Sergio Damas Arroyo
UGRTotal | Desde 2020: | |
Citas | Total: 3341 | Desde 2020: 978 |
Índice H | Total: 34 | Desde 2020: 16 |
Índice i10 | Total: 76 | Desde 2020: 36 |
Publicaciones (167)
Título | Autores | Año |
Information fusion for infant age estimation from deciduous teeth using machine learning | P Martínez‐Moreno, A Valsecchi, S Damas, J Irurita, P Mesejo. | 2024 |
Evidence evaluation in craniofacial superimposition using likelihood ratios | P Martínez-Moreno, A Valsecchi, P Mesejo, Ó Ibáñez, S Damas. | 2024 |
Targeting incentives to adopt wind-assisted technologies in shipping by agent-based simulations | E Romero, M Chica, RR Hermann, S Damas. | 2024 |
MultiCalib4DEB: A toolbox exploiting multimodal optimisation in Dynamic Energy Budget parameters calibration | JF Robles, M Chica, R Filgueira, A Agüera, S Damas. | 2023 |
Explaining Agent Behavior in Agent-Based Modeling Using Subgroup Discovery | E Romero, CJ Carmona del Jesús, O Cordon, MJ del Jesus, S Damas, .... | 2023 |
Two Decades of Agent-Based Modeling in Marketing: A Bibliometric Analysis | E Romero, M Chica, S Damas, W Rand. | 2023 |
Skeleton-ID: AI-driven Human Identification | A Valsecchi, O Gómez, A González, M Macías, M De Dios, M Panizo, .... | 2023 |
Zio: an artificial intelligence digital twin to build virtual markets | M Chica, O Cordón, JF Robles, A Garrido, J Mingot, S Damas. | 2023 |
Evaluating artificial intelligence for comparative radiography | Ó Gómez, P Mesejo, Ó Ibáñez, A Valsecchi, E Bermejo, A Cerezo, J Pérez, .... | 2023 |
TSFEDL: A Python Library for Time Series Spatio-Temporal Feature Extraction and Prediction using Deep Learning (with Appendices on Detailed Network Architectures and … | I Aguilera-Martos, ÁM García-Vico, J Luengo, S Damas, FJ Melero, .... | 2022 |
Automating the Decision Making Process of Todd’s Age Estimation Method from the Pubic Symphysis with Explainable Machine Learning | JC Gámez-Granados, J Irurita, R Pérez, A González, S Damas, I Alemán, .... | 2022 |
TSFEDL: A Python Library for Time Series Spatio-Temporal Feature Extraction and Prediction using Deep Learning | I Aguilera-Martos, ÁM García-Vico, J Luengo, S Damas, FJ Melero, .... | 2022 |
Forensic Identification by Craniofacial Superimposition Using Fuzzy Set Theory | O Ibáñez, C Campomanes-Álvarez, BR Campomanes-Álvarez, R Martos, .... | 2021 |
Stochastic 3D rock reconstruction using GANs | A Valsecchi, S Damas. | 2021 |
Stochastic reconstruction of 3D porous media from 2D images using generative adversarial networks | A Valsecchi, S Damas, C Tubilleja, J Arechalde. | 2020 |
Handbook on Craniofacial Superimposition: The MEPROCS Project | S Damas, O Cordón, O Ibáñez. | 2020 |
Embracing multimodal optimization to enhance Dynamic Energy Budget parameterization | R Filgueira, M Chica, JJ Palacios, T Strohmeier, R Lavaud, A Agüera, .... | 2020 |
XVIII Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial (CAEPIA 2018) | JDELSER FRANCISCO HERRERA, SERGIO DAMAS, ROSANA MONTES, SERGIO ALONSO .... | 2018 |
Coral reef optimization with substrate layers for medical image registration | E Bermejo, M Chica, S Damas, S Salcedo-Sanz, O Cordón. | 2018 |
Mono-modal Medical Image Registration with Coral Reef Optimization | E Bermejo, M Chica, S Damas, S Salcedo-Sanz, O Cordón. | 2018 |
Metaheurísticas constructivas para Car Sequencing Problem con flotas de vehículos especiales | I Moya Señas, J Bautista Valhondo, M Chica Serrano, S Damas Arroyo, .... | 2018 |
