Francisco Gabriel Raúl Pérez Rodríguez
UGRTotal | Desde 2020: | |
Citas | Total: 2098 | Desde 2020: 467 |
Índice H | Total: 19 | Desde 2020: 12 |
Índice i10 | Total: 39 | Desde 2020: 15 |
Publicaciones (82)
Título | Autores | Año |
Discovering and Explaining Driver Behaviour under HoS Regulations | I Vellido, J Fdez-Olivares, R Pérez. | 2023 |
Application of explainable artificial intelligence to analyze basic features of a tender | MF Molina-Miranda, X Acaro, M Molina, M Quiñonez, G Alvarez, .... | 2023 |
Learning to select goals in Automated Planning with Deep-Q Learning | C Núñez-Molina, J Fernández-Olivares, R Pérez. | 2022 |
Analyzing Driver Behavior Compliance under HoS Regulations. | LAC Ignacio Vellido-Expósito, Juan Fernández-Olivares, Raúl Pérez. | 2022 |
Automating the Decision Making Process of Todd’s Age Estimation Method from the Pubic Symphysis with Explainable Machine Learning | JC Gámez-Granados, J Irurita, R Pérez, A González, S Damas, I Alemán, .... | 2022 |
A new multi-rules approach to improve the performance of the Chi fuzzy rule classification algorithm | L Jara, A González, R Pérez. | 2022 |
A Proposal to Integrate Deep Q-Learning with Automated Planning to Improve the Performance of a Planning-Based Agent | C Núnez-Molina, I Vellido, V Nikolov-Vasilev, R Pérez, J Fdez-Olivares. | 2021 |
Discovering relational and numerical expressions from plan traces for learning action models | JÁ Segura-Muros, R Pérez, J Fernández-Olivares. | 2021 |
Learning Numerical Action Models from Noisy Input Data | JÁ Segura-Muros, J Fernández-Olivares, R Pérez. | 2021 |
Efficient inference models for classification problems with a high number of fuzzy rules | L Jara, R Ariza-Valderrama, J Fernández-Olivares, A González, R Pérez. | 2021 |
Driver activity recognition by means of temporal htn planning | J Fernandez-Olivares, R Perez. | 2020 |
A Knowledge Based Process for the Generation of HTN Domains from VGDL Video Game Descriptions | I Vellido, J Fdez-Olivares, R Pérez. | 2020 |
Grating-graphene metamaterial as a platform for terahertz nonlinear photonics | JC Deinert, D Alcaraz Iranzo, R Pérez, X Jia, HA Hafez, I Ilyakov, N Awari, .... | 2020 |
An Incremental Approach to Address Big Data Classification Problems Using Cognitive Models | A González, R Pérez, R Romero-Zaliz. | 2019 |
An approximation to solve regression problems with a genetic fuzzy rule ordinal algorithm | JC Gámez, D Garcia, A González, R Perez. | 2019 |
Reasoning Methods in Fuzzy Rule-based Classification Systems for Big Data Problems. | A González, R Pérez, R Romero-Záliz. | 2019 |
A software implementation of the fuzzy rule learning algorithm NSLVOrd for ordinal classification into KEEL | JC Gámez-Granados, JM Soto-Hidalgo, G Acampora, A González, .... | 2019 |
Learning numerical action models from noisy and partially observable states by means of inductive rule learning techniques | JÁ Segura-Muros, R Pérez, J Fernández-Olivares. | 2018 |
Using Inductive Rule Learning Techniques to Learn Planning Domains | JÁ Segura-Muros, R Pérez, J Fernández-Olivares. | 2018 |
Learning Planning Action Models with Numerical Information and Logic Relationships Using Classification Techniques | JÁ Segura-Muros, R Pérez, J Fernández-Olivares. | 2018 |
Incremental fuzzy learning algorithms in big data problems: A study on the size of learning subsets | R Romero-Zaliz, A González, R Pérez. | 2017 |
On the use of an incremental approach to learn fuzzy classification rules for big data problems | JC Gámez, D García, A González, R Pérez. | 2016 |
