Luis Castillo Vidal






Researcher Profile

Total Desde 2020:
Citas Total: 1501 Desde 2020: 276
Índice H Total: 20 Desde 2020: 9
Índice i10 Total: 37 Desde 2020: 8

Publicaciones (99)

Título Autores Año
The RNA from Pseudomonas aeruginosa impairs neutrophil responses favoring bacterial survival JR Pittaluga, F Birnberg-Weiss, A Serafino, J Castro, LA Castillo, .... 2024
LARVA, a multiagent system to collect learning analytics and provide immediate feedback to students during laboratory assignments. L Castillo, F Sánchez-Carrascosa. 2023
In heaven as on earth: The performance of students is as good as it is the digraph that describes their behavior L Castillo, F Sánchez-Carrascosa, M Ruiz-Martínez, J Fdez-Olivares. 2023
Pesquisa sobre História da Matemática em artigos de periódicos brasileiros entre 1985-2018 LA Castillo, IA Mendes, IC Sánchez. 2022
Uma antiga demonstração do teorema de Pitágoras desde a perspectiva da geometria dinâmica IC Sánchez, LA Castillo. 2022
Neutrophil Extracellular Traps Induced by Shiga Toxin and Lipopolysaccharide-Treated Platelets Exacerbate Endothelial Cell Damage VI Landoni, JR Pittaluga, A Carestia, LA Castillo, MC Nebel, .... 2022
Analyzing Driver Behavior Compliance under HoS Regulations. LAC Ignacio Vellido-Expósito, Juan Fernández-Olivares, Raúl Pérez. 2022
Brucella abortus RNA does not polarize macrophages to a particular profile but interferes with M1 polarization A Serafino, JL Marin Franco, M Maio, A Trotta, M Genoula, LA Castillo, .... 2022
LARVA: Learning Analytics Recollection and Visualization Agents L Castillo, F Sánchez-Carrascosa. 2022
Addressing HTN Planning with Blind Depth First Search J Fernandez-Olivares, I Vellido, L Castillo. 2021
Tecnologías Digitales y la Geometría Escolar: El GeoGebra para la enseñanza del teorema de Pitágoras IC Sánchez, L Andr, R Luque. 2021
Discovering the dinosaur L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, F Sánchez-Carrascosa. 2021
Análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo del impacto de una herramienta de monitorización del aprendizaje en tiempo real L Castillo Vidal, F Sanchez Carrascosa. 2020
El uso del ambiente virtual CREPHIMat para promover la historia en la enseñanza de la matemática LA Castillo, I Mendes. 2020
Personalized conciliation of clinical guidelines for comorbid patients through multi-agent planning J Fdez-Olivares, E Onaindia, L Castillo, J Jordán, J Cózar. 2019
Trabajo en equipo y liderazgo: una propuesta funcional de evaluación de dinámicas internas de grupo LC Vidal, FS Carrascosa. 2019
El uso de comandos y guiones en la elaboración de simuladores con GeoGebra LA Castillo, JL Prieto. 2018
Resultados preliminares más significativos tras cuatro años de aplicación de la metodología SCRUM en las prácticas de laboratorio LC Vidal. 2018
A first step towards a general-purpose distributed cyberdefense system A Rodríguez, L Castillo. 2018
Smart process management RMÍ Rodriguez, V Pérez, AG Muñoz, RP Rodríguez, LC Vidal, .... 2018
Dynamics of social capital in relation to the development of a sustainable product-service system applied to distributed production JP Menezes, LAG Castillo. 2017
A virtual laboratory for multiagent systems: Joining efficacy, learning analytics and student satisfaction L Castillo. 2016
Matematización en la simulación con GeoGebra L Castillo, JL Prieto. 2016
La simulación de un motor de cuatro tiempos. una oportunidad para el abordaje de la matemática LA Castillo, JL Prieto. 2016
Shock, Publish Ahead of Print D Martire-Greco, N Rodriguez-Rodrigues, LA Castillo, MB Vecchione, .... 2016
The use of SCRUM for laboratory sessions monitoring and evaluation in a university course enforcing transverse competencies L Castillo. 2014
Del ENIAC, hasta los andares X Molero. 2014
Diseño Interactivo de Programas de Control Industrial Basado en Técnicas de Inteligencia Artificial L Castillo, JF Olivares, A González. 2013
From business process models to hierarchical task network planning domains A González-Ferrer, J Fernández-Olivares, L Castillo. 2013
On the automatic compilation of e-learning models to planning A Garrido, S Fernández, L Morales, E Onaindía, D Borrajo, L Castillo. 2013
Dynamic goal-oriented planning F Palao, T Garzón, J Fernández, L Castillo, Ó Garcia. 2013
An approach for representing and managing medical exceptions in care pathways based on temporal hierarchical planning techniques I Sánchez-Garzón, J Fdez-Olivares, L Castillo. 2012
