María José Del Jesus Díaz

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Researcher Profile

Total Desde 2020:
Citas Total: 11696 Desde 2020: 4718
Índice H Total: 47 Desde 2020: 28
Índice i10 Total: 107 Desde 2020: 67

Publicaciones (256)

Título Autores Año
Addressing Multilabel Imbalance with an Efficiency-Focused Approach Using Diffusion Model-Generated Synthetic Samples F Charte, MÁ Dávila, MD Pérez-Godoy, MJ del Jesus. 2025
XAIRE: An ensemble-based methodology for determining the relative importance of variables in regression tasks. Application to a hospital emergency department AJ Rivera, JC Muñoz, MD Pérez-Goody, BS de San Pedro, F Charte, .... 2023
mldr. resampling: Efficient Reference Implementations of Multilabel Resampling Algorithms AJ Rivera, MA Dávila, MJ del Jesus, D Elizondo, F Charte. 2023
Explaining Agent Behavior in Agent-Based Modeling Using Subgroup Discovery E Romero, CJ Carmona del Jesús, O Cordon, MJ del Jesus, S Damas, .... 2023
Analysis of Transformer Model Applications MI Cabrera-Bermejo, MJ Del Jesus, AJ Rivera, D Elizondo, F Charte, .... 2023
NOSpcimen: A First Approach to Unsupervised Discarding of Empty Photo Trap Images D de la Rosa, A Álvarez, R Pérez, G Garrote, AJ Rivera, MJ del Jesus, .... 2023
PARDINUS: Weakly supervised discarding of photo-trapping empty images based on autoencoders D de la Rosa, AJ Rivera, MJ del Jesus, F Charte. 2023
Analysis of clustering methods for crop type mapping using satellite imagery AJ Rivera, MD Pérez-Godoy, D Elizondo, L Deka, MJ del Jesus. 2022
A distributed evolutionary fuzzy system-based method for the fusion of descriptive emerging patterns in data streams ÁM García-Vico, CJ Carmona, P González, MJ del Jesus. 2022
Individuality and Consciousness in Plotinus H Félix, M Jesús. 2022
Una visión actual de la inteligencia artificial: Recorrido histórico, datos y aprendizaje, confiabilidad y datos MJ del Jesús Díaz, FH Triguero, ÓC García. 2022
Procesamiento de imágenes de foto-trampeo con técnicas de aprendizaje profundo para el descarte automático de imágenes vacías D de la Rosa de la Rosa. 2022
Explainable Artificial Intelligence: An Overview on Hybrid Models G Quesada, MJ del Jesus, P González. 2022
ClEnDAE: A classifier based on ensembles with built-in dimensionality reduction through denoising autoencoders FJ Pulgar, F Charte, AJ Rivera, MJ del Jesus. 2021
A cellular-based evolutionary approach for the extraction of emerging patterns in massive data streams ÁM García-Vico, C Carmona, P González, MJ del Jesus. 2021
Implementation of Data Stream Classification Neural Network Models Over Big Data Platforms F Puentes-Marchal, MD Pérez-Godoy, P González, MJD Jesus. 2021
Modelo de gestión pública basado en la calidad de servicio al cliente en la recolección de los desechos sólidos S García, M Jesús. 2021
Inteligencia artificial y datos para la sociedad MJ del Jesús Díaz. 2021
Ética, responsabilidad y trabajo colectivo en la investigación narrativa JIR Flores, EP Mejías, AEL Méndez, PC González, M Jesús, M Garcia, .... 2021
Choosing the proper autoencoder for feature fusion based on data complexity and classifiers: Analysis, tips and guidelines FJ Pulgar, F Charte, AJ Rivera, MJ del Jesus. 2020
EvoAAA: An evolutionary methodology for automated neural autoencoder architecture search F Charte, AJ Rivera, F Martínez, MJ del Jesus. 2020
An analysis on the use of autoencoders for representation learning: Fundamentals, learning task case studies, explainability and challenges D Charte, F Charte, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 2020
FEPDS: A Proposal for the Extraction of Fuzzy Emerging Patterns in Data Streams AMG Vico, C Carmona, P Gonzalez, H Seker, MJ Del Jesus. 2020
An analysis of technological frameworks for data streams F Puentes, MD Pérez-Godoy, P González, MJ Del Jesus. 2020
A Preliminary Many Objective Approach for Extracting Fuzzy Emerging Patterns AM Garcia-Vico, CJ Carmona, P Gonzalez, MJ del Jesus. 2020
A Preliminary Study on Crop Classification with Unsupervised Algorithms for Time Series on Images with Olive Trees and Cereal Crops AJ Rivera, MD Pérez-Godoy, D Elizondo, L Deka, MJ del Jesus. 2020
Plant physiology and biochemistry differential gene expression profiling of one-and two-dimensional apogamous gametophytes of the fern Dryopteris affinis ssp. affinis S Wyder, A Rivera, AE Valdés, M Jesús, V Gagliardini, H Fernández, .... 2020
A Big Data Approach for the Extraction of Fuzzy Emerging Patterns ÁM García-Vico, P González, CJ Carmona, MJ del Jesus. 2019
Study on the use of different quality measures within a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm approach for emerging pattern mining in big data environments ÁM García-Vico, P González, CJ Carmona, MJ del Jesus. 2019
Dealing with difficult minority labels in imbalanced mutilabel data sets F Charte, AJ Rivera, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 2019
