Jesús Alcalá Fernández
Elsevier - SCOPUS Highly Cited Researcher 2020 Ver CV
Total | Desde 2020: | |
Citas | Total: 9146 | Desde 2020: 3588 |
Índice H | Total: 31 | Desde 2020: 23 |
Índice i10 | Total: 57 | Desde 2020: 33 |
Publicaciones (134)
Título | Autores | Año |
JFML-IoT: Fuzzy Control for IoT Systems based on the IEEE std 1855–2016 | A Ramírez-Mena, S Cámara-Sánchez, J Alcalá-Fdez, M Martínez-Rojas, .... | 2024 |
Multiomics and eXplainable artificial intelligence for decision support in insulin resistance early diagnosis: A pediatric population-based longitudinal study | Á Torres-Martos, A Anguita-Ruiz, M Bustos-Aibar, A Ramírez-Mena, .... | 2024 |
Prediction of Continuous Targets by Explainable Imbalanced Regression from Omics Data in Childhood Obesity | M Arteaga, Á Torres-Martos, A Anguita-Ruiz, J Alcalá-Fdez, R Alcalá, .... | 2024 |
Comparative Analysis of the Discriminative Ability of BMI, TMI, and BMI zscore in Establishing Metabolic Syndrome Risk | J Domingo-Ajenjo, A Torres-Martos, M Bustos-Aibar, M Arteaga, .... | 2024 |
Using ObMetrics to Assess Cardiometabolic Alterations in Children and Adolescents with Obesity | G Bueno-Lozano, A Torres-Martos, F Requena, M Bustos-Aibar, .... | 2024 |
Association between the Catabolism of BCAA and Insulin Resistance in Children with Obesity: Findings from the PUBMEP Study | CM Aguilera, A Torres-Martos, M Bustos-Aibar, O Rangel-Huerta, .... | 2024 |
Epigenetic Clocks Through Pubertal Development: Insights into Childhood Obesity and Overweight | M Bustos-Aibar, A Torres-Martos, G Bueno, R Leis, LA Moreno, .... | 2024 |
Multi-Omics Approaches in the Study of Obesity and its Co-Morbidities | CM Aguilera, A Torres-Martos, M Bustos-Aibar, M Arteaga, J Domingo, .... | 2024 |
Omics Data Preprocessing for Machine Learning: A Case Study in Childhood Obesity | Á Torres-Martos, M Bustos-Aibar, A Ramírez-Mena, S Cámara-Sánchez, .... | 2023 |
Learning positive-negative rule-based fuzzy associative classifiers with a good trade-off between complexity and accuracy | C Biedma-Rdguez, MJ Gacto, A Anguita-Ruiz, R Alcalá, CM Aguilera, .... | 2023 |
Big Data and Machine Learning as Tools for the Biomedical Field | A Anguita-Ruiz, CM Aguilera, A Torres-Martos, M Bustos, FJ Ruiz-Ojeda, .... | 2023 |
Epigenetic Alterations in the Estrogen Receptor Accompany the Development of Obesity-Associated Insulin Resistance during Sexual Maturation | A Anguita-Ruiz, J Alcala-Fdez, A Torres-Martos, G Bueno, M Gil-Campos, .... | 2023 |
Shared gene expression signatures between visceral adipose and skeletal muscle tissues are associated with cardiometabolic traits in boys with obesity | M Bustos-Aibar, CM Aguilera, J Alcalá-Fdez, FJ Ruiz-Ojeda, J Plaza-Díaz, .... | 2023 |
Enhancing soft computing techniques to actively address imbalanced regression problems | M Arteaga, MJ Gacto, M Galende, J Alcalá-Fdez, R Alcalá. | 2023 |
Explainable artificial intelligence to predict and identify prostate cancer tissue by gene expression | A Ramírez-Mena, E Andrés-León, MJ Alvarez-Cubero, A Anguita-Ruiz, .... | 2023 |
Shared gene expression signatures between visceral adipose and skeletal muscle tissues are associated with cardiometabolic traits in children with obesity | M Bustos-Aibar, CM Aguilera, J Alcalá-Fdez, FJ Ruiz-Ojeda, J Plaza-Díaz, .... | 2023 |
Mining high average-utility sequential rules to identify high-utility gene expression sequences in longitudinal human studies | A Segura-Delgado, A Anguita-Ruiz, R Alcalá, J Alcalá-Fdez. | 2022 |
