Targets of this Goal

By 2030, it is necessary to achieve the following targets:
- Put an end to all forms of discrimination against women and girls across the globe.
- Eliminate all forms of gender violence against weomen, as well as child marriage or genital Eliminar toda forma de violencia contra mujeres, así como prácticas como el matrimonio infantil o la mutilación genital mutilation.
- Recognize and value domestic care and work, promoting shared responsibility.
- Ensure the whole and effective participation and equality of women regarding political leadership, economic and social opportunities.
- Ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health.
We can currently advance towards the attainment of this goal:
How does technology contribute to this SDG? See what we propose and tell us what you thinkLessoons Learnt
We have analyzed the literature and extracted the following ideas on how technologies are favouring this SDG.
See also what we propose and tell us what you think
The possesion of mobile devices with Internet access constitutes an genuine tool that empowers women giving them access to a world of knowledge, social and collective awareness, financial resources and independence.
Many technological proposals have clashed with patriarchal customs and traditions, which have been a brake or even have aggravated the situation of discrimination. It is not feasible to develop an app or implement a technology without the assistance of anthropologists, sociologists, and other social experts and without strong legal support.
In the first world there is still discrimination in terms of composition and functioning of boards of directors, as well as in personnel selection processes. AI can help prevent such discriminatory situations.
Technology can detect situations that may lead to a crime of abuse and harassment before the fact occurs, thus helping to prevent more adequately than the legislation itself.
The proposed actions on which we introduce an opinion poll for this SDG, are described below:
Poll for SDG-5
The analyses of interrelationships between emerging technologies & AI, and the possibilities they offer to pursue the SDGs, led us to propose a series of actions and/or potential projects to develop.
Among these recommendations, which one is more important in your opinion?