REMEDIAL-HwR: Tackling multilabel imbalance through label decoupling and data resampling hybridization F Charte, AJ Rivera, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 2019
Choosing the proper autoencoder for feature fusion based on data complexity and classifiers: Analysis, Tips and guidelines. FJ Pulgar, F Charte, AJ Rivera, MJ del Jesus. 2019
A First Approximation to the Effects of Classical Time Series Preprocessing Methods on LSTM Accuracy DT Viedma, AJR Rivas, FC Ojeda, MJ del Jesus Díaz. 2019
Automating Autoencoder Architecture Configuration: An Evolutionary Approach F Charte, AJ Rivera, F Martínez, MJ del Jesus. 2019
A Showcase of the Use of Autoencoders in Feature Learning Applications D Charte, F Charte, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 2019
Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems for Explainable Artificial Intelligence: Why, When, What for, and Where to? A Fernandez, F Herrera, O Cordon, MJ del Jesus, F Marcelloni. 2019
Subgroup Discovery on Multiple Instance Data JM Luna, CJ Carmona, AM García-Vico, MJ del Jesus, S Ventura. 2019
Extracting Emerging Patterns with Change Detection in Time for Data Streams CJ Carmona, AM Garcia-Vico, P Gonzalez, MJ del Jesus. 2019
Derivas de Europa: Laicismo, secularización, alteridad CAUAM López Rodríguez, J Lizaola, P González, F Donato, H Félix, .... 2019
An overview of emerging pattern mining in supervised descriptive rule discovery: taxonomy, empirical study, trends, and prospects AM García‐Vico, CJ Carmona, D Martín, M García‐Borroto, MJ del Jesus. 2018
A unifying analysis for the supervised descriptive rule discovery via the weighted relative accuracy CJ Carmona, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 2018
Moea-efep: Multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for extracting fuzzy emerging patterns ÁM García-Vico, CJ Carmona, P González, MJ del Jesus. 2018
Improvement of subgroup descriptions in noisy data by detecting exceptions P González, ÁM García-Vico, CJ Carmona, MJ del Jesus. 2018
A practical tutorial on autoencoders for nonlinear feature fusion: Taxonomy, models, software and guidelines D Charte, F Charte, S García, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 2018
Tips, guidelines and tools for managing multi-label datasets: The mldr. datasets R package and the Cometa data repository F Charte, AJ Rivera, D Charte, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 2018
AEkNN: An AutoEncoder kNN-Based Classifier With Built-in Dimensionality Reduction FJ Pulgar, F Charte, AJ Rivera, MJ del Jesus. 2018
An Approximation to Deep Learning Touristic-Related Time Series Forecasting DT Viedma, AJR Rivas, F Charte, MJ del Jesus Díaz. 2018
A First Approach to Face Dimensionality Reduction Through Denoising Autoencoders FJ Pulgar, F Charte, AJ Rivera, MJ del Jesus. 2018
Análisis del impacto de datos desbalanceados en el rendimiento predictivo de redes neuronales convolucionales FJ Pulgar, AJ Rivera, F Charte, MJ del Jesus. 2018
Atipicidad: Medida de calidad clave dentro del descubrimiento de reglas descriptivas supervisadas CJ Carmona, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 2018
Análisis preliminar de marcos tecnológicos en data stream F Puentes, MD Pérez-Godoy, P González, MJ Del Jesus. 2018
MOEA-EFEP: Un algoritmo evolutivo multi-objetivo para la extraccion de patrones emergentes difusos AM Garcia-Vico, CJ Carmona, P González, MJ del Jesus. 2018
Reglas de Asociacion en Datos Multi-Instancia mediante Programacion Genética Gramatical JM Luna, O Reyes, MJ del Jesus, S Ventura. 2018
Una primera aproximación para la extracción de patrones emergentes en flujos continuos de datos ÁMG Vico, CJC del Jesus, PG García, MJ del Jesús Díaz. 2018
AEkNN: An AutoEncoder kNN—Based Classifier With Built-in Dimensionality Reduction FJ Pulgar, F Charte, AJ Rivera, MJ Del Jesus. 2018
Pareto based ensemble with feature and instance selection for learning from multi-class imbalanced datasets AF Hilario, CJC del Jesús, MJ del Jesús Díaz, FH Triguero. 2018
MEFASD-BD: multi-objective evolutionary fuzzy algorithm for subgroup discovery in big data environments-a MapReduce solution F Pulgar-Rubio, AJ Rivera-Rivas, MD Pérez-Godoy, P González, .... 2017
A first approach to handle fuzzy emerging patterns mining on big data problems: The EvAEFP-spark algorithm AM García-Vico, P González, MJ del Jesús, CJ Carmona. 2017
On the impact of imbalanced data in convolutional neural networks performance FJ Pulgar, AJ Rivera, F Charte, MJ del Jesus. 2017
A Transformation Approach Towards Big Data Multilabel Decision Trees AJR Rivas, FC Ojeda, FJ Pulgar, MJ del Jesus. 2017
KEEL 3.0: an open source software for multi-stage analysis in data mining I Triguero, S González, JM Moyano, S García López, J Alcalá Fernández, .... 2017
