Cristobal Romero Morales




Elsevier - SCOPUS Highly Cited Researcher 2020 Ver CV

Researcher Profile

Total Desde 2020:
Citas Total: 22400 Desde 2020: 9308
Índice H Total: 53 Desde 2020: 36
Índice i10 Total: 106 Desde 2020: 71

Publicaciones (188)

Título Autores Año
Reviewing the differences between learning analytics and educational data mining: Towards educational data science R Cerezo, JA Lara, R Azevedo, C Romero. 2024
Easing the Prediction of Student Dropout for everyone in-tegration AutoML and Explainable Artificial Intelligence P Buñay-Guisñan, JA Lara, A Cano, R Cerezo, C Romero. 2024
Easing the Prediction of Student Dropout for everyone integration AutoML and Explainable Artificial Intelligence P Buñay-Guisñan, JA Lara, A Cano, R Cerezo, C Romero. 2024
Selección de la mejor aproximación para la predicción del abandono en enseñanza superior en línea JM Porras, A Porras, JA Fernández, C Romero, S Ventura. 2023
Selecting the Best Approach for Predicting Student Dropout in Full Online Private Higher Education JM Porras, A Porras, JA Fernández, C Romero, S Ventura. 2023
A Case-Study Comparison of Machine Learning Approaches for Predicting Student’s Dropout from Multiple Online Educational Entities JM Porras, JA Lara, C Romero, S Ventura. 2023
Modeling and predicting students’ engagement behaviors using mixture Markov models R Maqsood, P Ceravolo, C Romero, S Ventura. 2022
A review on data fusion in multimodal learning analytics and educational data mining W Chango, JA Lara, R Cerezo, C Romero. 2022
Correction to: Improving the portability of predicting students’ performance models by using ontologies J López-Zambrano, JA Lara, C Romero. 2022
Looking for the best data fusion model in Smart Learning Environments for detecting at risk university students RC Wilson Chango, C Romero. 2022
Multi-source and multimodal data fusion for predicting academic performance in blended learning university courses W Chango, R Cerezo, C Romero. 2021
Early prediction of student learning performance through data mining: A systematic review J López Zambrano, JA Lara Torralbo, C Romero Morales. 2021
Improving the portability of predicting students’ performance models by using ontologies J López-Zambrano, JA Lara, C Romero. 2021
Assignments as Influential Factor to Improve the Prediction of Student Performance in Online Courses A Esteban, C Romero, A Zafra. 2021
Improving prediction of students’ performance in intelligent tutoring systems using attribute selection and ensembles of different multimodal data sources W Chango, R Cerezo, M Sanchez-Santillan, R Azevedo, C Romero. 2021
Towards Portability of Models for Predicting Students’ Final Performance in University Courses Starting from Moodle Logs J López-Zambrano, JA Lara, C Romero. 2020
Joint proceedings of the EDM 2019 workshops L Paquette, C Romero. 2020
Proceedings of the International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM)(13th, Online, July 10-13, 2020). AN Rafferty, J Whitehill, C Romero, V Cavalli-Sforza. 2020
Who's Learning? Using Demographics in EDM Research L Paquette, J Ocumpaugh, Z Li, A Andres, R Baker. 2020
Predicting students' performance using emotion detection from face-recording video when interacting with an ITS. W Chango, M Sánchez-Santillán, R Cerezo, C Romero. 2020
Who's Learning? Using Demographics in EDM Research. L Paquette, J Ocumpaugh, Z Li, A Andres, R Baker. 2020
Who's Learning? Using Demographics in EDM Research. L Paquette, J Ocumpaugh, Z Li, A Andres, R Baker. 2020
Who's Learning? Using Demographics in EDM Research. L Paquette, J Ocumpaugh, Z Li, A Andres, R Baker. 2020
Who's Learning? Using Demographics in EDM Research. L Paquette, J Ocumpaugh, Z Li, A Andres, R Baker. 2020
Who's Learning? Using Demographics in EDM Research. L Paquette, J Ocumpaugh, Z Li, A Andres, R Baker. 2020
Who's Learning? Using Demographics in EDM Research. L Paquette, J Ocumpaugh, Z Li, A Andres, R Baker. 2020
Who's Learning? Using Demographics in EDM Research. L Paquette, J Ocumpaugh, Z Li, A Andres, R Baker. 2020
Who's Learning? Using Demographics in EDM Research. L Paquette, J Ocumpaugh, Z Li, A Andres, R Baker. 2020