A Robust and Efficient Method for Skull-Face Overlay in Computerized Craniofacial Superimposition | A Valsecchi, S Damas, O Cordón. | 2018 |
Metaheuristics for Medical Image Registration | A Valsecchi, E Bermejo, S Damas, O Cordón. | 2018 |
Metaheurısticas constructivas para Car Sequencing Problem con Flotas de vehıculos especiales | I Moya, J Bautista, M Chica, S Damas, O Cordón. | 2018 |
Equilibrado robusto de una línea de motores mixtos con atributos temporales, espaciales y ergonómicos | J Bautista, M Chica, O Cordón, S Damas. | 2018 |
Modelling Mandible Articulation for Skull-Face Overlay in Forensic Identification | E Bermejo, C Campomanes-Alvarez, A Valsecchi, O Ibánez, S Damas, .... | 2018 |
Registrado de Imagen Médica mediante Algoritmos de Optimizacion basados en Arrecifes de Coral | E Bermejo, M Chica, S Damas, S Salcedo-Sanz, O Cordón. | 2018 |
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 18th Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence, CAEPIA 2018, Granada, Spain, October 23–26, 2018, Proceedings | F Herrera, S Damas, R Montes, S Alonso, Ó Cordón, A González, .... | 2018 |
Advances in Artificial Intelligence | F Herrera, S Damas, R Montes, S Alonso, Ó Cordón, A González, .... | 2018 |
Multimodal optimization: An effective framework for model calibration | M Chica, J Barranquero, T Kajdanowicz, S Damas, Ó Cordón. | 2017 |
moGrams: A Network-Based Methodology for Visualizing the Set of Nondominated Solutions in Multiobjective Optimization | K Trawiński, M Chica, DP Pancho, S Damas, O Cordón. | 2017 |
An evolutionary trust game for the sharing economy | M Chica, R Chiong, MTP Adam, S Damas, T Teubner. | 2017 |
Multimodal optimization | M Chica, J Barranquero, T Kajdanowicz, S Damas, Ó Cordón. | 2017 |
Genetic algorithms for skull-face overlay including mandible articulation | E Bermejo, C Campomanes-Álvarez, A Valsecchi, O Ibáñez, S Damas, .... | 2017 |
New Application of 3D VFH Descriptors in Archaeological Categorization: A Case Study | J Santamaría, E Bermejo, C Enríquez, S Damas, Ó Cordón. | 2017 |
A first approach to a fuzzy classification system for age estimation based on the pubic bone | P Villar, I Alemán, L Castillo, S Damas, O Cordón. | 2017 |
A multiobjective model and evolutionary algorithms for robust time and space assembly line balancing under uncertain demand | M Chica, J Bautista, Ó Cordón, S Damas. | 2016 |
Identimod: Modeling and managing brand value using soft computing | M Chica, Ó Cordón, S Damas, V Iglesias, J Mingot. | 2016 |
Study on the criteria for assessing skull-face correspondence in craniofacial superimposition | O Ibáñez, A Valsecchi, F Cavalli, MI Huete, BR Campomanes-Alvarez, .... | 2016 |
MEPROCS framework for craniofacial superimposition: Validation study | O Ibáñez, R Vicente, D Navega, C Campomanes-Álvarez, C Cattaneo, .... | 2016 |
Biomedical image segmentation using geometric deformable models and metaheuristics | P Mesejo, A Valsecchi, L Marrakchi-Kacem, S Cagnoni, S Damas. | 2015 |
Detecting key variables in system dynamics modelling by using social network metrics | J Barranquero, M Chica, O Cordón, S Damas. | 2015 |
Adaptive IDEA for Robust Multiobjective Optimization, Application to the r-TSALBP-m/A | M Chica, J Bautista, S Damas, O Cordon. | 2015 |
Adaptive IDEA for robust multiobjective optimization. Application to the r-TSALBP-m/A | M Chica Serrano, J Bautista Valhondo, O Cordón García, S Damas Arroyo. | 2015 |
Dispersion assessment in the location of facial landmarks on photographs | BR Campomanes-Álvarez, O Ibáñez, F Navarro, I Alemán, O Cordón, .... | 2015 |