Mining context-aware association rules using grammar-based genetic programming JM Luna, M Pechenizkiy, MJ del Jesus, S Ventura. 2017
Análisis de diferentes tipos de reglas en sistemas difusos evolutivos para minerıa de patrones emergentes A Garcıa-Vico, CJ Carmona, MJ del Jesus. 2017
Impact of the type of rule in Fuzzy Emerging Pattern Mining on a Big Data Approach AM Garcıa-Vico, P González, CJ Carmona, MJ del Jesus. 2017
A view on fuzzy systems for big data: progress and opportunities A Fernández, CJ Carmona, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 2016
Analysing concentrating photovoltaics technology through the use of emerging pattern mining AM García-Vico, J Montes, J Aguilera, CJ Carmona, MJ del Jesús. 2016
Subgroup discovery with evolutionary fuzzy systems in R: the SDEFSR package ÁM García, F Charte, P González, CJ Carmona, MJ del Jesus. 2016
Estimating the Maximum Power Delivered by Concentrating Photovoltaics Technology Through Atmospheric Conditions Using a Differential Evolution Approach CJ Carmona, F Pulgar, AJ Rivera-Rivas, MJ del Jesus, J Aguilera. 2016
R ultimate multilabel dataset repository F Charte, D Charte, A Rivera, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 2016
On the impact of dataset complexity and sampling strategy in multilabel classifiers performance F Charte, A Rivera, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 2016
Ensemble-based classifiers F Herrera, F Charte, AJ Rivera, MJ del Jesus. 2016
Explotación de la potencia de procesamiento mediante paralelismo: un recorrido histórico hasta la GPGPU F Charte Ojeda, AJR Riva, FJP Rubio, MJ del Jesús Díaz. 2016
Case Studies and Metrics F Herrera, F Charte, AJ Rivera, MJ del Jesus. 2016
Transformation-Based Classifiers F Herrera, F Charte, AJ Rivera, MJ del Jesus. 2016
Dimensionality Reduction F Herrera, F Charte, AJ Rivera, MJ del Jesus. 2016
Multilabel Software F Herrera, F Charte, AJ Rivera, MJ del Jesus. 2016
Imbalance in Multilabel Datasets F Herrera, F Charte, AJ Rivera, MJ del Jesus. 2016
Adaptation-Based Classifiers F Herrera, F Charte, AJ Rivera, MJ del Jesus. 2016
Multilabel classification F Herrera, F Charte, AJ Rivera, MJ Del Jesus. 2016
Multilabel Classification: Problem Analysis, Metrics and Techniques F Herrera, F Charte, AJ Rivera, MJ del Jesus. 2016
Subgroup Discovery with Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems in R: The SDEFSR Package. AM Garcia, F Charte, P González, CJ Carmona, MJ del Jesus. 2016
Sentido y hermenéutica en el pensamiento de Paul Ricoeur H Félix, M Jesús. 2016
Multilabel Classification, Problem Analysis, Metrics and Techniques, ISBN: 978-3-319-41111-8 F Herrera, F Charte, AJ Rivera, MJ Jesus. 2016
A fuzzy genetic programming-based algorithm for subgroup discovery and the application to one problem of pathogenesis of acute sore throat conditions in humans CJ Carmona, V Ruiz-Rodado, MJ del Jesús, A Weber, M Grootveld, .... 2015
A differential evolution proposal for estimating the maximum power delivered by CPV modules under real outdoor conditions B García-Domingo, CJ Carmona, AJ Rivera-Rivas, MJ del Jesús, .... 2015
Una primera aproximación al descubrimiento de subgrupos bajo el paradigma MapReduce F Pulgar-Rubio, CJ Carmona, AJ Rivera-Rivas, P González, MJ del Jesus. 2015
Análisis descriptivo mediante aprendizaje supervisado basado en patrones emergentes CJ Carmona, FJ Pulgar-Rubio, AM García-Vico, P González, .... 2015
Usando Algoritmos de Descubrimiento de Subgrupos en R: El Paquete SDR ÁM Garcıa, F Charte, P González, CJ Carmona, MJ del Jesus. 2015
FuGePSD: Fuzzy Genetic Programming-based algorithm for Subgroup Discovery CJ Carmona, P González, MJ del Jesús. 2015
Addressing imbalance in multilabel classification: Measures and random resampling algorithms F Charte, AJ Rivera, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 2015
MLSMOTE: Approaching imbalanced multilabel learning through synthetic instance generation F Charte, AJ Rivera, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 2015
QUINTA: a question tagging assistant to improve the answering ratio in electronic forums F Charte, AJ Rivera, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 2015
Resampling multilabel datasets by decoupling highly imbalanced labels F Charte, A Rivera, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 2015
CORBFN-CS: First Approach Introducing Cost-Sensitivity in the Cooperative-Competitive RBFN Design MD Pérez-Godoy, AJ Rivera, F Charte, MJ del Jesus. 2015
Revisiting evolutionary fuzzy systems: Taxonomy, applications, new trends and challenges A Fernandez, V Lopez, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 2015
Addressing overlapping in classification with imbalanced datasets: A first multi-objective approach for feature and instance selection A Fernández, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 2015
GenRBFNSpark: A first implementation in Spark of a genetic algorithm to RBFN design AJ Rivera, MD Pérez-Godoy, F Pulgar, MJ del Jesus. 2015