Who's Learning? Using Demographics in EDM Research. L Paquette, J Ocumpaugh, Z Li, A Andres, R Baker. 2020
Who's Learning? Using Demographics in EDM Research. L Paquette, J Ocumpaugh, Z Li, A Andres, R Baker. 2020
Who's Learning? Using Demographics in EDM Research. L Paquette, J Ocumpaugh, Z Li, A Andres, R Baker. 2020
Who's Learning? Using Demographics in EDM Research. L Paquette, J Ocumpaugh, Z Li, A Andres, R Baker. 2020
Who's Learning? Using Demographics in EDM Research. L Paquette, J Ocumpaugh, Z Li, A Andres, R Baker. 2020
Who's Learning? Using Demographics in EDM Research. L Paquette, J Ocumpaugh, Z Li, A Andres, R Baker. 2020
Who's Learning? Using Demographics in EDM Research. L Paquette, J Ocumpaugh, Z Li, A Andres, R Baker. 2020
Educational data mining and learning analytics: An updated survey. WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 10 (3) C Romero, S Ventura. 2020
Conoce todo sobre domótica e inmótica: viviendas y edificios inteligentes F Vázquez, C Romero, C de Castro. 2020
Improving essay peer grading accuracy in massive open online courses using personalized weights from student's engagement and performance C García‐Martínez, R Cerezo, M Bermúdez, C Romero. 2019
A holographic mobile-based application for practicing pronunciation of basic English vocabulary for Spanish speaking children R Cerezo, V Calderón, C Romero. 2019
Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Early Prediction and Supporting of Learning Performance C Romero, S Ventura. 2019
Process mining for self-regulated learning assessment in e-learning R Cerezo, A Bogarín, M Esteban, C Romero. 2019
Subgroup discovery in MOOCs: a big data application for describing different types of learners JM Luna, HM Fardoun, F Padillo, C Romero, S Ventura. 2019
Text mining in education R Ferreira‐Mello, M André, A Pinheiro, E Costa, C Romero. 2019
Predicting academic performance of university students from multi-sources data in blended learning W Chango, R Cerezo, C Romero. 2019
Helping university students to choose elective courses by using a hybrid multi-criteria recommendation system with genetic optimization A Esteban, A Zafra, C Romero. 2019
Southern Gulf of Mexico example of depth imaging of full-azimuth OBC seismic data A Bustos, JC Ruiz, ND Ortiz, S Cruz, A Vazquez, JDL Chagoya, SD García, .... 2019
Improving Multi-Label Classification for Learning Objects Categorization by Taking into Consideration Usage Information PG Espejo, E Gibaja, VH Menéndez, A Zapata, C Romero. 2019
Improving Multi-Label Classification for Learning Objects Categorization by Taking into Consideration Usage Information. PG Espejo, E Gibaja, VH Menéndez, A Zapata, C Romero. 2019
Improving Multi-Label Classification for Learning Objects Categorization by Taking into Consideration United States of Americage Information P Espejo, E Gibaja, V Menéndez, A Zapata, C Romero. 2019
Evaluating a holographic mobile-based application for teaching basic oral english vocabulary to spanish-speaking children R Cerezo, V Calderón, C Romero, J Dorero. 2019
Text mining in education. R Ferreira, M Ferreira, A Pinheiro, E Costa, C Romero. 2019
A Hybrid Multi-Criteria Approach Using a Genetic Algorithm for Recommending Courses to University Students. A Esteban, A Zafra, C Romero. 2018
A survey on educational process mining A Bogarín, R Cerezo, C Romero. 2018
Discovering learning processes using inductive miner: a case study with Learning Management Systems (LMSs) A Bogarin, R Cerezo, C Romero. 2018
Relationship between IMC size and blastocyst diameter with euplody Y Cabello, D Ordonez, C Romero, A Vaquero, P De Castro, NL Velasco, .... 2018
Análisis del nivel de atención de los alumnos en clase utilizando NeuroSky’s MindWave Mobile C Romero Morales, L Ariza, J María, A Bogarín Vega, M Luque Rodríguez, .... 2018
A tool for preprocessing moodle data sets J López-Zambrano, JA Martinez, J Rojas, C Romero. 2018
Un Sistema de Recomendación de Asignaturas Multi-Criterio con Optimización Genética A Esteban, A Zafra, C Romero. 2018
Educational data science in massive open online courses C Romero, S Ventura. 2017
MDM tool: A data mining framework integrated into Moodle JM Luna, C Castro, C Romero. 2017
