University-Business Chair in AI – UGR-Repsol Noticia

The UGR obtains, in collaboration with Repsol, one of the university-business chairs in Artificial Intelligence awarded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation.

It is financed with 1.6 million euros over four years and will allow the development of the project ‘Ethical, Responsible and General Purpose Artificial Intelligence: Applications in Risk Scenarios’

Conferences and activities on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean Noticia

#Outreach #November November has allowed DaSCI researchers to visit university centers in Cuba and Brazil, with the aim of joining ties between Spain and Latin America, to publicize the institute’s research areas and to promote future lines of collaboration. Plenary talk by Francisco Herrera “Secure and reliable artificial intelligence: Risk and auditability scenarios” at the […]

Artificial Inteligente Revolution In Andalusia Spain Noticia

CANAL SUR MEDIA | July 8, 2023 In the public television program Los Reporteros, Canal Sur journalists offer a space of analysis on the pros and cons of solutions based on Artificial Intelligence. It is shown as a new tool that can add great value for Andalusia. In the program, Andalusian researchers are interviewed with […]

Ten Granada research projects to keep track of in 2023 Noticia

#News #InMedia The IDEAL newspaper of Granada publishes in its publication of Sunday, February 19, 2023 a news item that lists ten cutting-edge researches that will be of interest for their results. They refer to projects of the University of Granada, DaSCI, CSIC and Genyo among others. Two of those mentioned are GOIMAI ( and […]

Inclusion Award to a DaSCI doctoral thesis Noticia

#Media #Awards #January 2023 The rector of the University of Granada, Pilar Aranda, presided last January 11 the award ceremony of the first edition of the awards and runner-up prizes for the best bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral theses in the field of equality and inclusion. In total, 12 awards have been granted: 4 for TFG, […]

Artificial Intelligence: the Idea of the year 2022 Noticia

#News #InMedia In the special supplement of the newspaper El Mundo of Monday, December 26, 2022, Artificial Intelligence is presented as the idea of the year. With the title “The great leap forward of Artificial Intelligence” and the support of the Dall.E image generator that illustrates the 8 pages of this special, three questions are […]

Six AI projects from Granada that go to the market Noticia

#News #InMedia Six DaSCI researchers share their projects in IDEAL newspaper These tools show how Science leaves the laboratories to have a direct impact on companies and administrations by providing solutions. IDEAL de  Granada (In Spanish)

The UGR and the CGPJ present in Granada a book on Law and Artificial Intelligence Noticia

#News #InMedia The work that has been prefaced by the Secretary of State for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence, Carme Artigas. The text collects the different editions of the course on Law and Artificial Intelligence in which participate, among others, the director of the Institute Francisco Herrera and the researchers Óscar Cordón and María José del […]

Towards artificial intelligence… and environmental intelligence Noticia

#News #InMedia In a joint interview with EFE, Rosana Montes and Siham Tabik, full professors in the departments of Languages and Computer Systems, and Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Granada, respectively, give good proof that AI and sustainability already go hand in hand. In a world increasingly concerned about the consequences […]

Mayor of Granada visits DaSCI facilities Noticia

#In press #Nov24 During his visit to the DaSCI Institute facilities in the Health Technology Park, the mayor was able to see the use of the 3D scanner of our forensic laboratory. Professor Sergio Damas, gave a demonstration and explained the uses and applications of this line of research, one of the 33 lines in […]

Spanish seeks its place in the challenge of humanizing technology Noticia

#News #InMedia UGR Researchers Eugenio Martínez and Zoraida Callejas are interviewed by the EFE news agency and introduce us to natural language processing and its need to humanize technology. Natural language processing is the set of computational and informatics techniques that enable machines to understand and generate human language, whether spoken or written, in any […]