Macarena Espinilla Estévez





Researcher Profile

Total Desde 2020:
Citas Total: 2915 Desde 2020: 1684
Índice H Total: 28 Desde 2020: 23
Índice i10 Total: 63 Desde 2020: 43

Publicaciones (231)

Título Autores Año
A fuzzy-based IoMT intelligent data platform for enhanced glucose data interpretation and healthcare assistance JL López Ruiz, JF Gaitán Guerrero, C Martínez Cruz, M Espinilla Estevez. 2024
Indoor Area Location System Using UWB Technology and Axis-Linear Bounding Boxes JL López Ruiz, JM Jiménez Villar, AP Albín Rodríguez, .... 2024
Metodología basada en protoformas lingüísticas para la detección de actividades en pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 D Díaz Jiménez, JL López Ruíz, J González Lama, M Espinilla Estevez. 2024
Sistema IoT para la Monitorización de Glucosa en Tiempo Real: Empoderando el Cuidado y la Prevención de Diabetes JL López Ruiz, JF Gaitán Guerrero, C Martínez Cruz, D Díaz Jiménez, .... 2024
Living Dataset PLATERA: Fusión de datos de sensores ambientales, Vestibles y señales BLE D Díaz Jiménez, JL López Ruiz, M Espinilla Estévez. 2024
A New Horizon in Healthcare: An Innovative Methodology for Sensor-Based Adherence Platforms in Home Monitoring of Key Treatment Indicators D Díaz-Jiménez, JL López, JG Lama, M Espinilla. 2024
Towards an Interpretable Continuous Glucose Monitoring Data Modeling JF Gaitán-Guerrero, JL López, M Espinilla, C Martínez-Cruz. 2024
T1GDUJA: Glucose dataset of a patient with type 1 diabetes mellitus JF Gaitán Guerrero, JL López Ruiz, C Martínez Cruz, M Espinilla Estévez. 2024
Methodology based on linguistic protoforms for activity detection in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus D Díaz Jiménez, JL López Ruiz, J González Lama, M Espinilla. 2024
PLATERA: A Comprehensive Web-Based System and Sensor Dataset for Activity Recognition in Households Environments D Díaz-Jiménez, JL López, JF Gaitán-Guerrero, M Espinilla. 2024
IoT-Powered Vital Signs Monitoring System for Optimal Hospital Assistance C Montoya, JL López, JF Gaitán-Guerrero, D Díaz-Jiménez, M Espinilla. 2024
FuzzyIoT-Platform for Descriptive Analysis of Sensor Data Stream FJ Martínez Mimbrera, A Montoro-Lendínez, JL López Ruiz, .... 2023
Medición, publicidad y el" ying" y el" yang" M Estévez. 2023
Evaluation of the Impact of the Sustainable Development Goals on an Activity Recognition Platform for Healthcare Systems JL López, M Espinilla, Á Verdejo. 2023
Activación de geo-audiencias: Los datos hablan M Estévez. 2023
OBLEA: A New Methodology to Optimise Bluetooth Low Energy Anchors in Multi-occupancy Location Systems. JL López Ruiz, Á Verdejo Espinosa, A Montoro Lendínez, .... 2023
Advanced Home-Based Diabetes Monitoring System: Initial Real-World Experiences D Díaz Jiménez, JL López Ruiz, A Montoro Lendínez, J González Lama, .... 2023
Engineering and Technology Education in University Studies: Driving Digital, Sustainable, and Resilient Development-A Case Study in Andalusia, Spain Á Verdejo, A Montoro, F Jurado, M Espinilla. 2023
ACTIVA. Innovation in Quality of Care for Nursing Homes through Activity Recognition A Montoro, JL López, C Nugent, M Espinilla. 2023
A First Approach to the Generation of Linguistic Summaries from Glucose Sensors Using GPT-4 C Martinez-Cruz, JFG Guerrero, JLL Ruiz, AJ Rueda, M Espinilla. 2023
Meta-learning. An Approach Applied to Clinical Data S Amador, K Turbay, A Montoro, M Espinilla, H Mora, D Gil. 2023
Unifying Wearable Data: A Novel Architecture Integrating Fitbit Wristbands and Smartphones for Enhanced Data Availability and Linguistic Summaries D Díaz-Jiménez, J Medina-Quero, M Espinilla-Estévez. 2023
IoT-Driven Real-Time Glucose Monitoring: Empowering Diabetes Care and Prevention JLL Ruiz, JFG Guerrero, CM Cruz, DD Jimenez, JG Lama, M Espinilla. 2023
Transforming Elderly Care Through Ethical and Social Evaluation of Intelligent Activity Recognition Systems in Nursing Homes AM Lendínez, C Linares, A Perandres, A Cruz, JLL Ruiz, C Nugent, .... 2023
New Trends in Machine Learning Techniques for Human Activity Recognition Using Multimodal Sensors J González-Lama, A Montoro, M Espinilla, JC Valera, D Gil, J Peral, .... 2023
Linguistic Summaries for Dwellings Energy Poverty Monitoring D Díaz, J Medina, A Montoro, JL López, M Espinilla. 2023
Shedding Light on the Energy Usage of Activity Recognition Systems in Homes A Montoro Lendínez, JL López Ruíz, D Díaz Jiménez, M Espinilla Estévez, .... 2023