A comparative study on the application of advanced bacterial foraging models to image registration | E Bermejo, O Cordón, S Damas, J Santamaría. | 2015 |
Study on the performance of different craniofacial superimposition approaches (II): best practices proposal | S Damas, C Wilkinson, T Kahana, E Veselovskaya, A Abramov, .... | 2015 |
Modeling facial soft tissue thickness for automatic skull-face overlay | BR Campomanes-Álvarez, O Ibánez, C Campomanes-Álvarez, S Damas, .... | 2015 |
Study on the performance of different craniofacial superimposition approaches (I) | H Ross20, D Gaudio21, S Damas. | 2015 |
Bacterial foraging optimization for intensity-based medical image registration | E Bermejo, A Valsecchi, S Damas, O Cordón. | 2015 |
A refined GRASP algorithm for the extended car sequencing problem | E Lacovic, M Chica Serrano, S Damas Arroyo, J Bautista Valhondo, .... | 2015 |
Métricas sobre la robustez de soluciones en el problema TSALB ante la variación del mix de producción | J Bautista Valhondo, M Chica Serrano, O Cordón García, S Damas Arroyo. | 2015 |
Modelado y detección de variables clave en un sistema dinámico de employer branding | M Chica, S Damas, Ó Cordón, V Iglesias, J Mingot. | 2015 |
Automatic evolutionary medical image segmentation using deformable models | A Valsecchi, P Mesejo, L Marrakchi-Kacem, S Cagnoni, S Damas. | 2014 |
Interactive preferences in multiobjective ant colony optimisation for assembly line balancing | J Bautista, M Chica, O Cordón, S Damas. | 2014 |
Intensity-based image registration using scatter search | A Valsecchi, S Damas, J Santamaría, L Marrakchi-Kacem. | 2014 |
Computer vision and soft computing for automatic skull–face overlay in craniofacial superimposition | BR Campomanes-Alvarez, O Ibáñez, F Navarro, I Alemán, M Botella, .... | 2014 |
A case study of innovative population-based algorithms in 3D modeling: Artificial bee colony, biogeography-based optimization, harmony search | JM García-Torres, S Damas, O Cordón, J Santamaría. | 2014 |
Computer-based craniofacial superimposition in forensic identification using soft computing | BR Campomanes-Álvarez, Ó Cordón, S Damas, Ó Ibáñez. | 2014 |
Reconstrucción 3D de restos arqueológicos con técnicas evolutivas adaptativas de registrado de imágenes | J Santamaría, JMG de la Torres, S Damas, O Cordón, C Enríquez. | 2014 |
Subseries of Lecture Notes in Computer Science | L Series, LF Series. | 2014 |
A comparative study of multi-objective ant colony optimization algorithms for the time and space assembly line balancing problem | J Rada-Vilela, M Chica, Ó Cordón, S Damas. | 2013 |
A robustness information and visualization model for time and space assembly line balancing under uncertain demand | M Chica, Ó Cordón, S Damas, J Bautista. | 2013 |
NTIGen: a software for generating Nissan based instances for time and space assembly line balancing | M Chica Serrano, O Cordón García, S Damas Arroyo, J Bautista Valhondo. | 2013 |
A multiobjective genetic algorithm and robustness information function for time and space assembly line balancing | M Chica Serrano, O Cordón García, S Damas Arroyo, J Bautista Valhondo. | 2013 |
Evolutionary multi-objective optimization for mesh simplification of 3D open models | BR Campomanes-Álvarez, O Cordón, S Damas. | 2013 |
Evolutionary intensity-based medical image registration: a review | A Valsecchi, S Damas, J Santamaria. | 2013 |
Genetic algorithms for voxel-based medical image registration | A Valsecchi, S Damas, J Santamaria, L Marrakchi-Kacem. | 2013 |