Ordinal classification based on the sequential covering strategy | JC Gámez, D García, A González, R Pérez. | 2016 |
Extensions of the DECO3R algorithm for generating compact and cooperating Fuzzy Rule-based Classification Systems | NL Tsakiridis, JB Theocharis, R Pérez, A González, GC Zalidis. | 2016 |
Three new instance selection methods based on local sets: A comparative study with several approaches from a bi-objective perspective | E Leyva, A González, R Pérez. | 2015 |
An interpretability improvement for fuzzy rule bases obtained by the iterative rule learning approach | D García, JC Gámez, A González, R Pérez. | 2015 |
Using a sequential covering strategy for discovering fuzzy rules incrementally | D García, JC Gámez, A González, R Pérez. | 2015 |
A fuzzy rule-based feature construction approach applied to remotely sensed imagery | D García, D Stavrakoudis, A González, R Pérez, JB Theocharis. | 2015 |
Learning HTN Domains using Process Mining and Data Mining techniques | JA Segura-Muros, R Pérez, J Fernández-Olivares. | 2015 |
Un algoritmo de clasificación ordinal basado en el modelo de recubrimiento secuencial | JC Gámez, D García, A González, R Pérez. | 2015 |
A Set of Complexity Measures Designed for Applying Meta-Learning to Instance Selection | E Leyva, A González, R Pérez. | 2014 |
Overview of the slave learning algorithm: A review of its evolution and prospects | D García, A González, R Pérez. | 2014 |
On the use of meta-learning for instance selection: An architecture and an experimental study | E Leyva, Y Caises, A González, R Pérez. | 2014 |
A feature construction approach for genetic iterative rule learning algorithm | D García, A González, R Pérez. | 2014 |
Knowledge-based instance selection: A compromise between efficiency and versatility | E Leyva, A González, R Pérez. | 2013 |
A new iterative model to simplify the knowledge extracted on a fuzzy rule-based learning algorithm | D García, A González, R Pérez. | 2013 |
An empirical study about the behavior of a genetic learning algorithm on searching spaces pruned by a completeness condition | D García, A González, R Pérez. | 2013 |
Aggregation of risk-assessment matrices for human reliability in transportation systems | R Pérez, P Alonso, SI Díaz Rodríguez, S Montes Rodríguez. | 2013 |
improving the accuracy and interpretability of inductive linguistic rule learning algorithms | E Aguirre, A González, R Pérez. | 2013 |
A Genetic Tuned Fuzzy Classifier Based on Prototypes | E Leyva, A González, R Pérez. | 2013 |
for Qualitative Modeling | O Cordón, A González, F Herrera, R Pérez. | 2013 |
Optimization and Control of HVAC Systems | R Alcalá, JM Benítez, J Casillas, JL Castro, O Cordón, A González, .... | 2012 |
An efficient inductive genetic learning algorithm for fuzzy relational rules | A González, R Pérez, Y Caises, E Leyva. | 2012 |
A filter proposal for including feature construction in a genetic learning algorithm | D Garcia, A Gonzalez, R Perez. | 2012 |
Combining instance selection methods based on data characterization: An approach to increase their effectiveness | Y Caises, A González, E Leyva, R Pérez. | 2011 |
A two-step approach of feature construction for a genetic learning algorithm | D García, A González, R Pérez. | 2011 |
An iterative strategy for feature construction on a fuzzy rule-based learning algorithm | D García, A González, R Pérez. | 2011 |
Uso de técnicas de preprocesamiento de imágenes y aprendizaje para la detección de cambios de atención de una persona en procesos de interacción persona-robot | JC Gámez Granados, A González, R Pérez, M García-Silvente. | 2011 |