Monitoring environments with new generation devices A Montoro Lendínez, JL López Ruíz, MP Barbero Rodríguez, .... 2023
Engineering and Technology Education in University Studies: Driving Digital, Sustainable, and Resilient Development Á Verdejo Espinosa, A Montoro Lendínez, F Jurado Melguizo, .... 2023
Check for updates New Trends in Machine Learning Techniques for Human Activity Recognition Using Multimodal Sensors J González-Lama¹, A Montoro, M Espinilla, JC Valera, D Gil, J Peral¹, .... 2023
Engineering and Technology Education in University Studies: Driving Digital Sustainable and Resilient DevelopmentA Case Study in Andalusia Spain AV Espinosa, AM Lendinez, FJ Melguizo, ME Estevez. 2023
Activa: Innovation in quality of care for nursing homes through activity recognition AM Lendínez, JLL Ruiz, C Nugent, ME Estévez. 2023
Engineering and Technology Education in University Studies: Driving Digital, Sustainable, and Resilient Development—A Case Study in Andalusia, Spain ÁV Espinosa, AM Lendínez, FJ Melguizo, ME Estévez. 2023
Mi condición humana seguirá intacta… al menos por ahora M Estévez. 2022
Sin miedo a la inteligencia artificial M Estévez. 2022
Review of Ultra Wide Band (UWB) for Indoor Positioning with application to the elderly S Campaña Bastidas, M Espinilla, J Medina Quero. 2022
La clave está en el mix óptimo humano-IA: Vamos a tener que seguir pensando, creando, inventando, cambiando de opinión y mejorando. Eso sí, con un nuevo lenguaje que vamos a … M Estévez. 2022
Dudas en torno a la Web 3 M Estévez. 2022
Initial Prototype of Low-Cost Stool Monitoring System for Early Detection of Diseases JL López-Ruiz, D Díaz-Jiménez, A Montoro-Lendínez, M Espinilla. 2022
Review of Ultra Wide Band (UWB) for Indoor Positioning with application to the elderly. SC Bastidas, M Espinilla, JM Quero. 2022
Low-cost IoT gas concentrator system prototype A Montoro-Lendínez, JL López-Ruiz, F Charte, M Espinilla-Estévez, .... 2022
Case Study of a Low-Cost IoT Device with a Thermal Vision to Monitor Human Stool Behavior in the Home A Montoro-Lendínez, D Díaz-Jiménez, JL López-Ruiz, J Medina-Quero, .... 2022
Classifying Sport-Related Human Activity from Thermal Vision Sensors Using CNN and LSTM A Polo-Rodriguez, A Montoro-Lendinez, M Espinilla, J Medina-Quero. 2022
Past, Present and Future of Research on Wearable Technologies for Healthcare: A Bibliometric Analysis Using Scopus YM de-la-Fuente-Robles, AJ Ricoy-Cano, AP Albín-Rodríguez, .... 2022
Classification of Food Types in a Box with Gas Sensors Using a Machine Learning Method. Case Study of Intelligent Electronic Nose A Montoro-Lendínez, N Pombo, B Silva, M Espinilla-Estévez, .... 2022
Challenges of ubiquitous and wearable solutions to address active ageing in the Andalusian community A Polo-Rodriguez, P Dionisio, F Agnoloni, AP Gomez, C Paggetti, .... 2022
Challenges of ubiquitous and wearable solutions to address active ageing in the Andalusian community. A Polo-Rodríguez, P Dionisio, F Agnoloni, A Perandrés Gómez, .... 2022
Datos con valor M Estévez. 2022
Low-cost IoT gas concentrator system prototype (ponencia) A Montoro Lendínez, JL López Ruíz, F Charte, M Espinilla Estévez, .... 2022
Application of IoT in Healthcare: Keys to Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals ÁV Espinosa, JLL López, FM Mata, MEE Estevez. 2021
UJA Human Activity Recognition multi-occupancy dataset E De-la-Hoz-Franco, ER Bernal Monroy, P Ariza-Colpas, .... 2021
How Does the Family Influence the Process of Transition to Adulthood? A Comparative Study of Young People with and without Family Ties in Spain L Cano-López, D la Fuente-Robles, Y María, V Fuentes, M Aranda, .... 2021
UJAmI Location: A Fuzzy Indoor Location System for the Elderly AP Albín-Rodríguez, YM De-La-Fuente-Robles, JL López-Ruiz, .... 2021
El uso de técnicas computacionales para mejorar el cumplimiento de técnicas del recuerdo en entornos inteligentes (REMIND) SD Gramajo, M Espinilla, J Medina, E Bernal. 2021
Sistema inteligente de reconocimiento de actividades en el entorno de envejecimiento activo y de seguridad (ACTIVA): evaluación de herramienta informática desde el ámbito social JMM Martínez, JMM García, AC Lendínez, LG López, AP Gómez, .... 2021
Assessment of sustainable development objectives in Smart Labs: technology and sustainability at the service of society Á Verdejo, M Espinilla, JL López, F Jurado. 2021
