Sergio Damas Arroyo




Researcher Profile

Total Desde 2020:
Citas Total: 3341 Desde 2020: 978
Índice H Total: 34 Desde 2020: 16
Índice i10 Total: 76 Desde 2020: 36

Publicaciones (167)

Título Autores Año
Information fusion for infant age estimation from deciduous teeth using machine learning P Martínez‐Moreno, A Valsecchi, S Damas, J Irurita, P Mesejo. 2024
Evidence evaluation in craniofacial superimposition using likelihood ratios P Martínez-Moreno, A Valsecchi, P Mesejo, Ó Ibáñez, S Damas. 2024
Targeting incentives to adopt wind-assisted technologies in shipping by agent-based simulations E Romero, M Chica, RR Hermann, S Damas. 2024
MultiCalib4DEB: A toolbox exploiting multimodal optimisation in Dynamic Energy Budget parameters calibration JF Robles, M Chica, R Filgueira, A Agüera, S Damas. 2023
Explaining Agent Behavior in Agent-Based Modeling Using Subgroup Discovery E Romero, CJ Carmona del Jesús, O Cordon, MJ del Jesus, S Damas, .... 2023
Two Decades of Agent-Based Modeling in Marketing: A Bibliometric Analysis E Romero, M Chica, S Damas, W Rand. 2023
Skeleton-ID: AI-driven Human Identification A Valsecchi, O Gómez, A González, M Macías, M De Dios, M Panizo, .... 2023
Zio: an artificial intelligence digital twin to build virtual markets M Chica, O Cordón, JF Robles, A Garrido, J Mingot, S Damas. 2023
Evaluating artificial intelligence for comparative radiography Ó Gómez, P Mesejo, Ó Ibáñez, A Valsecchi, E Bermejo, A Cerezo, J Pérez, .... 2023
TSFEDL: A Python Library for Time Series Spatio-Temporal Feature Extraction and Prediction using Deep Learning (with Appendices on Detailed Network Architectures and … I Aguilera-Martos, ÁM García-Vico, J Luengo, S Damas, FJ Melero, .... 2022
Automating the Decision Making Process of Todd’s Age Estimation Method from the Pubic Symphysis with Explainable Machine Learning JC Gámez-Granados, J Irurita, R Pérez, A González, S Damas, I Alemán, .... 2022
TSFEDL: A Python Library for Time Series Spatio-Temporal Feature Extraction and Prediction using Deep Learning I Aguilera-Martos, ÁM García-Vico, J Luengo, S Damas, FJ Melero, .... 2022
Forensic Identification by Craniofacial Superimposition Using Fuzzy Set Theory O Ibáñez, C Campomanes-Álvarez, BR Campomanes-Álvarez, R Martos, .... 2021
Stochastic 3D rock reconstruction using GANs A Valsecchi, S Damas. 2021
Stochastic reconstruction of 3D porous media from 2D images using generative adversarial networks A Valsecchi, S Damas, C Tubilleja, J Arechalde. 2020
Handbook on Craniofacial Superimposition: The MEPROCS Project S Damas, O Cordón, O Ibáñez. 2020
Embracing multimodal optimization to enhance Dynamic Energy Budget parameterization R Filgueira, M Chica, JJ Palacios, T Strohmeier, R Lavaud, A Agüera, .... 2020
XVIII Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial (CAEPIA 2018) JDELSER FRANCISCO HERRERA, SERGIO DAMAS, ROSANA MONTES, SERGIO ALONSO .... 2018
Coral reef optimization with substrate layers for medical image registration E Bermejo, M Chica, S Damas, S Salcedo-Sanz, O Cordón. 2018
Mono-modal Medical Image Registration with Coral Reef Optimization E Bermejo, M Chica, S Damas, S Salcedo-Sanz, O Cordón. 2018
Metaheurísticas constructivas para Car Sequencing Problem con flotas de vehículos especiales I Moya Señas, J Bautista Valhondo, M Chica Serrano, S Damas Arroyo, .... 2018
A Robust and Efficient Method for Skull-Face Overlay in Computerized Craniofacial Superimposition A Valsecchi, S Damas, O Cordón. 2018
Metaheuristics for Medical Image Registration A Valsecchi, E Bermejo, S Damas, O Cordón. 2018
Metaheurısticas constructivas para Car Sequencing Problem con Flotas de vehıculos especiales I Moya, J Bautista, M Chica, S Damas, O Cordón. 2018
Equilibrado robusto de una línea de motores mixtos con atributos temporales, espaciales y ergonómicos J Bautista, M Chica, O Cordón, S Damas. 2018
Modelling Mandible Articulation for Skull-Face Overlay in Forensic Identification E Bermejo, C Campomanes-Alvarez, A Valsecchi, O Ibánez, S Damas, .... 2018