Quality time-of-flight range imaging for feature-based registration using bacterial foraging | E Bermejo, O Cordón, S Damas, J Santamaría. | 2013 |
Evolutionary medical image registration using automatic parameter tuning | A Valsecchi, J Dubois-Lacoste, T Stützle, S Damas, J Santamaria, .... | 2013 |
Special issue on computational intelligence in computer vision and image processing [guest editorial] | M Zhang, M Koeppen, S Damas. | 2013 |
Multiobjective memetic algorithms for time and space assembly line balancing | M Chica, O Cordon, S Damas, J Bautista. | 2012 |
Análisis del NSGA-II para el TSALBP-1/3 cuando existe variación de demanda en una producción mixta | M Chica, O Cordón, S Damas, J Bautista Valhondo. | 2012 |
A cooperative coevolutionary approach dealing with the skull–face overlay uncertainty in forensic identification by craniofacial superimposition | O Ibánez, O Cordón, S Damas. | 2012 |
An advanced scatter search design for skull-face overlay in craniofacial superimposition | O Ibáñez, O Cordón, S Damas, J Santamaría. | 2012 |
An image registration approach using genetic algorithms | A Valsecchi, S Damas, J Santamaría. | 2012 |
Self-adaptive evolutionary image registration using differential evolution and artificial immune systems | J Santamaría, S Damas, JM García-Torres, O Cordón. | 2012 |
Self-adaptive evolution toward new parameter free image registration methods | J Santamaria, S Damas, O Cordon, A Escamez. | 2012 |
GRASP and path relinking hybridizations for the point matching-based image registration problem | J Santamaría, O Cordón, S Damas, R Martí, RJ Palma. | 2012 |
Mesh simplification for 3D modeling using evolutionary multi-objective optimization | BR Campomanes-Álvarez, S Damas, Ó Cordón. | 2012 |
Método y sistema de identificación forense por superposición craneofacial basado en soft computing | Ó Ibáñez Panizo, S Damas Arroyo, Ó Cordón García, MC Botella López, .... | 2012 |
A cooperative coevolutionary approach dealing with the skull–face overlay uncertainty in forensic identification by craniofacial superimposition | O Cordón, S Damas. | 2012 |
Algoritmo Evolutivo Multi-Objetivo Basado en Simplificación de Mallas para el Modelado 3D | BR Campomanes-Álvarez, S Damas, Ó Cordón. | 2012 |
An advanced multiobjective genetic algorithm design for the time and space assembly line balancing problem | M Chica, O Cordon, S Damas. | 2011 |
Including different kinds of preferences in a multi-objective ant algorithm for time and space assembly line balancing on different Nissan scenarios | M Chica, O Cordón, S Damas, J Bautista. | 2011 |
A new diversity induction mechanism for a multi-objective ant colony algorithm to solve a real-world time and space assembly line balancing problem | M Chica, O Cordón, S Damas, J Bautista. | 2011 |
A multiobjective memetic ant colony optimization algorithm for the 1/3 variant of the time and space assembly line balancing problem | M Chica Serrano, O Cordón García, J Bautista Valhondo, S Damas Arroyo. | 2011 |
Tackling the 1/3 variant of the time and space assembly line balancing problem by means of a multiobjective genetic algorithm | M Chica, O Cordón, S Damas. | 2011 |
Including different kinds of preferences in a multiobjective ant algorithm for time and space assembly line balancing on different Nissan scenarios | J Bautista, M Chica, O Cordon, S Damas. | 2011 |
2011 Index IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems Vol. 19 | G Acampora, J Adamy, S Aghakhani, R Alcala, J Alcala-Fdez, J An, .... | 2011 |