Fuzzy cloud-fog computing approach application for human activity recognition in smart homes MA López-Medina, M Espinilla, I Cleland, C Nugent, J Medina. 2020
Evaluation of convolutional neural networks for the classification of falls from heterogeneous thermal vision sensors MÁ López-Medina, M Espinilla, C Nugent, JM Quero. 2020
Fuzzy Monitoring of In-bed Postural Changes for the Prevention of Pressure Ulcers using Inertial Sensors Attached to Clothing EB Monroy, AP Rodriguez, ME Estevez, JM Quero. 2020
Integración de conceptos tecnológicos emergentes en educación superior a través de aprendizaje basado en proyectos JM Quero, MDR Lozano, JMS Chica, ME Estévez. 2020
Education in smart grids: a perspective from the field of engineering ÁV Espinosa, CR Casas, ME Estevez, MDR Lozano, CM Cruz. 2020
A new architecture based on IoT and machine learning paradigms in photovoltaic systems to nowcast output energy G Almonacid-Olleros, G Almonacid, JI Fernandez-Carrasco, .... 2020
Fuzzy Protoform for Hyperactive Behaviour Detection Based on Commercial Devices AP Albín-Rodríguez, AJ Ricoy-Cano, YM de-la-Fuente-Robles, .... 2020
Smart Grids and Their Role in Transforming Human Activities—A Systematic Literature Review Á Verdejo-Espinosa, M Espinilla-Estévez, F Mata Mata. 2020
Analyzing daily behaviours from wearable trackers using linguistic protoforms and fuzzy clustering C Martinez, JM Quero, M Espinilla, SD Gramajo. 2020
Entre la institución y la familia: Las familias colaboradoras como apoyo a los menores tutelados L Cano-López, V Fuentes-Gutiérrez, M Espinilla-Estévez, .... 2020
menores tutelados que participan en el programa “familias colaboradoras”: transformaciones significativas y oportunidades LC López, VF Gutiérrez, ME Estévez, YM de la Fuente Robles. 2020
¿ Cómo se es familia colaboradora? LC López, VF Gutiérrez, ME Estévez, YM de la Fuente Robles. 2020
Perspectiva desde el ámbito de la ingeniería para la formación en redes inteligentes MAV Espinosa, CR Casas, ME Estévez, CM Cruz, MDR Lozano. 2020
El ecosistema de aprendizaje del estudiante universitario en la post-pandemia. Metodologías y herramientas F Charte Ojeda, AJ Rivera Rivas, J Medina, M Espinilla Estevez. 2020
La investigación en empresas de consultoría M Estévez. 2020
Methodology for improving classification accuracy using ontologies: application in the recognition of activities of daily living AG Salguero, J Medina, P Delatorre, M Espinilla. 2019
Efficient activity recognition in smart homes using delayed fuzzy temporal windows on binary sensors R ali Hamad, AG Salguero, MR Bouguelia, M Espinilla, JM Quero. 2019
Straightforward Recognition of Daily Objects in Smart Environments from Wearable Vision Sensor JM Quero, F Cruciani, L Seidenari, M Espinilla, C Nugent. 2019
Ontology-Based Framework for the Automatic Recognition of Activities of Daily Living Using Class Expression Learning Techniques AG Salguero, P Delatorre, J Medina, M Espinilla, AJ Tomeu. 2019
Fuzzy Linguistic Protoforms to Summarize Heart Rate Streams of Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease MD Peláez-Aguilera, M Espinilla, MR Fernández Olmo, J Medina. 2019
Activity Recognition for IoT Devices Using Fuzzy Spatio-Temporal Features as Environmental Sensor Fusion MÁ López Medina, M Espinilla, C Paggeti, J Medina Quero. 2019
Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence—UCAmI M Espinilla, V Villarreal, I McChesney. 2019
Challenges of Ethical Evaluation Models for Intelligent Assistive Technologies. An Initial Ethical Model Based on Linguistic Decision Analysis M Espinilla, MA Verdejo, L González, C Nugent, AJ Cruz, J Medina. 2019
Abordando las necesidades de los usuarios en las tecnologías de recuerdo N Hernández-Cruz, P McCullagh, S Zhang, C Nugent, AR González, .... 2019
Uso de sensores termales para la monitorización en el hogar M Burns, JM Quero, C Nugent, P Morrow, S McClean, M Espinilla. 2019
Fuzzy Linguistic Protoforms to Summarize Heart Rate Streams of Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease. MD Peláez-Coca, M Espinilla, MRF Olmo, J Medina. 2019
El modelo EDP desde un laboratorio de inteligencia ambiental SEC Bastidas, LG López, ME Estévez. 2019
Tecnologías para la localización de personas mayores con problemas de demencia en centros de residencia SEC Bastidas, ME Estévez, JM Quero, JFG Medina. 2019
Intelligent System for the Prevention of Pressure Ulcers by Monitoring Postural Changes with Wearable Inertial Sensors EB Monroy, DZ Romero, ME Estévez, F Cruciani, I Cleland, C Nugent, .... 2019