Registrado de Imagen Médica mediante Algoritmos de Optimizacion basados en Arrecifes de Coral E Bermejo, M Chica, S Damas, S Salcedo-Sanz, O Cordón. 2018
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 18th Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence, CAEPIA 2018, Granada, Spain, October 23–26, 2018, Proceedings F Herrera, S Damas, R Montes, S Alonso, Ó Cordón, A González, .... 2018
Advances in Artificial Intelligence F Herrera, S Damas, R Montes, S Alonso, Ó Cordón, A González, .... 2018
Multimodal optimization: An effective framework for model calibration M Chica, J Barranquero, T Kajdanowicz, S Damas, Ó Cordón. 2017
moGrams: A Network-Based Methodology for Visualizing the Set of Nondominated Solutions in Multiobjective Optimization K Trawiński, M Chica, DP Pancho, S Damas, O Cordón. 2017
An evolutionary trust game for the sharing economy M Chica, R Chiong, MTP Adam, S Damas, T Teubner. 2017
Multimodal optimization M Chica, J Barranquero, T Kajdanowicz, S Damas, Ó Cordón. 2017
Genetic algorithms for skull-face overlay including mandible articulation E Bermejo, C Campomanes-Álvarez, A Valsecchi, O Ibáñez, S Damas, .... 2017
New Application of 3D VFH Descriptors in Archaeological Categorization: A Case Study J Santamaría, E Bermejo, C Enríquez, S Damas, Ó Cordón. 2017
A first approach to a fuzzy classification system for age estimation based on the pubic bone P Villar, I Alemán, L Castillo, S Damas, O Cordón. 2017
A multiobjective model and evolutionary algorithms for robust time and space assembly line balancing under uncertain demand M Chica, J Bautista, Ó Cordón, S Damas. 2016
Identimod: Modeling and managing brand value using soft computing M Chica, Ó Cordón, S Damas, V Iglesias, J Mingot. 2016
Study on the criteria for assessing skull-face correspondence in craniofacial superimposition O Ibáñez, A Valsecchi, F Cavalli, MI Huete, BR Campomanes-Alvarez, .... 2016
MEPROCS framework for craniofacial superimposition: Validation study O Ibáñez, R Vicente, D Navega, C Campomanes-Álvarez, C Cattaneo, .... 2016
Biomedical image segmentation using geometric deformable models and metaheuristics P Mesejo, A Valsecchi, L Marrakchi-Kacem, S Cagnoni, S Damas. 2015
Detecting key variables in system dynamics modelling by using social network metrics J Barranquero, M Chica, O Cordón, S Damas. 2015
Adaptive IDEA for Robust Multiobjective Optimization, Application to the r-TSALBP-m/A M Chica, J Bautista, S Damas, O Cordon. 2015
Adaptive IDEA for robust multiobjective optimization. Application to the r-TSALBP-m/A M Chica Serrano, J Bautista Valhondo, O Cordón García, S Damas Arroyo. 2015
Dispersion assessment in the location of facial landmarks on photographs BR Campomanes-Álvarez, O Ibáñez, F Navarro, I Alemán, O Cordón, .... 2015
A comparative study on the application of advanced bacterial foraging models to image registration E Bermejo, O Cordón, S Damas, J Santamaría. 2015
Study on the performance of different craniofacial superimposition approaches (II): best practices proposal S Damas, C Wilkinson, T Kahana, E Veselovskaya, A Abramov, .... 2015
Modeling facial soft tissue thickness for automatic skull-face overlay BR Campomanes-Álvarez, O Ibánez, C Campomanes-Álvarez, S Damas, .... 2015
Study on the performance of different craniofacial superimposition approaches (I) H Ross20, D Gaudio21, S Damas. 2015
Bacterial foraging optimization for intensity-based medical image registration E Bermejo, A Valsecchi, S Damas, O Cordón. 2015
A refined GRASP algorithm for the extended car sequencing problem E Lacovic, M Chica Serrano, S Damas Arroyo, J Bautista Valhondo, .... 2015
Métricas sobre la robustez de soluciones en el problema TSALB ante la variación del mix de producción J Bautista Valhondo, M Chica Serrano, O Cordón García, S Damas Arroyo. 2015
