Luis Martínez López




Highly Cited Researcher en los años 2017, 2018, 2019 y en 2020 Ver CV

Researcher Profile

Total Desde 2020:
Citas Total: 32540 Desde 2020: 15969
Índice H Total: 80 Desde 2020: 64
Índice i10 Total: 288 Desde 2020: 225

Publicaciones (757)

Título Autores Año
Explorando Nuevas Formulaciones de Ecuanimidad y Confiabilidad para Sistemas de Soporte a la Decisión Inteligentes RM Rodríguez Domínguez, B Duta, L Martínez López. 2025
Multi-source data driven decision-support model for product ranking with consumer psychology behavior P Wu, Y Xie, L Zhou, M Deveci, L Martínez. 2025
Constructing Composite Indicators through Extreme Values Reductions-Ordered Weighted Averaging: Human Development Index MP Libório, P Ekel, L Martínez, H Rabiei. 2025
Mean Squared Error Utility for Fuzzy Preference Relations D García-Zamora, L Martínez. 2025
Building Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Membership Function: A Deck of Cards based Co-constructive Approach B Dutta, D García-Zamora, JR Figueira, L Martínez. 2025
Robust multi-view fuzzy clustering with exponential transformation and automatic view weighting Z Liu, H Qiu, M Deveci, S Letchmunan, L Martínez. 2025
Hierarchical structure analysis of linguistic expressions using concept lattice K Pang, L Martínez, J Liu, L Zou, M Lu. 2025
88 Robust Comprehensive Minimum Cost Consensus Model for Multi-Criteria Group Decision Making: Application in IoT Platform Selection Y Han, B Dutta, D García-Zamora, L Martínez. 2024
Accelerating the integration of the metaverse into urban transportation using fuzzy trigonometric based decision making M Deveci, D Pamucar, I Gokasar, L Martinez, M Köppen, W Pedrycz. 2024
Evaluation of trustworthy artificial intelligent healthcare applications using multi-criteria decision-making approach MA Alsalem, AH Alamoodi, OS Albahri, AS Albahri, L Martínez, R Yera, .... 2024
Admissible OWA Operators for Fuzzy Numbers D García-Zamora, A Cruz, F Neres, RHN Santiago, AFRL de Hierro, .... 2024
Multisource information fusion for real-time optimization of shield construction parameters H Chen, J Liu, GQ Shen, L Martínez, M Deveci, ZS Chen, Y Liu. 2024
A novel Multi-Criteria Decision Making framework based on Evidential Reasoning dealing with missing information from online reviews SF He, XH Pan, YM Wang, DG Zamora, L Martínez. 2024
Linguistic Interval-Valued Spherical Fuzzy Soft Set and Its Application in Decision Making T Hou, Z Yang, Y Wang, H Zheng, L Zou, L Martínez. 2024
Suaeda salsa in Relation to Hydrological Connectivity: From the View of Plant Trait Networks ZB Yu, S Yin, JH Bai, C Wang, GZ Chen, W Wang, YQ Wang, BS Cui, .... 2024
Evaluation of Process Technologies for Sustainable Mining Using Interval Rough Number Based Heronian and Power Averaging Functions D Pamucar, M Deveci, I Gokasar, PR Brito-Parada, L Martínez. 2024
Fuzzy Norm-Explicit Product Quantization for Recommender Systems M Jamalifard, J Andreu-Perez, H Hagras, L Martinez. 2024
Concept Design Evaluation of Sustainable Product–Service Systems: A QFD–TOPSIS Integrated Framework with Basic Uncertain Linguistic Information Q Yang, ZS Chen, JH Zhu, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2024
Managing non-cooperative behaviors in consensus reaching processes: a comprehensive self-management weight generation mechanism Y Liu, X Zhang, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2024
The cybersecurity mesh: A comprehensive survey of involved artificial intelligence methods, cryptographic protocols and challenges for future research B Ramos-Cruz, J Andreu-Perez, L Martínez. 2024
An extended multi-expert concept lattice-based heterogeneous multi-attribute group decision-making approach K Pang, C Fu, L Martínez, J Liu, L Zou, M Lu. 2024
A conceptual clustering method for large-scale group decision-making with linguistic truth-valued lattice implication algebra K Pang, Y Lu, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, L Zou, M Lu. 2024
Recent Advances in Constructing Three-Dimensional Graphitic Carbon Nitride Based Materials and Their Applications in Environmental Photocatalysis, Photo-Electrochemistry, and … W Xia, X Li, M Cheng, WP Xiong, B Song, Y Liu, Y Yang, WJ Wang, .... 2024
High with low: Harnessing the power of demand-side solutions for high wellbeing with low energy and material demand M Sugiyama, C Wilson, D Wiedenhofer, B Boza-Kiss, T Cao, .... 2024
An OPA-F-Based Single-Valued Neutrosophic Fuzzy MARCOS Approach with Dombi Aggregation Operators for Evaluating Indoor Sex Work Risk in the Economy P Majumder, A Das, P Kaliyaperumal, T Senapati, L Martinez, RR Yager. 2024
A sentiment analysis and dual trust relationship-based approach to large-scale group decision-making for online reviews: A case study of China Eastern Airlines L Guo, J Zhan, G Kou, L Martínez. 2024
Leveraging AI and Big Data in Low-Resource Healthcare Settings AH Ali, SA Dheyab, L Martínez, IM Sharaf, AH Alamoodi, AAAR Magableh, .... 2024
A decision-support model through online reviews: Consumer preference analysis and product ranking P Wu, T Tang, L Zhou, L Martínez. 2024
Enhancing reliability of failure modes and effects analysis dealing with linguistic distribution assessments: A consistency based approach X Jia, YM Wang, L Martínez. 2024
Correction to: Concept Design Evaluation of Sustainable Product–Service Systems: A QFD–TOPSIS Integrated Framework with Basic Uncertain Linguistic Information Q Yang, ZS Chen, JH Zhu, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2024
Flexible-dimensional L-statistic for mean estimation of symmetric distributions J Baz, D García-Zamora, I Díaz, S Montes, L Martínez. 2024
Towards a Collective Opinion Generation Approach with Multiple Objectives for Evaluating Rail Transit Station Accessibility in Urban Areas ZS Chen, Y Wang, YH Chen, A Mardani, W Pedrycz, L Martínez. 2024
A novel interval type-2 fuzzy consensus reaching process model and group decision-making method for renewable energy investment S Wang, XH Pan, L Martínez, A Moreno-Albarracín. 2024
Weights generation models based on acceptance degrees in decision making LS Jin, ZS Chen, R Mesiar, T Senapati, DG Zamora, L Martínez. 2024
Fuzzychain: An Equitable Consensus Mechanism for Blockchain Networks B Ramos-Cruz, J Andreu-Pérez, FJ Quesada, L Martínez. 2024
Three-Way Group Decision-Making With Personalized Numerical Scale of Comparative Linguistic Expression: An Application to Traditional Chinese Medicine Y Liu, L Zhu, RM Rodríguez, Y Yao, L Martínez. 2024
Decision-making for supplier selection problems based on QUALIFLEX technique using likelihood method in LIVIFS environment C Jana, A Siab, MSA Khan, M Pal, L Martinez, MA Jan. 2024
Generalized extended Bonferroni means for isomorphic membership grades ZS Chen, Y Yang, LS Jin, B Dutta, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, R Mesiar, .... 2024
A two-stage stochastic preference analysis on group decision making with interval additive preference relations J Li, L Zhou, L Martínez, M Deveci, Q Wu. 2024
Consensus reaching in LSGDM: Overlapping community detection and bounded confidence-driven feedback mechanism YM Wang, HH Song, B Dutta, D García-Zamora, L Martínez. 2024
The deck of cards method to build interpretable fuzzy sets in decision-making D García-Zamora, B Dutta, JR Figueira, L Martínez. 2024
Natural noise management in collaborative recommender systems over time-related information FJ Baldán, R Yera, L Martínez. 2024
Eliciting personalized AHP scale from verbal pairwise comparisons B Dutta, Á Labella, A Ishizaka, L Martínez. 2024
Exploring object reduction approaches for optimizing decision-making in linguistic concept formal context H Cui, A Deng, T Hou, L Zou, L Martinez. 2024
Requirement-driven supplier selection: a multi-criteria QFD-based approach under epistemic and stochastic uncertainties JP Chang, HX Ren, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, ZS Chen. 2024
Intelligent Management Of Data And Information In Decision Making-Proceedings Of The 16th Flins Conference On Computational Intelligence In Decision And Control & The 19th Iske … J Montero, P Flores, L Martinez, T Li, J Lu, EE Kerre. 2024
Tailoring Preference-based Food Recommendation for Diabetic Patients MJ Barranco, R Yera, L Martínez. 2024
A Novel Approach for Measuring Demographic Parity Fairness in Group Recommendation R Yera, MJ Barranco, L Martínez. 2024
Time series features and fuzzy memberships combination for time series classification FJ Baldán, L Martínez. 2024
New Trends of Adversarial Machine Learning for Data Fusion and Intelligent System W Ding, Z Zhang, L Martínez, Y Huang, ZJ Cao, J Liu, A Banerjee. 2024
Enhancing group decision-making: Maximum consensus aggregation for fuzzy cross-efficiency under hesitant fuzzy linguistic information HH Song, YM Wang, L Martínez. 2024
Trust Number: rust-based modeling for handling decision-making problems SJ Ghoushchi, A Mardani, L Martínez. 2024
Dynamic clustering-based consensus model for large-scale group decision-making considering overlapping communities Z Hua, X Gou, L Martínez. 2024
Trust number: Trust-based modeling for handling decision-making problems SJ Ghoushchi, A Mardani, L Martínez. 2024
A data-driven large-scale group decision-making framework for managing ratings and text reviews D García-Zamora, B Dutta, LS Jin, ZS Chen, L Martínez. 2024
ELICIT information-based robust large-scale minimum cost consensus model under social networks Y Han, B Dutta, D García-Zamora, Y Ji, S Qu, L Martínez. 2024
Combining Distributed Ledger Technologies and Differentially Private Sketching Techniques for Securing Health Monitoring B Ramos-Cruz, FJ Quesada-Real, M Rodriguez-Garcia, J Andreu-Pérez, .... 2024
ASPMi: An Adaptable SPAM Protection Mechanism for IoT Scenarios F Moya, FJ Quesada, L Martínez, FJ Estrella. 2024
WITHDRAWN: An OPA-F-Based Single-Valued Neutrosophic Fuzzy MARCOS Approach with Dombi Aggregation Operators for Evaluating Indoor Sex Work Risk in the Economy P Majumder, A Das, P Kaliyaperumal, T Senapati, L Martinez, RR Yager. 2024
Phonendo: A Platform for Publishing Wearable Data on DLT F Moya, L Martínez, FJ Estrella. 2023
Nonlinear Scaled Preferences in Linguistic Multi-criteria Group Decision Making D García-Zamora, Á Labella, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2023
Concept lattice simplification with fuzzy linguistic information based on three-way clustering K Pang, P Liu, S Li, L Zou, M Lu, L Martínez. 2023
An ELICIT information-based ORESTE method for failure mode and effect analysis considering risk correlation with GRA-DEMATEL Z Hua, X Jing, L Martínez. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
A three-way decision methodology with regret theory via triangular fuzzy numbers in incomplete multi-scale decision information systems J Zhan, J Deng, Z Xu, L Martínez. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
A Probabilistic Linguistic Three-Way Decision Method With Regret Theory via Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Algorithm J Zhu, X Ma, L Martínez, J Zhan. 2023
A new social network driven consensus reaching process for multi-criteria group decision making with probabilistic linguistic information WC Zou, SP Wan, JY Dong, L Martínez. 2023
Consensus reaching for social network group decision making with ELICIT information: A perspective from the complex network Z Hua, X Jing, L Martínez. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
A Consensus-Based Best-Worst Method for Multi-criteria Group Decision-Making Á Labella, D García-Zamora, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2023
Asymmetric distance-based comprehensive minimum cost consensus model W He, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2023
Some discussions of Yager preference aggregation with uncertainty LS Jin, RR Yager, ZS Chen, L Martínez. 2023
Comprehensive minimum cost consensus for analyzing different agreed solutions D García-Zamora, Á Labella, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2023
Examining QFD based omnichannel capacity of service industries with interval type-2 hesitant DEMATEL-TOPSIS L Martínez, RM Rodríguez, H Dinçer, S Yüksel, TB Bük. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
An interval type-2 fuzzy ORESTE method for waste-to-energy plant site selection: A case study in China XH Pan, YM Wang, SF He, Á Labella, L Martínez. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Revisiting the consistency improvement and consensus reaching processes of intuitionistic multiplicative preference relations R Wang, ZS Chen, B Shuai, L Martínez, WT Kong, W Pedrycz. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
A Systematic Review on Food Recommender Systems for Diabetic Patients R Yera, AA Alzahrani, L Martínez, RM Rodríguez. 2023
Improving consistency based on regret theory: A multi-attribute group decision making method with linguistic distribution assessments YM Wang, X Jia, HH Song, L Martínez. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Creating Synthetic Datasets for Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems using Generative Adversarial Networks J Bobadilla, A Gutiérrez, R Yera, L Martínez. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
The Linguistic Concept’s Reduction Methods under Symmetric Linguistic-Evaluation Information H Cui, A Deng, G Yue, L Zou, L Martinez. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
A comparative study of evaluating and benchmarking sign language recognition system-based wearable sensory devices using a single fuzzy set S Qahtan, HA Alsattar, AA Zaidan, M Deveci, D Pamucar, L Martinez. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Minimum cost consensus model with altruistic preference Y Liang, Y Ju, Y Tu, W Pedrycz, L Martínez. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Averaging aggregation under uncertainty and bipolar preference environments LS Jin, RR Yager, ZS Chen, R Mesiar, L Martínez, RM Rodríguez. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Gazed pottery: An archaeometric-cognitive approach to material culture visuality essential title page information F Criado-Boado, LM Martínez, MJ Blanco, D Alonso-Pablos, Y Porto, .... 2023
Fuzzy encoding and decoding approaches for 2-TCLE and their applications in multi-criteria decision making Y Liu, H Zhou, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Handling multi-granular hesitant information: A group decision-making method based on cross-efficiency with regret theory H Song, DG Zamora, ÁL Romero, X Jia, YM Wang, L Martínez. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
A Fuzzy-set based formulation for minimum cost consensus models D García-Zamora, B Dutta, Á Labella, L Martínez. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
An overview of granular computing in decision-making: Extensions, applications, and challenges J Qin, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, X Ma, Y Liang. 2023
Metaverse integration alternatives of connected autonomous vehicles with self-powered sensors using fuzzy decision making model I Gokasar, D Pamucar, M Deveci, BB Gupta, L Martinez, O Castillo. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Large-scale group decision consensus under social network: A chance-constrained robust-based minimum cost consensus model Y Han, D García-Zamora, B Dutta, Y Ji, S Qu, L Martínez. 2023
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2023
Ordered weighted averaging operators for basic uncertain information granules LS Jin, ZS Chen, RR Yager, T Senapati, R Mesiar, DG Zamora, B Dutta, .... 2023
Assessing alternatives of including social robots in urban transport using fuzzy trigonometric operators based decision-making model M Deveci, D Pamucar, I Gokasar, BB Zaidan, L Martinez, W Pedrycz. 2023
Ranking of Fuzzy Numbers on the Basis of New Fuzzy Distance W He, RM Rodríguez, Z Takáč, L Martínez. 2023
Phonendo: a platform for publishing wearable data on distributed ledger technologies F Moya, FJ Quesada, L Martínez, FJ Estrella. 2023
Two improved N-two-stage K-means clustering aggregation algorithmic paradigms for HFLTS possibility distributions SH Xiong, YJ Xin, ZS Chen, RM Rodríguez, SH Feng, L Martínez, .... 2023
Prioritizing COVID-19 vaccine allocation in resource poor settings: Towards an Artificial Intelligence-enabled and Geospatial-assisted decision support framework S Shayegh, J Andreu-Perez, C Akoth, X Bosch-Capblanch, S Dasgupta, .... 2023