Towards automatic classification of learning objects: Reducing the number of used features P González, E Gibaja, A Zapata, VH Menéndez, C Romero. 2017
Early dropout prediction using data mining: a case study with high school students C Márquez‐Vera, A Cano, C Romero, AYM Noaman, H Mousa Fardoun, .... 2016
Predicción de la aceptación o rechazo de las calificaciones finales propuestas por el alumnado usando técnicas de Minería de Datos J Fuentes-Alventosa, C Romero, C García-Martínez, S Ventura. 2016
Educational process mining: a tutorial and case study using Moodle data sets C Romero, R Cerezo, A Bogarín, M Sánchez-Santillán. 2016
Using Android Wear for avoiding procrastination behaviours in MOOCs C Romero, R Cerezo, JA Espino, M Bermudez. 2016
Aplicando minería de datos para descubrir rutas de aprendizaje frecuentes en Moodle AB Vega, CR Morales, RC Menéndez. 2016
A Message from the Editorial Team and an Introduction to the January-March 2016 Issue IEEE Transaction on Learning Technologies 9 (1), 1-4, 2016 . 2016
Predicción de la aceptación o rechazo de las calificaciones finales propuestas por el alumnado usando técnicas de Minería de Datos J Fuentes-Alventosa, C Romero, C García-Martínez, S Ventura. 2016
Applying data mining to discover common learning routes in moodle= Aplicando minería de datos para descubrir rutas de aprendizaje frecuentes en Moodle A Bogarin Vega, C Romero Morales, R Cerezo Menéndez. 2016
Applying data mining to discover common learning routes in Moodle A Bogarin Vega, C Romero Morales, R Cerezo Menendez. 2016
Improving Meta-learning for Algorithm Selection by Using Multi-label Classification: A Case of Study with Educational Data Sets JL Olmo, C Romero, E Gibaja, S Ventura. 2015
An evolutionary algorithm for the discovery of rare class association rules in learning management systems JM Luna, C Romero, JR Romero, S Ventura. 2015
Evaluation and selection of group recommendation strategies for collaborative searching of learning objects A Zapata, VH Menéndez, ME Prieto, C Romero. 2015
Recommender systems in social and online learning environments TY Tang, BK Daniel, C Romero. 2015
Automatic Grading of Short Answers for MOOC via Semi-supervised Document Clustering. S Jing, OC Santos, JG Boticario, C Romero, M Pechenizkiy, A Merceron. 2015
Discovering clues to avoid middle school failure at early stages MA Jiménez-Gómez, JM Luna, C Romero, S Ventura. 2015
JA Larusson, B. White (eds): Learning analytics: From research to practice C Romero, S Ventura. 2015
Reply to comment from Blanco et al.(2015) on “Evidence from acoustic imaging for submarine volcanic activity in 2012 off the west coast of El Hierro (Canary Islands, Spain) by … NM Pérez, L Somoza, PA Hernández, LG de Vallejo, R León, T Sagiya, .... 2015
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, EDM 2015, Madrid, Spain, June 26-29, 2015 OC Santos, J Boticario, C Romero, M Pechenizkiy, A Merceron, P Mitros, .... 2015
Discovering Students' Navigation Paths in Moodle. A Bogarín, C Romero, R Cerezo. 2015
8th International Conference on Educational Data Mining OC Santos, JG Boticario, C Romero, M Pechenizkiy, A Merceron, P Mitros, .... 2015
Proceedings of the International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM)(8th, Madrid, Spain, June 26-29, 2015). OC Santos, JG Boticario, C Romero, M Pechenizkiy, A Merceron, P Mitros, .... 2015
Improving Meta-learning for Algorithm Selection by Using Multi-label Classification: A Case of Study with Educational Data Sets JL Olmo, C Romero, E Gibaja, S Ventura. 2015
Larusson, JA, White, B.(eds): Learning Analytics: From Research to Practice C Romero, S Ventura. 2015
JA Larusson, B. White (eds): Learning Analytics: From Research to Practice: Springer Science+ Business Media, New York, 2014, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-3305-7 C Romero, S Ventura. 2015
Improving Meta-learning for Algorithm Selection by Using Multi-label Classification: A Case of Study with Educational Data Sets. JL Olmo, C Romero, E Gibaja, S Ventura. 2015
Review of Learning analytics: From research to practice. C Romero, S Ventura. 2015