Body composition changes during a multidisciplinary treatment programme in overweight adolescents: EVASYON Study P De Miguel-Etayo, LA Moreno, J Santabárbara, G Bueno, .... 2015
El filósofo y el teúrgo en el pensamiento de Jámblico: una metafísica del símbolo H Félix, M Jesús. 2015
CO RBFN-CS: First Approach Introducing Cost-Sensitivity in the Cooperative-Competitive RBFN Design MD Pérez-Godoy, AJ Rivera, F Charte, MJ del Jesus. 2015
CO RBFN-CS: First Approach Introducing Cost-Sensitivity in the Cooperative-Competitive RBFN Design MD Pérez-Godoy, AJ Rivera, F Charte, MJ del Jesus. 2015
Overview on evolutionary subgroup discovery: analysis of the suitability and potential of the search performed by evolutionary algorithms CJ Carmona, P González, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 2014
Training algorithms for radial basis function networks to tackle learning processes with imbalanced data-sets MD Pérez-Godoy, AJ Rivera, CJ Carmona, MJ del Jesús. 2014
Applying Subgroup Discovery Based on Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems for Web Usage Mining in E-Commerce: A Case Study on OrOliveSur. com CJ Carmona, MJ del Jesus, S García. 2014
Concurrence among imbalanced labels and its influence on multilabel resampling algorithms F Charte, A Rivera, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 2014
LI-MLC: A Label Inference Methodology for Addressing High Dimensionality in the Label Space for Multilabel Classification F Charte, AJ Rivera, MJ Del Jesus, F Herrera. 2014
MLeNN: a first approach to heuristic multilabel undersampling F Charte, AJ Rivera, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 2014
Big Data with Cloud Computing: an insight on the computing environment, MapReduce, and programming frameworks A Fernández, S del Río, V López, A Bawakid, MJ del Jesus, JM Benítez, .... 2014
Short, medium and long term forecasting of time series using the L-Co-R algorithm E Parras-Gutierrez, VM Rivas, M Garcia-Arenas, MJ Del Jesus. 2014
2. Addressing the Data Intrinsic Characteristics of Imbalanced Problems using FRBCSs and Machine Learning Techniques V López, A Fernández, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 2014
Extensión del entorno web para el aprendizaje interactivo del lenguaje de programación R.(PID 11-232) RCR Zaliz, MCDV Muñoz, IJS Zwir, FJA Fernández, MJ del Jesús Díaz, .... 2014
Fuzzy rules for describing subgroups from Influenza A virus using a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm CJ Carmona, C Chrysostomou, H Seker, MJ Del Jesus. 2013
MEFES: An evolutionary proposal for the detection of exceptions in subgroup discovery. An application to Concentrating Photovoltaic Technology CJ Carmona, P González, B García-Domingo, MJ Del Jesus, J Aguilera. 2013
An evolutionary fuzzy system for the detection of exceptions in subgroup discovery CJ Carmona, P González, MJ Del Jesus, B García-Domingo, J Aguilera. 2013
A first approach to deal with imbalance in multi-label datasets F Charte, A Rivera, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 2013
Alternative OVA proposals for cooperative competitive RBFN design in classification tasks FC Ojeda, AJR Rivas, MD Pérez-Godoy, MJ del Jesus. 2013
Analysing the classification of imbalanced data-sets with multiple classes: Binarization techniques and ad-hoc approaches A FernáNdez, V LóPez, M Galar, MAJ Del Jesus, F Herrera. 2013
A hierarchical genetic fuzzy system based on genetic programming for addressing classification with highly imbalanced and borderline data-sets V LóPez, A FernáNdez, MAJ Del Jesus, F Herrera. 2013
Characterization of concentrating photovoltaic modules by cooperative competitive radial basis function networks AJ Rivera, B García-Domingo, MJ Del Jesus, J Aguilera. 2013
Analysing the classification of imbalanced data-sets with multiple classes: Binarization techniques and ad-hoc approach-es A Fernndez, V Lpez, M Galar, MJD Jesus, F Herrera. 2013
A Performance Study of Concentrating Photovoltaic Modules Using Neural Networks: An Application with CO2RBFN AJ Rivera, B García-Domingo, MJ del Jesus, J Aguilera. 2013
Un sistema difuso evolutivo para la detección de excepciones en descubrimiento de subgrupos CJ Carmona, P González, MJ del Jesus. 2013
A first analysis of the effect of local and global optimization weights methods in the cooperative-competitive design of RBFN for imbalanced environments MD Pérez-Godoy, AJ Rivera, MJ Del Jesus, F Martínez. 2013
Classification Systems O Cordón, MJ Del Jesus, F Herrera, L Magdalena, P Villar. 2013
Análisis del virus de la gripe A mediante descubrimientos de subgrupos difusos CJ Carmona, C Chrysostomou, H Seker, MJ del Jesus. 2013
La Filosofía como Hermenéutica en Plotino: sabiduría y experiencia H Félix, M Jesús. 2013