Computer Science Department, University of Jaén, Jaén, Spain martin@ ujaen. es R Yera, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2023
Exploring the Automatic Selection of Aggregation Methods in Group Recommendation R Yera, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2023
Average consistency index based consensus model for a group decision making problem dealing with ELICIT expressions W He, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2023
Developing Deep Transfer and Machine Learning Models of Chest X-ray for Diagnosing COVID-19 Cases using Probabilistic Single-Valued Neutrosophic Hesitant Fuzzy HA Alsattar, S Qahtan, AA Zaidan, M Deveci, L Martinez, D Pamucar, .... 2023
A concept lattice-based expert opinion aggregation method for multi-attribute group decision-making with linguistic information K Pang, L Martínez, N Li, J Liu, L Zou, M Lu. 2023
Large-scale group decision consensus under social network:: A chance-constrained robust optimization-based minimum cost consensus model Y Han, D García-Zamora, B Dutta, Y Ji, S Qu, L Martínez. 2023
Hybrid integrated decision-making model for operating system based on complex intuitionistic fuzzy and soft information N Jan, J Gwak, D Pamucar, L Martínez. 2023
An improvement to the interval type-2 fuzzy VIKOR method C Jana, A Mohamadghasemi, M Pal, L Martinez. 2023
Which Prioritization Method Is Better for Deriving Priority from Best-Worst Preferences? A Theoretical and Experimental Analysis B Dutta, D García-Zamora, Á Labella, L Martínez. 2023
Comparative analysis of three categories of multi-criteria decision-making methods Y Li, X He, L Martínez, J Zhang, D Wang, XA Liu. 2023
Prioritizing real estate enterprises based on credit risk assessment: an integrated multi-criteria group decision support framework ZS Chen, J Zhou, CY Zhu, ZJ Wang, SH Xiong, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez, .... 2023
Personalized fuzzy semantic model of PHFLTS: Application to linguistic group decision making Y Liu, L Zhu, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2023
Managing non-cooperative behaviors in consensus reaching process: A novel multi-stage linguistic LSGDM framework HH Song, B Dutta, D García-Zamora, YM Wang, L Martínez. 2023
CertifIoT: An IoT and DLT-Based Solution for Enhancing Trust and Transparency in Data Certification F Moya, FJ Quesada, L Martínez, FJ Estrella. 2023
Aggregation of Basic Uncertain Information With Two-Step Aggregation Frame LS Jin, ZS Chen, W Pedrycz, T Senapati, B Yatsalo, R Mesiar, G Beliakov, .... 2023
Large-scale group decision consensus under social network: A chance-constrained robust optimization-based minimum cost consensus model Y Han, D García-Zamora, B Dutta, Y Ji, S Qu, L Martínez. 2023
Trust-Number: Trust-Based Modeling to Handle Decision-Making Problems SJ Ghoushchi, A Mardani, L Martínez. 2023
An Automatic Linguistic Consensus Model for Sustainability A Labella, D García-Zamora, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2023
A Fuzzy Semantic Representation Model of EHFLTS: Application to Tire Supplier Selection Problem YY Liu, XW Zhang, RM Rodriguez, L Martinez. 2023
A Framework for the Selection of Indicators through Fuzzy Thresholds: A Circular Economy Application D Garcia-Zamora, A Labella, RM Rodriguez, L Martinez. 2023
Dynamic Knowledge Discovery Under the Linguistic Concept Weighted Network Formal Context Based on Three-Way Decision Z Yang, X Zhang, X Du, L Martínez, X Liu, L Zou. 2023
Online Textual Reviews XH Pan, SF He, D García-Zamora, L Martínez. 2023
6 Robust Comprehensive Minimum Cost Consensus Model for Multi-Criteria Group Decision Making Y Han, B Dutta, D García-Zamora, L Martínez. 2023
A three-way decision methodology with regret theory via triangular fuzzy numbers in incomplete multiscale decision information systems J Zhan, J Deng, Z Xu, L Martínez. 2023
Advances in Complex Decision Making: Using Machine Learning and Tools for Service-Oriented Computing W Hussain, H Gao, F Rabhi, L Martínez. 2023
A comprehensive minimum cost consensus model for large scale group decision making for circular economy measurement RM Rodríguez, Á Labella, P Nuñez-Cacho, V Molina-Moreno, L Martínez. 2022
Symmetric weights for OWA operators prioritizing intermediate values. The EVR-OWA operator D García-Zamora, Á Labella, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2022
Collaboration enhanced hybrid fuzzy decision-making approach to analyze the renewable energy investment projects H Di̇nçer, S Yüksel, L Martínez. 2022
A Stochastic Perspective on a Group Decision-Making Method Based on Two-Dimension 2-Tuple Linguistic Information Z Wang, YM Wang, L Martínez. 2022
SMAA-Bi-Capacity-Choquet-Regret Model for Heterogeneous Linguistic MCDM with Interactive Criteria with Bipolar Scale and 2-Tuple Aspirations Q Zhao, Y Ju, L Martinez, W Pedrycz, P Dong, A Wang. 2022
New trends on machine learning applied to information processing under uncertainty L Zou, L Martínez, J Liu, X Qiu, X He. 2022
A Linguistic Group Best–Worst Method for Measuring Good Governance in the Third Sector: A Spanish Case Study A Licerán-Gutiérrez, C Ortega-Rodríguez, AL Moreno-Albarracín, .... 2022
Métodos de procesamiento de datos para sistemas recomendadores de filtrado colaborativo R Yera Toledo, Y Caballero Mota, J Castro Gallardo, L Martínez López. 2022
A Hesitant Fuzzy Linguistic Bidirectional Projection-Regret decision making model Q Ding, YM Wang, M Goh, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2022
Design alternative assessment and selection: A novel Z-cloud rough number-based BWM-MABAC model G Huang, L Xiao, W Pedrycz, D Pamucar, G Zhang, L Martínez. 2022
Large-Scale Group Decision Making: A Systematic Review and a Critical Analysis D García-Zamora, Á Labella, W Ding, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2022
Type-2 fuzzy envelope of extended hesitant fuzzy linguistic term set: Application to multi-criteria group decision making Y Liu, RM Rodriguez, J Qin, L Martinez. 2022
Gaussian IT2FSs-based prospect theory method with application to the evaluation of renewable energy sources SF He, YM Wang, L Martínez. 2022
Prioritizing Transport Planning Strategies for Freight Companies Towards Zero Carbon Emission Using Ordinal Priority Approach D Pamucar, M Deveci, I Gokasar, L Martínez, M Köppen. 2022
Expertise-structure and risk-appetite-integrated two-tiered collective opinion generation framework for large scale group decision making ZS Chen, X Zhang, RM Rodriguez, W Pedrycz, L Martinez, .... 2022
Exploring post-hoc agnostic models for explainable cooking recipe recommendations R Yera, AA Alzahrani, L Martínez. 2022
A q-rung orthopair fuzzy decision-making model with new score function and best-worst method for manufacturer selection L Xiao, G Huang, W Pedrycz, D Pamucar, L Martínez, G Zhang. 2022
Consensus Reaching Process With Multiobjective Optimization for Large-Scale Group Decision Making With Cooperative Game P Wu, F Li, J Zhao, L Zhou, L Martínez. 2022
Assessing the Spatial Synergy Between Integrated Urban Rail Transit System and Urban Form: A BULI-Based MCLSGA Model With Wisdom of Crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, ZJ Wang, LS Jin, W Pedrycz, L Martínez, .... 2022
A fuzzy Einstein-based decision support system for public transportation management at times of pandemic M Deveci, D Pamucar, I Gokasar, D Delen, L Martínez. 2022
Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Envelope of Proportional Hesitant Fuzzy Linguistic Term Set: Application to Large-Scale Group Decision Making Y Liu, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2022
An integrated hesitant fuzzy linguistic model for multiple attribute group decision-making for health management center selection P Wu, L Zhou, L Martínez. 2022
Fuzzy TODIM for ELICIT Information Á Labella, D García-Zamora, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2022
Flexible-Dimensional EVR-OWA as Mean Estimator for Symmetric Distributions J Baz, D García-Zamora, I Díaz, S Montes, L Martínez. 2022
Large-scale group decision-making for prioritizing engineering characteristics in quality function deployment under comparative linguistic environment Q Yang, ZS Chen, CYP Chan, W Pedrycz, L Martínez, MJ Skibniewski. 2022
A novel interval-valued three-way decision theory under multiple criteria environment XH Pan, YM Wang, L Martínez. 2022
Failure Mode and Effect Analysis Using T-Spherical Fuzzy Maximizing Deviation and Combined Comparison Solution Methods G Huang, L Xiao, W Pedrycz, G Zhang, L Martinez. 2022
Relationship between the distance consensus and the consensus degree in Comprehensive Minimum Cost Consensus models: A polytope-based analysis. D García-Zamora, B Dutta, S Massanet, JV Riera, L Martínez. 2022
A linguistic information granulation model based on best-worst method in decision making problems X Ma, J Qin, L Martínez, W Pedrycz. 2022
A fuzzy content-based group recommender system with dynamic selection of the aggregation functions R Yera, AA Alzahrani, L Martínez. 2022
Measuring technological innovation efficiency using interval type-2 fuzzy super-efficiency slack-based measure approach X Chen, X Liu, Q Wu, M Deveci, L Martínez. 2022
Relationship between the distance consensus and the consensus degree in comprehensive minimum cost consensus models: A polytope-based analysis D García-Zamora, B Dutta, S Massanet, JV Riera, L Martínez. 2022
Comprehensive Minimum Cost Consensus Models for ELICIT Information D García-Zamora, Á Labella, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2022
TODIMSort: A TODIM based method for sorting problems L Wang, ZX Zhang, A Ishizaka, YM Wang, L Martínez. 2022
ORESTE-SORT: a novel multiple criteria sorting method for sorting port group competitiveness J Qin, Y Liang, L Martinez, A Ishizaka, W Pedrycz. 2022
A novel alpha-level sets based fuzzy DEMATEL method considering experts’ hesitant information ZX Zhang, L Wang, YM Wang, L Martínez. 2022
A New Decision-Making Framework for Site Selection of Electric Vehicle Charging Station with Heterogeneous Information and Multi-Granular Linguistic Terms YM Wang, XH Pan, SF He, B Dutta, D García-Zamora, L Martínez. 2022
A Linguistic Metric for Consensus Reaching Processes based on ELICIT Comprehensive Minimum Cost Consensus Models D García-Zamora, Á Labella, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2022
A large scale group Three-Way Decision-based consensus model for site selection of New Energy Vehicle charging stations YM Wang, SF He, DG Zamora, XH Pan, L Martínez. 2022
A large scale group Three-Way Decision-based consensus model for site selection of New Energy Vehicle charging stations YM Wang, SF He, DG Zamora, XH Pan, L Martínez. 2022
The SMAA-TWD model: A novel stochastic multi-attribute three-way decision with interrelated attributes in triangular fuzzy information systems Q Zhao, Y Ju, L Martínez, P Dong, J Shan. 2022
Selection of Appropriate Global Partner for Companies Using q-Rung Orthopair Fuzzy Aczel–Alsina Average Aggregation Operators T Senapati, L Martínez, G Chen. 2022
A hybrid decision making approach for new service development process of renewable energy investment L Martínez, H Dinçer, S Yüksel. 2022
Sustainable evaluation of energy storage technologies for wind power generation: A multistage decision support framework under multi-granular unbalanced hesitant fuzzy … Y Liang, Y Ju, P Dong, L Martínez, XJ Zeng, EDRS Gonzalez, .... 2022
Bi-polar preference based weights allocation with incomplete fuzzy relations LS Jin, ZS Chen, JY Zhang, RR Yager, R Mesiar, M Kalina, H Bustince, .... 2022
A sentiment analysis-based two-stage consensus model of large-scale group with core-periphery structure Y Liang, Y Ju, P Dong, XJ Zeng, L Martínez, J Dong, A Wang. 2022
Prioritization of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Transportation Systems Using the Integrated Stratified Fuzzy Rough Decision-Making Approach with the Hamacher Operator D Pamucar, I Gokasar, AE Torkayesh, M Deveci, L Martínez, Q Wu. 2022
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2022
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2022
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2022
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2022
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2022
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2022
Requirement-driven sustainable supplier selection: Creating an integrated perspective with stakeholders' interests and the wisdom of expert crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, XJ Wang, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, MJ Skibniewski. 2022
Expertise-structure and risk-appetite-integrated two-tiered collective opinion generation framework for large-scale group decision making ZS Chen, X Zhang, RM Rodríguez, W Pedrycz, L Martínez, .... 2022
SMAA–Bicapacity–Choquet–Regret Model for Heterogeneous Linguistic MCDM With Interactive Criteria With Bipolar Scale and 2-Tuple Aspirations Q Zhao, Y Ju, L Martínez, W Pedrycz, P Dong, A Wang. 2022
Assessing Spatial Synergy Between Integrated Urban Rail Transit System and Urban Form: A BULI-Based MCLSGA Model With the Wisdom of Crowds JP Chang, ZS Chen, ZJ Wang, LS Jin, W Pedrycz, L Martínez, .... 2022
Sustainable battery supplier evaluation of new energy vehicles using a distributed linguistic outranking method considering bounded rational behavior Y Liang, Y Ju, L Martínez, Y Tu. 2022
A New Decision-Making Framework for Site Selection of Electric Vehicle Charging Station With Heterogeneous Information and Multigranular Linguistic Terms YM Wang, XH Pan, SF He, B Dutta, D García-Zamora, L Martínez. 2022
VI Barómetro sobre la Digitalización de la Función de RR. HH. en España (I) LFR Hevia, MP Alfageme, F Martínez-López, SR Moya, L Martínez-López. 2022
DLT Architecture Proposal for IoT Applications Based on Data Streams F Moya, L Martínez, FJ Estrella, J Marx Gómez, RA Espin. 2022
Tallers lliures 2022 T Iwase, P Sansaloni, M Blanco, C López, Y Zana, I Verdura, L Serra, .... 2022
Recomendación a grupos basada en un modelo de consenso de mínimo costo R Yera, Á Labella, L Martínez. 2022
Comprehensive minimum cost models for large scale group decision making with consistent fuzzy preference relations RM Rodríguez, Á Labella, B Dutta, L Martínez. 2021
Consensual Group-AHPSort: applying consensus to GAHPSort in sustainable development and industrial engineering Á Labella, A Ishizaka, L Martínez. 2021
A cohesion-driven consensus reaching process for large scale group decision making under a hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets environment RM Rodríguez, Á Labella, M Sesma-Sara, H Bustince, L Martínez. 2021
An optimal best-worst prioritization method under a 2-tuple linguistic environment in decision making Á Labella, B Dutta, L Martínez. 2021
Nonlinear preferences in group decision‐making. Extreme values amplifications and extreme values reductions D García‐Zamora, Á Labella, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2021
An Ordered Weighted Averaging Operator Based on Extreme Values Reductions D García-Zamora, Á Labella, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2021
An Adaptive Consensus Model for Extended Comparative Linguistic Expressions with Symbolic Translation Á Labella, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2021
Transparency indicators to improve accountability for non-profit organizations: a Spanish case study AL Moreno-Albarracín, C Ortega-Rodríguez, A Licerán-Gutiérrez, .... 2021
Expertise-based bid evaluation for construction-contractor selection with generalized comparative linguistic ELECTRE III ZS Chen, X Zhang, RM Rodríguez, W Pedrycz, L Martínez. 2021
An evolutionary strategic weight manipulation approach for multi-attribute decision making: TOPSIS method B Dutta, SD Dao, L Martínez, M Goh. 2021
New decision-making methods with interval reciprocal preference relations: A new admissible order relation of intervals X Cheng, S Wan, J Dong, L Martínez. 2021
Continuous linguistic variables and their applications to data mining and time series prediction E González-Caballero, RA Espín-Andrade, W Pedrycz, L Martínez, .... 2021
Consistency and trust relationship-driven social network group decision-making method with probabilistic linguistic information F Jin, M Cao, J Liu, L Martínez, H Chen. 2021
