-Zaliz, C del Val, I Zwir. 2009
Rhomboid protease dynamics and lipid interactions AN Bondar, C del Val, SH White. 2009
Alnabulsi A, 128 An C, 148 L Avery, S Batty, PM Blumberg, HR Bode, M Bovellan, S Cagnol, .... 2009
BMC Bioinformatics Methodology article Profile analysis and prediction of tissue-specific CpG island methylation classes C Previti, O Harari, I Zwir, C Del Val. 2009
Onto-CC: a web server for identifying Gene Ontology conceptual clusters R Romero-Zaliz, C del Val, JP Cobb, I Zwir. 2008
Metabolic and bacterial diversity in soils historically contaminated by heavy metals and hydrocarbons A Vivas, B Moreno, C del Val, C Macci, G Masciandaro, E Benitez. 2008
Mikoriza rambutan di Bogor dan sekitarnya.[Mycorrhizal of rambutan in Bogor and sorroundings]. SW Budi, I Mansur, DC Kusmana, H Amir, DA Jasper, LK Abbott, .... 2008
Novel approaches to the prediction of CpG islands and their methylation status C Previti, O Harari, I Zwir, C Val. 2007
Identification of differentially expressed small non‐coding RNAs in the legume endosymbiont Sinorhizobium meliloti by comparative genomics C Del Val, E Rivas, O Torres‐Quesada, N Toro, JI Jiménez‐Zurdo. 2007
ProtSweep, 2Dsweep and DomainSweep: protein analysis suite at DKFZ C del Val, P Ernst, M Falkenhahn, C Fladerer, KH Glatting, S Suhai, .... 2007
Mining and Predicting CpG islands C Previti, O Harari, C Del Val. 2007
ProtSweep, 2Dsweep and DomainSweep: protein analysis suite at DKFZ. Nucleic Acids Res 35 (Web Server issue C Del Val, P Ernst, M Falkenhahn, C Fladerer, KH Glatting, S Suhai. 2007
ProtSweep, 2Dsweep and DomainSweep: protein C Del Val, P Ernst, M Falkenhahn, C Fladerer, KH Glatting, S Suhai, .... 2007
Mining structural databases: An evolutionary multi-objetive conceptual clustering methodology R Romero-Zaliz, C Rubio-Escudero, O Cordón, O Harari, C del Val, I Zwir. 2006
Optimal selection of microarray analysis methods using a conceptual clustering algorithm C Rubio-Escudero, R Romero-Záliz, O Cordón, O Harari, C del Val, I Zwir. 2006
Decision making association rules for recognition of differential gene expression profiles C Rubio-Escudero, C del Val, O Cordón, I Zwir. 2006
GOPET: a tool for automated predictions of Gene Ontology terms A Vinayagam, C del Val, F Schubert, R Eils, KH Glatting, S Suhai, R König. 2006
Lentiviral vector integration sites in human NOD/SCID repopulating cells S Laufs, G Guenechea, A Gonzalez‐Murillo, K Zsuzsanna Nagy, .... 2006
The LIFEdb database in 2006 A Mehrle, H Rosenfelder, I Schupp, C del Val, D Arlt, F Hahne, S Bechtel, .... 2006
Retroviral vector insertions in T-lymphocytes used for suicide gene therapy occur in gene groups with specific molecular functions FA Giordano, B Fehse, A Hotz-Wagenblatt, S Jonnakuty, C del Val, .... 2006
CAFTAN: a tool for fast mapping, and quality assessment of cDNAs C del Val, VY Kuryshev, KH Glatting, P Ernst, A Hotz-Wagenblatt, .... 2006
A molecular classification of multiple myeloma (MM) based on gene expression profiling and fluorescence in situ hybridisation as independent prognostic factor for event free … D Hose, J De Vos, C Ittrich, JF Rossi, T Reme, A Benner, K Mahtouk, .... 2006
769. Genes Encoding Receptors, Signal Transducers and Transcription Regulators Are Preferred Targets of Retroviral Vector Integration in T-Lymphocytes In Vitro and In Vivo FA Giordano, B Fehse, A Hotz-Wagenblatt, S Jonnakuty, C Del Val, .... 2006
2Hematopoiesis and Gene Therapy S Laufs, G Guenechea, KZ Nagy, ML Lozano, C Del Val, S Jonnakuty, .... 2006
Molecular classification of multiple myeloma (MM) based on gene expression profiling (GEP) and fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) is an independent predictor for event … D Hose, JF Rossi, C Ittrich, J De Vos, T Rème, A Benner, K Mahtouk, .... 2005
Molecular classification of multiple myeloma by gene expression profiling and fluorescence in situ hybridisation delineates four groups predictive for event free survival: 502 D Hose, JF Rossi, C Ittrich, J De Vos, T Rème, A Benner, K Mahtouk, .... 2005
Analysis of lentiviral vector integration sites in human NOD/SCID repopulating cells S Laufs, G Guenechea, A Gonzalez-Murillo, Z Nagy, M Lozano, C del Val, .... 2005
Analysis of lentiviral vector integration sites in human NOD/SCID repopulating cells: 559 S Laufs, G Guenechea, A Gonzalez-Murillo, Z Nagy, M Lozano, C del Val, .... 2005
High‐throughput protein analysis integrating bioinformatics and experimental assays C del Val, A Mehrle, M Falkenhahn, M Seiler, KH Glatting, A Poustka, .... 2004
Multiple Myeloma: Global Expression Profiling (GEP) Indicates Upregulation of the Ribosomal Machinery in Hyperdiploid Clones. FW Cremer, J De Vos, D Hose, JF Rossi, C Ittrich, T Rème, A Benner, .... 2004
cDNA2Genome: a tool for mapping and annotating cDNAs C Del Val, KH Glatting, S Suhai. 2003
bioinformatics and C Del Val, E Mehrle, M Falkenhahn, M Seiler, K Glatting, A Poustka, .... 2003
Potential of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi for bioremediation C Leyval, EJ Joner, C Del Val, K Haselwandter. 2002
PATH: a task for the inference of phylogenies C del Val, P Ernst, R Bräuning, KH Glatting, S Suhai. 2002
The German EMBnet Node: GENIUSnet. R Braeuning, P Ernst, M Falkenhahn, KH Glatting, A Hotz-Wagenblatt, .... 2001
Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus populations in heavy-metal-contaminated soils C Del Val, JM Barea, C Azcon-Aguilar. 1999
Assessing the tolerance to heavy metals of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi isolated from sewage sludge-contaminated soils C del Val, JM Barea, C Azcón-Aguilar. 1999
Importancia de las micorrizas en el establecimiento y protección de las plantas JM Barea, C del Val, E Pérez-Solis, C Azcón-Aguilar. 1999
A method of phytic acid determination in wheat and wheat fractions. K Sri Rama Murthy, V Babu Kandimalla, BD Ahiabor, H Hiram, JM Barea, .... 1995
Nickel remediation by AM-colonized sunflower. RSW Budi, I Mansur, C Kusmana, JA Whitten, M Mustafa, A Henderson, .... 1987
Survival of propagules of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in soils in eastern Australia used to grow cotton. MM Tahat, K Sijam, LK Abbott, AD Robson, N Aliasgharzadeh, SN Rastin, .... 1985

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