Knowledge-driven adaptive execution of care pathways based on continuous planning techniques G Milla-Millán, J Fdez-Olivares, I Sánchez-Garzón, D Prior, L Castillo. 2012
Supporting clinical processes and decisions by hierarchical planning and scheduling J Fdez‐Olivares, L Castillo, JA Cózar, O Garcia Perez. 2011
Athena: Smart process management for daily activity planning for cognitive impairment E Hidalgo, L Castillo, RI Madrid, Ó García-Pérez, MR Cabello, .... 2011
Task network based modeling, dynamic generation and adaptive execution of patient-tailored treatment plans based on smart process management technologies J Fdez-Olivares, I Sánchez-Garzón, A González-Ferrer, JA Cózar, .... 2011
An extended HTN knowledge representation based on a graphical notation L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, O Garcıa, F Palao. 2011
Cities that offer a customized and personalized tourist experience to each and every visitor: the smartourism project F Palao, L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, O García. 2011
Monitoring, repair and replanning techniques to support exception handling in HTN-based therapy planning systems I Sánchez-Garzón, J Fdez-Olivares, L Castillo. 2011
A Repair-Replanning Strategy for HTN-based Therapy Planning Systems I Sánchez-Garzón, J Fdez-Olivares, L Castillo. 2011
A knowledge engineering methodology for rapid prototyping of planning applications L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, A González, G Milla, D Prior, L Morales, .... 2010
Automatic generation of temporal planning domains for e-learning problems L Castillo, L Morales, A González-Ferrer, J Fdez-Olivares, D Borrajo, .... 2010
Smart Process Management: automated generation of adaptive cases based on Intelligent Planning technologies A González-Ferrer, J Fdez-Olivares, I Sánchez-Garzón, L Castillo. 2010
Integrating plans into BPM technologies for human-centric process execution J Fdez-Olivares, I Sánchez-Garzón, LA Castillo, A González-Ferrer. 2010
Using Knowledge Engineering for Planning Techniques to leverage the BPM life-cycle for dynamic and adaptive processes J Fdez-Olivares, A González-Ferrer, I Sánchez-Garzón, L Castillo. 2010
PELEA: Planning, learning and execution architecture V Alcázar, C Guzmán, D Prior, D Borrajo, L Castillo, E Onaindia. 2010
Improving three dimensional velocity model for Puerto Rico-Virgin Islands for rapid earthquake re-locations VA Huérfano, AM Lopez, L Castillo, G Baez-Sanchez, L Soto-Cordero, .... 2010
A Knowledge Engineering Methodology for Rapid Prototyping of Planning Applications. LA Castillo, J Fernandez-Olivares, AG Muñoz, G Milla, D Prior, L Morales, .... 2010
JABBAH: a Java application framework for the translation between business process models and HTN A González-Ferrer, J Fernández-Olivares, L Castillo. 2009
Planning for conditional learning routes L Morales, L Castillo, J Fernández-Olivares. 2009
Modeling E-Learning Activities in Automated Planning∗ A Garrido, E Onaindia, L Morales, L Castillo, S Fernández, D Borrajo. 2009
Hereditary nephrogenic diabetes insipidus: a major conundrum during labour and delivery E Castillo, LA Magee, D Bichet, M Halperin. 2009
The 2008 Scheduling and Planning Applications Workshop (SPARK'08) L Castillo, G Cortellessa, N Yorke-Smith. 2009
The 2008 Scheduling and Planning Applications Workshop (SPARK'08) L Castillo, G Cortellessa, N Yorke-Smith. 2009
The 2008 Scheduling and Planning Applications Workshop (SPARK'08) L Castillo, G Cortellessa, N Yorke-Smith. 2009
The 2008 Scheduling and Planning Applications Workshop (SPARK'08) L Castillo, G Cortellessa, N Yorke-Smith. 2009
The 2008 Scheduling and Planning Applications Workshop (SPARK'08) L Castillo, G Cortellessa, N Yorke-Smith. 2009
The 2008 Scheduling and Planning Applications Workshop (SPARK'08) L Castillo, G Cortellessa, N Yorke-Smith. 2009
The 2008 Scheduling and Planning Applications Workshop (SPARK'08) L Castillo, G Cortellessa, N Yorke-Smith. 2009
The 2008 Scheduling and Planning Applications Workshop (SPARK'08) L Castillo, G Cortellessa, N Yorke-Smith. 2009
The 2008 Scheduling and Planning Applications Workshop (SPARK'08) L Castillo, G Cortellessa, N Yorke-Smith. 2009
Modeling e-learning activities in automated planning A Garrido, E Onaindia, L Morales, L Castillo, S Fernández, D Borrajo. 2009
Knowledge Management for Health Care Procedures ECAI 2008 Workshop K4HelP 2008, Patras, Greece, July 21, 2008, Revised Selected Papers SR Abidi, SSR Abidi, L Butler, S Hussain, F Real, D Riaño, .... 2009