Environmental policy making in supply chains under ambiguity and competition: A fuzzy Stackelberg game approach M Rahimi, A Hafezalkotob, S Asian, L Martínez. 2021
Consensus-based linguistic distribution large-scale group decision making using statistical inference and regret theory F Jin, J Liu, L Zhou, L Martínez. 2021
Induced OWA Operator for Group Decision Making Dealing with Extended Comparative Linguistic Expressions with Symbolic Translation W He, B Dutta, RM Rodríguez, AA Alzahrani, L Martínez. 2021
Testosterone insufficiency and treatment in women: International Expert consensus G Donovitz, MD Erika Schwartz, CMMDM Barber, MD Florence Comite, .... 2021
Multiple-criteria decision-making sorting methods: A Survey PA Alvarez, A Ishizaka, L Martínez. 2021
Linguistic scale consistency issues in multi-granularity decision making contexts S Zhao, Y Dong, S Wu, L Martínez. 2021
A two-stage minimum adjustment consensus model for large scale decision making based on reliability modeled by two-dimension 2-tuple linguistic information Z Wang, RM Rodríguez, Y Wang, L Martínez. 2021
K-means clustering for the aggregation of HFLTS possibility distributions: N-two-stage algorithmic paradigm ZS Chen, X Zhang, W Pedrycz, XJ Wang, KS Chin, L Martínez. 2021
Power‐average‐operator‐based hybrid multiattribute online product recommendation model for consumer decision‐making ZS Chen, LL Yang, RM Rodríguez, SH Xiong, KS Chin, L Martínez. 2021
Online updating extended belief rule-based system for sensor-based activity recognition LH Yang, J Liu, YM Wang, C Nugent, L Martínez. 2021
Content-based group recommender systems: A general taxonomy and further improvements Y Pérez-Almaguer, R Yera, AA Alzahrani, L Martínez. 2021
House of quality-based analysis of new service development using context free grammar evaluation-enhanced fuzzy hybrid modelling H Dínçer, S Yüksel, L Martínez. 2021
An adaptive group decision making framework: Individual and local world opinion based opinion dynamics Q Dong, Q Sheng, L Martínez, Z Zhang. 2021
Sustainable building material selection: An integrated multi-criteria large group decision making framework ZS Chen, LL Yang, KS Chin, Y Yang, W Pedrycz, JP Chang, L Martínez, .... 2021
Application of Choquet Integral Operator to Aggregate ELICIT Information W He, B Dutta, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2021
A type-1 OWA operator for Extended Comparative Linguistic Expressions with Symbolic Translation W He, RM Rodríguez, B Dutta, L Martínez. 2021
Rationale and design of the pragmatic clinical trial tREatment with Beta-blockers after myOcardial infarction withOut reduced ejection fracTion (REBOOT) X Rossello, S Raposeiras-Roubin, R Latini, A Dominguez-Rodriguez, .... 2021
A Consensus Reaching Process with Minimum Adjustment in Group Decision Making with Two-dimensional 2-tuple Linguistic Information based on Reliability Measurement Z Wang, RM Rodríauez, YM Wang, L Martínez. 2021
Exploiting the type-1 OWA operator to fuse the ELICIT information W He, RM Rodríguez, B Dutta, L Martínez. 2021
A probabilistic linguistic dominance score method considering individual semantics and psychological behavior of decision makers SP Wan, WC Zou, JY Dong, L Martínez. 2021
Enhancing extended belief rule-based systems for classification problems using decomposition strategy and overlap function LH Yang, J Liu, YM Wang, H Wang, L Martínez. 2021
Analysis of Ranking Consistency in Linguistic Multiple Attribute Decision Making: The Roles of Granularity and Decision Rules S Zhao, Y Dong, L Martinez, W Pedrycz. 2021
Ranking of Independent and Dependent Fuzzy Numbers and Intransitivity in Fuzzy MCDA B Yatsalo, A Korobov, A Radaev, J Qin, L Martinez. 2021
Implementation of stochastic multiobjective acceptability analysis in combined MCHP-QUALIFLEX method to handle multi-criteria decision-making problems D Banerjee, B Dutta, D Guha, L Martínez. 2021
Site selection of high-speed railway station: A trapezoidal fuzzy neutrosophic-based consensual group decision-making approach R Wang, ZS Chen, B Shuai, KS Chin, L Martínez. 2021
Improving Micro-Extended Belief Rule-Based System Using Activation Factor for Classification Problems LH Yang, J Liu, YM Wang, H Wang, L Martínez. 2021
A consensual method for multi-criteria group decision-making with linguistic intuitionistic information SP Wan, WC Zou, JY Dong, L Martínez. 2021
Failure mode and effect analysis: A three-way decision approach JH Zhu, ZS Chen, B Shuai, W Pedrycz, KS Chin, L Martínez. 2021
Comprehensive Minimum Cost Models Based on Consensus Measures Á Labella, H Liu, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2021
Symmetric weights for OWA operators prioritizing intermediate values. The EVR-OWA operator. D García-Zamora, Á Labella, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2021
A Linguistic 2-tuple Best-Worst Method Á Labella, B Dutta, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2021
Environmental management efficiency evaluation based on indicator information integration and DEA-Malmquist index C Li, O McHugh, L Martinez, J Liu. 2021
Micro-Extended Belief Rule-Based System with Activation Factor and Parameter Optimization for Industrial Cost Prediction S Wang, F Ye, LH Yang, J Liu, H Wang, L Martinez. 2021
Highly Explainable Cumulative Belief Rule-based System with Effective Rule-Base Modelling and Inference Scheme L Yang, J Liu, F Ye, YM Wang, CD Nugent, H Wang, L Martinez. 2021
From MCDA to Fuzzy MCDA: Presumption of Model Adequacy or is Every Fuzzification of an MCDA Method Justified? B Yatsalo, A Radaev, L Martínez. 2021
Highly explainable cumulative belief rule-based system with effective rule-base modeling and inference scheme LH Yang, J Liu, FF Ye, YM Wang, C Nugent, H Wang, L Martínez. 2021
Energy Reports H Dinçer, S Yüksel, L Martínez. 2021
A multi-granular linguistic distribution-based group decision making method for renewable energy technology selection Y Liang, Y Ju, L Martínez, P Dong, A Wang. 2021
Computational Intelligence for Business Analytics W Pedrycz, L Martínez, RA Espin-Andrade, G Rivera, JM Gómez. 2021
Avances científico-tecnológicos en inteligencia artificial responsable J Andreu-Perez, L Martínez, AR Andreu-Perez, D Sharma, P Gupta. 2021
Combining fractional derivatives to predict blood alcohol concentration JJ Rosales, FA Godínez, L Martínez, O Chávez. 2021
Trastornos hipertensivos en el embarazo B López, R Maestre, A Valdés, I Bruna, L Martínez. 2021
Lista de verificacion de la seguridad en la cirugia: Funcionamiento y nivel de cumplimiento R Maestre, A Valdres, I Bruna, L Martínez, B López. 2021
Black Friday and corporate philanthropy: Word-of-Mouth, consumer perception and attitude toward promotions CAL Doyen. 2021
Natural Noise Management in Recommender Systems Using Fuzzy Tools R Yera, J Castro, L Martínez. 2020
On the Cognitive Bases of Illusionism: An Untapped Tool for Brain and Behavioral Research J Camí, A Gomez-Marin, LM Martínez. 2020
A general approach to fuzzy TOPSIS based on the concept of fuzzy multicriteria acceptability analysis B Yatsalo, A Korobov, B Öztayşi, C Kahraman, L Martínez. 2020
A consensus reaching process dealing with comparative linguistic expressions for group decision making: A fuzzy approach A Labella, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2020
Intertemporal Hesitant Fuzzy Soft Sets: Application to Group Decision Making Y Liu, JCR Alcantud, RM Rodríguez, K Qin, L Martínez. 2020
An AHPSort II Based Analysis of the Inequality Reduction within European Union Á Labella, JC Rodríguez-Cohard, JD Sánchez-Martínez, L Martínez. 2020
From MCDA to Fuzzy MCDA: violation of basic axiom and how to fix it B Yatsalo, A Korobov, L Martínez. 2020
Consensus-based multi-criteria group preference analysis model with multi-granular linguistic distribution information Y Liang, J Qin, L Martinez. 2020
A phase change material selection using the interval-valued target-based BWM-CoCoMULTIMOORA approach: A case-study on interior building applications AI Maghsoodi, S Soudian, LM López, E Herrera-Viedma, EK Zavadskas. 2020
A Comparative Performance Analysis of Consensus Models Based on a Minimum Cost Metric Á Labella, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2020
Identifying and prioritizing factors affecting in-cabin passenger comfort on high-speed rail in China: A fuzzy-based linguistic approach ZS Chen, XL Liu, RM Rodríguez, XJ Wang, KS Chin, KL Tsui, L Martínez. 2020
Actas de la XVII Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial O Luaces, F Herrera, JA Gámez, L Martínez, E Barrenechea, J Riquelme, .... 2020
Fuzzy extensions of PROMETHEE: Models of different complexity with different ranking methods and their comparison B Yatsalo, A Korobov, B Öztayşi, C Kahraman, L Martínez. 2020
Extending the linguistic decision suite FLINTSTONES to deal with comparative linguistic expressions with symbolic translation information A Labella, RM Rodriguez, L Martinez. 2020
A Consensus Model for Extended Comparative Linguistic Expressions with Symbolic Translation Á Labella, RM Rodríguez, AA Alzahrani, L Martínez. 2020
Product development partner selection based on ELICIT information A Labella, D Uztürk, RM Rodríguez, G Büyüközkan, L Martinez. 2020
Green supplier selection by means of a decision making method based on ELICIT information (SS14: New trends in decision making and computing with words) Á Labella, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2020
A comparative analysis of incremental and disruptive innovation policies in the European banking sector with hybrid Interval type-2 fuzzy decision-making models H Dinçer, S Yüksel, L Martinez. 2020
Consensus-Based Multicriteria Group Preference Analysis Model With Multigranular Linguistic Distribution Information Y Liang, J Qin, L Martínez. 2020
Finite element analysis of 3D models of upper and lower limbs of Mexican patients with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) type III V Ramírez, CR Torres, JL Rueda, L Martínez, B Romero, GM Urriolagoitia. 2020
Visualizing the Intellectual Structure of the Fuzzy Linguistic Knowledge Domain: A Bibliometric Analysis D Yu, Z Xu, L Martínez. 2020
Design and comparative numerical analysis of designs of intramedular telescopic systems for the rehabilitation of patients with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) type III JL Rueda, CR Torres, V Ramírez, L Martínez, G Urriolagoitia. 2020
Presumption of model adequacy in fuzzy multi-criteria decision analysis B Yatsalo, A Korobov, L Martínez. 2020
Editorial on Special Issue:“Fuzzy Models for Business Analytics” L Martínez, W Pedrycz, L Cruz-Reyes. 2020
The Cryptococcus neoformans capsule polysaccharide glucuronoxylomannan stimulates endothelial barrier permeability and the activation of Src and RhoA M Khan, S Buttan, A Masri, L Martinez, MR Dores. 2020
The Cryptococcus neoformans capsule polysaccharide glucuronoxylomannan induces endothelial barrier permeability via the phosphorylation and internalization of VE‐cadherin J Gandhi, I Jahan, R Rooklin, L Martinez, MR Dores. 2020
Passive Safety of Children Carriages on Busses J Dols, E Alcalá, L Martínez. 2020
Need of a methodological work fort teaching updating of management cadres DA Martínez, LB Gómez. 2020
The Cryptococcus neoformans capsule polysaccharide glucuronoxylomannan induces endothelial barrier permeability via the phosphorylation and internalization of VE-cadherin J Gandhi, I Jahan, R Rooklin, L Martinez, MR Dores. 2020
The Cryptococcus neoformans capsule polysaccharide glucuronoxylomannan induces endothelial barrier permeability via the phosphorylation and internalization … J Gandhi, I Jahan, R Rooklin, L Martinez, MR Dores. 2020
Diseño de una propuesta de estrategias para el óptimo desarrollo y participación de los colaboradores en el plan de capacitación del Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud … L Leiva, L Martínez, J Pulido. 2020
Balanced scorecard-based Analysis about European Energy Investment Policies: A hybrid hesitant fuzzy decision-making approach with Quality Function Deployment H Dincer, S Yüksel, L Martinez. 2019
R-numbers, a new risk modeling associated with fuzzy numbers and its application to decision making H Seiti, A Hafezalkotob, L Martínez. 2019
Sustainable supplier selection based on AHPSort II in interval type-2 fuzzy environment Z Xu, J Qin, J Liu, L Martínez. 2019
Interval type 2-based hybrid fuzzy evaluation of financial services in E7 economies with DEMATEL-ANP and MOORA methods H Dinçer, S Yüksel, L Martínez. 2019
An interindividual iterative consensus model for fuzzy preference relations Y Xu, P Gao, L Martínez. 2019
New activation weight calculation and parameter optimization for extended belief rule-based system based on sensitivity analysis LH Yang, J Liu, YM Wang, L Martínez. 2019
A hybrid group decision making framework for achieving agreed solutions based on stable opinions Q Dong, X Zhou, L Martínez. 2019
Analysis of balanced scorecard-based SERVQUAL criteria based on hesitant decision-making approaches H Dinçer, S Yüksel, L Martínez. 2019
Type-2 fuzzy envelope of hesitant fuzzy linguistic term set: A new representation model of comparative linguistic expression Y Liu, RM Rodriguez, H Hagras, H Liu, K Qin, L Martinez. 2019
Hesitant linguistic expression soft sets: Application to group decision making Y Liu, RM Rodriguez, JCR Alcantud, K Qin, L Martinez. 2019
FLINTSTONES 2.0 an Open and Comprehensive Fuzzy Tool for Multi-criteria Decision Analysis Á Labella, L Martínez. 2019
Fuzzy Linguistic Integrated Methodology for Sustainable Hospital Building Design D Uztürk, AL Romero, G Büyüközkan, L Martinez. 2019
An enhanced ordered weighted averaging operators generation algorithm with applications for multicriteria decision making ZS Chen, C Yu, KS Chin, L Martínez. 2019
Cloud computing model selection for e-commerce enterprises using a new 2-tuple fuzzy linguistic decision-making method O Sohaib, M Naderpour, W Hussain, L Martinez. 2019
Analytic hierarchy process-fuzzy sorting: An analytic hierarchy process–based method for fuzzy classification in sorting problems A Ishizaka, M Tasiou, L Martínez. 2019
Failure Analysis of Additively Manufactured Polyester Test Specimens Exposed to Various Liquid Media IA Carrete, D Bermudez, C Aguirre, FA Alvarez-Primo, S Anil-Kumar, .... 2019
The Strategy Evolution in Double Auction Based on the Experience-Weighted Attraction Learning Model Q Yu, Y Liu, D Xia, L Martínez. 2019
Sustainable Change Management through Employee Readiness: Decision Support System Adoption in Technology-Intensive British E-Businesses F Ahmed, YJ Qin, L Martínez. 2019
An Adaptive Consensus Reaching Process Dealing with Comparative Linguistic Expressions in Large-scale Group Decision Making ÁL Romero, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2019
A Food Recommender System Considering Nutritional Information and User Preferences RY Toledo, AA Alzahrani, L Martínez. 2019
Sustainable building material selection: A QFD-and ELECTRE III-embedded hybrid MCGDM approach with consensus building ZS Chen, L Martínez, JP Chang, XJ Wang, SH Xionge, KS Chin. 2019
A cost consensus metric for Consensus Reaching Processes based on a comprehensive minimum cost model Á Labella, H Liu, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2019
Fuzzy TODIM method based on alpha-level sets L Wang, YM Wang, L Martínez. 2019
A Cohesion Measure for Improving the Weighting of Experts’ subgroups in Large-scale Group Decision Making Clustering Methods A Labella, RM Rodriguez, G De Tré, L Martinez. 2019
Computing with Comparative Linguistic Expressions and Symbolic Translation for Decision Making: ELICIT Information Á Labella, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2019
Aggregating Interrelated Attributes in Multi-Attribute Decision-Making With ELICIT Information Based on Bonferroni Mean and Its Variants B Dutta, Á Labella, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2019
A heterogeneous QUALIFLEX method with criteria interaction for multi-criteria group decision making Y Liang, J Qin, L Martínez, J Liu. 2019
Managing Multigranular Unbalanced Hesitant Fuzzy Linguistic Information in Multiattribute Large-Scale Group Decision Making: A Linguistic Distribution-Based Approach Z Zhang, W Yu, L Martinez, Y Gao. 2019