Modelado y detección de variables clave en un sistema dinámico de employer branding M Chica, S Damas, Ó Cordón, V Iglesias, J Mingot. 2015
Automatic evolutionary medical image segmentation using deformable models A Valsecchi, P Mesejo, L Marrakchi-Kacem, S Cagnoni, S Damas. 2014
Interactive preferences in multiobjective ant colony optimisation for assembly line balancing J Bautista, M Chica, O Cordón, S Damas. 2014
Intensity-based image registration using scatter search A Valsecchi, S Damas, J Santamaría, L Marrakchi-Kacem. 2014
Computer vision and soft computing for automatic skull–face overlay in craniofacial superimposition BR Campomanes-Alvarez, O Ibáñez, F Navarro, I Alemán, M Botella, .... 2014
A case study of innovative population-based algorithms in 3D modeling: Artificial bee colony, biogeography-based optimization, harmony search JM García-Torres, S Damas, O Cordón, J Santamaría. 2014
Computer-based craniofacial superimposition in forensic identification using soft computing BR Campomanes-Álvarez, Ó Cordón, S Damas, Ó Ibáñez. 2014
Reconstrucción 3D de restos arqueológicos con técnicas evolutivas adaptativas de registrado de imágenes J Santamaría, JMG de la Torres, S Damas, O Cordón, C Enríquez. 2014
Subseries of Lecture Notes in Computer Science L Series, LF Series. 2014
A comparative study of multi-objective ant colony optimization algorithms for the time and space assembly line balancing problem J Rada-Vilela, M Chica, Ó Cordón, S Damas. 2013
A robustness information and visualization model for time and space assembly line balancing under uncertain demand M Chica, Ó Cordón, S Damas, J Bautista. 2013
NTIGen: a software for generating Nissan based instances for time and space assembly line balancing M Chica Serrano, O Cordón García, S Damas Arroyo, J Bautista Valhondo. 2013
A multiobjective genetic algorithm and robustness information function for time and space assembly line balancing M Chica Serrano, O Cordón García, S Damas Arroyo, J Bautista Valhondo. 2013
Evolutionary multi-objective optimization for mesh simplification of 3D open models BR Campomanes-Álvarez, O Cordón, S Damas. 2013
Evolutionary intensity-based medical image registration: a review A Valsecchi, S Damas, J Santamaria. 2013
Genetic algorithms for voxel-based medical image registration A Valsecchi, S Damas, J Santamaria, L Marrakchi-Kacem. 2013
Quality time-of-flight range imaging for feature-based registration using bacterial foraging E Bermejo, O Cordón, S Damas, J Santamaría. 2013
Evolutionary medical image registration using automatic parameter tuning A Valsecchi, J Dubois-Lacoste, T Stützle, S Damas, J Santamaria, .... 2013
Special issue on computational intelligence in computer vision and image processing [guest editorial] M Zhang, M Koeppen, S Damas. 2013
Multiobjective memetic algorithms for time and space assembly line balancing M Chica, O Cordon, S Damas, J Bautista. 2012
Análisis del NSGA-II para el TSALBP-1/3 cuando existe variación de demanda en una producción mixta M Chica, O Cordón, S Damas, J Bautista Valhondo. 2012
A cooperative coevolutionary approach dealing with the skull–face overlay uncertainty in forensic identification by craniofacial superimposition O Ibánez, O Cordón, S Damas. 2012
An advanced scatter search design for skull-face overlay in craniofacial superimposition O Ibáñez, O Cordón, S Damas, J Santamaría. 2012
An image registration approach using genetic algorithms A Valsecchi, S Damas, J Santamaría. 2012
Self-adaptive evolutionary image registration using differential evolution and artificial immune systems J Santamaría, S Damas, JM García-Torres, O Cordón. 2012
Self-adaptive evolution toward new parameter free image registration methods J Santamaria, S Damas, O Cordon, A Escamez. 2012
GRASP and path relinking hybridizations for the point matching-based image registration problem J Santamaría, O Cordón, S Damas, R Martí, RJ Palma. 2012
Mesh simplification for 3D modeling using evolutionary multi-objective optimization BR Campomanes-Álvarez, S Damas, Ó Cordón. 2012