Pacing through MOOCs: course design or teaching effect? L Vigentini, A Clayphan, JG Boticario, OC Santos, C Romero, .... 2015
A classification module for genetic programming algorithms in JCLEC A Cano, JM Luna, A Zafra, S Ventura Soto. 2014
Accepting or Rejecting Students' Self-grading in their Final Marks by using Data Mining J Fuentes, C Romero, CGM Ventura. 2014
Clustering for improving educational process mining A Bogarín, C Romero, R Cerezo, M Sánchez-Santillán. 2014
On the use of genetic programming for mining comprehensible rules in subgroup discovery JM Luna, JR Romero, C Romero, S Ventura. 2014
Reducing gaps in quantitative association rules: A genetic programming free-parameter algorithm JM Luna, JR Romero, C Romero, S Ventura. 2014
A survey on pre-processing educational data C Romero, JR Romero, S Ventura. 2014
Foreword: Intelligent data analysis S Ventura, C Romero, A Abraham. 2014
Educational data mining: A systematic review of the published literature 2006-2013 M Al-Razgan, AS Al-Khalifa, HS Al-Khalifa. 2014
Web usage mining for predicting final marks of students that use Moodle courses C Romero, PG Espejo, A Zafra, JR Romero, S Ventura. 2013
Association rule mining using genetic programming to provide feedback to instructors from multiple‐choice quiz data C Romero, A Zafra, JM Luna, S Ventura. 2013
DRAL: a tool for discovering relevant e-activities for learners A Zafra, C Romero, S Ventura. 2013
Data mining in education C Romero, S Ventura. 2013
Predicting students' final performance from participation in on-line discussion forums C Romero, MI López, JM Luna, S Ventura. 2013
Predicting student failure at school using genetic programming and different data mining approaches with high dimensional and imbalanced data C Márquez-Vera, A Cano, C Romero, S Ventura. 2013
Predicting school failure and dropout by using data mining techniques C Márquez-Vera, CR Morales, SV Soto. 2013
A framework for recommendation in learning object repositories: An example of application in civil engineering A Zapata, VH Menéndez, ME Prieto, C Romero. 2013
A meta-learning approach for recommending a subset of white-box classification algorithms for Moodle datasets C Romero, JL Olmo, S Ventura. 2013
A Moodle Block for Selecting, Visualizing and Mining Students' Usage Data C Romero, C Castro, S Ventura. 2013
Discovering subgroups by means of genetic programming JM Luna, JR Romero, C Romero, S Ventura. 2013
Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery C Romero, S Ventura, C WILEY. 2013
Predicción del rendimiento académico en las nuevas titulaciones de grado de la EPS de la Universidad de Córdoba C Romero, A Zafra, E Gibaja, M Luque, S Ventura. 2012
Classification via clustering for predicting final marks based on student participation in forums. MI Lopez, JM Luna, C Romero, S Ventura. 2012
Meta-Learning Approach for Automatic Parameter Tuning: A Case Study with Educational Datasets. MM Molina, JM Luna, C Romero, S Ventura. 2012
A genetic programming free-parameter algorithm for mining association rules JM Luna, JR Romero, C Romero, S Ventura. 2012
Búsqueda colaborativa para el apoyo a la recomendación de Objetos de Aprendizaje A Zapata, VH Menéndez, ME Prieto, C Romero. 2012
Multiple instance learning for classifying students in learning management systems A Zafra, C Romero, S Ventura. 2011
Proceedings of ISDA’11 S Ventura, A Abraham, K Cios, C Romero, F Marcelloni, J Benítez, .... 2011
A collaborative educational association rule mining tool E García, C Romero, S Ventura, C De Castro. 2011
A Java desktop tool for mining Moodle data R Pedraza-Perez, C Romero, S Ventura. 2011
RM-Tool: A framework for discovering and evaluating association rules C Romero, JM Luna, JR Romero, S Ventura. 2011
A hybrid recommender method for learning objects A Zapata, VH Menendez, ME Prieto, C Romero. 2011
Association rule mining in learning management systems E García, C Romero, S Ventura, C de Castro, T Calders. 2011
Basics of statistical analysis of interactions data from web-based learning environments J Sheard. 2011
Preface to the special issue on data mining for personalised educational systems C Romero, S Ventura. 2011