Paradigm shift toward aggregation strategies in proportional hesitant fuzzy multi-criteria group decision making models of advanced practice for selecting electric vehicle … JP Chang, ZS Chen, XL Liu, WT Kong, SH Xiong, L Martínez. 2019
R-sets, Comprehensive Fuzzy Sets Risk Modeling for Risk-based Information Fusion and Decision-making H Saiti, A Hafezalkotob, L Martinez. 2019
Exploring Fuzzy Rating Regularities for Managing Natural Noise in Collaborative Recommendation R Yera, MJ Barranco, AA Alzahrani, L Martínez. 2019
SMAA‐QUALIFLEX methodology to handle multicriteria decision‐making problems based on q‐rung fuzzy set with hierarchical structure of criteria using bipolar Choquet integral D Banerjee, B Dutta, D Guha, L Martínez. 2019
A retino-retinal projection guided by Unc5c emerged in species with retinal waves V Murcia-Belmonte, Y Coca, C Vegar, S Negueruela, C de Juan Romero, .... 2019
Playing magic tricks to deep neural networks untangles human deception R Zaghi-Lara, MÁ Gea, J Camí, LM Martínez, A Gomez-Marin. 2019
Gazed Pottery: an Archaeometric-Cognitive Approach to Material Culture Visuality F Criado-Boado, D Alonso-Pablos, MJ Blanco, LM Martínez, .... 2019
Notch and EGFR regulate apoptosis in progenitor cells to ensure gut homeostasis in Drosophila T Reiff, ZA Antonello, E Ballesta‐Illán, L Mira, S Sala, M Navarro, .... 2019
Coevolution of visual behaviour, the material world and social complexity, depicted by the eye-tracking of archaeological objects in humans F Criado-Boado, D Alonso-Pablos, MJ Blanco, Y Porto, A Rodríguez-Paz, .... 2019
A Big Data Semantic Driven Context Aware Recommendation Method for Question-Answer Items J Castro, RY Toledo, AA Alzahrani, PJ Sánchez, MJ Barranco, L Martínez. 2019
A Novel Linguistic Cohesion Measure for Weighting Experts’ Subgroups in Large-Scale Group Decision Making Methods Á Labella, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2019
Several Novel Aggregation Functions for PHFS and Their Application to MCGDM Z Chen, J Chang, X Zhang, X Liu, M Li, L Martínez. 2019
A health-awareness nutrition recommender system RY Toledo, L Martínez. 2019
Finite Element Analysis of 3D Models of Upper and Lower Limbs of Mexican Patients with Osteogenesis Imperfecta V Ramírez, CR Torres, JL Rueda, L Martínez, B Romero, GM Urriolagoitia. 2019
Aggregating Interrelated Attributes in Multi-Attribute Decision-Making With ELICIT Information Based on Bonferroni Mean and Its Variants. B Dutta, Á Labella, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez-López. 2019
Exploring Fuzzy Rating Regularities for Managing Natural Noise in Collaborative Recommendation. R Yera, MJ Barranco, AA Alzahrani, L Martínez-López. 2019
Testosterone Insufficiency and Treatment in Women: International Expert Consensus Resolutions G Donovitz, E Schwartz, C Miller, MDM Barber, F Comite, K Janson, .... 2019
Messaging system using enterprise numbers M Smith, S Garcia, V Vohra, R Tripathi, F Nakano, L Martinez, B Pande. 2019
Finite Element Analysis of 3D Models of Upper and Lower Limbs of Mexican V Ramírez, CR Torres, JL Rueda, L Martínez, B Romero, GM Urriolagoitia. 2019
Intelligent multi-dose medication controller for fever: From wearable devices to remote dispensers J Medina, M Espinilla, ÁL García-Fernández, L Martínez. 2018
The experience of developing the UJAmI Smart lab M Espinilla, L Martínez, J Medina, C Nugent. 2018
Personalized individual semantics based on consistency in hesitant linguistic group decision making with comparative linguistic expressions CC Li, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez, Y Dong, F Herrera. 2018
Consistency of hesitant fuzzy linguistic preference relations: An interval consistency index CC Li, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez, Y Dong, F Herrera. 2018
Analyzing the performance of classical consensus models in large scale group decision making: A comparative study Á Labella, Y Liu, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2018
A dynamic multi-criteria decision making model with bipolar linguistic term sets H Liu, L Jiang, L Martínez. 2018
A large scale consensus reaching process managing group hesitation RM Rodríguez, Á Labella, G De Tré, L Martínez. 2018
Consensus building with individual consistency control in group decision making CC Li, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez, Y Dong, F Herrera. 2018
Two-stage aggregation paradigm for HFLTS possibility distributions: A hierarchical clustering perspective ZS Chen, L Martínez, KS Chin, KL Tsui. 2018
A fuzzy approach for natural noise management in group recommender systems J Castro, R Yera, L Martinez. 2018
Improving decision making approaches based on fuzzy soft sets and rough soft sets Y Liu, K Qin, L Martínez. 2018
Activity of ceftazidime-avibactam against carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae from urine specimens obtained during the infection-carbapenem resistance evaluation … M García-Castillo, S García-Fernández, R Gómez-Gil, C Pitart, M Oviaño, .... 2018
Group recommendations based on hesitant fuzzy sets J Castro, MJ Barranco, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2018
A recommender system for programming online judges using fuzzy information modeling R Yera Toledo, Y Caballero Mota, L Martínez. 2018
Customizing semantics for individuals with attitudinal HFLTS possibility distributions ZS Chen, KS Chin, L Martinez, KL Tsui. 2018
A joint optimization method on parameter and structure for belief-rule-based systems LH Yang, YM Wang, J Liu, L Martínez. 2018
Exploring Consistency for Hesitant Preference Relations in Decision Making: Discussing Concepts, Meaning and Taxonomy. RM Rodriguez, Y Xu, L Martinez, F Herrera. 2018
Fuzzy rank acceptability analysis: A confidence measure of ranking fuzzy numbers BI Yatsalo, L Martínez. 2018
Consensus decision models for preferential voting with abstentions Z Gong, N Zhang, KW Li, L Martínez, W Zhao. 2018
Granular computing in decision-making J Qin, X Liu, L Martínez. 2018
Individual semantics building for HFLTS possibility distribution with applications in domain-specific collaborative decision making ZS Chen, M Xu, XJ Wang, KS Chin, KL Tsui, L MARTíNEZ. 2018
Hesitant fuzzy information for information fusion in decision making RM Rodríguez, ZS Xu, L Martínez. 2018
Labor estimation by informational objective assessment (LEIOA) for preterm delivery prediction I Malaina, L Aranburu, L Martínez, L Fernández-Llebrez, C Bringas, .... 2018
Managing Interacting Criteria: Application to Environmental Evaluation Practices T González-Arteaga, R de Andrés Calle, L Martínez. 2018
Model of dynamic routes for intelligent police patrolling C Guevara, J Jadán, C Zapata, L Martínez, J Pozo, E Manjarres. 2018
A linguistic 2-tuple based environmental impact assessment for maritime port projects: Application to moa port Y Zulueta, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2018
Extended belief-rule-based system with new activation rule determination and weight calculation for classification problems LH Yang, J Liu, YM Wang, L Martínez. 2018
Problem-Based Teaching through Video Podcasts for Coding and Cryptography I Malaina, J Gutiérrez, L Legarreta, I Mardones, L Martínez. 2018
A Micro-Extended Belief Rule-Based System for Big Data Multiclass Classification Problems LH Yang, J Liu, YM Wang, L Martínez. 2018
How Do We Create Experiences for Students That Connect with What They Care About? L Legarreta, J Gutiérrez, I Malaina, I Mardones, L Martínez. 2018
A Retino-Retinal Connection Guided by Unc5c Emerged in Species with Retinal Waves V Murcia-Belmonte, C Vegar, Y Coca, C de Juan, AJ Valiño, S Sala, .... 2018
Data Science and Knowledge Engineering for Sensing Decision Support: Proceedings of the 13th International FLINS Conference (FLINS 2018) J Liu, J Lu, Y Xu, L Martinez, EE Kerre. 2018
On group recommendation supported by a minimum cost consensus model R Yera, Á Labella, J Castro, L Martınez. 2018
A new visualization for preferences evolution in group decision making Á Labella, L Martínez. 2018
Fuzzy TOPSIS: Violation of basic axioms B Yatsalo, A Koborov, L Martínez. 2018
Comparative analysis on extended belief rule-based system for activity recognition LH Yang, J Liu, YM Wang, L Martínez. 2018
AFRYCA 3.0: An Improved Framework for Consensus Analysis in Group Decision Making Á Labella, L Martínez. 2018
Metastasis of Cutaneous Melanoma: Risk Factors, Detection and Forecasting I Malaina, L Legarreta, MD Boyano, J Gardeazabal, C Bringas, L Martinez, .... 2018
Análisis e innovación en los procesos de evaluación de las asignaturas del Máster en Optometría Avanzada y Salud Visual C García Llopis, P Boj Giménez, P Cacho Martínez, F Saiz, .... 2018
Data Science and Knowledge Engineering for Sensing Decision Support: Proceedings of the 13th International Flins Conference, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK, 21-24 August, 2018 J Lie, J Lu, Y Xu, L Martínez, EE Kerre. 2018
The Notch and EGFR signaling regulate caspase inhibitor Diap1 to match supply with intestinal demand T Reiff, ZA Antonello, E Ballesta-Illan, L Mira, S Sala, M Navarro, .... 2018
Data Science and Knowledge Engineering for Sensing Decision Support E Kerre, J Liu, J Lu, Y Xu, L Martinez. 2018
CALE: Learning by Example in Mathematics with Applets in Mathematical Computational Packages L Martínez, J Gutiérrez, L Legarreta, I Malaina, I Mardones. 2018
A consensus model for large scale using hesitant information R Rodriguez, L Martinez, G De Tré. 2018
Detection of structural breaks and perceptionally important points in time series V Novák, J Liu, J Lu, Y Xu, L Martinez, E Kerre. 2018
Uso de expresiones lingüísticas comparativas en AFRYCA 3.0 Á Labella, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2018
Un modelo de consenso para toma de decisiones en grupo a gran escala usando conjuntos difusos dudosos RM Rodríguez, Á Labella, L Martínez. 2018
Data Science and Knowledge Engineering for Sensing Decision Support: Proceedings of the 13th International FLINS Conference (FLINS2018), Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK, 21-24 … J Liu, J Lu, Y Xu, L Martinez, EE Kerre. 2018
Community health workers improve disease control and medication adherence among patients with diabetes and/or hypertension in Chiapas, Mexico: an observational stepped-wedge study PM Newman, MF Franke, J Arrieta, H Carrasco, P Elliott, H Flores, .... 2018
Gibraltar as a Gated Community: A Critical Look at Gibraltarian Nationalism’ G Orsini, A Canessa, L Martínez. 2018
Improved score based decision making method by using fuzzy soft sets Y Liu, RM Rodríguez, K Qin, L Martínez. 2018
Small Territories/Big Borders: Gibraltar, Lampedusa and Melilla’ G Orsini, A Canessa, L Martínez, J Ballantine Pereira. 2018
An Example to the World!’: Multiculturalism in the Creation of a Gibraltarian Identity L Martínez, A Canessa, G Orsini. 2018
Том. 2018-January X Lin, J Ma, Z Zhang, C Chen, Y Xia, Y Yu, T Qiu, X Wang, MZ Nejad, J Lu, .... 2018
Gibraltar as a gated community: A critical look at Gibraltarian nationalism G Orsini, A Canessa, L Martínez. 2018
Small Territories/Big Borders: Gibraltar, Lampedusa, and Melilla G Orsini, A Canessa, L Martínez. 2018
‘An Example to the World!’: Multiculturalism in the Creation of a Gibraltarian Identity L Martínez, A Canessa, G Orsini. 2018
Fractional optical properties of Drude model A Ortega, JJ Rosales, L Martínez, CA Carreño. 2018
Optimizing the configuration of an heterogeneous architecture of sensors for activity recognition, using the extended belief rule-based inference methodology M Espinilla, J Medina, A Calzada, J Liu, L Martínez, C Nugent. 2017
Subscribing to fuzzy temporal aggregation of heterogeneous sensor streams in real‐time distributed environments J Medina, L Martinez, M Espinilla. 2017
Fuzzy fog computing: A linguistic approach for knowledge inference in wearable devices J Medina, M Espinilla, D Zafra, L Martínez, C Nugent. 2017
Dealing with diversity and novelty in group recommendations using Hesitant fuzzy sets J Castro, MJ Barranco, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2017
Personalized individual semantics in computing with words for supporting linguistic group decision making. An application on consensus reaching CC Li, Y Dong, F Herrera, E Herrera-Viedma, L Martínez. 2017
Managing consensus based on leadership in opinion dynamics Y Dong, Z Ding, L Martínez, F Herrera. 2017
Fuzzy tools in recommender systems: A survey R Yera, L Martinez. 2017
A group decision method based on prospect theory for emergency situations L Wang, YM Wang, L Martínez. 2017
Opinion dynamics-based group recommender systems J Castro, J Lu, G Zhang, Y Dong, L Martínez. 2017
An empirical study of natural noise management in group recommendation systems J Castro, R Yera, L Martínez. 2017
Uncertainty measures of extended hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets C Wei, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2017
A hesitant heterogeneous approach for environmental impact significance assessment Y Zulueta, RM Rodríguez, R Bello, L Martínez. 2017
Selecting firms in university technoparks: A hesitant linguistic fuzzy TOPSIS model for heterogeneous contexts FJ Estrella, S Cevik Onar, RM Rodríguez, B Oztaysi, L Martinez, .... 2017
Fuzzy multi-criteria acceptability analysis: A new approach to multi-criteria decision analysis under fuzzy environment B Yatsalo, A Korobov, L Martínez. 2017
AFRYCA 2.0: an improved analysis framework for consensus reaching processes Á Labella, FJ Estrella, L Martínez. 2017
Managing non-homogeneous information and experts’ psychological behavior in group emergency decision making L Wang, Á Labella, RM Rodríguez, YM Wang, L Martínez. 2017
Regularizing knowledge transfer in recommendation with tag-inferred correlation P Hao, G Zhang, L Martinez, J Lu. 2017
A recommendation approach for programming online judges supported by data preprocessing techniques R Yera, L Martínez. 2017
A hesitant group emergency decision making method based on prospect theory ZX Zhang, L Wang, RM Rodríguez, YM Wang, L Martínez. 2017
A comparative study of some soft rough sets Y Liu, L Martínez, K Qin. 2017
A hesitant fuzzy linguistic model for emergency decision making based on fuzzy TODIM method L Wang, YM Wang, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2017
A consistency-driven approach to set personalized numerical scales for hesitant fuzzy linguistic preference relations CC Li, RM Rodríguez, F Herrera, L Martinez, Y Dong. 2017
Dynamic properties of calcium-activated chloride currents in Xenopus laevis oocytes M Ildefonso, I Malaina, A Pérez-Samartín, MD Boyano, G Pérez-Yarza, .... 2017
Can classical consensus models deal with large scale group decision making? Á Labella, L Martínez, RM Rodríguez. 2017
Estimation of preterm labor immediacy by nonlinear methods I Malaina, L Martinez, R Matorras, C Bringas, L Aranburu, .... 2017
Combinatorics related to Higman's conjecture I: Parallelogramic digraphs and dispositions AV López, L Martínez, AV Pérez, BV Pérez, O Basova. 2017
Fuzzy MCDA Without Defuzzification Based on Fuzzy Rank Acceptability Analysis B Yatsalo, L Martinez. 2017
Raw data of Eye-Tracking Analysis of archaeological material. Experiment 14061 MJ Blanco, D Alonso-Pablos, LM Martínez, F Criado-Boado. 2017
A Recommender System for Supporting Students in Programming Online Judges R Yera, RM Rodríguez, J Castro, L Martínez. 2017
Innovación docente en los recursos de aprendizaje en el Máster en Optometría Avanzada y Salud Visual CG Llopis, PB Giménez, PC Martínez, IC Juan, VC Sanchis, NC Navarro, .... 2017
Physicochemical stability and rheologic properties of a natural hydrating and exfoliating formulation beneficial for the treatment of skin xeroses AR Perez, LM Martinez, JM Delfino. 2017
Design of a rib impactor equipment CR Torres, G García, LA Aguilar, L Martínez. 2017
Transportation Safety Requirements in the Use of Pushchairs on Buses J Dols, E Alcalá, J Masiá, L Martínez, A Martín, A Garcia. 2017
Injury criteria for children affected by Osteogenesis Imperfecta L Martínez, M Loma Ossorio, RV Pérez Rafael, M Espantaleón, C Torres. 2017
Adult and Child Dummies Tests for Safety Assessment of Seated Occupants in Urban Bus Collisions L Martínez, M Espantaleón, M de Loma-Ossorio, E Alcalá, CR Torres. 2017
Impact of Net Neutrality principles on Quality of Experience based services: Business and Market Analysis L Martinez, O Alvarez, J Markendahl. 2017
Literature survey on QoE and Net Neutrality L Martinez. 2017