Automatic generation of user adapted learning designs: An AI-planning proposal L Morales, L Castillo, J Fernandez-Olivares, A Gonzalez-Ferrer. 2008
Towards the use of xpdl as planning and scheduling modeling tool: the workflow patterns approach A González-Ferrer, J Fdez-Olivares, L Castillo, L Morales. 2008
Oncotheraper: Clinical decision support for oncology therapy planning based on temporal hierarchical tasks networks J Fdez-Olivares, JA Cózar, L Castillo. 2008
Workflow planning for e-learning center management A González-Ferrer, L Castillo, J Fernández-Olivares, L Morales. 2008
Building learning designs by using an automatic planning domain generation: A state-based approach A Cesta, N Fakotakis. 2008
SAMAP: An user-oriented adaptive system for planning tourist visits L Castillo, E Armengol, E Onaindía, L Sebastiá, J González-Boticario, .... 2008
Handling fuzzy temporal constraints in a planning environment M de la Asunción, L Castillo, J Fernández-Olivares, O García-Pérez, .... 2007
Reducing the impact of ai planning on end users L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, O Garcıa-Pérez, F Palao, A Gonzalez. 2007
A middle-ware for the automated composition and invocation of semantic web services based on temporal htn planning techniques J Fernández-Olivares, T Garzón, L Castillo, Ó García-Pérez, F Palao. 2007
Knowledge engineering and planning for the automated synthesis of customized learning designs L Castillo, L Morales, A González-Ferrer, J Fernández-Olivares, .... 2007
García-Pérez, Öscar 40, 70 A Albore, CJ Alonso, CL Alonso, A Alonso-Betanzos, H Anaya-Sánchez, .... 2007
Speaker Classification II: Selected Papers C Müller. 2007
Current topics in artificial intelligence [electronic resource]: 12th conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence, CAEPIA 2007, Salamanca, Spain, November … L Castillo, JM Corchado. 2007
Current Topics in Artificial Intelligence: 12th Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence, CAEPIA 2007, Salamanca, Spain, November 12-16, 2007, Selected … D Borrajo, L Castillo, JM Corchado. 2007
Current topics in artificial intelligence D Borrajo, L Castillo, JM Corchado. 2007
Efficiently Handling Temporal Knowledge in an HTN Planner. LA Castillo, J Fernández-Olivares, Ó García-Pérez, F Palao. 2006
Bringing users and planning technology together. Experiences in SIADEX J Fdez-Olivares, L Castillo, O Garcıa-Pérez, F Palao. 2006
Planning process from a user perspective OJG Perez, FCP Reines, JF Olivares, LC Vidal, TG Hervas. 2006
Selected Papers from the 11th Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAEPIA 2005)-Temporal Enhancements of an HTN Planner L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, O Garcia-Perez, F Palao. 2006
SIADEX: An interactive knowledge-based planner for decision support in forest fire fighting M de la Asunción, L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, Ó García-Pérez, .... 2005
Knowledge and plan execution management in planning fire fighting operations M de la Asunción, L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, O Garcıa-Pérez, .... 2005
Integration of fuzzy scheduling into a planning framework L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, A González. 2005
planning framework L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, A González. 2005
Temporal enhancements of an HTN planner L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, Ó García-Pérez, F Palao. 2005
SIADEX. An integrated planning framework for crisis action planning L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, O Garcıa-Perez, F Palao. 2005
IOS Press, 2005 L Castillo, AG Fdez-Olivares. 2005
Planning, scheduling and constraint satisfaction: from theory to practice L Castillo, D Borrajo, MA Salido. 2005
Reversed planning graphs for relevance heuristics in AI planning MP Pettersson. 2005
A Flexible Constraint Model for Validating Plans with Durative Actions L Castillo. 2005
Mats Petter PETTERSSON L Castillo. 2005
Tien Ba Dinh, and Barbara Smith University of Huddersfield, UK tb dinh@ hud. ac. uk, bm smith@ hud. ac. uk L Castillo. 2005
Max GARAGNANI* Department of Computing, The Open University Walton Hall, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA-United Kingdom L Castillo. 2005
3737 Wascana Parkway, Regina SK, Canada, S4S 0A2 L Castillo. 2005
Planning and Scheduling for Workflow DM Moreno, MD R-moreno, D Borrajo, A Oddi, A Cesta, D Meziat. 2005
Differential Anti-Chain Algorithms for the Generalized Resource-Envelope Problem L Castillo. 2005
