Targets of this Goal

By 2030, it is necessary to achieve the following targets:
- Eliminate extreme poverty for the entire world population.
- Reduce by half the proportion of people living in poverty.
- Guarantee the equal rights to economic resources for everyone.
- Foster resilience of the poor and those in most vulnerable situations.
We can currently advance towards the attainment of this goal:
How does technology contribute to this SDG? See what we propose and tell us what you thinkLessons Learnt
We have analyzed the literature and extracted the following ideas on how technologies are favouring this SDG.
See also what we propose and tell us what you think
The important roles of government and international decisions to eliminate development inequalities and halt the spiral of poverty, suggest the need for large-scale decision support systems guided by AI tools and blockchain technologies to ensure fair governance processes through highly participatory and traceable decisions.
The AI along with diverse data collection processes are being employed to measure poverty levels and predict poverty situations in certain areas. Notwithstanding, efforts are still needed in creating large platforms for Big Data that are accessible and shared, ideally in conjunction with the Internet of Things to facilitate continuous data collection.
Processes automation through AI can be a ‘double-edged sword’, specially in developing countries where it may aggravate unemployment. Strategies are therefore required to strike a balance between automation and actions for reducing the digital breach across the population.
The proposed actions on which we introduce an opinion poll for this SDG, are described below:
Poll for SDG-1
The analyses of interrelationships between emerging technologies & AI, and the possibilities they offer to pursue the SDGs, led us to propose a series of actions and/or potential projects to develop.
Among these recommendations, which one is more important in your opinion?