A genetic learning of fuzzy relational rules | Y Caises, E Leyva, A González, R Pérez. | 2010 |
Un modelo difuso para la estimación de la atención en procesos de interacción robot-persona | JC Gámez, A González, R Pérez. | 2010 |
An extension of the genetic iterative approach for learning rule subsets | Y Caises, E Leyva, A González, R Pérez. | 2010 |
Desarrollo de un sistema para la gestión en el área de calidad, basado en el modelo de excelencia EFQM y el cuadro de mando integral, en la empresa laboratorio farmacéutico … | LP de Corcho León. | 2010 |
Improving the genetic algorithm of SLAVE | A González, R Pérez. | 2009 |
SCIS: combining instance selection methods to increase their effectiveness over a wide range of domains | Y Caises, A González, E Leyva, R Pérez. | 2009 |
A method for combining instance selection algorithms | Y Caises, A González, E Leyva, R Pérez. | 2009 |
Extracting rule subsets in a genetic iterative model | Y Caises, E Leyva, A González, R Pérez. | 2009 |
Preface: Special Issue on Genetic Fuzzy Systems and the Interpretability–Accuracy Trade-off | J Casillas, F Herrera, R Pérez, MJ del Jesus, P Villar. | 2007 |
Full wafer size investigation of N+ and P+ co‐implanted layers in 4H–SiC | S Blanqué, J Lyonnet, R Pérez, P Terziyska, S Contreras, P Godignon, .... | 2005 |
Ventajas y peculiaridades del abordaje laparoscópico en el anciano | S Morales-Conde, JC Gómez, A Cano, I Sánchez-Matamoros, J Valdés, .... | 2005 |
Advantages and characteristics of the laparoscopic approach in the elderly | S Morales-Conde, JC Gómez, A Cano, I Sánchez-Matamoros, J Valdés, .... | 2005 |
Effective utilization of natural zeolite for diarrhea control | M Martinez, M Castro, K Hidalgo, U Ayala, R Perez, L Hernandez, L Baez. | 2004 |
La utilización efectiva de la zeolita natural para el control de las diarreas | M Martínez, M Castro, K Hidalgo, L Ayala, R Pérez, L Hernández, L Báez. | 2004 |
A fuzzy perceptual model for map building and navigation of mobile robots | E Aguirre, JF Argudo, A González, R Pérez. | 2004 |
Fuzzy control of HVAC systems optimized by genetic algorithms | R Alcalá, JM Benítez, J Casillas, O Cordón, R Pérez. | 2003 |
Multicriteria Genetic Tuning for the Optimization and Control of HVAC Systems | R Alcala, JM Benitez, J Castillas, JL Castro, O Cordon, A Gonzales, .... | 2003 |
Current issues and future directions in evolutionary fuzzy systems research. | B Carse, AG Pipe, I Renners, A Grauel, AF Gómez-Skarmeta, F Jiménez, .... | 2003 |
An inductive approach for learning fuzzy relational rules | E Aguirre, A González, R Pérez. | 2003 |
A description of several characteristics for improving the accuracy and interpretability of inductive linguistic rule learning algorithms | E Aguirre, A Gonzalez, R Pérez. | 2003 |
Rendimiento del SPECT de perfusion miocardica talio-201 gatillado en el diagnostico de hipertrofia ventricular izquierda | M Castro, G Cortés, Q Egaña, D Ladrón de Guevara, S Lobo, T Dighero, .... | 2003 |
Pulmonary perfusion scintigraphy in children with chronic pulmonary damage: Preliminary results from application of the SPECT technique | S Lobo, GH Ladron, G Munoz, A Maria, A Araya, C Coll, R Donoso, .... | 2003 |
Los productos cerámicos de" El Jadramil". Análisis tecnológico, morfológico y funcional | ML González, MJR García, IL de Guevara, JÁE Álvarez, R Pérez, .... | 2003 |
Análisis tecnológico de la industria lítica tallada de" El Jadramil" | ML González, MJR García, R Pérez, EV Vila, JAO Bellido, E Delgado, .... | 2003 |
Selection of relevant features in a fuzzy genetic learning algorithm | A González, R Pérez. | 2001 |