Gene Expression Profiles of Visceral and Subcutaneous Adipose Tissues in Children with Overweight or Obesity: The KIDADIPOSEQ Project | M Bustos-Aibar, A Anguita-Ruiz, Á Torres-Martos, J Alcalá-Fdez, .... | 2022 |
Human Multi-omics Data Pre-processing for Predictive Purposes Using Machine Learning: A Case Study in Childhood Obesity | Á Torres-Martos, A Anguita-Ruiz, M Bustos-Aibar, S Cámara-Sánchez, .... | 2022 |
Transparent but Accurate Evolutionary Regression Combining New Linguistic Fuzzy Grammar and a Novel Interpretable Linear Extension | C Biedma-Rdguez, MJ Gacto, A Anguita-Ruiz, J Alcalá-Fdez, R Alcalá. | 2022 |
Integrative analysis of blood cells DNA methylation, transcriptomics and genomics identifies novel epigenetic regulatory mechanisms of insulin resistance during puberty in … | A Anguita-Ruiz, A Torres-Martos, F Ruiz-Ojeda, J Alcala-Fdez, G Bueno, .... | 2022 |
Prediction of metabolic risk in childhood obesity using machine learning models with multi-omics data | A Torres-Martos, A Anguita-Ruiz, M Bustos-Aibar, R Alcala, J Alcala-Fdez, .... | 2022 |
Meta-Fuzzy Items for Fuzzy Association Rules | C Biedma-Rdguez, MJ Gacto, R Alcalá, J Alcalá-Fdez. | 2021 |
Omics Approaches in Adipose Tissue and Skeletal Muscle Addressing the Role of Extracellular Matrix in Obesity and Metabolic Dysfunction | A Anguita-Ruiz, M Bustos-Aibar, J Plaza-Díaz, A Mendez-Gutierrez, .... | 2021 |
An approach to bridge the gap between ubiquitous embedded devices and JFML: A new module for Internet of Things | FJ Rodriguez-Lozano, JC Gámez-Granados, O Banos, J Alcalá-Fdez, .... | 2021 |
eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) for the identification of biologically relevant gene expression patterns in longitudinal human studies, insights from obesity research | A Anguita-Ruiz, A Segura-Delgado, R Alcalá, CM Aguilera, J Alcalá-Fdez. | 2020 |
Temporal association rule mining: An overview considering the time variable as an integral or implied component | A Seguro-Delgado, MJ Gacto, R Alcalá, J Alcalá-Fdez. | 2020 |
Evaluation of the Predictive Ability, Environmental Regulation and Pharmacogenetics Utility of a BMI-Predisposing Genetic Risk Score during Childhood and Puberty | A Anguita-Ruiz, EM González-Gil, AI Rupérez, FJ Llorente-Cantarero, .... | 2020 |
Design of Fuzzy Controllers for Embedded Systems With JFML | JM Soto-Hidalgo, A Vitiello, JM Alonso, G Acampora, J Alcala-Fdez. | 2019 |
Py4JFML: A Python wrapper for using the IEEE Std 1855-2016 through JFML | J Alcala-Fdez, JM Alonso, C Castiello, C Mencar, JM Soto-Hidalgo. | 2019 |
VisualJFML: A Visual Environment for Designing Fuzzy Systems according to IEEE Std 1855-2016 | G Acampora, J Alcala-Fdez, R Siciliano, JM Soto-Hidalgo, A Vitiello. | 2019 |
Experimental Study on 164 Algorithms Available in Software Tools for Solving Standard Non-Linear Regression Problems | MJ Gacto, JM Soto-Hidalgo, J Alcalá-Fdez, R Alcalá. | 2019 |
MRQAR: a generic MapReduce framework to discover Quantitative Association Rules in Big Data problems | D Martin, M Martinez-Ballesteros, D Garcia-Gil, J Alcala-Fdez, .... | 2018 |
Evolutionary data mining and applications: A revision on the most cited papers from the last 10 years (2007–2017) | R Alcala, MJ Gacto, J Alcala-Fdez. | 2018 |