Medical image registration using evolutionary computation: An experimental survey | S Damas, O Cordón, J Santamaría. | 2011 |
A comparative study of state-of-the-art evolutionary image registration methods for 3D modeling | J Santamaría, O Cordón, S Damas. | 2011 |
Forensic identification by computer-aided craniofacial superimposition: a survey | S Damas, O Cordón, O Ibáñez, J Santamaría, I Alemán, M Botella, .... | 2011 |
Modeling the skull–face overlay uncertainty using fuzzy sets | O Ibánez, O Cordón, S Damas, J Santamaria. | 2011 |
Evaluation of various evolutionary methods for medical image registration | S Damas, O Cordon, J Santamaria. | 2011 |
A study of the suitability of evolutionary computation in 3D modeling of forensic remains | J Santamaría, O Cordón, S Damas, JM García-Torres, F Navarro. | 2011 |
Two different approaches to handle landmark location uncertainty in skull-face overlay: coevolution vs fuzzy landmarks | Ó Ibáñez, Ó Cordón, S Damas. | 2011 |
Soft Computing and Computer Vision in Forensic Identification | BR Campomanes-Álvarez, C Campomanes-Álvarez, E Bermejo, .... | 2011 |
Multiobjective constructive heuristics for the 1/3 variant of the time and space assembly line balancing problem: ACO and random greedy search | M Chica, O Cordon, S Damas, J Bautista. | 2010 |
A multiobjective GRASP for the 1/3 variant of the time and space assembly line balancing problem | M Chica, O Cordón, S Damas, J Bautista. | 2010 |
Adding diversity to two multiobjective constructive metaheuristics for time and space assembly line balancing | M Chica, O Cordón, S Damas, J Bautista. | 2010 |
Multimodal genetic algorithms for craniofacial superimposition | O Ibáñez, O Cordón, S Damas, J Santamaría. | 2010 |
GRASP & evolutionary path relinking for medical image registration based on point matching | J Santamaría, O Cordón, S Damas, R Martí, RJ Palma. | 2010 |
A survey on the research lines of the applications of Fuzzy Logic and Evolutionary Algorithms research unit at the European Center for Soft Computing | O Cordón, S Damas, R del Coso, O Ibánez, C Pena. | 2010 |
Identificación por superposición fotográfica | F Navarro, I Alemán, M Botella, S Damas, O Cordón, J Santamaría. | 2010 |
Aiyama, Yasumichi 21 Baek, KyeongKeun 141 Baptiste, Pierre 157 Bargiel, Sylwester 99 | J Bautista, B Amar, M Amin. | 2010 |
Forensic Identification by craniofacial superimposition using Soft Computing | ÓI Panizo, ÓC García, SD Arroyo. | 2010 |
Incorporando preferencias basadas en EMO a un algoritmo ACO multiobjetivo para el equilibrado de líneas de montaje considerando tiempo y espacio | M Chica, Ó Cordón, S Damas, J Bautista. | 2010 |
Hibridación entre GRASP y Path relinking para abordar problemas de registrado de imágenes médicas 3D | J Santamaría, O Cordón, S Damas, R Martí, RJ Palma. | 2010 |
Uso de Marcadores Difusos para Solucionar el Problema de la Coplanaridad en la Calibración de la Cámara en 3D. Aplicación en Identificación Forense por Superposición Craneofacial | O Ibánez, O Cordón, S Damas, J Santamarıa. | 2010 |
Registrado 3D-2D para el solapamiento cráneo-cara en superposición craniofacial mediante CMA-ES | J Santamaría, O Cordón, S Damas, O Ibáñez. | 2010 |
Integration of an emo-based preference elicitation scheme into a multi-objective aco algorithm for time and space assembly line balancing | M Chica, Ó Cordón, S Damas, J Bautista. | 2009 |