Activity Recognition for IoT Devices Using Fuzzy Spatio-Temporal Features as Environmental Sensor Fusion. MMÁ López, M Espinilla, C Paggeti, QJ Medina. 2019
Fuzzy Linguistic Protoforms to Summarize Heart Rate Streams of Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease. Hindawi Complexity, Vol. 2019, pp. 1-11 MD Peláez-Aguilera, M Espinilla, MF Olmo, J Medina. 2019
Fuzzy Linguistic Protoforms to Summarize Heart Rate Streams of Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease. Hindawi MD Peláez-Aguilera, M Espinilla, MR Fernández, J Medina. 2019
Algoritmosy futuro M Estévez. 2019
Ontology‐based framework for the automatic recognition of activities of daily living using class expression learning techniques AG Salguero, P Delatorre, J Medina, M Espinilla, AJ Tomeu. 2019
Efficient Activity Recognition in Smart Homes Using Delayed Fuzzy Temporal Windows on Binary Sensors. H Rebeen, AG Salguero-Hidalgo, MR Bouguelia, M Espinilla-Estévez, .... 2019
A new approach based on temporal sub-windows for online sensor-based activity recognition M Espinilla, J Medina, J Hallberg, C Nugent. 2018
Sensor-based datasets for human activity recognition–A systematic review of literature E De-La-Hoz-Franco, P Ariza-Colpas, JM Quero, M Espinilla. 2018
Using ontologies for the online recognition of activities of daily living A Salguero, M Espinilla, P Delatorre, J Medina. 2018
Intelligent multi-dose medication controller for fever: From wearable devices to remote dispensers J Medina, M Espinilla, ÁL García-Fernández, L Martínez. 2018
The experience of developing the UJAmI Smart lab M Espinilla, L Martínez, J Medina, C Nugent. 2018
Ensemble classifier of long short-term memory with fuzzy temporal windows on binary sensors for activity recognition J Medina-Quero, S Zhang, C Nugent, M Espinilla. 2018
Ontology-based feature generation to improve accuracy of activity recognition in smart environments AG Salguero, M Espinilla. 2018
A flexible text analyzer based on ontologies: an application for detecting discriminatory language A Salguero, M Espinilla. 2018
Collection of a Diverse, Realistic and Annotated Dataset for Wearable Activity Recognition I Cleland, MP Donnelly, CD Nugent, J Hallberg, M Espinilla, .... 2018
Real-time recognition of interleaved activities based on ensemble classifier of long short-term memory with fuzzy temporal windows J Quero, C Orr, S Zang, C Nugent, A Salguero, M Espinilla. 2018
Location of persons using binary sensors and BLE beacons for ambient assitive living AR Jiménez, F Seco, P Peltola, M Espinilla. 2018
Predicting the Urgency Demand of COPD Patients From Environmental Sensors Within Smart Cities With High-Environmental Sensitivity JM Quero, MÁL Medina, AS Hidalgo, M Espinilla. 2018
UCAmI Cup. Analyzing the UJA Human Activity Recognition Dataset of Activities of Daily Living M Espinilla, J Medina, C Nugent. 2018
Detection of Falls from Non-Invasive Thermal Vision Sensors Using Convolutional Neural Networks J Quero, M Burns, M Razzaq, C Nugent, M Espinilla. 2018
Human Activity Recognition from the Acceleration Data of a Wearable Device. Which Features Are More Relevant by Activities? M Espinilla, J Medina, A Salguero, N Irvine, M Donnelly, I Cleland, .... 2018
Ieee Access Special Section Editorial: Ambient Intelligence Environments With Wireless Sensor Networks From the Point of View of Big Data and Smart and Sustainable Cities M Espinilla, J Medina, G Urzaiz, P Singh. 2018
H2Al—The Human Health and Activity Laboratory K Synnes, M Lilja, A Nyman, M Espinilla, I Cleland, AGS Comas, .... 2018
Real-time Recognition of Interleaved Activities based on Ensemble of LSTM and Fuzzy Temporal Windows JM Quero, C Orr, S Zhang, CD Nugent, A Salguero, M Espinilla. 2018
IoT by Smart Enviroments–Aplication to diabetic and hypertensive patients in domiciliary modality Technological model of monitoring and follow-up E Bernal, S Campaña, C Gómez, M Espinilla, J Quero. 2018
Nuevas arquitecturas hardware de procesamiento de alto rendimiento para aprendizaje profundo AJ Rivera, F Charte, M Espinilla, MD Pérez-Godoy. 2018
Computer vision-based gait velocity from non-obtrusive thermal vision sensors J Medina-Quero, C Shewell, I Cleland, J Rafferty, C Nugent, ME Estévez. 2018
The impact of dataset quality on the performance of data-driven approaches for human activity recognition N Irvine, C Nugent, S Zhang, H Wang, WW Ng, I Cleland, M Espinilla. 2018