JFML: A Java Library to Design Fuzzy Logic Systems According to the IEEE Std 1855-2016 | JM Soto-Hidalgo, JM Alonso, G Acampora, J Alcalá-Fdez. | 2018 |
Nuevo Módulo de Conexión Inalámbrico vía Bluetooth con Arduino en la Librería JFML | FJ Arcos, JM Soto-Hidalgo, A Vitiello, G Acampora, J Alcala-Fdez. | 2018 |
Interoperability for Embedded Systems in JFML Software: An Arduino-based implementation | FJ Arcos, JM Soto-Hidalgo, A Vitiello, G Acampora, J Alcala-Fdez. | 2018 |
Analyzing gender disparities in STEAM: A Case Study from Bioinformatics Workshops in the University of Granada | E Ruiz, C del Val, R Alcalá, A Fernández, C Cano, W Fajardo, .... | 2018 |
KEEL 3.0: an open source software for multi-stage analysis in data mining | I Triguero, S González, JM Moyano, S García López, J Alcalá Fernández, .... | 2017 |
Evolutionary Fuzzy Rule-Based Methods for Monotonic Classification | J Alcala-Fdez, R Alcala, S Gonzalez, Y NOJIMA, S Garcia. | 2017 |
2017 Index IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems Vol. 25 | M Aggarwal, V Agrawal, A Ahmadian, BS Ahn, CK Ahn, Z Ai, MG Akbari, .... | 2017 |
Can Bioinformatics close the gender gap in STEM skills? : Reflections from the I Bioinformatics UGR Workshop | C del Val, E Ruiz, R Alcala, A Fernandez, C Cano, W Fajardo, .... | 2017 |
Comparison of KEEL versus open source Data Mining tools: Knime and Weka software | I Triguero, S González, JM Moyano, S García, J Alcala-Fdez, J Luengo, .... | 2016 |
A Survey of Fuzzy Systems Software: Taxonomy, Current Research Trends and Prospects | J Alcalá-Fdez, JM Alonso. | 2016 |
NICGAR: a Niching Genetic Algorithm to Mine a Diverse Set of Interesting Quantitative Association Rules | D Martín, J Alcalá-Fdez, A Rosete, F Herrera. | 2016 |
2016 Index IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems Vol. 24 | RK Agarwal, M Aggarwal, C Aguilar-Pena, MN Ahmadabadi, .... | 2016 |
2016 Index IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine Vol. 11 | H Abbass, N Agell, M Alamgir, J Alcala-Fdez, C Alippi, J Alonso, Y Altun, .... | 2016 |
New Open Source Modules in KEEL to Analyze and Export Fuzzy Association Rules | A Segura, R Perez-Perez, J Alcala-Fdez. | 2016 |
Special Issue on Computational Intelligence Software | J Alcalá-Fdez, JM Alonso, O Cordón. | 2016 |
Genetic learning of the membership functions for mining fuzzy association rules from low quality data | AM Palacios, JL Palacios, L Sánchez, J Alcalá-Fdez. | 2015 |
MOPNAR-BigData: un diseno MapReduce para la extracción de reglas de asociación cuantitativas en problemas de Big Data | D Martín, M Martínez-Ballesteros, S Río, J Alcalá-Fdez, J Riquelme, .... | 2015 |
QAR-CIP-NSGA-II: A new multi-objective evolutionary algorithm to mine quantitative association rules | D Martín, A Rosete, J Alcalá-Fdez, F Herrera. | 2014 |
Analyzing fuzzy association rules with Fingrams in KEEL | DP Pancho, JM Alonso, J Alcalá-Fdez, L Magdalena. | 2014 |
Harnessing the information contained in low-quality data sources. | I Couso, L Sánchez, L Garrido, A Alvarez, L Pozueco, S Cabrero, .... | 2014 |
Harnessing the information contained in low-quality data sources | I Couso, L Sánchez. | 2014 |
jFuzzyLogic: a java library to design fuzzy logic controllers according to the standard for fuzzy control programming | P Cingolani, J Alcalá-Fdez. | 2013 |
A new multiobjective evolutionary algorithm for mining a reduced set of interesting positive and negative quantitative association rules | D Martin, A Rosete, J Alcalá-Fdez, F Herrera. | 2013 |