Método y sistema de identificación forense por superposición craneofacial basado en soft computing Ó Ibáñez Panizo, S Damas Arroyo, Ó Cordón García, MC Botella López, .... 2012
A cooperative coevolutionary approach dealing with the skull–face overlay uncertainty in forensic identification by craniofacial superimposition O Cordón, S Damas. 2012
Algoritmo Evolutivo Multi-Objetivo Basado en Simplificación de Mallas para el Modelado 3D BR Campomanes-Álvarez, S Damas, Ó Cordón. 2012
An advanced multiobjective genetic algorithm design for the time and space assembly line balancing problem M Chica, O Cordon, S Damas. 2011
Including different kinds of preferences in a multi-objective ant algorithm for time and space assembly line balancing on different Nissan scenarios M Chica, O Cordón, S Damas, J Bautista. 2011
A new diversity induction mechanism for a multi-objective ant colony algorithm to solve a real-world time and space assembly line balancing problem M Chica, O Cordón, S Damas, J Bautista. 2011
A multiobjective memetic ant colony optimization algorithm for the 1/3 variant of the time and space assembly line balancing problem M Chica Serrano, O Cordón García, J Bautista Valhondo, S Damas Arroyo. 2011
Tackling the 1/3 variant of the time and space assembly line balancing problem by means of a multiobjective genetic algorithm M Chica, O Cordón, S Damas. 2011
Including different kinds of preferences in a multiobjective ant algorithm for time and space assembly line balancing on different Nissan scenarios J Bautista, M Chica, O Cordon, S Damas. 2011
2011 Index IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems Vol. 19 G Acampora, J Adamy, S Aghakhani, R Alcala, J Alcala-Fdez, J An, .... 2011
Medical image registration using evolutionary computation: An experimental survey S Damas, O Cordón, J Santamaría. 2011
A comparative study of state-of-the-art evolutionary image registration methods for 3D modeling J Santamaría, O Cordón, S Damas. 2011
Forensic identification by computer-aided craniofacial superimposition: a survey S Damas, O Cordón, O Ibáñez, J Santamaría, I Alemán, M Botella, .... 2011
Modeling the skull–face overlay uncertainty using fuzzy sets O Ibánez, O Cordón, S Damas, J Santamaria. 2011
Evaluation of various evolutionary methods for medical image registration S Damas, O Cordon, J Santamaria. 2011
A study of the suitability of evolutionary computation in 3D modeling of forensic remains J Santamaría, O Cordón, S Damas, JM García-Torres, F Navarro. 2011
Two different approaches to handle landmark location uncertainty in skull-face overlay: coevolution vs fuzzy landmarks Ó Ibáñez, Ó Cordón, S Damas. 2011
Soft Computing and Computer Vision in Forensic Identification BR Campomanes-Álvarez, C Campomanes-Álvarez, E Bermejo, .... 2011
Multiobjective constructive heuristics for the 1/3 variant of the time and space assembly line balancing problem: ACO and random greedy search M Chica, O Cordon, S Damas, J Bautista. 2010
A multiobjective GRASP for the 1/3 variant of the time and space assembly line balancing problem M Chica, O Cordón, S Damas, J Bautista. 2010
Adding diversity to two multiobjective constructive metaheuristics for time and space assembly line balancing M Chica, O Cordón, S Damas, J Bautista. 2010
Multimodal genetic algorithms for craniofacial superimposition O Ibáñez, O Cordón, S Damas, J Santamaría. 2010
GRASP & evolutionary path relinking for medical image registration based on point matching J Santamaría, O Cordón, S Damas, R Martí, RJ Palma. 2010
A survey on the research lines of the applications of Fuzzy Logic and Evolutionary Algorithms research unit at the European Center for Soft Computing O Cordón, S Damas, R del Coso, O Ibánez, C Pena. 2010
Identificación por superposición fotográfica F Navarro, I Alemán, M Botella, S Damas, O Cordón, J Santamaría. 2010