Heurısticas constructivas multiobjetivo para el problema de equilibrado de lıneas de montaje considerando tiempo y espacio | M Chica, O Cordón, S Damas, J Bautista, J Pereira. | 2009 |
Adding diversity to a multiobjective ant colony algorithm for time and space assembly line balancing | M Chica, S Damas, J Bautista. | 2009 |
On using heuristic information in a multi-objective ACO algorithm for the time and space assembly line balancing problem | M Chica, O Cordón, S Damas, J Bautista, J Pereira. | 2009 |
Performance evaluation of memetic approaches in 3D reconstruction of forensic objects | J Santamaría, O Cordón, S Damas, JM García-Torres, A Quirin. | 2009 |
An experimental study on the applicability of evolutionary algorithms to craniofacial superimposition in forensic identification | O Ibáñez, L Ballerini, O Cordón, S Damas, J Santamaría. | 2009 |
Tackling the coplanarity problem in 3D camera calibration by means of fuzzy landmarks: a performance study in forensic craniofacial superimposition | J Santamaría, O Cordón, S Damas, O Ibánez. | 2009 |
Multi-objective, constructive heuristics for the 1/3 variant of the time and space assembly line balancing problem: ACO and randomised greedy | M Chica, O Cordón, S Damas, J Bautista, J Pereira. | 2009 |
Special issue on recent advances in soft computing in image processing | M Nachtegael, E Kerre, S Damas, D Van der Weken. | 2009 |
A New Approach to Fuzzy Location of Cephalometric Landmarks in Craniofacial Superimposition. | O Ibánez, O Cordón, S Damas, S Guadarrama, J Santamaría. | 2009 |
Automatic 3D modeling of skulls by scatter search and heuristic features | L Ballerini, O Cordón, S Damas, J Santamaría. | 2009 |
A review on the application of hybrid artificial intelligence systems to optimization problems in operations management | O Ibáñez, O Cordón, S Damas, L Magdalena. | 2009 |
3D-2D image registration for craniofacial superimposition in forensic medicine using covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy | J Santamaría, O Cordón, S Damas, O Ibáñez. | 2009 |
Soft Computing Developments of the Applications of Fuzzy Logic and Evolutionary Algorithms Research Unit at the European Center for Soft Computing | O Cordón, S Damas, R Del Coso, O Ibáñez, C Peña. | 2009 |
Revisión del estado del arte en métodos de registrado de imágenes basados en metaheurısticas | O Cordón, S Damas, J Santamarıa. | 2009 |
Un estudio sobre la aplicabilidad de la computación evolutiva al registrado de imágenes de rango | J Santamaría, O Cordón, S Damas. | 2009 |
Evaluación del rendimiento de enfoques meméticos en la reconstrucción 3D de objetos forenses | J Santamarıa, O Cordón, S Damas, JM Garcıa-Torres. | 2009 |
Incorporating preferences to a multi-objective ant colony algorithm for time and space assembly line balancing | J Bautista, M Chica, O Cordon, S Damas, J Pereira. | 2008 |
A multiobjective ant colony optimization algorithm for the 1/3 variant of the time and space assembly line balancing problem | M Chica, O Cordón, S Damas, J Bautista, J Pereira. | 2008 |
Scatter search for the point-matching problem in 3D image registration | O Cordón, S Damas, J Santamaría, R Martí. | 2008 |
Craniofacial superimposition based on genetic algorithms and fuzzy location of cephalometric landmarks | O Ibáñez, O Cordón, S Damas, J Santamaría. | 2008 |
Identificación humana mediante superposición de imágenes: Una propuesta metodológica | I Alemán, MC Botella, F Navarro, Ó Cordón, S Damas, J Santamaría. | 2008 |
Automatic feature extraction from 3D range images of skulls | L Ballerini, M Calisti, O Cordón, S Damas, J Santamaría. | 2008 |