Living Lab social, una herramienta clave en el codiseño de hogares inteligentes YM de la Fuente Robles, LG López, ME Estévez. 2018
Fuzzy framework for activity recognition in a multi-occupant smart environment based on wearable devices and proximity beacons M Espinilla, JM Quero, N Irvine, I Cleland, C Nugent. 2018
Unas palabras acerca del ROI M Estévez. 2018
Colpas P Quero JM Espinilla M EA De-La-Hoz-Franco. 2018
Espinilla Macarena. Real-time recognition of interleaved activities based on ensemble classifier of long short-term memory with fuzzy temporal windows MQ Javier, O Claire, Z Shuai, N Chris, S Alberto. 2018
Sensor-based datasets for human activity recognition–a systematic review of literature. IEEE Access 6, 59192–59210 (2018) E De-La-Hoz-Franco, P Ariza-Colpas, JM Quero, M Espinilla. 2018
IoT y Ambientes Inteligentes–Aplicación a pacientes diabéticos e hipertensos en modalidad domiciliaria IoT by Smart Enviroments–Aplication to diabetic and hypertensive patients … E Bernal, S Campa, G Carlos, M Espinilla. 2018
Diseño, construcción e implementación de un prototipo de producto IoT M Navas-Damas. 2018
Aplicación Móvil con tecnología NFC para el intercambio de información A Segovia-Pastor. 2018
Sistema web de monitorización basado en IoT para potencia comportamientos saludables. AJ Cruz Rodríguez. 2018
Espinilla Macarena. Real-time recognition of interleaved activities based on ensemble classifier of long shortterm memory with fuzzy temporal windows MQ Javier, O Claire, Z Shuai, N Chris, S Alberto. 2018
El reto de la medición de publicidad en su conjunto. Predicciones a 5, 10 y 20 años M Estévez. 2018
Sensor-based datasets for human activity recognition-a systematic review of literature E De la Hoz, PP Ariza Colpas, J Medina Quero, M Espinilla. 2018
Sensor-based datasets for human activity recognition-a systematic review of literature. IEEE Access 6, 59192–59210 (2018) E De-La-Hoz-Franco, P Ariza-Colpas, JM Quero, M Espinilla. 2018
Optimizing the configuration of an heterogeneous architecture of sensors for activity recognition, using the extended belief rule-based inference methodology M Espinilla, J Medina, A Calzada, J Liu, L Martínez, C Nugent. 2017
Fuzzy intelligent system for patients with preeclampsia in wearable devices M Espinilla, J Medina, ÁL García-Fernández, S Campaña, J Londoño. 2017
Comparison of fiducial marker detection and object interaction in activities of daily living utilising a wearable vision sensor C Shewell, J Medina‐Quero, M Espinilla, C Nugent, M Donnelly, H Wang. 2017
Subscribing to fuzzy temporal aggregation of heterogeneous sensor streams in real‐time distributed environments J Medina, L Martinez, M Espinilla. 2017
Fuzzy fog computing: A linguistic approach for knowledge inference in wearable devices J Medina, M Espinilla, D Zafra, L Martínez, C Nugent. 2017
Computational intelligence for smart environments M Espinilla, C Nugent. 2017
Special issue on “Recent Advancements in Ubiquitous Computing” M Espinilla, J Liu, JM García-Chamizo. 2017
Improving Activity Classification Using Ontologies to Expand Features in Smart Environments A Salguero, M Espinilla. 2017
Key factors for innovative developments on health sensor-based system MD Peláez, M López-Medina, M Espinilla, J Medina-Quero. 2017
Indoor localisation through object detection within multiple environments utilising a single wearable camera C Shewell, C Nugent, M Donnelly, H Wang, M Espinilla. 2017
Classification of the risk in the new financing framework of the Deposit Guarantee Systems in Europe: K-Means Cluster Analysis and Soft Computing P Gómez, A Partal, M Espinilla. 2017
Evolución tecnológica del hardware de vídeo y las GPU en los ordenadores personales FC Ojeda, AJ Rueda, M Espinilla, AJR Riva. 2017
Uso de dispositivos FPGA como apoyo a la ensenanza de asignaturas de arquitectura de computadores FC Ojeda, M Espinilla, AJR Riva, FJP Rubio. 2017
Real-time monitoring in home-based cardiac rehabilitation using wrist-worn heart rate devices J Medina Quero, MR Fernandez Olmo, MD Pelaez Aguilera, .... 2017
Research Article Fuzzy Intelligent System for Patients with Preeclampsia in Wearable Devices M Espinilla, J Medina, ÁL García-Fernández, S Campaña, J Londoño. 2017
Investigar para atribuir mejor M Estévez. 2017
Improving Activity Classification Using Ontologies to Expand Features in Smart M Espinilla. 2017