Web usage mining to improve the design of an e-commerce website: OrOliveSur. com CJ Carmona, S Ramírez-Gallego, F Torres, E Bernal, MJ del Jesús, .... 2012
Genetic lateral tuning for subgroup discovery with fuzzy rules using the algorithm NMEEF-SD CJ Carmona, P González, MJ Gacto, MJ del Jesús. 2012
An analysis on the use of pre-processing methods in evolutionary fuzzy systems for subgroup discovery CJ Carmona, J Luengo, P González, MJ Del Jesus. 2012
A preliminary study on missing data imputation in evolutionary fuzzy systems of subgroup discovery CJ Carmona, J Luengo, P González, MJ del Jesus. 2012
Improving multi-label classifiers via label reduction with association rules F Charte, A Rivera, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 2012
Coevolution of lags and RBFNs for time series forecasting: L-Co-R algorithm E Parras-Gutierrez, M Garcia-Arenas, VM Rivas, MJ del Jesus. 2012
Cost Sensitive and Preprocessing for Classification with Imbalanced Data-sets: Similar Behaviour and Potential Hybridizations. V López, A Fernández, MJ Del Jesus, F Herrera. 2012
Subgroup Discovery Applied to the e-Commerce Website OrOliveSur. com. CJ Carmona, S Ramírez-Gallego, FJ Torres, E Bernal, MJ del Jesús, .... 2012
El símbolo en el" De mysteriis" de Jámblico: la mediación entre el hombre y lo divino H Félix, M Jesús. 2012
An overview on subgroup discovery: foundations and applications F Herrera, CJ Carmona, P González, MJ Del Jesus. 2011
Evolutionary fuzzy rule extraction for subgroup discovery in a psychiatric emergency department CJ Carmona, P González, MJ Del Jesus, M Navío-Acosta, .... 2011
Subgroup discovery in an e-learning usage study based on Moodle CJ Carmona, P González, MJ Del Jesus, S Ventura. 2011
Analysis of the impact of using different diversity functions for the subgroup discovery algorithm NMEEF-SD CJ Carmona, P González, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 2011
Multi-label Testing for CO2RBFN: A First Approach to the Problem Transformation Methodology for Multi-label Classification AJ Rivera, F Charte, MD Pérez-Godoy, MJ del Jesus. 2011
On the discovery of association rules by means of evolutionary algorithms MJ del Jesus, JA Gamez, P Gonzalez, JM Puerta. 2011
A study on the medium-term forecasting using exogenous variable selection of the extra-virgin olive oil with soft computing methods AJ Rivera, P Pérez-Recuerda, MD Pérez-Godoy, MJ Del Jesús, MP Frías, .... 2011
On the usefulness of fuzzy rule based systems based on hierarchical linguistic fuzzy partitions A Fernández, V López, MJ Del Jesus, F Herrera. 2011
A summary on the study of the medium-term forecasting of the extra-virgen olive oil price AJ Rivera, MD Pérez-Godoy, MJ Del Jesus, P Pérez-Recuerda, MP Frías, .... 2011
The Mágina Project. The Renewables Potential for Electricity Production in the Province of Jaén; Southern Spain J Terrados, JA Ruiz-Arias, L Hontoria, G Almonacid, PJ Pérez, .... 2011
UNIVERSOL PROJECT. FINAL RESULTS E Muñoz, J de la Casa, MJ Ortega, G Almonacid, DL Talavera, PG Vidal, .... 2011
Desarrollo de una página web para el aprendizaje interactivo del lenguaje de programación R R Romero Zaliz, J Arnedo Fernández, VA Dueñas Robles, P Villar Castro, .... 2011
Coaching reflexivo entre iguales en el Practicum de la formación de maestros Reflective peer coaching in the Practicum of teacher training AR Marcos, RM Esteban, R Aranda, M Blanchard, C Domínguez, .... 2011
NMEEF-SD: non-dominated multiobjective evolutionary algorithm for extracting fuzzy rules in subgroup discovery CJ Carmona, P González, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 2010
Evolutionary algorithms for subgroup discovery applied to e-learning data CJ Carmona, P González, MJ del Jesus, C Romero, S Ventura. 2010
CO 2RBFN for short-term forecasting of the extra virgin olive oil price in the Spanish market MD Pérez-Godoy, P Pérez, AJ Rivera, MJ del Jesús, CJ Carmona, .... 2010
A preliminary study on mutation operators in cooperative competitive algorithms for RBFN design MD Pérez-Godoy, AJ Rivera, CJ Carmona, MJ del Jesus. 2010
GP-COACH: Genetic Programming-based learning of COmpact and ACcurate fuzzy rule-based classification systems for High-dimensional problems FJ Berlanga, AJ Rivera, MJ del Jesús, F Herrera. 2010
On the 2-tuples based genetic tuning performance for fuzzy rule based classification systems in imbalanced data-sets A Fernández, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 2010
Multi-class imbalanced data-sets with linguistic fuzzy rule based classification systems based on pairwise learning A Fernández, MJ Del Jesus, F Herrera. 2010
Analysis of an evolutionary RBFN design algorithm, CO2RBFN, for imbalanced data sets MD Pérez-Godoy, A Fernández, AJ Rivera, MJ del Jesus. 2010
CO2RBFN: an evolutionary cooperative–competitive RBFN design algorithm for classification problems MD Perez-Godoy, AJ Rivera, FJ Berlanga, MJ Del Jesus. 2010