Using data mining in a recommender system to search for learning objects in repositories A Zapata-Gonzalez, VH Menendez, ME Prieto-Méndez, C Romero. 2011
A similarity-based approach to enhance learning objects management systems VH Menendez-Dominguez, A Zapata, ME Prieto-Mendez, C Romero, .... 2011
Proceedings of the International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM)(4th, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, July 6-8, 2011). M Pechenizkiy, T Calders, C Conati, S Ventura, C Romero, J Stamper. 2011
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, July 6-8, 2011 M Pechenizkiy, T Calders, C Conati, S Ventura, C Romero, J Stamper. 2011
EDM 2011: 4th international conference on educational data mining: Eindhoven, July 6-8, 2011: proceedings M Pechenizkiy, TGK Calders, C Conati, S Ventura, C Romero, J Stamper. 2011
Educational data mining and learning analytics: An updated survey C Romero, S Ventura. 2011
EDM 2011 4 th International Conference on Educational Data Mining M Pechenizkiy, T Calders, C Conati, S Ventura, C Romero, J Stamper. 2011
Evolutionary algorithms for subgroup discovery applied to e-learning data CJ Carmona, P González, MJ del Jesus, C Romero, S Ventura. 2010
Multi-instance learning versus singleinstance learning for predicting the student’s performance A Zafra, C Romero, S Ventura. 2010
Educational data mining: a review of the state of the art C Romero, S Ventura. 2010
Handbook of educational data mining C Romero, S Ventura, M Pechenizkiy, RSJ Baker. 2010
Mining rare association rules from e-learning data C Romero, JR Romero, JM Luna, S Ventura. 2010
Predicting school failure using data mining C Marquez-Vera, C Romero, S Ventura. 2010
Measuring correlation of strong symmetric association rules in educational data A Merceron, K Yacef, C Romero, S Ventura, M Pechenizkiy. 2010
Sequential pattern analysis of learning logs: Methodology and applications M Zhou, Y Xu, JC Nesbit, PH Winne. 2010
Class association rules mining from students' test data C Romero, S Ventura, E Vasilyeva, M Pechenizkiy. 2010
Visualization in educational environments R Mazza. 2010
Modeling hierarchy and dependence among task responses in educational data mining B Junker, C Romero, S Ventura, S Viola, M Pechenizkiy, R Baker. 2010
Chapter 7: Association Rule Mining in Learning Management Systems E García, C Romero, S Ventura, C Castro, T Calders. 2010
Process Mining from Educational Data C Romero, S Ventura, M Pechenizkiy, RSJ Baker. 2010
Collaborative recommender system using distributed rule mining for improving web-based adaptive courses E Garcia, C Romero, S Ventura, C Castro. 2010
Multi-Instance Learning versus Single-Instance Learning for Predicting the Student’s Performance A Zafra, C Romero, S Ventura. 2010
¡ a, C. Romero, S. Ventura, C. Castro, and T. Calders," Chapter 7: Association Rule Mining in Learning Management Systems." E Garc. 2010
Handbook of Educational Data Mining (Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Series) C Romero, S Ventura, M Pechenizkiy, RSJ Baker. 2010
Evolutionary algorithms for subgroup discovery in e-learning: A practical application using Moodle data C Romero, P González, S Ventura, MJ Del Jesús, F Herrera. 2009
Aplicación de algoritmos evolutivos de descubrimiento de subgrupos en e-learning: un caso de estudio analizando cursos de Moodle C Romero, P González, S Ventura, MJ Del Jesús, F Herrera. 2009
KEEL: a software tool to assess evolutionary algorithms for data mining problems J Alcalá-Fdez, L Sanchez, S Garcia, MJ del Jesus, S Ventura, JM Garrell, .... 2009
Multi-instance genetic programming for web index recommendation A Zafra, C Romero, S Ventura, E Herrera-Viedma. 2009
Applying Web usage mining for personalizing hyperlinks in Web-based adaptive educational systems C Romero, S Ventura, A Zafra, P De Bra. 2009
Predicting academic achievement using multiple instance genetic programming A Zafra, C Romero, S Ventura. 2009
An architecture for making recommendations to courseware authors using association rule mining and collaborative filtering E García, C Romero, S Ventura, C De Castro. 2009