Including a simplicity criterion in the selection of the best rule in a genetic fuzzy learning algorithm | L Castillo, A Gonzalez, R Perez. | 2001 |
An experimental study about the search mechanism in the SLAVE learning algorithm: Hill-climbing methods versus genetic algorithms | A González, R Pérez. | 2001 |
Encouraging cooperation in the genetic iterative rule learning approach for qualitative modeling | O Cordón, A Gonzalez, F Herrera, R Perez. | 1999 |
SLAVE: A genetic learning system based on an iterative approach | A González, R Pérez. | 1999 |
A study about the inclusion of linguistic hedges in a fuzzy rule learning algorithm | A González, R Pérez. | 1999 |
SERIES TEMPORALES | D Jiménez, JCM Rubio, JCA Odriozola, IJMPR Esp, JA Sánchez, .... | 1999 |
Completeness and consistency conditions for learning fuzzy rules | A Gonzalez, R Perez. | 1998 |
A fuzzy theory refinement algorithm | A Gonzalez, R Perez. | 1998 |
Nephrogenous diabetes insipidus secondary to the administration of amphotericin B and liposomal amphotericin B | JJ Araujo, A Dominguez, C Bueno, J Rodriguez, MJ Rios, MA Muniain, .... | 1998 |
Refinement of a fuzzy control rule set | A González Muñoz, R Pérez Rodríguez. | 1998 |
Un algoritmo de aprendizaje de reglas basado en el método genético iterativo | A González, R Perez. | 1998 |
Brotes epidemicos de salmonelosis par consumo de huevos | A Arnedo, JB Bellido, MR Pac, J Criado, MA Usera, I Mesanza, .... | 1998 |
Epidemic outbreaks of salmonellosis caused by eating eggs | A Arnedo, JB Bellido, MR Pac, J Criado, MA Usera, I Mesanza, .... | 1998 |
Refinement of a fuzzy control rule set. | A González, R Pérez. | 1998 |
Using information measures for determining the relevance of the predictive variables in learning problems | A Gonzalez, R Perez. | 1997 |
A learning system of fuzzy control rules based on genetic algorithms | A Gonzalez, R Perez. | 1996 |
A refinement algorithm of fuzzy rules for classification problems | A González, R Pérez. | 1996 |
Diagnosis of myocardial infarction through fuzzy learning techniques | A González, R Pérez, A Valenzuela. | 1995 |
Structural learning of fuzzy rules from noised examples | A Gonzalez, R Perez. | 1995 |
Refining the rules obtained by SLAVE | A González, R Pérez, A Gonzalez. | 1995 |
Learning the structure of a fuzzy rule: a genetic approach | A González, R Pérez, JL Verdegay. | 1994 |
Control higiénico-sanitario de los productos de lastelería elaborados en la ciudad de Castellón | P Viedma, I Mesanza, J Criado, R Perez. | 1994 |
Control higiénico-sanitario de los productos de pastelería elaborados en la ciudad de Castellón | I Mesanza, P Viedma, R Pérez, J Criado. | 1994 |
Food poisoning by scombroid fish (tuna) in a communal dining room of a company | A Arnedo, J Bellido, J Criado, R Pérez, F González, L Safont, G Monfort, .... | 1989 |
Intoxicación alimentaria por escómbridos (atún) en un comedor colectivo de empresa | A Arnedo, J Bellido, J Criado, R Pérez, F González, L Safont, G Monfort, .... | 1989 |
Endoscopic detection of experimentally induced colonic neoplasms in guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus). | R Perez, WL Kriedemann, RW O'Donnell, GL Cockerell. | 1980 |
Necessity for end colostomy with transection of the descending colon in guinea pigs. | GL Cockerell, DM MacCoy, WL Kriedemann, R Perez. | 1979 |
A semiautomated procedure for rapid intrarectal instillation of fluids in the guinea pig. | WL Kriedemann, R Perez, GL Cockerell. | 1979 |
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