SAT0379 Nailfold capillaroscopy findings in patients with inflammatory myopathy and/or specific or associated antibodies AMM Arciniegas, MA Martinez, A Baucells, C Juarez, L Martinez, HS Park, .... 2017
Purchasing Decisions When Complementary Goods Have a Price Category Restriction: An Analysis on Regret and Responsibility HNP Vieira. 2017
Recognition of activities in resource constrained environments; reducing the computational complexity M Espinilla, A Rivera, MD Pérez-Godoy, J Medina, L Martínez, C Nugent. 2016
A Web system for managing and monitoring smart environments D Zafra, J Medina, L Martinez, C Nugent, M Espinilla. 2016
Activity recognition using dynamic instance activation A Calzada, C Nugent, M Espinilla, J Synnott, L Martinez. 2016
Generalized dynamic instance activation for activity recognition A Calzada, C Nugent, M Espinilla, L Martinez. 2016
A position and perspective analysis of hesitant fuzzy sets on information fusion in decision making. Towards high quality progress RM Rodríguez, B Bedregal, H Bustince, YC Dong, B Farhadinia, .... 2016
An overview on fuzzy modelling of complex linguistic preferences in decision making RM Rodríguez, Á Labella, L Martínez. 2016
Managing multigranular linguistic distribution assessments in large-scale multiattribute group decision making Z Zhang, C Guo, L Martínez. 2016
A fuzzy model for managing natural noise in recommender systems R Yera, J Castro, L Martínez. 2016
A review of hesitant fuzzy sets: Quantitative and qualitative extensions RM Rodríguez, L Martínez, F Herrera, V Torra. 2016
A linguistic fusion approach for heterogeneous environmental impact significance assessment Y Zulueta, D Rodríguez, R Bello, L Martínez. 2016
Managing natural noise in recommender systems L Martínez, J Castro, R Yera. 2016
An optimization-based approach to estimate the range of consistency in hesitant fuzzy linguistic preference relations CC Li, Y Dong, F Herrera, L Martínez. 2016
New trends of information fusion in decision making J Liu, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2016
A novel approach to ranking fuzzy numbers based on fuzzy acceptability analysis B YATSALO, L MARTINEZ. 2016
Uncertainty Modelling in Knowledge Engineering and Decision Making X Zeng, X Zeng, J Lu, EE Kerre, L Martinez, L Koehl. 2016
Towards a functional explanation of the connectivity LGN-V1 M Martinez-Garcia, B Galán, LM Martinez, J Malo. 2016
Многокритериальная оптимизация B Yatsalo, L Martinez. 2016
A Humble Tribute to 50 Years of Fuzzy Sets L Martínez, J Lu. 2016
Seguimiento del Máster en Optometría Avanzada y Salud Visual CG Llopis, JLB Bernabé, PB Giménez, PC Martínez, IC Juan, NC Navarro, .... 2016
Puesta en marcha del Máster en Optometría Avanzada y Salud Visual CG Llopis, JLB Bernabé, PB Giménez, PC Martínez, IC Juan, NC Navarro, .... 2016
Uncertainty Modelling In Knowledge Engineering And Decision Making-Proceedings Of The 12th International Flins Conference (Flins 2016) M Luis, L Jie, Z Xianyi, K Ludovic. 2016
Uncertainty Modelling in Knowledge Engineering and Decision Making: Proceedings of the 12th International FLINS Conference (FLINS 2016). Z Xianyi, L Jie, Kerre Etienne E, M Luis, K Ludovic. 2016
Crash impact dummies adapted to people affected by osteogenesis imperfecta L Martínez, MP Reed, A García, M De Loma-Ossorio, C Torres, A Bueno. 2016
Q10 dummy in Lateral Impact Report: Advanced Child Dummies and Injury Criteria for Lateral impact. Document No. D661 J Wismans, K Waagmeester, J Carroll, P Beillas, L Martinez. 2016
Fractional drude model of electrons in a metal M Guía, JJ Rosales, L Martínez, JA Álvarez. 2016
Uncertainty Modelling In Knowledge Engineering And Decision Making-Proceedings Of The 12th International Flins Conference (Flins 2016): Proceedings of the 12th International … L Martinez, EE Kerre, J Lu, X Zeng, L Koehl. 2016
Generation of a partitioned dataset with single, interleave and multioccupancy daily living activities FJ Quesada, F Moya, J Medina, L Martínez, C Nugent, M Espinilla. 2015
Feature sub-set selection for activity recognition FJ Quesada, F Moya, M Espinilla, L Martínez, CD Nugent. 2015
Fuzzy linguistic sensory evaluation model for olive oil with unbalanced linguistic scale M Espinilla, F Estrella, L MARTinez. 2015
Reducing the Response Time for Activity Recognition Through use of Prototype Generation Algorithms M Espinilla, FJ Quesada, F Moya, L Martínez, CD Nugent. 2015
Managing experts behavior in large-scale consensus reaching processes with uninorm aggregation operators FJ Quesada, I Palomares, L Martínez. 2015
2-Tuple Linguistic Model L Martínez, RM Rodriguez, F Herrera. 2015
Correcting noisy ratings in collaborative recommender systems RY Toledo, YC Mota, L Martínez. 2015
A Consensus‐Driven Group Recommender System J Castro, FJ Quesada, I Palomares, L Martínez. 2015
A consensus model for group decision making with hesitant fuzzy linguistic information RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2015
Computational intelligence applications for data science RM de Moraes, L Martínez. 2015
A hesitant linguistic fuzzy TOPSIS approach integrated into FLINTSTONES FJ Estrella, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2015
Computing with words for decision making versus linguistic decision making: a reflection on both scenarios F Herrera, E Herrera-Viedma, L Martínez. 2015
A linguistic 2-tuple multicriteria decision making model dealing with hesitant linguistic information RM Rodríguez, L Martínez, F Herrera. 2015
Application of a spatial intelligent decision system on Self-Rated health status estimation A Calzada, J Liu, H Wang, C Nugent, L Martinez. 2015
CLG-REJA: A Consensus Location-aware group recommender system for Restaurants J Castro, O Cordon, L Martinez. 2015
Linguistic Decision Making and Computing with Words L Martínez, RM Rodriguez, F Herrera. 2015
2-Tuple Linguistic Decision Based Applications L Martínez, RM Rodriguez, F Herrera. 2015
Dealing with Hesitant Fuzzy Linguistic Information in Decision Making L Martínez, RM Rodriguez, F Herrera. 2015
Decision making in heterogeneous context: 2-tuple linguistic based approaches L Martínez, RM Rodriguez, F Herrera. 2015
Flintstones: A Fuzzy Linguistic Decision Tools Enhancement Suite L Martínez, RM Rodriguez, F Herrera. 2015
Using computing with words for managing non-cooperative behaviors in large scale group decision making FJ Quesada, I Palomares, L Martínez. 2015
A Novel Distance-based Metric to Evaluate the Solution for Group Decision Making Problems under Consensus FJ Estrella, I Palomares, L Martínez. 2015
Puesta en marcha y coordinación del Máster en Optometría Avanzada y Salud Visual C García Llopis, JL Bellot Bernabé, P Boj Giménez, P Cacho Martínez, .... 2015
Influencia del cuaderno intervenido en la caligrafía expresiva y creatividad gráfica ÀGM Suárez, YKA MOSQUERA, LSG MARTÍNEZ. 2015
Decision Making with Unbalanced Linguistic Information L Martínez, RM Rodriguez, F Herrera. 2015
Linguistic Approaches Based on the 2-Tuple Fuzzy Linguistic Representation Model L Martínez, RM Rodriguez, F Herrera. 2015
Capítulo 18. Mala conducta y conflicto de intereses en las publicciones científicas A Pascual, LM Martínez. 2015
Clinical-epidemiological study of varicella in children in the department of Paysandu in 2013 C Canziani, L Martinez, B Amorin, S Gibara, C Venturino, M Reyes, .... 2015
Q10 dummy Report: Advanced Child Dummies and Injury Criteria for Frontal Impact J Wismans, K Waagmeester, P Lemmen, M Burleigh, J Carroll, C Visvikis, .... 2015
Capítulo 18. Mala conducta y conflicto de intereses en las publicaciones científicas Á Pascual, LM Martínez. 2015
Evaluación del riesgo N Fernández, L Martinez, A Rivas, D Rodrigo, F Torres. 2015
Uso de procesos de alcance de consenso para mejorar la recomendación a grupos J de Castro, FJ Quesada, L Martínez. 2015
FLINTSTONES: A fuzzy linguistic decision tools enhancement suite based on the 2-tuple linguistic model and extensions FJ Estrella, M Espinilla, F Herrera, L Martínez. 2014
Fuzzy Linguistic Olive Oil Sensory Evaluation Model based on Unbalanced Linguistic Scales. FJ Estrella, M Espinilla, L Martínez. 2014
FLINTSTONES: Una suite para la toma de decisiones lingüísticas basada en 2-tupla lingüísticas y extensiones FJ Estrella, M Espinilla, L Martínez. 2014
A New Unbalanced Linguistic Scale for the Classification of Olive Oil Based on the Fuzzy Linguistic Approach M Espinilla, FJ Estrella, L MartÌnez. 2014
An axiomatic approach to maintaining the consistency of a hypermedia information system based on the SEM-HP model L García-Cabrera, N Medina-Medina, PJ Sánchez, L Martínez. 2014
Improving group recommendation with outlier data filtering J Castro, MJ Barranco, L Martınez. 2014
Hesitant fuzzy sets: state of the art and future directions RM Rodríguez, L Martínez, V Torra, ZS Xu, F Herrera. 2014
Consensus under a fuzzy context: Taxonomy, analysis framework AFRYCA and experimental case of study I Palomares, FJ Estrella, L Martínez, F Herrera. 2014
MENTOR: A graphical monitoring tool of preferences evolution in large-scale group decision making I Palomares, L Martínez, F Herrera. 2014
Hesitant Fuzzy Sets: An Emerging Tool in Decision Making. F Herrera, L Martínez-López, V Torra, Z Xu. 2014
A discrete time variable index for supporting dynamic multi-criteria decision making J Martinez-Moreno, L Martinez. 2014
Low-dimensional visualization of experts’ preferences in urgent group decision making under uncertainty I Palomares, L Martínez. 2014
A fuzzy representation for the semantics of hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets RM Rodríguez, H Liu, L Martínez. 2014
Sensor-based activity recognition using extended belief rule-based inference methodology A Calzada, J Liu, CD Nugent, H Wang, L Martinez. 2014
An approach based on computing with words to manage experts behavior in consensus reaching processes with large groups I Palomares, FJ Quesada, L Martínez. 2014
Copper‐Mediated 1, 4‐Diamination of 1, 3‐Butadienes C Martinez, L Martinez, J Kirsch, EC Escudero‐Adán, E Martin, K Muniz. 2014
Trabajo de coordinación para la implantación del Máster en Optometría Avanzada y Salud Visual CG Llopis, JLB Bernabé, PB Giménez, IC Juan, PC Martínez, VC Sanchis, .... 2014
On the use of hesitant fuzzy linguistic term set in FLINTSTONES FJ Estrella, RM Rodriguez, M Espiniila, L Martinez. 2014
Preface: Challenges of computing with words in decision making L Martínez, F Herrera. 2014
Attitude-based consensus model for heterogeneous group decision making RM Rodríguez, I Palomares, L Martínez. 2014
Group decision making based on multi-granular distribution linguistic assessments and power aggregation operators Z Zhang, C Guo, L Martínez. 2014
Multi-agent-based semi-supervised consensus support system for large-scale group decision making I Palomares, FJ Quesada, L Martínez. 2014
Using the spatial RIMER+ approach to estimate negative self-rated health and its causes across Northern Ireland A Calzada, J Liu, C Nugent, H Wang, L Martinez. 2014
A model for linguistic dynamic multi-criteria decision-making L Jiang, H Liu, L Martínez, J Cai. 2014
A Linguistic Modeling Approach to Characterize Items in Computarized Adaptive Test for Intelligent Tutor Systems Based on Competency M Badaracco, L Martínez. 2014
Attitude-based Consensus Model for Heterogeneous Multi-criteria Large-Scale Group Decision Making: Application to IT-based Services Management I Palomares, L Martínez. 2014
Challenges of computing with words in decision making L Martínez, F Herrera. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Data Science and Knowledge Engineering for Sensing Decision Support-Proceedings of the 13th International Flins Conference L Martinez, Y Xu, J Lu. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Low-dimensional Visualization of Experts' Preferences in Urgent Group Decision Making under Uncertainty. I Palomares, L Martínez-López. 2014
Development of injury risk functions for use with the THORAX Demonstrator; an updated THOR J Davidsson, J Carroll, D Hynd, E Lecuyer, E Song, X Trosseille, A Eggers, .... 2014
Neutropenia increases severity of Acinetobacter baumannii disease in a murine wound model G Han, C DeLeon-Rodriguez, G Desai, J Gandhi, L Grguric, L Martinez, .... 2014
Gestión de Expertos con Comportamientos no Cooperativos en Procesos de Consenso en Grandes Grupos FJ Quesada, I Palomares, L Martinez. 2014
A Multi-agent System for Performing Consensus Processes in Heritage problems FJ Quesada, I Palomares, L Martínez. 2014
A 360-degree performance appraisal model dealing with heterogeneous information and dependent criteria M Espinilla, R de Andrés, FJ Martínez, L Martínez. 2013
A discriminative dynamic index based on bipolar aggregation operators for supporting dynamic multi-criteria decision making Y Zulueta, J Martínez-Moreno, L Martínez, M Espinilla. 2013
A Fresh Breeze of Excellence in Jaén L Martínez, M Espinilla, RM Rodríguez. 2013
Managing hesitant heterogeneous information in decision making RM Rodríguez, PJ Sánchez, L Martínez. 2013
Prototipo de Sistema de Apoyo al Consenso en Toma de Decisión bajo incertidumbre F Mata, P Sánchez, JC Martínez, I Palomares, L Martínez. 2013
An analysis of symbolic linguistic computing models in decision making RM Rodríguez, L Martínez. 2013
A consensus model to detect and manage noncooperative behaviors in large-scale group decision making I Palomares, L Martinez, F Herrera. 2013
An attitude-driven web consensus support system for heterogeneous group decision making IN Palomares, RM RodríGuez, L MartíNez. 2013
A semisupervised multiagent system model to support consensus-reaching processes I Palomares, L Martínez. 2013
A novel belief rule base representation, generation and its inference methodology J Liu, L Martinez, A Calzada, H Wang. 2013
A fuzzy linguistic algorithm for adaptive test in Intelligent Tutoring System based on competences M Badaracco, L MartíNez. 2013
The importance weighted continuous generalized ordered weighted averaging operator and its application to group decision making H Liu, J Cai, L Martı́nez. 2013
A dynamic multi-expert multi-criteria decision making model for risk analysis Y Zulueta, V Martell, J Martínez, L Martínez. 2013
Eliciting comparative linguistic expressions in group decision making RM Rodríguez, L Martínez, F Herrera. 2013
A Mobile App for Adaptive Test in Intelligent Tutoring System Based on Competences. M Badaracco, J Liu, L Martínez-López. 2013
Attitude-Driven Web Consensus Support System for Large-Scale GDM Problems Based on Fuzzy Linguistic Approach I Palomares, L Martínez. 2013
A belief rule-based generic risk assessment framework J Liu, S Chen, L Martinez, H Wang. 2013
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 15th Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence, CAEPIA 2013, Madrid, September 17-20, 2013, Proceedings C Bielza, A Salmerón, A Alonso-Betanzos, JI Hidalgo, L Martínez, .... 2013
Fuzzy Clustering Approach for Non-cooperative Behavior Detection in Consensus Reaching Processes I Palomares, L Martínez, F Herrera. 2013
A heterogeneous approach for environmental impact significance assessment based on fuzzy linguistic models Y Zulueta, LS Martinez. 2013
In Memoriam EUSFLAT Board Member Da Ruan: Obituary E Kerre, L Martínez, J Lu, J Montero. 2013
An advanced thorax–shoulder design for the THOR dummy P Lemmen, B Been, J Carroll, D Hynd, J Davidsson, L Martinez, A García, .... 2013
Tom Waddell Health Center protocols for hormonal reassignment of gender A Davidson, J Franicevich, M Freeman, R Lin, L Martinez, M Monihan, .... 2013
A Mobile app for adaptive test in intelligent tutoring system based on competences M Badaracco, J Liu, L Martinez. 2013
Dummy validation report J Carroll, J Davidsson, L Martinez, A Garcia, P Vezin, A Eggers. 2013
Set of injury risk curves for different sizes and ages J Davidsson, J Carroll, D Hynd, E Lecuyer, E Song, A Eggers, .... 2013
A comparative study of heterogeneous decision analysis approaches applied to sustainable energy evaluation M Espinilla, I Palomares, L Martinez, D Ruan. 2012
An extended version of the fuzzy multicriteria group decision-making method in evaluation processes M Espinilla, J Lu, J Ma, L Martínez. 2012
A mobile 3D-GIS hybrid recommender system for tourism JM Noguera, MJ Barranco, RJ Segura, L MartíNez. 2012
A context-aware mobile recommender system based on location and trajectory MJ Barranco, JM Noguera, J Castro, L Martínez. 2012