Interpretability analysis of fuzzy association rules supported by fingrams | DP Pancho, JM Alonso, J Alcalá-Fdez, L Magdalena. | 2013 |
A new fingram-based software tool for visual representation and analysis of fuzzy association rules | DP Pancho, JM Alonso, J Alcalá-Fdez. | 2013 |
Special issue on software tools for soft computing | J Alcalá-Fdez, JM Alonso. | 2013 |
Acknowledgements to Referees 2012 | ZA Rabi, C Acevedo, EA Cebrián, H Akrami, JP Alarcon, EA Conejo, .... | 2013 |
Mining fuzzy association rules from low-quality data | AM Palacios, MJ Gacto, J Alcalá-Fdez. | 2012 |
jFuzzyLogic: a robust and flexible Fuzzy-Logic inference system language implementation | P Cingolani, J Alcala-Fdez. | 2012 |
Financial time series forecasting with a bio-inspired fuzzy model | JL Aznarte, J Alcalá-Fdez, A Arauzo-Azofra, JM Benítez. | 2012 |
Hybrid laser pointer detection algorithm based on template matching and fuzzy rule-based systems for domotic control in real home environments | F Chávez, F Fernández, R Alcalá, J Alcalá-Fdez, G Olague, F Herrera. | 2012 |
Keel data-mining software tool: data set repository, integration of algorithms and experimental analysis framework. | J Alcalá-Fdez, A Fernández, J Luengo, J Derrac, S García, L Sánchez, .... | 2011 |
Using KEEL software as a educational tool: A case of study teaching data mining | J Derrac, J Luengo, J Alcala-Fdez, A Fernandez, S Garcia. | 2011 |
Soft Computing Techniques in Data Mining. | J Alcalá-Fdez, F Herrera, H Ishibuchi, Y Kaisho, Y Nojima, BC Chien, .... | 2011 |
KEEL data-mining software tool: Data set repository, integration of algorithms and experimental analysis framework | J Alcala-Fdez, A Fernández, J Luengo, J Derrac, S García, L Sánchez, .... | 2011 |
A fuzzy association rule-based classification model for high-dimensional problems with genetic rule selection and lateral tuning | J Alcala-Fdez, R Alcala, F Herrera. | 2011 |
A multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for mining quantitative association rules | D Martín, A Rosete, J Alcalá-Fdez, F Herrera. | 2011 |
Evolutionary learning of a laser pointer detection fuzzy system for an environment control system | F Chávez, F Fernández, R Alcalá, J Alcalá-Fdez, F Herrera. | 2011 |
Fuzzy Autoregressive Rules: Towards Linguistic Time Series Modeling | JL Aznarte, J Alcala-Fdez, A Arauzo, JM Benítez. | 2011 |
2011 Index IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems Vol. 19 | G Acampora, J Adamy, S Aghakhani, R Alcala, J Alcala-Fdez, J An, .... | 2011 |
Garcí*** a, S., Sánchez, L. and Herrera, F., KEEL data-mining software tool: data set repository, integration of algorithms and experimental analysis framework | J Alcalá-Fdez, A Fernández, J Luengo, J Derrac. | 2011 |
Introduction to the experimental design in the data mining tool KEEL | J Alcalá-Fdez, F Herrera, S García, MJ del Jesus, L Sánchez, .... | 2010 |
Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Genetic Algorithms based on Extraction of Association Rules | J Alcala-Fdez, N Flugy-Pape, A Bonarini, F Herrera. | 2010 |
A case study for learning behaviors in mobile robotics by evolutionary fuzzy systems | M Mucientes, J Alcalá-Fdez, R Alcalá, J Casillas. | 2010 |
Genetic tuning of a laser pointer environment control device system for handicapped people with fuzzy systems | F Chávez, F Fernández, J Alcalá-Fdez, R Alcalá, F Herrera, G Olague. | 2010 |