Superposición craniofacial basada en algoritmos genéricos y localización difusa de puntos de referencia cefalométricos | Ó Ibáñez, S DAMAS, J SANTAMARÍA. | 2008 |
Automatic 3D skull reconstruction using invariant features | L Ballerini, M Calisti, S Damas, O Cordón, J Santamaría. | 2008 |
Automatic 3D Skull Reconstruction using Invariant | L Ballerini, M Calisti, S Damas, O Cordón, J Santamaría. | 2008 |
Features Extraction from Clouds of Points for 3d Skulls Registration | M Calisti, L Ballerini, L Bocchi, O Cordon, S Damas, C Manfredi. | 2008 |
A scatter search-based technique for pair-wise 3D range image registration in forensic anthropology | J Santamaría, O Cordón, S Damas, I Alemán, M Botella. | 2007 |
Craniofacial superimposition in forensic identification using genetic algorithms | L Ballerini, O Cordon, S Damas, J Santamaria, I Aleman, M Botella. | 2007 |
Evolutionary approaches for automatic 3D modeling of skulls in forensic identification | J Santamaría, O Cordón, S Damas. | 2007 |
A practical review on the applicability of different EAs to 3D feature-based registration | O Cordón, S Damas, J Santamaría. | 2007 |
A practical review on the applicability of different evolutionary algorithms to 3D feature-based image registration | O Cordon, S Damas, J Santamaria. | 2007 |
Selección heurística en imágenes 3D para la reconstrucción forense de cráneos con búsqueda dispersa | L Ballerini, Ó Cordón, S Damas, J Santamaría. | 2007 |
Reconstrucción de modelos 3D en antropologıa forense mediante Scatter Search | J Santamarıa, O Cordón, S Damas, I Alemán, M Botella. | 2007 |
A fast and accurate approach for 3D image registration using the scatter search evolutionary algorithm | O Cordón, S Damas, J Santamaría. | 2006 |
Feature-based image registration by means of the CHC evolutionary algorithm | O Cordón, S Damas, J Santamaría. | 2006 |
Image registration with iterated local search | O Cordón, S Damas. | 2006 |
3D forensic model reconstruction by scatter search-based pair-wise image registration | J Santamaria, O Cordón, S Damas, I Alemán, M Botella. | 2006 |
3D inter-subject medical image registration by scatter search | O Cordón, S Damas, J Santamaría, R Martí. | 2005 |
A scatter search based optimizer for the registration of 3D surfaces | O Cordón, S Damas, J Santamaria. | 2005 |
Una aplicación de scatter search al problema del registrado de imágenes tridimensionales | O Cordón, S Damas, J Santamaría, R Martí. | 2005 |
A scatter search algorithm for the 3D image registration problem | O Cordón, S Damas, J Santamaría. | 2004 |
A CHC evolutionary algorithm for 3D image registration | O Cordón, S Damas, J Santamaría. | 2003 |
Registrado de imágenes basado en características mediante metaheurísticas | SD Arroyo. | 2003 |
A CHC Evolutionary Algorithm for 3D Image | O Cordón¹, S Damas, J Santamaría. | 2003 |
Object representation and comparison inferred from its medial axis | SF Vidal, E Bardinet, G Malandain, S Damas, NP de la Blanca Capilla. | 2000 |
Structural object matching | E Bardinet, SF Vidal, SD Arroyo, G Malandain, NP de la Blanca Capilla. | 2000 |
A comparison of multispectral image classifiers using high dimensional simulated data sets | FJ Cortijo, N Pérez de la Blanca, J Abad, S Damas. | 1997 |
Programming by contract | JC McKim. | 1996 |
Modelling of Near field Properties of Seismic Waves in an Anisotropic Medium | SD Arroyo. | 1994 |
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