A Location-Aware Tourism recommender system based on mobile devices JM Noguera, MJ Barranco, RJ Segura, L Martínez. 2012
An overview on the 2-tuple linguistic model for computing with words in decision making: Extensions, applications and challenges L Martı, F Herrera. 2012
Modelling experts’ attitudes in group decision making I Palomares, J Liu, Y Xu, L Martínez. 2012
Misdirection–past, present, and the future G Kuhn, LM Martinez. 2012
Rheological properties and stability of low-in-fat dressings prepared with high-pressure homogenized yeast VE Fernandez, GG Palazolo, NA Bosisio, LM Martínez, JR Wagner. 2012
A qualitative decision making model based on belief linguistic rule based inference methodology W Li, J Liu, H Wang, A Calzada, RM Rodriguez, L Martinez. 2012
Group decision making with comparative linguistic terms RM Rodríguez, L Martínez, F Herrera. 2012
A fuzzy envelope for hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets based on choquet integral RDEA CALLE, T GONZÁLEZ-ARTEAGA, RM Rodriguez, L Martinez. 2012
Identificació d’un nou marcador cel· lular de la sinapsi neuromuscular P Galván, L Martínez, A Salazar, A Sempere, M Tomàs, N Garcia, .... 2012
El color en spots infantiles: prevalencia cromática y relación con el logotipo de marca LE Martínez Martínez, J Monserrat-Gauchi, V Tur-Viñes. 2012
Total anomalous pulmonary venous return via persistent left superior vena cava LA Rodríguez, EWH Martínez, CIS Martínez, LAV Martínez. 2012
Color in Child Espots: Chromatic Prevalence and Relation with the Brand Logo LEM Martínez, JM Gauchi, VT Viñes. 2012
Retorno venoso pulmonar anómalo total a través de persistencia de la vena cava superior izquierda LA Rodríguez, EWH Martínez, CIS Martínez, LAV Martínez. 2012
Web of Knowledge Page 1 (Records 1–10) O Cordon, F Herrera, P Villar, L Magdalena. 2012
Implantation and evaluation of ICT Resources oriented to self-learning and self-assessment I Palomares, M Espinilla, L Martínez. 2012
Incidence of and Risk Factors for Biliary Complications after Choledocho-Choledochostomy with T-tube in Orthotopic Liver Transplantation. A Single Center Cohort of 743 … M Gastaca, A Matarranz, L Martinez, F Muñoz, A Valdivieso, J Bustamante, .... 2012
Nitric oxide–releasing nanoparticles are superior to diazeniumdiolates in accelerating wound closure in NOD-SCID mice A Friedman, J Friedman, J Nosanchuk, K Blecher, L Martinez. 2012
Protein-protein interaction networks in cocultured melanocytes and keratinocytes regarding the genomic status of CDKN2A and MC1R genes JA Puig-Butille, G Tell, M Escamez, F Garcia, L Martinez, C Badenas, .... 2012
Incidence of and Risk Factors for Biliary Complications after Choledocho-Choledochostomy with T-tube in Orthotopic Liver Transplantation. A Single Center Cohort of 743 Transplants. M Gastaca, A Matarranz, L Martinez, F Muñoz, A Valdivieso, J Bustamante, .... 2012
Nitric oxide-releasing nanoparticles are superior to diazeniumdiolates in accelerating wound closure in NOD-SCID mice A Friedman, J Friedman, J Nosanchuk, K Blecher, L Martinez. 2012
Evaluation of different tillage intensities on Eucalyptus grandis on a typic Hapludult of Uruguay P González, MP Bidegain, L Gutiérrez, L Martinez, FG Prechac. 2012
A new belief rule base representation scheme and its generation by learning from examples J Liu, L Martinez, H Wang, A Calzada, SW Chen. 2012
An extended hierarchical linguistic model for decision‐making problems M Espinilla, J Liu, L MARTinez. 2011
A Heterogeneous Evaluation Model for the Assessment of Sustainable Energy Policies M Espinilla, R de Andrés, FJ Marténez, L Martínez. 2011
Academic Orientation Supported by Hybrid Intelligent Decision Support System EJ Castellano, MJ Barranco, L Martínez. 2011
COMAS: A multi-agent system for performing consensus processes I Palomares, PJ Sánchez, FJ Quesada, F Mata, L Martínez. 2011
Hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets for decision making RM Rodriguez, L Martinez, F Herrera. 2011
On α-satisfiability and its α-lock resolution in a finite lattice-valued propositional logic X He, J Liu, Y Xu, L Martínez, D Ruan. 2011
An intelligent tutoring system architecture for competency-based learning M Badaracco, L Martínez. 2011
An intelligent decision support tool based on belief rule-based inference methodology A Calzada, J Liu, H Wang, L Martinez, A Kashyap. 2011
Optimization algorithm for learning consistent belief rule-base from examples J Liu, L Martinez, D Ruan, R Rodriguez, A Calzada. 2011
La medicina actual O Rivero Serrano, LA Martínez. 2011
International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems JJ Lu, L Martínez. 2011
A hybrid model to deal with missing values in nuclear safeguards’ evaluation RM Rodríguez, D Ruan, J Liu, L Martínez. 2011
Modeling Attitudes towards Consensus in Group Decision Making by means of OWA Operators I Palomares, J Liu, L Martínez. 2011
Relaciones entre color y visión en spots comerciales dirigidos al público infantil LEM Martínez. 2011
The modern medicine O Rivero Serrano, LA Martínez. 2011
EUSFLAT board member Da Ruan: Obituary EE Kerre, L Martinez, J Lu, J Montero. 2011
A Multicriteria Linguistic Decision Making Model Dealing with Comparative Terms RM Rodríguez, L Martínez, F Herrera. 2011
Using OWA operators to integrate group attitudes towards consensus I Palomares, J Liu, Y Xu, L Martínez. 2011
Hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets RM Rodríguez, L Martínez, F Herrera. 2011
Efectos de la actividad forestal sobre los recursos suelos y aguas L Silveira, C Chreties, J Alonso, C Amorín, P De Izaguirre, M Crisci, .... 2011
Using linguistic incomplete preference relations to cold start recommendations RM Rodríguez, M Espinilla, PJ Sánchez, L Martínez-López. 2010
An extended hierarchical linguistic model for managing integral evaluation R de Andrés, M Espinilla, L Martinez. 2010
A heterogeneous evaluation model for assessing sustainable energy: A Belgian case study M Espinilla, D Ruan, J Liu, L Martínez. 2010
Desarrollo y empleo de juegos educativos on-line destinados al auto-entrenamiento y auto-evaluación M Espinilla, I Palomares, L Martínez, M Pagola, HN Bustince Sola. 2010
A Web based evaluation support system by integral performance appraisal M Espinilla, FJ Martínez, L Martínez. 2010
Performance Appraisal with Multiple Linguistic Scales R de Andrés, M Espinilla, RM RODRÍGUEZ, L MARTÍNEZ. 2010
Computing with words based on a hybrid semantic-symbolic model RM Rodriguez, M Espinilla, L Martinez, J Liu. 2010
Auto-entrenamiento y auto-evaluación a través de juegos educativos M Espinilla, I Palomares, F Mata, RM Rodríguez, A Aguilera, L Martínez, .... 2010
A linguistic framework for collaborative and knowledge-based filtering: How to refine collaborative filtering recommendations MJ Barranco, LG Pérez, L Martınez. 2010
COMAS: A consensus multi-agent based system F Mata, P Sánchez, I Palomares, JQ Francisco, L Martínez. 2010
Computing with words in decision support systems: an overview on models and applications L Martınez, D Ruan, F Herrera. 2010
Linguistic aggregation operators for linguistic decision making based on the Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence JM Merigo, M Casanovas, L Martínez. 2010
A multi-granular linguistic model for management decision-making in performance appraisal R de Andrés, JL García-Lapresta, L Martínez. 2010
Computing with words in risk assessment J Liu, L Martínez, H Wang, RM Rodríguez, V Novozhilov. 2010
ACT 2.0: the next generation of assistive consumer technology research L Martinez‐Lopez, FJ Martinez‐Lopez, KB Murray, J Liang, G Häubl. 2010
Some views on information fusion and logic based approaches in decision making under uncertainty Y Xu, J Liu, L Martínez, D Ruan. 2010
Using collaborative filtering for dealing with missing values in nuclear safeguards evaluation RM Rodríguez, L Martinez, D Ruan, J Liu. 2010
α-Satisfiability and α-Lock Resolution for a Lattice-Valued Logic LP(X) X He, Y Xu, Y Li, J Liu, L Martinez, D Ruan. 2010
Intelligent e-services and multi-agent systems for B2C e-commerce L Martinez-Lopez, FJ Martinez-Lopez. 2010
Upgrading ideas about the concept of Soft Computing J Montero, L Martínez. 2010
Juegos como estrategia didáctica para la enseñanza y aprendizaje de la adición y la sustracción en el grado primero de las instituciones educativas La Ceiba, Gallinazo y … L Martínez, Y Mosquera, E Perea. 2010
Da Ruan D Ruan, J Lu, E Laes, G Zhang, J Ma, G Meskens, Y Xu, J Liu, L Martínez. 2010
Computing with words in linguistic decision making: analysis of linguistic computing models L Martínez. 2010
Evaluación heurística de las web de franquicias en el sector Óptica y Optometría LEM Martínez, JMM Gauchi. 2010
Imputing missing values in nuclear safeguards evaluation by a 2-tuple computational model RM Rodríguez, D Ruan, J Liu, A Calzada, L Martínez. 2010
A belief linguistic rule based inference methodology for handling decision making problem in qualitative nature A CALZADA, J Liu, RM Rodriguez, L Martinez. 2010
Generating consistent fuzzy belief rule base from sample data J Liu, L Martinez, D Ruan, H Wang. 2010
A linguistic recommender system for academic orientation EJ Castellano, L Martínez. 2010
A multi-granluar linguistic QoS model for networking S Gramajo, L Martínez. 2010
Special Issue on Decision Support Systems based on Computing with Words: Applications. F Herrera, L Martínez-López. 2010
On compactness and consistency in finite lattice-valued propositional logic X Pan, Y Xu, L Martinez, D Ruan, J Liu. 2010
BizSeeker L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, J Lu, Q Shambour, Y Xu, Q Lin, .... 2010
Arquitectura para un Sistema Tutor Inteligente basado en Competencias (STI-C) M Badaracco, L Martínez. 2010
Information Fusion and Logic-based Reasoning L Martínez, J Liu, Y Xu. 2010
Special Issue on Decision Support Systems based on Computing with Words: Applications F Herrera, L Martínez. 2010
Sistema Tutor Inteligente con Arquitectura inspirada en la Enseñanza Basada en Competencias (STI-C) M Badaracco, L Martínez. 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Using Fuzzy Data Mining for finding preferences in adventure tourism A Salguero, F Araque, R Carrasco, A De Campos, L Martínez. 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Probabilistic decision making with the OWA operator and the 2-Tuple linguistic approach JM Merigó, M Casanovas, M Espinilla, L Martínez. 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system L Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, FJ Martínez‐López, .... 2010
Nitric oxide releasing nanoparticles: A topical therapeutic strategy for the treatment of superficial and deep soft tissue infections A Friedman, G Han, L Martinez, M Mihu, J Nosanchuk, J Friedman. 2010
Inhibition ofStaphylococcus aureusabscess formation by nitric oxide releasing nanoparticles: P1001 G Han, A Friedman, L Martinez. 2010
Modelo para imputar valores perdidos en evaluación de Nuclear Safeguards RM Rodríguez, D Ruan, J Liu, L Martínez. 2010
Aplicación web para evaluación de desempeño 360 grados basada en un modelo lingüístico multigranular ME Estévez, FJ Martínez, L Martínez. 2010
Modelo Lingüístico de QoS para Servicios de Red S Gramajo, L Martínez. 2010
Inhibition of Staphylococcus aureus abscess formation by nitric oxide releasing nanoparticles G Han, A Friedman, L Martinez. 2010
4.16 URGENCIAS Y EMERGENCIAS L Martínez, A García, MR Martínez-Berganza. 2010
Reja: a georeferenced hybrid recommender system for restaurants L Martinez, RM Rodriguez, M Espinilla. 2009
An evaluation model with unbalanced linguistic information applied to olive oil sensory evaluation L Martínez, M Espinilla, J Liu, LG Pérez, PJ Sánchez. 2009
Optimizing the method for building an extended linguistic hierarchy M Espinilla, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez, F Mata, J Liu. 2009
Good practices in e-learning to improve the success in higher education L García-Cabrera, L Martínez-López, P Sanchez-Sanchez. 2009
Incomplete preference relations to smooth out the cold-start in collaborative recommender systems L Martinez, LG Perez, MJ Barranco. 2009
An adaptive consensus support model for group decision-making problems in a multigranular fuzzy linguistic context F Mata, L Martínez, E Herrera-Viedma. 2009
A preliminary study of the effects of different aggregation operators on consensus processes F Mata, L Martínez, JC Martínez. 2009
Linguistic decision making: Tools and applications L Martínez, D Ruan, F Herrera, E Herrera-Viedma, PP Wang. 2009
A web-decision support system based on collaborative filtering for academic orientation. Case Study of the Spanish Secondary School. EJ Castellano, L Martínez. 2009
Improving nuclear safeguards evaluation through enhanced belief rule-based inference methodology J Liu, D Ruan, H Wang, L Martinez. 2009
A Multi-granular Linguistic Promethee Model. N Halouani, L Martínez-López, H Chabchoub, JM Martel, J Liu. 2009
Presencia de Isurus oxyrinchus (marrajo dientuso) y Prionace glauca (tintorera) en la pesqueria ribereña de elasmobranquios en el Golfo de Mexico JL Oviedo, L González, K Ramírez, LE Martínez. 2009
Belief rule-based inference methodology to improve nuclear safeguards information evaluation D Ruan, R Carchon, K van der Meer, J Liu, H Wang, L Martinez. 2009
Guías docentes de tercer curso de la diplomatura de Óptica y Optometría D de Fez, DAA Velasco, JLB Bernabé, PC Martínez, ÁG Muñoz, CG Pérez, .... 2009
Diseño de la Arquitectura para un Sistema Tutor Inteligente Basado en Competencias (STI-C) M Badaracco, L Martínez. 2009
Personal recommendation algorithm inmultidimensional and weighted social network. X Wang, RR Liu, CX Jia, T Zhou, D Sun, BH Wang, L Martinez, LG Perez, .... 2009
Desarrollo de un sistema de control de variables y atributos para un proceso de impresión en un industria gráfica L Martínez, B Benavides, M Nicolajeef. 2009
Biofidelity of the WorldSID small female revision 1 dummy A Eggers, B Schnottale, B Been, K Waagmeester, D Hynd, J Carroll, .... 2009
Analysis of coaches rows seats distance influence on the passengers comfort and safety L Martínez, T Vicente, A García, E Alcalá, F Aparicio. 2009
Nitrite based nitric oxide delivering nanoparticles: Harnessing the therapeutic potential of No G Han, A Friedman, L Martinez, M Chacko, K Davies, P Cabrales, .... 2009
Linguistic decision making: tools and applications: preface L Martínez, D Ruan, F Herrera, E Herrera-Viedma, PP Wang. 2009
A knowledge based recommender system with multigranular linguistic information L Martinez, MJ Barranco, LG Pérez, M Espinilla. 2008
A linguistic multigranular sensory evaluation model for olive oil L Martinez, M Espinilla, LG Pérez. 2008
Improving the effectiveness of knowledge based recommender systems using incomplete linguistic preference relations L MartINezt, LG Perez, M Barranco, M Espinilla. 2008
Modelo de evaluación sensorial con información lingüística multigranular para el aceite de oliva M Espinilla, L Martínez, LG Pérez, J Liu. 2008
A knowledge based recommender system based on consistent preference relations L Martínez, LG Pérez, MJ Barranco, M Espinilla. 2008
Extended linguistic hierarchies L Martinez, M Espinilla, J Liu. 2008
Extended linguistic hierarchies for dealing with multi-granular contexts in decision making L Martínez, M Espinilla, LG Pérez, J Liu. 2008
A Knowledge Based Recommender System with Multigranular Hierarchical Linguistic Contexts L Martínez, MJ Barranco, LG Pérez, M Espinilla, EJ Castellano. 2008
Special issue on fuzzy approaches in preference modelling, decision making and applications F Chiclana, E Herrera-Viedma, S Alonso, F Herrera, J Yañez, J Montero, .... 2008
REJA: un sistema de recomendación de restaurantes basado en técnicas difusas MJ Barranco, LG Perez, F Mata, L Martinez. 2008
Editorial [12th. Spanish Conference on Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Technologies, Jaen, 2004: selected papers] L Martínez, MJ del Jesus, JL Castro. 2008
Orieb, a linguistic crs for supporting decision making in academic orientation EJ CASTELLANO, L MARTiNEZ, PJ SÁNCHEZ. 2008
Integration of a consistency control module within a consensus model F Chiclana, F Mata, L Martínez, E Herrera-Viedma, S Alonso. 2008
A consensus support system for group decision making problems with heterogeneous information F Mata, L Martinez, E Herrera-Viedma. 2008