A fuzzy associative classification system with genetic rule selection for high-dimensional problems | J Alcalá-Fdéz, R Alcalá, F Herrera. | 2010 |
Learning the membership function contexts for mining fuzzy association rules by using genetic algorithms | J Alcalá-Fdez, R Alcalá, MJ Gacto, F Herrera. | 2009 |
Improving fuzzy logic controllers obtained by experts: a case study in HVAC systems | R Alcalá, J Alcalá-Fdez, MJ Gacto, F Herrera. | 2009 |
KEEL: a software tool to assess evolutionary algorithms for data mining problems | J Alcalá-Fdez, L Sanchez, S Garcia, MJ del Jesus, S Ventura, JM Garrell, .... | 2009 |
Implementation and integration of algorithms into the KEEL data-mining software tool | A Fernández, J Luengo, J Derrac, J Alcalá-Fdez, F Herrera. | 2009 |
Learning weighted linguistic rules to control an autonomous robot | M Mucientes, R Alcalá, J Alcalá‐Fdez, J Casillas. | 2009 |
Evolutionary extraction of association rules: A preliminary study on their effectiveness | NF Papè, J Alcalá-Fdez, A Bonarini, F Herrera. | 2009 |
Nuevas perspectivas en el autocuidado del paciente urológico: prevención del uso de materiales de un solo uso reesterilizados | EG García, AH Álvarez, JAC Alcalá, JIG Cecilio, AR Merino. | 2009 |
Intervención de enfermería ante el temor en Urología ambulatoria:¿ se benefician nuestros pacientes? | EG García, AH Álvarez, JAC Alcalá, JIG Cecilio, AR Merino. | 2009 |
Timespan= All years. Databases= SCI-EXPANDED, SSCI, A&HCI, CPCI-S, CPCI-SSH. | J Alcala-Fdez, L Sanchez, S Garcia. | 2009 |
Improving fuzzy logic controllers obtained by experts: a case study in HVAC systems (vol 31, pg 15, 2009) | R Alcala, J Alcala-Fdez, MJ Gacto, F Herrera. | 2009 |
On the usefulness of MOEAs for getting compact FRBSs under parameter tuning and rule selection | R Alcalá, J Alcalá-Fdez, MJ Gacto, F Herrera. | 2008 |
KEEL: A data mining software tool integrating genetic fuzzy systems | J Alcalá-Fdez, S García, FJ Berlanga, A Fernández, L Sánchez, .... | 2008 |
A consistency‐based procedure to estimate missing pairwise preference values | S Alonso, F Chiclana, F Herrera, E Herrera‐Viedma, J Alcalá‐Fdez, .... | 2008 |
Fuzzy-genetic optimization of the parameters of a low cost system for the optical measurement of several dimensions of vehicles | J Otero, L Sánchez, J Alcalá-Fdez. | 2008 |
association | J Alcalá-fdez, R Alcalá, MJ Gacto, F Herrera. | 2008 |
Soft Comput | J Alcalá-fdez, L Sánchez, S García, MJ Jesus, S Ventura, JM Garrell, .... | 2008 |
A multi-objective genetic algorithm for tuning and rule selection to obtain accurate and compact linguistic fuzzy rule-based systems | R Alcalá, MJ Gacto, F Herrera, J Alcalá-Fdez. | 2007 |
Rule base reduction and genetic tuning of fuzzy systems based on the linguistic 3-tuples representation | R Alcalá, J Alcalá-Fdez, MJ Gacto, F Herrera. | 2007 |
Genetic learning of membership functions for mining fuzzy association rules | R Alcalá, J Alcalá-Fdez, MJ Gacto, F Herrera. | 2007 |
A multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for rule selection and tuning on fuzzy rule-based systems | R Alcalá, J Alcalá-Fdez, MJ Gacto, F Herrera. | 2007 |
A proposal for the genetic lateral tuning of linguistic fuzzy systems and its interaction with rule selection | R Alcalá, J Alcalá-Fdez, F Herrera. | 2007 |
Genetic learning of accurate and compact fuzzy rule based systems based on the 2-tuples linguistic representation | R Alcalá, J Alcalá-Fdez, F Herrera, J Otero. | 2007 |