Real-time fuzzy linguistic analysis of anomalies from medical monitoring devices on data streams J Medina, M Espinilla, C Nugent. 2016
An initiative for the creation of open datasets within pervasive healthcare C Nugent, I Cleland, A Santanna, M Espinilla, J Synnott, O Banos, .... 2016
Environment simulation for the promotion of the open data initiative J Synnott, C Nugent, S Zhang, A Calzada, I Cleland, M Espinilla, .... 2016
A mobile application for easy design and testing of algorithms to monitor physical activity in the workplace S Spinsante, A Angelici, J Lundström, M Espinilla, I Cleland, C Nugent. 2016
Recognition of activities in resource constrained environments; reducing the computational complexity M Espinilla, A Rivera, MD Pérez-Godoy, J Medina, L Martínez, C Nugent. 2016
A Web system for managing and monitoring smart environments D Zafra, J Medina, L Martinez, C Nugent, M Espinilla. 2016
Improving the quality of user generated data sets for activity recognition C Nugent, J Synnott, C Gabrielli, S Zhang, M Espinilla, A Calzada, .... 2016
Description logic class expression learning applied to sentiment analysis A Salguero, M Espinilla. 2016
Fuzzy Intelligent System for Supporting Preeclampsia Diagnosis from the Patient Biosignals M Espinilla, S Campaña, J Londoño, ÁL García-Fernández. 2016
Activity recognition using dynamic instance activation A Calzada, C Nugent, M Espinilla, J Synnott, L Martinez. 2016
Generalized dynamic instance activation for activity recognition A Calzada, C Nugent, M Espinilla, L Martinez. 2016
Gamificación en procesos de autoentrenamiento y autoevaluación. Experiencia en la asignatura de Arquitectura de Computadores M Espinilla, A Fernández, J Santamaría, AJ Rivera Rivas. 2016
Cuestionario de detección de deterioro cognitivo AD8-arg para su uso Atención Primaria de la salud en Argentina R Blanco, F Román, M Iturry, A Leis, MJ Russo, L Bartoloni, E Barceló, .... 2016
Modelo lingüístico difuso para problemas de evaluación con información heterogénea considerando la posible dependencia entre criterios. Aplicación a la evaluación del desempeño … FJ Martínez-Mimbrera. 2016
Calculation of marketing ROI in marketing mix models, from ROMI, to marketing-created value for shareholders, EVAM MM Suárez, M Estevez. 2016
Cálculo del ROI de marketing en modelos de marketing Mix, del ROMI, al valor creado del marketing para los accionistas EVAM MM Suárez, M Estevez. 2016
Cálculo del Roi de marketing en modelos de marketing mix, del roi, al valor creado del marketing para los accionistas evam M Méndez Suárez, M Estevez. 2016
Modelos econométricos M Estevez. 2016
Desarrollo de servicios basados en sonido, voz y habla para interfaces hombre-maquina en ambientes inteligentes JC Navarrete-Solana. 2016
Aplicación móvil de vigilancia de un ambiente inteligente mediante servicios JA Pérez-Cruz. 2016
Aplicación móvil con tecnología NFC para el intercambio de la información AJ Cruz-Rodríguez. 2016
Internet de las cosas. Seguridad y privacidad L Gómez-Padilla. 2016
Sistema para la monitorización de ambientes inteligentes a través de la gestión y acceso a servicios D Zafra-Romero. 2016
Los cambios de Roma M Estévez. 2016
Amantes pero no enamorados M Estévez. 2016
El científico de datos. M Estévez. 2016
Generation of a partitioned dataset with single, interleave and multioccupancy daily living activities FJ Quesada, F Moya, J Medina, L Martínez, C Nugent, M Espinilla. 2015
Pure linguistic PROMETHEE I and II methods for heterogeneous MCGDM problems M Espinilla, N Halouani, H Chabchoub. 2015
Feature sub-set selection for activity recognition FJ Quesada, F Moya, M Espinilla, L Martínez, CD Nugent. 2015
A Lightweight Distributed Architecture to Integrate Fuzzy Relevant Objects in Real-Time Environments J Medina, FJ Quesada, M Espinilla. 2015
Fuzzy linguistic sensory evaluation model for olive oil with unbalanced linguistic scale M Espinilla, F Estrella, L MARTinez. 2015
Reducing the Response Time for Activity Recognition Through use of Prototype Generation Algorithms M Espinilla, FJ Quesada, F Moya, L Martínez, CD Nugent. 2015
Activity recognition by means of rule-based inference engine based on fuzzy linguistic approach J Medina, M Espinilla, F Moya, C Nugent. 2015
FLINTSTONES: A fuzzy linguistic decision tools enhancement suite based on the 2-tuple linguistic model and extensions FJ Estrella, M Espinilla, F Herrera, L Martínez. 2014
Computación con palabras en la toma de decisiones mediante mapas cognitivos difusos K Pérez-Teruel, M Leyva-Vázquez, M Espinilla, V Estrada-Sentí. 2014