Analysing the hierarchical fuzzy rule based classification systems with genetic rule selection A Fernández, MJ del Jesús, F Herrera. 2010
Co2rbfn: predicción de series temporales con un enfoque cooperativo-̃́ competitivo M Pérez-Godoy, P Pérez, A Rivera, M Del Jesus, PL López. 2010
Intelligent systems in long-term forecasting of the extra-virgin olive oil price in the Spanish market MD Pérez-Godoy, P Pérez, AJ Rivera, MJ del Jesús, MP Frías, M Parras. 2010
Comparison of response surface methodology and artificial neural network applied to enzymatic hydrolysis of rapeseed straw E Castro, C Cara, MJ Jesus, V Rivas. 2010
Introduction to the experimental design in the data mining tool KEEL J Alcalá-Fdez, F Herrera, S García, MJ del Jesus, L Sánchez, .... 2010
CO 2 RBFN: an evolutionary cooperative–competitive RBFN design algorithm for classification problems MD Perez-Godoy, AJ Rivera, FJ Berlanga, MJ Del Jesus. 2010
La web 2.0 y la economía social: posibilidades y aplicaciones AM Moral, EB Jurado, FPR Rodríguez, MJ del Jesús Díaz. 2010
Non-dominated multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on fuzzy rules extraction for subgroup discovery CJ Carmona, P González, MJ del Jesús, F Herrera. 2009
An analysis of evolutionary algorithms with different types of fuzzy rules in subgroup discovery CJ Carmona, P González, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 2009
EMORBFN: An Evolutionary Multiobjetive Optimization Algorithm for RBFN Design PL López, AJ Rivera, MD Pérez-Godoy, MJ del Jesus, C Carmona. 2009
Techniques of Engineering Applied to a Non-structured Data Model CJ Carmona, MJ del Jesus, P Guerrero, R Pena-Santiago, VM Rivas. 2009
Evolutionary algorithms for subgroup discovery in e-learning: A practical application using Moodle data C Romero, P González, S Ventura, MJ Del Jesús, F Herrera. 2009
Aplicación de algoritmos evolutivos de descubrimiento de subgrupos en e-learning: un caso de estudio analizando cursos de Moodle C Romero, P González, S Ventura, MJ Del Jesús, F Herrera. 2009
Modelo predictivo colaborativo de apoyo al diagnostico en servicio de urgencias psiquiatricas JR Cano, MJ del Jesús, P González, JJ Aguilera, AG López, F Herrera, .... 2009
KEEL: a software tool to assess evolutionary algorithms for data mining problems J Alcalá-Fdez, L Sanchez, S Garcia, MJ del Jesus, S Ventura, JM Garrell, .... 2009
Hierarchical fuzzy rule based classification systems with genetic rule selection for imbalanced data-sets A Fernández, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 2009
On the influence of an adaptive inference system in fuzzy rule based classification systems for imbalanced data-sets A Fernández, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 2009
Evolutionary and metaheuristics based data mining MJ del Jesús, JA Gámez, JM Puerta. 2009
Improving the performance of fuzzy rule based classification systems for highly imbalanced data-sets using an evolutionary adaptive inference system A Fernández, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 2009
Parallelizing the design of radial basis function neural networks by means of evolutionary meta-algorithms MG Arenas, E Parras-Gutierrez, VM Rivas, PA Castillo, MJ Del Jesus, .... 2009
Study of the robustness of a meta-algorithm for the estimation of parameters in radial basis function neural networks design E Parras-Gutierrez, MJ Del Jesus, VM Rivas, JJ Merelo. 2009
E-tsRBF: preliminary results on the simultaneous determination of time-lags and parameters of Radial Basis Function Neural Networks for time series forecasting E Parras-Gutierrez, V Rivas, MJ del Jesús. 2009
A Preliminar Analysis of CO2RBFN in Imbalanced Problems MD Pérez-Godoy, AJ Rivera, A Fernández, MJ del Jesús, F Herrera. 2009
Genetic Cooperative-Competitive Fuzzy Rule Based Learning Method using Genetic Programming for Highly Imbalanced Data-Sets. A Fernández, FJ Berlanga, MJ del Jesús, F Herrera. 2009
Designing Radial Basis Function Neural Networks with Meta-Evolutionary Algorithms: The Effect of Chromosome Codification E Parras-Gutierrez, VM Rivas, MJ del Jesus, JJ Merelo. 2009
Adaptación de una asignatura avanzada de redes de computadores al modelo de docencia virtual dentro del marco del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior AJ Rivera, CJ Carmona, MD Pérez-Godoy, MJ del Jesus. 2009
A symbiotic CHC co-evolutionary algorithm for automatic RBF neural networks design E Parras-Gutierrez, MJ Jesus, JJ Merelo, VM Rivas. 2009
Subgroup Discovery with Linguistic Rules MJ Del Jesus, P González, F Herrera. 2008
Aplicación de un algoritmo de extracción de reglas difusas para minería de uso web CJC del Jesus, PG García, VMR Santos, MJ del Jesus Díaz. 2008
A study of the behaviour of linguistic fuzzy rule based classification systems in the framework of imbalanced data-sets A Fernández, S García, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 2008