Local identification of prototypes for genetic learning of accurate TSK fuzzy rule‐based systems | R Alcalá, J Alcalá‐Fdez, J Casillas, O Cordón, F Herrera. | 2007 |
Increasing fuzzy rules cooperation based on evolutionary adaptive inference systems | J Alcalá‐Fdez, F Herrera, F Márquez, A Peregrín. | 2007 |
Guest editorial genetic fuzzy systems: what's next? an introduction to the special section | O Cordon, R Alcala, J Alcala-Fdez, I Rojas. | 2007 |
Special section on genetic fuzzy systems | O Cordón, R Alcalá, J Alcalá-Fdez, I Rojas. | 2007 |
Supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology under Projects TIN-2005-08386-C05-05 and TIN-2005-08386-C05-01. | J Otero, L Sánchez, J Alcalá-fdez. | 2007 |
A multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for rule selection and… | R Alcalá, J Alcalá-Fdez, MJ Gacto, F Herrera. | 2007 |
Fuzzy rule reduction and tuning of fuzzy logic controllers for a HVAC system | R Alcalá, J Alcalá-Fdez, MJ Gacto, F Herrera. | 2006 |
Genetic lateral and amplitude tuning with rule selection for fuzzy control of heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems | R Alcalá, J Alcala-Fdez, FJ Berlanga, MJ Gacto, F Herrera. | 2006 |
Improving fuzzy rule-based decision models by means of a genetic 2-tuples based tuning and the rule selection | R Alcalá, J Alcalá-Fdez, FJ Berlanga, MJ Gacto, F Herrera. | 2006 |
Hybrid learning models to get the interpretability–accuracy trade-off in fuzzy modeling | R Alcalá, J Alcalá-Fdez, J Casillas, O Cordón, F Herrera. | 2006 |
Improving Fuzzy Rule-Based Decision Models by Means of a Genetic 2-Tuples Based Tuning | R Alcalá, J Alcalá-Fdez, FJ Berlanga, MJ Gacto, F Herrera. | 2006 |
FOCUS Rule base reduction and genetic tuning of fuzzy systems based | R Alcalá, J Alcalá-fdez, M José, GF Herrera, J Alcalá-fdez, MJ Gacto, .... | 2006 |
Genetic lateral and amplitude tuning of membership functions for fuzzy systems | R Alcalá, J Alcalá-Fdez, MJ Gacto, F Herrera. | 2005 |
Genetic learning of the knowledge base of a fuzzy system by using the linguistic 2-tuples representation | R Alcalá, J Alcalá-Fdez, F Herrera, J Otero. | 2005 |
Assessing the differences in accuracy between GFSs with bootstrap tests. | L Sánchez, J Otero, J Alcalá-Fdez. | 2005 |
A new genetic fuzzy system based on linguistic 2-tuples to learn knowledge bases | R Alcalá, J Alcalá-Fdez, F Herrera, J Otero. | 2005 |
Learning weighted linguistic rules for mobile robotics | M Mucientes, R Alcalá, J Alcalá-Fdez, J Casillas. | 2005 |
Hybrid learning models to get the interpretability-Accuracy trade-off in fuzzy modeling | J Alcala-Fdez, J Casillas, O Cordon, F Herrera. | 2005 |
Proyecto KEEL: Desarrollo de una herramienta para el análisis e implementación de algoritmos de extracción de conocimiento evolutivos | J Alcalá-Fdez, MJ del Jesus, JM Garrell, F Herrera, C Herbás, L Sánchez. | 2004 |
Aprendizaje de Pesos y Selección Evolutiva para la Reducción de la Base de Reglas Difusas | J Alcalá, R Alcalá, O Cordón, F Herrera. | 2004 |
Linguistic modeling with hierarchical systems of weighted linguistic rules | R Alcalá, JR Cano, O Cordón, F Herrera, P Villar, I Zwir. | 2003 |
Genetic learning of accurate TS models based on local fuzzy prototyping. | R Alcalá, J Alcalá-Fdez, J Casillas, O Cordón, F Herrera. | 2003 |
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