Fuzzy Linguistic Olive Oil Sensory Evaluation Model based on Unbalanced Linguistic Scales. FJ Estrella, M Espinilla, L Martínez. 2014
Computational intelligence in decision making M Espinilla, J Montero, JT Rodríguez. 2014
FLINTSTONES: Una suite para la toma de decisiones lingüísticas basada en 2-tupla lingüísticas y extensiones FJ Estrella, M Espinilla, L Martínez. 2014
Modelos de evaluación de la importancia del impacto ambiental en contextos complejos bajo incertidumbre YZ Véliz. 2014
Integration of Dependent Features on Sensory Evaluation Processes M Espinilla, FJ Martínez, FJE Liébana. 2014
A New Unbalanced Linguistic Scale for the Classification of Olive Oil Based on the Fuzzy Linguistic Approach M Espinilla, FJ Estrella, L MartÌnez. 2014
Propuesta de una asignatura de Diseño de Servidores para la especialidad de Tecnologías de Información AJ Rivera Rivas, M Espinilla, A Fernández Hilario, J Santamaría López, .... 2014
Advertising effectiveness: An approach based on what consumers perceive and what advertisers need M Estévez, D Fabrizio. 2014
Active learning and dynamic pricing policies MJ Vázquez-Gallo, M Estévez, S Egido. 2014
Fuzzy Linguistic Olive Oil Sensory Evaluation Model Based on Unbalanced Linguistic Scales, J M Espinilla, FJ Estrella, L Martínez. 2014
A 360-degree performance appraisal model dealing with heterogeneous information and dependent criteria M Espinilla, R de Andrés, FJ Martínez, L Martínez. 2013
A discriminative dynamic index based on bipolar aggregation operators for supporting dynamic multi-criteria decision making Y Zulueta, J Martínez-Moreno, L Martínez, M Espinilla. 2013
Sistema de recomendación de canciones OL-RadioUJA. Ampliación de funcionalidades I Palomares, M Espinilla, D Parras. 2013
Experiencias de tutorización en el Grado de Ingeniería Informática LG Lemus-Zúñiga, C Rus-Casas, SM Terrasa-Barrena, M Espinilla. 2013
A Fresh Breeze of Excellence in Jaén L Martínez, M Espinilla, RM Rodríguez. 2013
Decision Analysis Linguistic Framework M Espinilla, M Gimenez, SD Gramajo. 2013
A linguistic software requirement prioritization model with heterogeneous information K Pérez-Teruel, M Leyva-Vázquez, M Espinilla-Estevez. 2013
A comparative study of heterogeneous decision analysis approaches applied to sustainable energy evaluation M Espinilla, I Palomares, L Martinez, D Ruan. 2012
An extended version of the fuzzy multicriteria group decision-making method in evaluation processes M Espinilla, J Lu, J Ma, L Martínez. 2012
Implantation and evaluation of ICT Resources oriented to self-learning and self-assessment I Palomares, M Espinilla, L Martínez. 2012
Deporte y matemáticas M Estévez. 2012
An extended hierarchical linguistic model for decision‐making problems M Espinilla, J Liu, L MARTinez. 2011
A Method Based on AHP to Define the Quality Model of QuEF M Espinilla, FJ Domínguez-Mayo, MJ Escalona, M Mejías, M Ross, .... 2011
A Heterogeneous Evaluation Model for the Assessment of Sustainable Energy Policies M Espinilla, R de Andrés, FJ Marténez, L Martínez. 2011
A weighted quality evaluation framework by applying the analytic hierarchy process FJ Dominguez-Mayo, M Espinilla, MJ Escalona, M Mejias. 2011
Tendencias del Rol. Un análisis del retorno de la inversión en los modelos econométricos Conento. M Estévez. 2011
Abchir, Mohammed-Amine 413 Aguiló, I. 125 A Airola, E Barrenechea, BRC Bedregal, G Beliakov, DV Britsom, .... 2011
Using linguistic incomplete preference relations to cold start recommendations RM Rodríguez, M Espinilla, PJ Sánchez, L Martínez-López. 2010
An extended hierarchical linguistic model for managing integral evaluation R de Andrés, M Espinilla, L Martinez. 2010
A heterogeneous evaluation model for assessing sustainable energy: A Belgian case study M Espinilla, D Ruan, J Liu, L Martínez. 2010
Desarrollo y empleo de juegos educativos on-line destinados al auto-entrenamiento y auto-evaluación M Espinilla, I Palomares, L Martínez, M Pagola, HN Bustince Sola. 2010
Potenciando el aprendizaje proactivo con ILIAS&WebQuest: aprendiendo a paralelizar algoritmos con GPUs J Santamaría, M Espinilla, AJ Rivera, S Romero. 2010
A Web based evaluation support system by integral performance appraisal M Espinilla, FJ Martínez, L Martínez. 2010
Design and Development of Online Educational Games based on Questions. M Espinilla, I Palomares, H Bustince. 2010