A Diagrammatic Inter-Lingua for Planning Domain Descriptions L Castillo. 2005
Planning, Scheduling and Constraint Satisfaction: From Theory to Practice L. Castillo et al.(Eds.) IOS Press, 2005 L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, A González. 2005
Plan validation and mixed-initiative planning in space operations R Howey, D Long, M Fox, L Castillo, D Borrajo, MA Salido, A Oddi. 2005
Siadex: A real-world planning approach to forest fire fighting M de la Asunción, L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, O Garcıa-Pérez, .... 2004
SIADEX: A Real World Planning Approach for Forest Fire Fighting M de la Asunción, O Garcıa-Pérez, F Palao. 2004
Integrating hierarchical and conditional planning techniques into a software design process for automated manufacturing L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, A Gonzalez. 2003
Some Issues about the Representation and Exploitation of Imprecise Temporal Knowledge for an AI Planner L Castillo, J Fernández-Olivares, A González. 2003
Local (human-centered) replanning in the SIADEX framework M De La Asunción, L Castillo, J Fernández-Olivares, O Garcıa-Pérez, .... 2003
A temporal constraint network based temporal planner L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, A González. 2002
Efficient use of hierarchical knowledge to improve the performance of a hybrid hierarchical planner E Aguirre, L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, A González. 2002
A conditional planning approach for the autonomous design of reactive and robust sequential control programs L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, A González. 2002
A flexible temporal planner L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, A González. 2002
Shifting AI planning technology from automated manufacturing to autonomous operation and control in space missions L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, A Gonz’alez. 2002
Including a simplicity criterion in the selection of the best rule in a genetic fuzzy learning algorithm L Castillo, A Gonzalez, R Perez. 2001
On the adequacy of hierarchical planning characteristics for real-world problem solving L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, A González. 2001
Mixing expressiveness and efficiency in a manufacturing planner L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares IV, A González. 2001
Automatic generation of control sequences for manufacturing systems based on partial order planning techniques L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, A González. 2000
A three-level knowledge-based system for the generation of live and safe petri nets for manufacturing systems L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, A Gonza´ lez. 2000
A hybrid hierarchical operator-based planning approach for the design of control programs. LA Castillo, J Fernández-Olivares, AG Muñoz. 2000
Intelligent planning of Grafcet charts L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, A González. 2000
A Hybrid Planning Architecture for the Design of Control Programs in Manufacturing Systems L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, A González, G Spain. 2000
A knowledge-based tool for the automated synthesis of Petri nets for manufacturing systems L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, A González. 1999
Un algoritmo de planificación no lineal para la generación automáticade programas industriales. LA Castillo, J Fernández-Olivares, A Gonzalez. 1999
A Masking Technique for the Reproducible Relocation of Facial Test Sites L Harnisch, L Castillo, A Gabbianelli, E Kohoot, L Lockhart, A Lopez, .... 1999
Distribution network optimization: Finding the most economic solution by using genetic algorithms L Castillo, A González. 1998
Automatic synthesis of control sequences: a nonlinear planning approach L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, A González. 1998
A nonlinear planner for solving sequential control problems in manufacturing systems L Castillo, A González. 1998
MACHINE: A model of action for multi-agent domains L Castillo, A González. 1997
Fuzzy optimization of distribution networks by using genetic algorithms L Castillo, A González. 1996
Optimizing the final cost in distribution networks under fuzzy restrictions L Castillo, AG ALEZ. 1995
Un sistema de apoyo a la decisión en el diseño de redes de distribución A González, L Castillo. 1995

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