Using mobile and web‐based computerized tests to evaluate university students C Romero, S Ventura, P De Bra. 2009
Collaborative Data Mining Tool for Education. E Garcia, C Romero, S Ventura, M Gea, C De Castro. 2009
Evaluating web based instructional models using association rule mining E García, C Romero, S Ventura, C De Castro. 2009
Proceedings of the International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM)(2nd, Cordoba, Spain, July 1-3, 2009). T Barnes, M Desmarais, C Romero, S Ventura. 2009
Collaborative Data Mining Tool for Education C Romero, S Ventura, E García, C de Castro. 2009
Data mining in course management systems: Moodle case study and tutorial C Romero, S Ventura, E García. 2008
Data mining algorithms to classify students C Romero, S Ventura, PG Espejo, C Hervás. 2008
Mining and visualizing visited trails in web-based educational systems C Romero, S Gutiérrez, M Freire, S Ventura. 2008
Sistema recomendador colaborativo usando minería de datos distribuida para la mejora continua de cursos e-learning. EG Salcines, C Romero, S Ventura, C de-Castro-Lozano. 2008
Analyzing rule evaluation measures with educational datasets: A framework to help the teacher S Ventura, C Romero, C Hervás. 2008
JCLEC: a Java framework for evolutionary computation S Ventura, C Romero, A Zafra, JA Delgado, C Hervás. 2008
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Applying Data Mining in e-Learning (ADML-2007, Sissi, Crete, Greece, September 18, 2007) C Romero, M Pechenizkiy, TGK Calders, JE Beck, F Van Assche. 2008
Soft Comput J Alcalá-fdez, L Sánchez, S García, MJ Jesus, S Ventura, JM Garrell, .... 2008
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Applying Data Mining in e-Learning C Romero, M Pechenizkiy, T Calders, SR Viola, F Van Assche. 2008
Cómo combatir el estrés laboral JR García, J Gelpi, A Cano, C Romero. 2008
Multiple instance learning with genetic programming for web mining A Zafra, S Ventura, E Herrera-Viedma, C Romero. 2007
Educational data mining: A survey from 1995 to 2005 C Romero, S Ventura. 2007
Personalized links recommendation based on data mining in adaptive educational hypermedia systems C Romero, S Ventura, JA Delgado, P De Bra. 2007
Drawbacks and solutions of applying association rule mining in learning management systems E García, C Romero, S Ventura, T Calders. 2007
Authoring and management tools for adaptive educational hypermedia systems: The AHA! case study P De Bra, N Stash, D Smits, C Romero, S Ventura. 2007
Domótica e inmótica C Romero Morales, F Vázquez Serrano, C De Castro Lozano. 2007
Association rule mining in learning management systems: drawbacks and solutions E Garcia, C Romero, S Ventura, T Calders. 2007
Evolutionary combining of basis function neural networks for classification C Hervás, F Martínez, M Carbonero, C Romero, JC Fernández. 2007
Mining students data to analyze E-Learning behavior: A case study. KK Mishra, A Tripathi, AK Misra, M Bray, C Heiner, R Bakery, K Yacef, .... 2007
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Applying Data Mining in e-Learning (ADML-2007) C Romero, M Pechenizkiy, T Calders, JT Beck, F Van Assche. 2007
Sistemas de evaluación de los alumnos mediante test informatizados utilizando telefonía móvil C Gálvez Espinal, S Ventura Soto, C Romero Morales. 2007
Mining learner profile utilizing association rule for web-based learning diagnosis E García, C Romero, S Ventura, C de Castro, T Calders. 2007
E-Learning Process Characterization using data driven approaches SR Viola. 2007
Web-based adaptive training simulator system for cardiac life support C Romero, S Ventura, EL Gibaja, C Hervás, F Romero. 2006
Data mining in e-learning C Romero, S Ventura. 2006
Using rules discovery for the continuous improvement of e-learning courses E García, C Romero, S Ventura, C de Castro. 2006
An authoring tool for building both mobile adaptable tests and web-based adaptive or classic tests C Romero, S Ventura, C Hervás, P De Bra. 2006
Rule mining with GBGP to improve web-based adaptive educational systems C Romero, S Ventura, C Hervas, P Gonzalez. 2006
Usando minería de datos para la continua mejora de cursos de elearning E García, C Romero, C de Castro, S Ventura. 2006