Performance Appraisal with Multiple Linguistic Scales R de Andrés, M Espinilla, RM RODRÍGUEZ, L MARTÍNEZ. 2010
Computing with words based on a hybrid semantic-symbolic model RM Rodriguez, M Espinilla, L Martinez, J Liu. 2010
Auto-entrenamiento y auto-evaluación a través de juegos educativos M Espinilla, I Palomares, F Mata, RM Rodríguez, A Aguilera, L Martínez, .... 2010
Probabilistic decision making with the OWA operator and the 2-Tuple linguistic approach JM Merigó, M Casanovas, M Espinilla, L Martínez. 2010
Uso de jerarquías lingüísticas extendidas para mejorar la representación de información lingüística no balanceada ME Estévez, LM López. 2010
El Roi de nuestras vidas M Estévez. 2010
Aplicación web para evaluación de desempeño 360 grados basada en un modelo lingüístico multigranular ME Estévez, FJ Martínez, L Martínez. 2010
Matemáticas y marketing M Estévez. 2010
Reja: a georeferenced hybrid recommender system for restaurants L Martinez, RM Rodriguez, M Espinilla. 2009
An evaluation model with unbalanced linguistic information applied to olive oil sensory evaluation L Martínez, M Espinilla, J Liu, LG Pérez, PJ Sánchez. 2009
Nuevos Modelos de Evaluación Sensorial con Información Lingüıstica M Espinilla. 2009
Nuevos modelos de evaluación sensorial con información lingüística ME Estévez. 2009
Optimizing the method for building an extended linguistic hierarchy M Espinilla, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez, F Mata, J Liu. 2009
A comparative analysis of symbolic linguistic computational models RM Rodrıguez, L Martınez, M Espinilla. 2009
SR-REJA. Sistema de Recomendación Híbrido Georreferenciado M ESPINILLA, RM Rodríguez, L Martínez, LG Pérez, M Barranco. 2009
SR-REJA M Espinilla, RM Rodríguez. 2009
RM RODRíCUEZ, M. ESPINILLA, L. MARTſNEZ and J. LIU'Computer Sciences Department, University of Jaén SS MODEL. 2009
M. ESPINILLA, RM RODRfCUEZ and L. MARTINEZ Computer Sciences Department, University Jaén, Jaén 23071, Spain. R DE ANDRES. 2009
" Dashboards" inteligentes: la mejor defensa ante la crisis M Estévez. 2009
A knowledge based recommender system with multigranular linguistic information L Martinez, MJ Barranco, LG Pérez, M Espinilla. 2008
A linguistic multigranular sensory evaluation model for olive oil L Martinez, M Espinilla, LG Pérez. 2008
Improving the effectiveness of knowledge based recommender systems using incomplete linguistic preference relations L MartINezt, LG Perez, M Barranco, M Espinilla. 2008
Modelo de evaluación sensorial con información lingüística multigranular para el aceite de oliva M Espinilla, L Martínez, LG Pérez, J Liu. 2008
A knowledge based recommender system based on consistent preference relations L Martínez, LG Pérez, MJ Barranco, M Espinilla. 2008
Extended linguistic hierarchies L Martinez, M Espinilla, J Liu. 2008
Extended linguistic hierarchies for dealing with multi-granular contexts in decision making L Martínez, M Espinilla, LG Pérez, J Liu. 2008
A Knowledge Based Recommender System with Multigranular Hierarchical Linguistic Contexts L Martínez, MJ Barranco, LG Pérez, M Espinilla, EJ Castellano. 2008
A Knowledge Based Recommender System Based on Consistent Preference Relations, Intelligent Decision and Policy making Support Systems L Martinez, LG Perez, MJ Barranco, M Espinilla. 2008
Modelos linguíasticos difusos aplicados a la evalución sensorial M Espinilla. 2008
Precios, promociones, publicidad y amor M Estévez, PG Martínez. 2008
Modelos Lingüísticos difusos aplicados en la evaluación sensorial M Espinilla. 2008
Sensory evaluation model with unbalanced linguistic information L Martínez, M Espinilla, LG Pérez. 2007
A fuzzy model for olive oil sensory evaluation L Martínez, LG Pérez, J Liu, M Espinilla. 2007
Exploiting liguistic preference relations in knowledge based recommendation systems,” LG Pérez, M Barranco, L Martınez, M Espinilla. 2007
XII Fuzzy Logic Applications-A Fuzzy Model for Olive Oil Sensory Evaluation L Martinez, LG Perez, J Liu, M Espinilla. 2007
Sistema de recomendación basado en conocimiento con información lingüística LGP Cordón, L Martínez, M Barranco, ME Estévez. 2007
Un modelo lingüístico multi-granular para la evaluación sensorial del aceite de oliva LM López, ME Estévez, LGP Cordón, AS Hidalgo. 2007
Competencias de enfermería del rol investigador y tutorización de alumnos: grado de desarrollo en unidades de hospitalización M Aceituno, M Estévez, M Martínez. 2007

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