A fuzzy linguistic methodology to deal with unbalanced linguistic term sets F Herrera, E Herrera-Viedma, L Martínez. 2008
Self-tuning of fuzzy belief rule bases for engineering system safety analysis J Liu, JB Yang, D Ruan, L Martinez, J Wang. 2008
Orieb, A Crs For Academic Orientation Using Qualitative Assessments. EJ Castellano, L Martínez. 2008
Muerte bacteriana y heterorresistencia a los antimicrobianos LM Martínez. 2008
Extended belief rule base inference methodology J Liu, L Martinez, YM Wang. 2008
A decision making model based on Dempster-Shafer theory and linguistic hybrid aggregation operators JM Merigó, M Casanovas, L Martínez. 2008
Fuzzy Extended Dependencies to Support Decision-Making in Project Management. F Araque, R Carrasco, AG Salguero, A Vila, L Martínez. 2008
Using fuzzy multi-attribute data mining in stock market analysis for supporting investment decisions F Araque, A Salguero, R Carrasco, L Martinez. 2008
A linguistic decision based model applied to olive oil sensory evaluation L Martínez, LG Pérez, J Liu. 2008
Performance Appraisal with heterogenous information R de Andrés Calle, JL Garcia-Lapresta, J Liu, L Martinez. 2008
Extended belief rule-based inference framework J Liu, YM Wang, L Martinez. 2008
Computational intelligence in decision and control D Ruan, J Montero, J Lu, L Martinez, P D’hondt, EE Kerre. 2008
Computational Intelligence In Decision And Control-Proceedings Of The 8th International Flins Conference R Da, M Javier, L Jie, M Luis. 2008
Ingeniería del transporte F Aparicio, B Arenas, A Gómez, F Jiménez, JM López, L Martínez, .... 2008
Influence of vehicle shape and stiffness on the pedestrian lower extremity injuries: review of current pedestrian lower leg test procedure L Martínez Sáez, S Compigne, LJ Guerra Casanova. 2008
Desarrollo de una metodología para el análisis de atropello de peatones utilizando modelos de elementos finitos del cuerpo humano L Martinez, L Guerra, G Ferichola, A Garcia. 2008
E2F3A is a mediator of the cellular response to DNA damage. L Martinez, E Goluzsko, Z Chen. 2008
Resist microbial resistance: Overcoming Cryptococcus neoformans biofilms with chitosan A Friedman, L Martinez, A Casadevall, J Friedman. 2008
Special Issue on Fuzzy Approaches in Preference Modelling, Decision Making and Applications INTRODUCTION F Chiclana, E Herrera-Viedma, S Alonso, F Herrera. 2008
Self-tuning of fuzzy belief rule bases for engineering system safety analysis. J Liu, JB Yang, D Ruan, L Martinez, J Wang. 2008
A Linguistic Multigranular Sensory Evaluation Model for Olive Oil. L Martínez-López, M Espinilla, LG Pérez. 2008
Using Fuzzy Multi-attribute Data Mining in Stock Market Analysis for Supporting Investment Decisions. F Araque, A Salguero, RA Carrasco, L Martínez-López. 2008
Integration of a Consistency Control Module within a Consensus Model. L Martinez, E Herrera-Viedma. 2008
Penalizing manipulation strategies in consensus processes F Mata, L Martinez, JC Martínez. 2008
Sensory evaluation model with unbalanced linguistic information L Martínez, M Espinilla, LG Pérez. 2007
A fuzzy model for olive oil sensory evaluation L Martínez, LG Pérez, J Liu, M Espinilla. 2007
A multigranular linguistic content‐based recommendation model L Martínez, LG Pérez, M Barranco. 2007
Building user profiles for recommender systems from incomplete preference relations LG Perez, M Barranco, L Martinez. 2007
Recomendación de perfiles académicos mediante algoritmos colaborativos basados en el expediente EJ Castellano, L Martínez, M Barranco, LG PÉREZ. 2007
Group decision making: from consistency to consensus F Chiclana, F Mata, S Alonso, E Herrera-Viedma, L Martínez. 2007
Sensory evaluation based on linguistic decision analysis L Martinez. 2007
Dealing with heterogeneous information in engineering evaluation processes L Martínez, J Liu, D Ruan, JB Yang. 2007
Challenges for improving consensus reaching process in collective decisions L Martínez, J Montero. 2007
Linguistic decision making using Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence JM Merigó, M Casanovas, L Martínez. 2007
Complement Contents in Virtual Learning Environments with Interactive Conceptual Maps: An Experience in Management Degree L Martínez, F Araque, A Salguero. 2007
Applying fuzzy data mining for soaring area selection A Salguero, F Araque, RA Carrasco, MA Vila, L Martínez. 2007
Data Warehousing for Improving Web-based Learning Sites. F Araque, A Salguero, L Martínez, E Navarro, M Calero. 2007
Decomposing preference relations D Gomez, J Montero, J Yanez. 2007
Complement Contents in Virtual Learning Environments with Interactive Conceptual Maps to reinforce training and learning processes. An Experience in Management Degree L Martínez, F Araque, A Salguero. 2007
Bridge risk assessment using a hybrid AHP/DEA methodology W YM, J Liu, MS Taha, L Martinez. 2007
Valor de la biopsia prostática contemporánea durante prostatectomía radical L Martínez, S Moreno, A Velasco, H Rosenberg. 2007
Performance evaluation of employees with multi-granular linguistic information RA Rodríguez, JLG Lapresta, LE Martínez. 2007
Bridge risk assessment using a hybrid AHP/DEA methodology-art. no. 1493 YM Wang, J Liu, TMS Elhag, L Martinez Lopez. 2007
Satisfiability in a linguistic-valued logic and its quasi-horn clause inference framework J Liu, L Martinez, Y Xu, Z Lu. 2007
Active Tourism Services outsourcing: a case study F Araque, A Salguero, L Martínez, R Carrasco, K Benghazi. 2007
XII Fuzzy Logic Applications-A Fuzzy Model for Olive Oil Sensory Evaluation L Martinez, LG Perez, J Liu, M Espinilla. 2007
Stiffness corridors of the European fleet for pedestrian simulation L Martinez, LJ Guerra, G Ferichola, A Garcia, J Yang. 2007
Pedestrian safety enhancement using numerical methods D Baumgartner, D Marjoux, R Willinger, E Carter, C Neal-Sturgess, .... 2007
WorldSID small female side impact dummy specifications and prototype evaluation B Been, R Meijer, F Bermond, K Bortenschlager, D Hynd, L Martinez, .... 2007
Pedestrian accident simulations methodology using detailed vehicle models and age-dependent leg fracture limits on the pedestrian L Martínez, LJ Guerra, G Ferichola, A García. 2007
Stiffness Corridors Of The European Vehicles For Pedestrian Simulations L Martinez, L Guerra, G Ferichola, A Garcia, J Yang. 2007
Estudio de atropello de peatones adultos y de la tercera edad mediante modelos matemáticos L Martínez, LJ Guerra, G Ferichola, A García. 2007
Worldsid Small Female Side Dummy Specifications and Prototype Evaluation B Been, R Meijer, F Bermond, K Bortenschlager, D Hynd, L Martinez, .... 2007
Worldsid 5th Female Dummy, Overview of Prototype testing-APROSYS WP 5.2 B Been, F Bermond, K Bortenschlager, R Damm, G Ferichola, D Hynd, .... 2007
Sistema de recomendación basado en conocimiento con información lingüística LGP Cordón, L Martínez, M Barranco, ME Estévez. 2007
Multi-granular linguistic performance appraisal model R de Andrés Calle, JLG Lapresta, L Martínez. 2007
Un sistema de recomendación basado en conocimiento con información lingüística multigranular M Barranco, LG Pérez, L Martínez. 2006
A fuzzy model for design evaluation based on multiple criteria analysis in engineering systems L Martinez, J Liu, JB Yang. 2006
Recent advancements of fuzzy sets: Theory and practice F Herrera, E Herrera-Viedma, L Martínez, PP Wang. 2006
Guest editorial: Recent advancements of fuzzy sets: Theory and practice F Herrera, E Herrera-Viedma, L Martínez, PP Wang. 2006
Enfermedades infecciosas y microbiología clínica: actividad editorial 2002-2005 BA Grajera, J Alonso, LM Martínez. 2006
A multi-granular linguistic hierarchical model to evaluate the quality of web site services F Herrera, E Herrera-Viedma, L Martínez, LG Pérez, AG López-Herrera, .... 2006
Tumores renales quísticos, correlación clínico patológica y sobrevida A Velasco, M Ceroni, JA Salvadó, S Celis, P Troncoso, I San Francisco, .... 2006
A Fuzzy Model for Design Evaluation Based on Multiple Criteria Analysis L Martinez, J Liu. 2006
A linguistic hierarchical evaluation model for engineering systems L Martínez, LG Perez, J Liu, JB Yang, F Herrera. 2006
A linguistic 360-degree performance appraisal evaluation model R De Andrés, JL García-Lapresta, L Martinez. 2006
Visual Perception S Martinez-Conde, SL Macknik, LM Martinez, JM Alonso, P Tse. 2006
Visual Perception Part 2: Fundamentals of Awareness, Multi-Sensory Integration and High-Order Perception S Martinez-Conde, S Macknik, MM Martinez, JM Alonso, UT Peter. 2006
Visual Perception: Fundamentals of Vision: Lov and Mid-level Processes in Perception S Martinez-Conde, SL Macknik, LM Martinez, JM Alonso, PU Tse. 2006
Visual Perception Part 1: Fundamentals of Vision: Low and Mid-Level Processes in Perception S Martinez-Conde, S Macknik, MM Martinez, JM Alonso, UT Peter. 2006
Stiffness corridors for the current European fleet L Martinez, LJ Guerra, G Ferichola, A Garcia, J Yang, J Yao. 2006
Development of the small female worldSID B Been, Z Wang, A Barnes, M van Ratingen, F Bermond, Y Caire, .... 2006
Estudio del agua subterránea de una zona minera abandonada en clima mediterráneo semiárido: la Sierra de Cartagena-La Unión (Murcia, España) L Candela, L Martinez, R Rodriguez, F Sanchez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
Efecto de las plantaciones forestales sobre el recurso agua en el Uruguay L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
The effects of afforestation on Uruguay's water resources. L Silveira, J Alonso, L Martínez. 2006
Techniques to Improve Multi-Agent Systems for Searching and Mining the Web E Herrera-Viedma, C Porcel, F Herrera, L Martínez, AG Lopez-Herrera. 2005
Managing non-homogeneous information in group decision making F Herrera, L Martınez, PJ Sánchez. 2005
A consensus support system model for group decision-making problems with multigranular linguistic preference relations E Herrera-Viedma, L Martinez, F Mata, F Chiclana. 2005
An adaptive module for the consensus reaching process in group decision making problems E Herrera-Viedma, F Mata, L Martínez, LG Pérez. 2005
A consensus support system model for group decision-making problems with multigranular linguistic preference relations. F Chiclana, E Herrera-Viedma, L Martinez, F Mata. 2005
A multigranular hierarchical linguistic model for design evaluation based on safety and cost analysis L Martínez, J Liu, JB Yang, F Herrera. 2005
Influence of the kidney histology at the time of donation on long term kidney function in living kidney donors H Goecke, AM Ortiz, P Troncoso, L Martinez, A Jara, G Valdes, .... 2005
A lattice-valued linguistic-based decision making method J Liu, Y Xu, D Ruan, L Martinez. 2005
Producción científica de la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco en bases de datos ISI, 1995-2000 LM Martínez. 2005
Self-tuning fuzzy rule bases with belief structure J Liu, D Ruan, JB Yang, LM Martinez. 2005
A Multi-Granular Linguistic Evaluation model for Engineering Systems L Martínez, LG Pérez, J Liu, JB Yang. 2005
Definition of vehicle and pedestrian/cyclist impact conditions E Carter, CE Neal-Sturgess, J Yang, P Frank, L Martinez, LJ Guerra, .... 2005
Evaluación del desempeño: un modelo difuso de resolución R de Andrés, JLG Lapresta, L Martínez, LG Pérez. 2005
Resiliencia de los destinos turísticos frente a la velocidad de actuación de las nuevas aerolíneas de bajo coste S Banchini, L Martínez. 2005
Cáncer de próstata en menores de 50 años C Trucco, M Díaz, DA Walton, C Salazar, A Velasco, L Martínez, .... 2005
A multi-granular linguistic decision model for evaluating the quality of network services F Herrera, E Herrera-Viedma, L Martínez, F Mata, PJ Sánchez. 2004
Measurements of consensus in multi-granular linguistic group decision-making E Herrera-Viedma, F Mata, L Martínez, F Chiclana, LG Pérez. 2004
Modelando el consenso en problemas de toma de decisiones en grupo con informacion linguistica multigranular F Mata, L Martınez, E Herrera-Viedma, F Chiclana. 2004
Incorporating filtering techniques in a fuzzy linguistic multi-agent model for information gathering on the web F Herrera, E Herrera-Viedma, L Martínez, JC Herrera, AG López Herrera. 2004
2004: un año trascendental para Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica A Pascual, BA Grajera, LM Martínez. 2004
Self-tuning method for fuzzy rule base with belief structure JUN LIU, L MARTÍNEZ, JBO YANG, JIN WANG. 2004
Fuzzy models to deal with heterogeneous information in decision making problems in engineering processes L Martínez, J Liu, D Ruan. 2004
Linguistic Group Decision-Making E Herrera-Viedma, F Mata, L Martínez. 2004
A linguistic hierarchical decision making model for evaluating engineering systems L Martínez, J Liu, JB Yang, F Herrera. 2004
Enantioselective HPLC determination of E‐6087, a new COX‐2 inhibitor, in human plasma: Validation and pharmacokinetic application L Salgado, G Encina, R Farran, S Puig, L Martínez. 2004
Information gathering on the internet using a distributed intelligent agent model with multi-granular linguistic information F Herrera, E Herrera-Viedma, L Martınez, C Porcel. 2003
Evaluating the Suitability of an Enterprise Resource Planning System F Herrera, E Herrera-Viedma, L Martínez, PJ Sánchez. 2003
Herramientas de Monitorización del trabajo en Red L Martínez, F Mata, M Pérez, P Sanchez. 2003
Vertical portals as paradigm of the e-commerce in the tourist companies L Martínez, F Mata, E Bernal. 2003
A note on the reciprocity in the aggregation of fuzzy preference relations using OWA operators F Chiclana, F Herrera, E Herrera-Viedma, L Martınez. 2003
Heterogenicidad del síndrome de Gorham-Stout: asociación a malformaciones linfáticas y venosas I Somoza Argibay, M Díaz González, L Martínez Martínez, Z Ros Mar, .... 2003
Los sistemas de control de la actividad laboral mediante las nuevas tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones PL Huertas, FJM López, AI Moro, LM López. 2003
In vitro activity of azithromycin against clinical isolates of Acinetobacter baumannii FC Fernández, A Pascual, LM Martínez, EJ Perea. 2003
Preference modeling and applications: EUROFUSE 2001 B De Baets, M Delgado, J Fodor, F Herrera, E Herrera‐Viedma, .... 2003
Preference modelling and applications.-Selected papers from EUROFUSE 2001, Granada B De Baets, M Delgado, F Herrera, E Herrera-Viedma, J Fodor, L Martı́nez. 2003
Combining Heterogeneous Information in Group Decision Making F Herrera, E Herrera-Viedma, L Martínez, PJ Sánche. 2003
Special Issue on Preference Modeling and Applications: EUROFUSE 2001 B De Baets, M Delgado, J Fodor, F Herrera, E Herrera-Viedma. 2003
Los sistemas de control de la actividad laboral mediante las nuevas tecnologías de la información y comunicación FJ Martínez López, A INFANTE MORO, L MARTÍNEZ LÓPEZ. 2003
Improving occupant safety in coach rollover L Martínez, F Aparicio, A Garcia, J Páez, G Ferichola. 2003
Biofidelity impact response requirements for an advanced mid-sized male crash test dummy B Don, M Ratingen, F Bermond, C Masson, P Vezin, D Hynd, C Owen, .... 2003
Evaluation of the performance of the THOR-alpha dummy B van Don, M Van Ratingen, F Bermond, C Masson, P Vezin, D Hynd, .... 2003
Biofidelity and repeatability evaluation of the THOR dummy thorax, abdomen and femur, through a set of tests MR van Ratingen, L Martínez, G Ferichola, LJ Guerra, D Hynd. 2003
Improved frontal impact protection through a world frontal impact dummy M van Ratingen, K Waagmeester, B Been, D Hynd, D Kallieris, L Martinez, .... 2003
Los sistemas de control de la actividad laboral mediante las Nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones. FJ Martínez López, P Luna Huertas, A Infante Moro, L Martínez López. 2003
Estudio empírico de la evolución de la Seguridad y la Auditoría Informáticas en la empresa española P Luna Huertas, FJ Martínez López, L Martínez López. 2003
Preference modeling and applications: EUROFUSE 2001. B De Baets, M Delgado, J Fodor, F Herrera, E Herrera-Viedma, L Martínez. 2003
Efecto de la sustitución de campo natural por plantaciones forestales, sobre los recursos hídricos en el Uruguay L Silveira, L Martínez, J Alonso. 2003
Preference modelling and applications.: Selected papers from EUROFUSE 2001, Granada B De Baets, M Delgado, F Herrera, E Herrera-Viedma, J Fodor, L Martı́nez. 2003
Managing heterogeneous information in group decision making F Herrera, L Martinez, PJ Sanchez, EH Viedma. 2002