KEEL: A data mining software tool integrating genetic fuzzy systems J Alcalá-Fdez, S García, FJ Berlanga, A Fernández, L Sánchez, .... 2008
A novel genetic cooperative-competitive fuzzy rule based learning method using genetic programming for high dimensional problems FJ Berlanga, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 2008
A preliminary study of the effect of feature selection in evolutionary RBFN design MD Perez-Godoy, JJ Aguilera, FJ Berlanga, VM Rivas, AJ Rivera. 2008
Parameter estimation for Radial Basis Function Neural Network design by means of two Symbiotic algorithms E Parras-Gutierrez, MJ del Jesus, VM Rivas, JJ Merelo. 2008
Automatic Neural Net Design by Means of a Symbiotic Co-evolutionary Algorithm E Parras-Gutierrez, VM Rivas, MJ del Jesus. 2008
Study of the robustness of a meta-algorithm for the estimation of parameters in Artificial Neural Networks design E Parras-Gutierrez, MJ del Jesus, VM Rivas, JJ Merelo. 2008
A short study on the use of genetic 2-tuples tuning for fuzzy rule based classification systems in imbalanced data-sets A Fernández, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 2008
An study on data mining methods for short-term forecasting of the extra virgin olive oil price in the Spanish market P Pérez, MP Frías, MD Pérez-Godoy, AJ Rivera, MJ del Jesús, M Parras, .... 2008
Editorial [12th. Spanish Conference on Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Technologies, Jaen, 2004: selected papers] L Martínez, MJ del Jesus, JL Castro. 2008
Sistemas Basados en Reglas Difusas en Clasificación: Nuevos Retos AF Hilario, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 2008
Evolutionary fuzzy rule induction process for subgroup discovery: a case study in marketing MJ Del Jesus, P González, F Herrera, M Mesonero. 2007
Multiobjective genetic algorithm for extracting subgroup discovery fuzzy rules MJ del Jesus, P González, F Herrera. 2007
A new hybrid methodology for cooperative-coevolutionary optimization of radial basis function networks AJ Rivera, I Rojas, J Ortega, MJ del Jesús. 2007
Preface: Special Issue on Genetic Fuzzy Systems and the Interpretability–Accuracy Trade-off J Casillas, F Herrera, R Pérez, MJ del Jesus, P Villar. 2007
Niching genetic feature selection algorithms applied to the design of fuzzy rule-based classification systems JJ Aguilera, M Chica, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 2007
An analysis of the rule weights and fuzzy reasoning methods for linguistic rule based classification systems applied to problems with highly imbalanced data sets A Fernández, S García, F Herrera, MJ del Jesús. 2007
CoEvRBFN: an approach to solving the classification problem with a hybrid cooperative-coevolutive algorithm MD Pérez-Godoy, AJ Rivera, MJ Del Jesus, I Rojas. 2007
A study on the use of the fuzzy reasoning method based on the winning rule vs. voting procedure for classification with imbalanced data sets A Fernández, S García, MJ Del Jesús, F Herrera. 2007
Un estudio sobre el uso de algoritmos genéticos multimodales para selección de características JJ Aguilera, M Chica, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 2007
Optimización de CoEvRBF para aumentar su eficiencia en tareas de clasificación MD PérezYGodoy, AJ Rivera, MJJI Rojas. 2007
Fuzzy Machine Learning-An Analysis of the Rule Weights and Fuzzy Reasoning Methods for Linguistic Rule Based Classification Systems Applied to Problems with Highly Imbalanced … A Fernandez, S Garcia, F Herrera, MJ Jesus. 2007
A Study on the Use of the Fuzzy Reasoning Method Based on the Winning Rule vs. Voting A Fernández¹, S García¹, MJ del Jesús. 2007
A genetic-programming-based approach for the learning of compact fuzzy rule-based classification systems FJ Berlanga, MJ del Jesús, MJ Gacto, F Herrera. 2006
Multiobjective evolutionary induction of subgroup discovery fuzzy rules: a case study in marketing F Berlanga, MJ Del Jesus, P González, F Herrera, M Mesonero. 2006
A First Study on the Use of Fuzzy Rule Based Classification Systems for Problems with Imbalanced Data Sets MJ del Jesus, A Fernández, S Garcıa, F Herrera. 2006
Evolutionary induction of descriptive rules in a market problem MJ del Jesús, P González, F Herrera, M Mesonero. 2005
Multiobjective evolutionary induction of subgroup discovery rules in a market problem F Berlanga, MJ del Jesus, P González, F Herrera. 2005
Inducción evolutiva multiobjetivo de reglas de descripción de subgrupos en un problema de marketing MJ del Jesus, P González, F Herrera. 2005
Genetic tuning of fuzzy rule deep structures preserving interpretability and its interaction with fuzzy rule set reduction J Casillas, O Cordón, MJ Del Jesus, F Herrera. 2005
Genetic tuning of fuzzy rule deep structures for linguistic modeling J Casillas, O Cordon, MJ Del Jesus, F Herrera. 2005
Learning fuzzy rules using Genetic Programming: Context-free grammar definition for high-dimensionality problems FJ Berlanga, MJ Del Jesus, F Herrera. 2005