Aiyama, Yasumichi 21 Baek, KyeongKeun 141 Baptiste, Pierre 157 Bargiel, Sylwester 99 J Bautista, B Amar, M Amin. 2010
Forensic Identification by craniofacial superimposition using Soft Computing ÓI Panizo, ÓC García, SD Arroyo. 2010
Incorporando preferencias basadas en EMO a un algoritmo ACO multiobjetivo para el equilibrado de líneas de montaje considerando tiempo y espacio M Chica, Ó Cordón, S Damas, J Bautista. 2010
Hibridación entre GRASP y Path relinking para abordar problemas de registrado de imágenes médicas 3D J Santamaría, O Cordón, S Damas, R Martí, RJ Palma. 2010
Uso de Marcadores Difusos para Solucionar el Problema de la Coplanaridad en la Calibración de la Cámara en 3D. Aplicación en Identificación Forense por Superposición Craneofacial O Ibánez, O Cordón, S Damas, J Santamarıa. 2010
Registrado 3D-2D para el solapamiento cráneo-cara en superposición craniofacial mediante CMA-ES J Santamaría, O Cordón, S Damas, O Ibáñez. 2010
Integration of an emo-based preference elicitation scheme into a multi-objective aco algorithm for time and space assembly line balancing M Chica, Ó Cordón, S Damas, J Bautista. 2009
Heurısticas constructivas multiobjetivo para el problema de equilibrado de lıneas de montaje considerando tiempo y espacio M Chica, O Cordón, S Damas, J Bautista, J Pereira. 2009
Adding diversity to a multiobjective ant colony algorithm for time and space assembly line balancing M Chica, S Damas, J Bautista. 2009
On using heuristic information in a multi-objective ACO algorithm for the time and space assembly line balancing problem M Chica, O Cordón, S Damas, J Bautista, J Pereira. 2009
Performance evaluation of memetic approaches in 3D reconstruction of forensic objects J Santamaría, O Cordón, S Damas, JM García-Torres, A Quirin. 2009
An experimental study on the applicability of evolutionary algorithms to craniofacial superimposition in forensic identification O Ibáñez, L Ballerini, O Cordón, S Damas, J Santamaría. 2009
Tackling the coplanarity problem in 3D camera calibration by means of fuzzy landmarks: a performance study in forensic craniofacial superimposition J Santamaría, O Cordón, S Damas, O Ibánez. 2009
Multi-objective, constructive heuristics for the 1/3 variant of the time and space assembly line balancing problem: ACO and randomised greedy M Chica, O Cordón, S Damas, J Bautista, J Pereira. 2009
Special issue on recent advances in soft computing in image processing M Nachtegael, E Kerre, S Damas, D Van der Weken. 2009
A New Approach to Fuzzy Location of Cephalometric Landmarks in Craniofacial Superimposition. O Ibánez, O Cordón, S Damas, S Guadarrama, J Santamaría. 2009
Automatic 3D modeling of skulls by scatter search and heuristic features L Ballerini, O Cordón, S Damas, J Santamaría. 2009
A review on the application of hybrid artificial intelligence systems to optimization problems in operations management O Ibáñez, O Cordón, S Damas, L Magdalena. 2009
3D-2D image registration for craniofacial superimposition in forensic medicine using covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy J Santamaría, O Cordón, S Damas, O Ibáñez. 2009
Soft Computing Developments of the Applications of Fuzzy Logic and Evolutionary Algorithms Research Unit at the European Center for Soft Computing O Cordón, S Damas, R Del Coso, O Ibáñez, C Peña. 2009
Revisión del estado del arte en métodos de registrado de imágenes basados en metaheurısticas O Cordón, S Damas, J Santamarıa. 2009
Un estudio sobre la aplicabilidad de la computación evolutiva al registrado de imágenes de rango J Santamaría, O Cordón, S Damas. 2009
Evaluación del rendimiento de enfoques meméticos en la reconstrucción 3D de objetos forenses J Santamarıa, O Cordón, S Damas, JM Garcıa-Torres. 2009
Incorporating preferences to a multi-objective ant colony algorithm for time and space assembly line balancing J Bautista, M Chica, O Cordon, S Damas, J Pereira. 2008