Herramienta Autor para la Gestión de Tests Informatizados dentro del Sistema AHA! C Romero Morales, S Ventura Soto, C Hervás-Martínez, I Ríder, .... 2006
Selection of Logical Operators for Inducing Comprehensible Knowledge. PG Espejo, C Hervas, S Ventura, C Romero. 2006
Elección de Operadores Lógicos para la Inducción de Conocimiento Comprensible PG Espejo, C Hervás, S Ventura, C Romero. 2006
Usando minería de datos para la contínua mejora de cursos de e-learning E García, C Romero, C de Castro, S Ventura. 2006
Sistema adaptable para la ejecución de tests informatizados en teléfonos móviles C Romero, JL Córdoba, S Ventura, C Hervás. 2006
Web mining for self-directed e-learning P Desikan, C DeLong, K Beemanapalli, A Bose, J Srivastava, C Romero, .... 2006
Herramienta Autor para la Gestión de Tests Informatizados dentro del Sistema AHA C Romero, S Ventura, I Rider, S Martin. 2006
Domótica e inmótica: viviendas y edificios inteligentes CR Morales, FV Serrano, C de Castro Lozano. 2005
Induction of classification rules with grammar-based genetic programming PG Espejo, C Romero, S Ventura, C Hervás. 2005
Rule Discovery in web-based educational systems using Grammar-Based Genetic Programming C Romero, S Ventura, C Hervás, P González. 2005
AHA! MEETS SCORM C Romero, J Rider, S Ventura, C Hervás, P De Bra. 2005
Algoritmos evolutivos para descubrimiento de reglas de predicción en la mejora de sistemas educativos adaptativos basados en web C Romero, S Ventura, C de Castro, E García. 2005
Programación genética gramatical para el descubrimiento de reglas de clasificación PG Espejo, C Romero, C Hervás, S Ventura. 2005
Sistema de consulta de notas a través de Páginas Web y de Telefonía Móvil D Cava Jiménez, C Romero Morales, C Soto, J Luis, S Ventura Soto. 2005
Knowledge discovery with genetic programming for providing feedback to courseware authors C Romero, S Ventura, P De Bra. 2004
An authoring tool for web-based adaptive and classic tests C Romero, S Martín-Palomo, P De Bra, S Ventura. 2004
Herramienta autor INDESAHC para la creación de cursos hipermedia adaptativos CDC Lozano, EG Salcines, CR Morales, ADC Orbea, SV Soto. 2004
Descubrimiento de reglas de predicción en sistemas de e-learning utilizando programación genética C Romero, S Ventura, C Hervás. 2004
Comparación de medidas de evaluación de reglas de asociación C Hervás-Martínez, C Romero, S Ventura. 2004
de Bra, P C Romero, S Ventura, C Hervás. 2004
Selección de medidas de evaluación de reglas obtenidas mediante programación genética basada en gramática C Hervás-Martínez, C Romero, S Ventura. 2004
BUAP FM Romero, DH Carrasco. 2004
Discovering prediction rules in AHA! courses C Romero, S Ventura, P De Bra, C De Castro. 2003
Aplicación de algoritmos evolutivos como técnica de minería de datos para la mejora de cursos hipermedia adaptativos basados en Web CR Morales, SV Soto, C De Castro. 2003
Aplicación de técnicas de adquisición de conocimiento para la mejora de cursos hipermedia adaptativos basados en web C ROMERO MORALES. 2003
Using genetic algorithms for data mining in web-based educational hypermedia systems C Romero, S Ventura, C De Castro, W Hall, MH Ng. 2002
Using knowledge levels with AHA! for discovering interesting relationships C Romero, P De Bra, S Ventura, C De Castro. 2002
Curso básico de Java 2 C Romero, E López, C de Castro. 2002
HAMTUTOR: Author tool to develop adaptive multimedia courses C de Castro. 2002
Construcción de cursos hipermedia adaptativos basados en web utilizando AHA C Romero Morales, S Ventura Soto, C Castro. 2002
Using knowledge levels with AHA! for discovering interesting relationship S Ventura, C Romero, P De Bra, C de Castro. 2002
Adaptation of the e-learning web application “Campus Virtual Teledomedia” to obtain an open and accessible information management system A de Castro. 2002
Curso básico de Fortran 90 SV Soto, JLC Soto, CR Morales. 2000
UVICO: Universidad Virtual de Córdoba C Castro, JA Ramos, C Romero Morales, M Garrido. 2000
Interacción con mundos VRML utilizando Java C Romero, S Ventura, C Castro. 2000

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