Learning compact fuzzy rule-based classification systems with genetic programming. FJ Berlanga, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 2005
Aprendizaje de reglas difusas mediante programación genética en problemas con alta dimensionalidad FJ Berlanga, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 2005
Evolutionary inducción of descriptive fuzzy rules in a market problem MJ Del Jesus, P González, F Herrera, M Mesonero. 2005
Aprendizaje de reglas difusas mediante programación genética en problemas con alta dimesionalidad FJB Rivera, MJ del Jesús Díaz, FH Triguero. 2005
Induction of fuzzy-rule-based classifiers with evolutionary boosting algorithms MJ Del Jesus, F Hoffmann, LJ Navascués, L Sánchez. 2004
Proyecto KEEL: Desarrollo de una herramienta para el análisis e implementación de algoritmos de extracción de conocimiento evolutivos J Alcalá-Fdez, MJ del Jesus, JM Garrell, F Herrera, C Herbás, L Sánchez. 2004
Extracción Evolutiva de Reglas de Asociación en un Servicio de Urgencias Psiquiátricas JJ Aguilera, MJ Del Jesus, P González, F Herrera, M Navío, J Sáinz. 2003
A multiobjective genetic learning process for joint feature selection and granularity and contexts learning in fuzzy rule-based classification systems O Cordón, MJ Del Jesus, F Herrera, L Magdalena, P Villar. 2003
Co-evolutionary algorithm for RBF by self-organizing population of neurons AJ Rivera, J Ortega, I Rojas, MJ del Jesús. 2003
A multiobjective genetic algorithm for feature selection and data base learning in fuzzy-rule based classification systems O Cordón, F Herrera, MJ Del Jesús, L Magdalena, AM Sánchez, P Villar. 2003
Some relationships between fuzzy and random set-based classifiers and models L Sánchez, J Casillas, O Cordón, M Jose del Jesus. 2002
Aproximación de funciones con evolución difusa mediante cooperación y competición de RBFs A Rivera, J Ortega, MJ del Jesus, J González. 2002
Genetic feature selection in a fuzzy rule-based classification system learning process for high-dimensional problems J Casillas, O Cordón, MJ Del Jesus, F Herrera. 2001
A multiobjective genetic algorithm for feature selection and granularity learning in fuzzy-rule based classification systems O Cordón, F Herrera, MJ Del Jesus, P Villar. 2001
Feature selection algorithms applied to Parkinson’s disease M Navío, JJ Aguilera, MJ del Jesús, R González, F Herrera, C Iríbar. 2001
Feature Selection Algorithms Applied to M Navío, JJ Aguilera, MJ del Jesus, R Gonzálezº. 2001
Different proposals to improve the accuracy of fuzzy linguistic modeling SJIZ O. Cordón, M.J. Del Jesus, F. Herrera. 2000
Genetic Feature Selection in a Fuzzy Rule-Based Classification System Learning Process O Cordon, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 2000
A proposal on reasoning methods in fuzzy rule-based classification systems O Cordón, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 1999
MOGUL: A methodology to obtain genetic fuzzy rule‐based systems under the iterative rule learning approach O Cordón, MJ del Jesús, F Herrera, M Lozano. 1999
Evolutionary approaches to the learning of fuzzy rule-based classification systems O Cordón, MJ Del Jesus, F Herrera. 1999
Aprendizaje evolutivo de sistemas de clasificación basados en reglas difusas MJ del Jesús Díaz. 1999
Evolución de la asignatura Metodología y Tecnología de la Programación II JJ Aguilera, JR Balsas-Almagro, MJ Del Jesús. 1999
Genetic learning of fuzzy rule‐based classification systems cooperating with fuzzy reasoning methods O Cordón, M José del Jesus, F Herrera. 1998
Analyzing the reasoning mechanisms in fuzzy rule based classification systems O Cordón, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 1998
Reasoning Methods Based on OWA Operators under Fuzzy Mayority in Fuzzy Rule-Based Classification Systems O Cordón, MJ Del Jesus, F Herrera, F Herrera. 1998
Modelado cualitativo utilizando una metodología evolutiva de aprendizaje iterativo de bases de reglas difusas. O Cordón, MJ del Jesús, F Herrera, M Lozano. 1998
Métodos de razonamiento aproximado basados en el concepto de mayoría difusa para sistemas de clasificación OC García, MJ del Jesús Díaz, F Herrera. 1998
Reasoning methods based on OWA operators under fuzzy majority in fuzzy rule-based classification systems O Cordón, MJ Del Jesus, F Herrera. 1998
Selecting fuzzy rule-based classification systems with specific reasoning methods using genetic algorithms O Cordón, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera, E López. 1997
An evolutionary paradigm for designing fuzzy rule-based systems from examples O Cordon, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera, M Lozano. 1997
Pneumococcal pyomyositis: case report, review of the literature, and comparison with classic pyomyositis caused by other bacteria J Collazos, A Fernández, E Martinez, J Mayo, M Jesus. 1996