Training web application based on applets based on applets java for e-learning F Mata, L Martínez, A Benardino, S Ríos. 2002
A communication model based on the 2-tuple fuzzy linguistic representation for a distributed intelligent agent system on internet M Delgado, F Herrera, E Herrera-Viedma, MJ Martín-Bautista, L Martinez, .... 2002
Representation models for aggregating linguistic information: Issues and analysis F Herrera, E Herrera-Viedma, L Martinez. 2002
Fusion of multigranular linguistic information based on the 2-tuple fuzzy linguistic representation model F Herrera, L Martınez, E Herrera-Viedma, F Chiclana. 2002
Modified solvent accessibility free energy prediction analysis of cyclic urea inhibitors binding to the HIV-1 protease F Sussman, MC Villaverde, L Martínez. 2002
Evolución de la nefrectomía parcial en el tiempo A Velasco, JM Cabello, F Del Campo, P Martínez, L Martínez, C Martínez, .... 2002
Nefrectomías parciales por cancer A Velasco, JM Cabello, F Del Campo, L Martínez, P Martínez, C Martínez, .... 2002
Group Decision Making Based on the Linguistic 2-Tuple Model in Heterogeneous Contexts. F Herrera, L Martínez-López. 2002
Accidentes de tráfico: Investigación, reconstrucción y costes F Aparicio, A Garcia, L Martinez, A Páez, M Sánchez, A Gómez. 2002
Óptimización de alimentos y Prácticas de alimentación en el cultivo de camarón en el noroeste de Mexico L Martinéz, M Ezquerra, L Bringas, E Aguirre, M Garza. 2002
Una aplicación de entrenamiento y auto evaluación para un sistema e-learning PJ Sánchez, L Martinez, F Mata, A Bernardino. 2001
Portales verticales como paradigma de uso del comercio electrónico en el turismo L Martínez, F Mata, PJ Sánchez, E Bernal. 2001
A model based on linguistic 2-tuples for dealing with multigranular hierarchical linguistic contexts in multi-expert decision-making F Herrera, L Martínez. 2001
The 2-tuple linguistic computational model: advantages of its linguistic description, accuracy and consistency F Herrera, L Martinez. 2001
FTY 720 prevents ischemic reperfusion damage in rat kidneys. P Troncoso, M Ortiz, L Martinez, BD Kahan. 2001
A hierarchical ordinal model for managing unbalanced linguistic term sets based on the linguistic 2-tuple model F Herrera, E Herrera-Viedma, L Martınez. 2001
Preserving Reciprocity in the Aggregation of Fuzzy Preference Relations Using OWA Operators F Chiclana, F Herrera, E Herrera-Viedma, L Martínez. 2001
La formación de psicólogos y otros profesionales en drogodependencias LC Pérez, LM Martínez. 2001
Weldability aspects of to cast heat-resistant alloy. S Haro, A Velasco, R Colás, D López, L Martínez. 2001
Department of Computer Sciences and AI University of Granada, 18071–Granada, Spain H-mail: herrera Gdecsai. ugr. es L MARTINEZ. 2001
The use of linguistic information in operational research F Herrera, E Herrera-Viedma, L Martinez. 2001
Solvent accessibility free energy predictor calculations of binding affinity for non peptidic HIV-1 protease inhibitors FS Sussman, MC Villaverde, LA Martinez, RJ Estevez. 2001
Los usos de las pantallas en un contexto cambiante. Los medios electrónicos en la Revolución Peruana LMA Martínez. 2001
Adolescencia y género: Imagen corporal y trastornos de la alimentación P Bonilla, L Martínez. 2001
Utility of SPECT with 99m Tc-tetrofosmin and stimulus with dipyridamole in patients with permanent ventricular pacemakers A Ortega, R Moreno, JC Alonso, P Domínguez, I Almoguera, A Bittini, .... 2001
Implicaciones de la positividad clínica y eléctrica en la gammagrafía de perfusión miocárdica durante la administración de dipiridamol V Sosa, G Fernández, JM Pérez Vázquez, A Ortega, R Moreno, .... 2001
Meaning of clinical and electrical positivity in the myocardial perfusion scintigraphy during the administration of dipyridamole A Ortega, R Moreno, JC Alonso-Farto, I Almoguera, P Domínguez, .... 2001
Utilidad del SPECT con 99mTc-tetrofosmin y estímulo con dipiridamol en pacientes portadores de marcapasos ventricular permanente A Ortega, JC Alonso, P Domínguez, I Almoguera, A Bittini, L Martínez, .... 2001
Integration of heterogeneous information in decision-making problems F Herrera, L Martínez, PJ Sánchez. 2000
A 2-tuple fuzzy linguistic representation model for computing with words F Herrera, L Martínez. 2000
A fusion approach for managing multi-granularity linguistic term sets in decision making F Herrera, E Herrera-Viedma, L Martı́nez. 2000
An approach for combining linguistic and numerical information based on the 2-tuple fuzzy linguistic representation model in decision-making F Herrera, L Martinez. 2000
The 2-tuple linguistic computational model versus the computional model based on the Extension Principle. Analysis of the linguistic description, accuracy and consistency F Herrera, L Martinez. 2000
Activity of nine antimicrobial agents against clinical isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae producing extended-spectrum betalactamases and deficient or not in porins DA Sanchez, A Pascual, AI Suarez, D Alvarez, VJ Benedi, LM Martinez. 2000
Tratamiento quirúrgico del cancer de próstata: experiencia en 449 prostatectomías radicales L Martínez, S Guzmán, P Martínez, A Velasco, F Del Campo, .... 2000
The use of linguistic preference modelling based on 2-tuples and heuristics searches for improving enterprise processes F Herrera, E López, L Martínez. 2000
Los cánceres prostáticos de bajo volumen (2 cc o menos) S Guzmán, L Martínez, H Rosemberg. 2000
Cancer de próstata pobremente diferenciado (Gleason score menor o igual a 8) con prostatectomía radical L Martínez, S Guzmán, H Rosemberg, P Martínez, A Velasco, .... 2000
Falsa resistencia a imipenema en bacilos gramnegativos mediante un sistema automatizado F Fernández, L Martínez, A Pascual, EJ Perea. 2000
Actividad de ocho fluoroquinolonas frente a biocapas de Escherichia coli y Pseudomonas aeruginosa sobre sondas urinarias de látex siliconizado P Joyanes, L Martínez, G López López, Á Pascual. 2000
Brief Papers_ F Herrera, L Martínez. 2000
Pedestrian accident reconstruction: review and update L Martinez. 2000
The 2-tuple Linguistic Computational Model Versus the Computational Model Based on the Extension Principle F Herrera, L Martinez. 2000
The 2-tuple linguistic computational model versus the computational model based on the extension principle. Analysis of the linguistic description, accuracy and consistency F Herrera, L Martinez. 2000
Bone scintigraphy findings in patients with recently diagnosed adenocarcinoma of the prostate: relationship with prostate specific antigen levels A Ortega, JC Alonso, M Suarez, P Dominguez, I Almoguera, A Bittini, .... 2000
Resultados de la gammagrafía de perfusión miocárdica con 99mTc-tetrofosmina y estímulo con dipiridamol en pacientes diagnosticados de angina microvascular A Ortega, JC Alonso, P Domínguez, I Almoguera, A Bittini, JL Lampreave, .... 2000
Results of myocardial scintigraphy with 99mTc-tetrofosmin and dipyridamole administration in patients diagnosed of microvascular angina A Ortega, R Moreno, JC Alonso, P Domínguez, I Almoguera, A Bittini, .... 2000
Hallazgos de la gammagrafía ósea en pacientes con adenocarcinoma de próstata recién diagnosticado: relación con los niveles de antígeno específico prostático A Ortega, JC Alonso, M Suárez, P Domínguez, I Almoguera, A Bittini, .... 2000
Sistema de pagos seguros: Seguridad en el comercio electrónico L Martínez López. 2000
Un sistema de generación y evaluación de exámenes basado en java P Sánchez, L Martínez, MD Muñoz. 1999
Un sistema de tutoría electrónica basado en grupos de trabajo y filtros de correo L Martínez, PJ Sánchez, MD Muñoz. 1999
A Fuzzy Linguistic Representation Model Based on a Symbolic Translation F Herrera, L Martínez. 1999
A fusion method for multi-granularity linguistic information based on the 2-tuple fuzzy linguistic representation model F Herrera, L Martínez. 1999
A selection method based on the 2-tuple linguistic representation model for decision-making problems with multi-granularity linguistic information. F Herrera, L Martínez-López. 1999
De la exclusión a la complementariedad: Una perspectiva psicológica del tratamiento de las drogodependencias. LM Martínez, LC Pérez, RL Camps. 1999
Aging of a heat resistant alloy S Haro, D Lopez, A Wong, L Martinez, A Velasco, R Viramontes. 1999
Quinolone resistance in Escherichia coli during the period 1990-1996 in Murcia Y Garijo, A Garcia, L Martinez, I Lorente. 1999
Absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of cizolirtine, a new analgesic compound, in rat and dog L Martinez, MT Serafini, MJ Pretel, A Garcia-Soret, T Moragon, S Puig. 1999
A 2-tuple fuzzy linguistic representation model based on a symbolic translation F Herrera, L Martinez. 1999
An advanced 50th percentile THOR dummy database L Martinez, C Vera, F Lasaga, M Garcia. 1999
Un Nuevo Modelo de Representación de Información Lingüística basado en 2-tuplas para la Agregación de Preferencias Lingüísticas L Martínez. 1999
Combining numerical and linguistic information in group decision making M Delgado, F Herrera, E Herrera-Viedma, L Martinez. 1998
R/S Analysis Strange Attractors IM De la Fuente, L Martinez, JM Aguirregabiria, J Veguillas. 1998
New, simple total syntheses of benzo [b] naphtho [2, 3-d] furan-6, 11-diones and benzo [b] naphtho [2, 1-d] furans E Martínez, L Martínez, JC Estévez, RJ Estévez, L Castedo. 1998
Computer Assisted Evaluation of Inhibitor Sensitivity to HIV-1 PR Mutants F Sussman, LA Martínez, MC Villaverde. 1998
Situación de la triquinosis en chile L Martínez. 1998
Procesos psicológicos y adicciones: procesos de cambio LM Martínez, RL Camps, AV Lorente. 1998
Acción mediadora de la Comunidad en los Programas de Reducción de Daños con Drogodependientes LC Pérez, LM Martínez. 1998
Complicaciones urinarias de la prostatectomía radical: comparación de dos métodos de preservación de uretra proximal L Martínez, P Martínez, M Gjuranovic, F Del Campo, C Martínez, .... 1998
Impacto de la hormonoterapia adyuvante en la prostatectomía radical L Martínez, P Martínez, M Gjuranovic, H Rosemberg, C Martínez, .... 1998
Centro de rehabilitación, educación y capacitación especial para niños impedidos en la comunidad de Tula de Allende, Hgo LM Martínez. 1998
Impacto de la Ciclosporina en el daño renal por isquemia reperfusion J Dominguez, M Gjuranovic, L Martínez, P Troncoso. 1997
Understanding resistance mutations to drug targeted to the HIV-1 protease as starting point for the design of inhibitors immune to resistance mutations. F Sussman, MC Villaverde, L Martinez. 1997
A combined fuzzy AHP and fuzzy TOPSIS based strategic analysis of electronic service quality in healthcare industry. Q Zhang, L Jiang, Y Huang, WL Ashley, JL Morrison, JL Morrison, I Wilson, .... 1997
An Analysis of the Influence of Speed on Traffic Security with the Instrumented Vehicle CANE F Aparicio, L Martinez, A Lopez, JL Roman. 1997
Influencia de la velocidad en los accidentes de tráfico y sus consecuencias F Aparicio, L Martínez, JL San Román, A López. 1997
Absorption, distribution and excretion of [14C] E-4716 after single-dose administration in rats and dogs. MT Serafini, S Puig, MJ Pretel, A Garcia, L Martinez. 1997
Bond graph model for the analysis of the dynamic behavior of the human body L Martinez, C Vera, J Félez. 1997
Bond Graph Shock Absorber Simulation Models J Felez, C Vera, L Martinez. 1997
Coupled slow and delta oscillations between cuneothalamic and thalamocortical neurons in the chloralose anesthetized cat J Marino, L Martinez, A Canedo. 1996
Observaciones sobre la adicción al alcohol y el juego patológico:¿ procesos análogos?,¿ enfoques diversos? LM Martínez, MC Tomás, LC Pérez. 1996
Nefrectomías parciales por cáncer renal: experiencia clínica F Del Campo Schulze, A Velasco Palma, L Martínez, P Martínez, .... 1996
Sobrevida libre de enfermedad, posterior a prostatectomía radical por cáncer de próstata, para estadíos precoces (T2p o menores) L Martínez, M Azocar, F Del Campo, C Martínez, P Martinez, M Núñez, .... 1996
Láser de contacto, experiencia clínica F Del Campo, M Gjuranovic, C Martínez, L Martínez, P Martínez, M Nuñez, .... 1996
Isolated neuro sarcoidosis presenting as a hypothalamic mass R Rueda, O Balboa, L Martinez, MJ Suarez, P Vega. 1996
Isolated neuro sarcoidosis presenting as a hypothalamic mass; Neurosarcoidosis aislada manifestandose como masa hipotalamica R Rueda, O Balboa, L Martinez, MJ Suarez, P Vega. 1996
Monoamine oxidase inhibition prevents ischemia reperfusion damage in rat kidneys. J Dominguez, P Troncoso, L Martinez. 1995
Recuento de células somáticas en leche bovina de cuartos mamarios con y sin aislamiento microbiano (Counting of somatic cells in bovine milk from mammary quarters with and … J Giraudo, H Rampone, L Martinez, A Calzolari. 1995
Análisis de sobrevida a 5 años de trasplante renal con donante cadáver: influencia de histocompatibilidad HLA en 100 casos L Martínez, L Rodríguez, P Martínez, A Vaccarezza, F Del Campo Schulze, .... 1995
Morbilidad en prostatectomía radical retropúbica L Martínez, A Velasco, P Martínez, F Del Campo Schulze, C Martínez, .... 1995
Cirugía conservadora en cáncer renal F Del Campo Schulze, L Martínez, P Martínez, N Zambrano, A Velasco, .... 1995
Continencia inmediata y tardía en la prostatectomía radical retropúbica con tres técnicas diferentes L Martínez, C Martínez, A Velasco. 1995
Estudio de la fermentación alcohólica con vinculación de otros sustratos M Guerra, Y Correa, F Medel, L Martínez, O Pérez. 1995
De nuevo, la cuestión de las drogas ligeras LM Martínez. 1994
Resistencia a ciprofloxacino en bacilos gramnegativos. Aspectos epidemiológicos L Martínez, AI Suárez, R Carranza, EJ Perea. 1993
The arteriovenous oxygen gradient as an index of renal blood flow: a study in dog kidneys and renal transplant patients. L Martínez, P Troncoso, A Dougnac, L Rodríguez. 1992
Cuantificación de interferón alfa 2b humano recombinante mediante anticuerpos monoclonales S Cruz, C Duarte, E Ferra, G Fontirroche, J Vázquez, L Martínez, .... 1990
La Comunidad en el ámbito energético LM Martínez. 1989
Cintigrafía renal en la evolución postoperatoria del trasplante renal P Orellana, A Cabezón, H Serrat, R Pruzzo, P Martínez, S Vaccarezza, .... 1988
Effect of temperature on the heterotrophic activity and production of the attached and free-living bacterioplankton in coastal waters near Bilbao (Biscay, Spain) JAI Ramalle, MAU Vivanco, LE Martínez, MIB López, MBA Millan. 1988
Physiological variations of fecal E. coli in waters of the Butron river. I JAI Ramalle, MIB López, JM González, LE Martínez. 1988
Survival of E. coli in waters of the Butron river: effect of the heterotrophic bacteria population JAI Ramalle, MIB López, LE Martínez, I Arana. 1988
Métodos de evaluación, control y racionamiento en la alimentación práctica L Martínez. 1987
Análisis clínico de 46 pacientes con triquinosis L Martínez, CG Martínez, LA Martínez, R Grant. 1986
Extracción percutánea de litiasis de uréter proximal L Martínez, F Cruz, M Fava, V González, P Martínez. 1986
Ileocitosplastía de camey después de cistoprostatectomía radical L Martínez, P Martínez. 1986
Biopsia vesical múltiple en cáncer de vejiga L Martínez, R Geni, J Haberland, P Martínez, J Mery. 1985
Efecto del pindolol en la insuficiência renal aguda post-isquemia experimental L Martínez, R Geni, J Haberland, H Chiang. 1985
Indexing/Abstracting Y Zulueta, RM Rodríguez, R Bello, L Martínez. 1984
Arterial embolization in the preoperative management of renal carcinoma F Durán, C García, M Fava, C Guidi, F Cruz, L Martínez, H Rosemberg, .... 1983
Embolizacion arterial en el manejo preoperatorio del carcinoma renal. F Duran, C Garcia, M Fava, C Guidi, F Cruz, L Martinez, H Rosemberg, .... 1983
Weaning in respiratory insufficiency MA Cortés, L Martínez. 1983
Based on the evidence of the semantic reasoning and two-tuple group decision-making method. D Xu, IS Currim, R Da, L Yingqing, WS DeSarbo, AK Manrai, LA Manrai, .... 1982
Renal autotransplantion in patients with reno-vascular hypertension. Late results (author's transl) P Martínez, L Martínez, G Valdés. 1981
Treatment of primary tumors of the testicle J Mery, H Rosenberg, J Arraztoa, R Dell'oro, P Martinez, L Martinez, .... 1976
Phosphonomycin (MK-955). Quantitative sensitivity spectra of various hospital strains to this new antibiotic. M Moreno-López, D Dámaso, EJ Perea, AS Sousa, L Martínez, L Marco. 1971

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