A multiobjective ant colony optimization algorithm for the 1/3 variant of the time and space assembly line balancing problem M Chica, O Cordón, S Damas, J Bautista, J Pereira. 2008
Scatter search for the point-matching problem in 3D image registration O Cordón, S Damas, J Santamaría, R Martí. 2008
Craniofacial superimposition based on genetic algorithms and fuzzy location of cephalometric landmarks O Ibáñez, O Cordón, S Damas, J Santamaría. 2008
Identificación humana mediante superposición de imágenes: Una propuesta metodológica I Alemán, MC Botella, F Navarro, Ó Cordón, S Damas, J Santamaría. 2008
Automatic feature extraction from 3D range images of skulls L Ballerini, M Calisti, O Cordón, S Damas, J Santamaría. 2008
Superposición craniofacial basada en algoritmos genéricos y localización difusa de puntos de referencia cefalométricos Ó Ibáñez, S DAMAS, J SANTAMARÍA. 2008
Automatic 3D skull reconstruction using invariant features L Ballerini, M Calisti, S Damas, O Cordón, J Santamaría. 2008
Automatic 3D Skull Reconstruction using Invariant L Ballerini, M Calisti, S Damas, O Cordón, J Santamaría. 2008
Features Extraction from Clouds of Points for 3d Skulls Registration M Calisti, L Ballerini, L Bocchi, O Cordon, S Damas, C Manfredi. 2008
A scatter search-based technique for pair-wise 3D range image registration in forensic anthropology J Santamaría, O Cordón, S Damas, I Alemán, M Botella. 2007
Craniofacial superimposition in forensic identification using genetic algorithms L Ballerini, O Cordon, S Damas, J Santamaria, I Aleman, M Botella. 2007
Evolutionary approaches for automatic 3D modeling of skulls in forensic identification J Santamaría, O Cordón, S Damas. 2007
A practical review on the applicability of different EAs to 3D feature-based registration O Cordón, S Damas, J Santamaría. 2007
A practical review on the applicability of different evolutionary algorithms to 3D feature-based image registration O Cordon, S Damas, J Santamaria. 2007
Selección heurística en imágenes 3D para la reconstrucción forense de cráneos con búsqueda dispersa L Ballerini, Ó Cordón, S Damas, J Santamaría. 2007
Reconstrucción de modelos 3D en antropologıa forense mediante Scatter Search J Santamarıa, O Cordón, S Damas, I Alemán, M Botella. 2007
A fast and accurate approach for 3D image registration using the scatter search evolutionary algorithm O Cordón, S Damas, J Santamaría. 2006
Feature-based image registration by means of the CHC evolutionary algorithm O Cordón, S Damas, J Santamaría. 2006
Image registration with iterated local search O Cordón, S Damas. 2006
3D forensic model reconstruction by scatter search-based pair-wise image registration J Santamaria, O Cordón, S Damas, I Alemán, M Botella. 2006
3D inter-subject medical image registration by scatter search O Cordón, S Damas, J Santamaría, R Martí. 2005
A scatter search based optimizer for the registration of 3D surfaces O Cordón, S Damas, J Santamaria. 2005
Una aplicación de scatter search al problema del registrado de imágenes tridimensionales O Cordón, S Damas, J Santamaría, R Martí. 2005
A scatter search algorithm for the 3D image registration problem O Cordón, S Damas, J Santamaría. 2004
A CHC evolutionary algorithm for 3D image registration O Cordón, S Damas, J Santamaría. 2003
Registrado de imágenes basado en características mediante metaheurísticas SD Arroyo. 2003
A CHC Evolutionary Algorithm for 3D Image O Cordón¹, S Damas, J Santamaría. 2003
Object representation and comparison inferred from its medial axis SF Vidal, E Bardinet, G Malandain, S Damas, NP de la Blanca Capilla. 2000
Structural object matching E Bardinet, SF Vidal, SD Arroyo, G Malandain, NP de la Blanca Capilla. 2000
A comparison of multispectral image classifiers using high dimensional simulated data sets FJ Cortijo, N Pérez de la Blanca, J Abad, S Damas. 1997
Programming by contract JC McKim. 1996
Modelling of Near field Properties of Seismic Waves in an Anisotropic Medium SD Arroyo. 1994

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