In the proposal and creation of the Andalusian Interuniversity Institute in Data Science and Computational Intelligence (DaSCI) four research groups have participated from the University of Granada and from the University of Jaén (SCI2S, SIPBA, SINBAD2 y SIMiDat).
The DaSCI Institute has researchers from five Andalusian universities, which form part of the consortium.
Andalusian Digital Innovation Centre in Artificial Intelligence and Applied Robotics: AIR-Andalusia
AIR-Andalusia is presented as the Andalusian Digital Innovation Centre for Applied Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. It is designed as a tool to support Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Public Administrations (PPAs) to improve their efficiency and competitiveness by providing them with access to different digitalisation services focused on the improvement of business/production processes, products or services using digital technologies, facilitating access to know-how and experimentation, so that companies can “test before investing“. The consortium will combine the power of Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Data as key drivers of innovation and economic growth.

AIR-Andalusia is made up of partners from the entire Andalusian ecosystem, from universities and research centres to business associations, chambers of commerce, parks, European Business and Innovation Centres (CEEIs/BICS), companies and technology clusters. AIR-Andalusia is made up of leading entities in the areas of knowledge of Artificial Intelligence and Applied Robotics currently identified as having the greatest impact and relevance for the digitisation of industry in the region.
The AIR-Andalusia entities have a sufficient critical mass of resources and capabilities to address effective and efficient research, development and innovation processes. By combining the power of our institutions, we will be able to strengthen the regional industrial ecosystem to place it at the forefront of technological advances, driving and accelerating innovation in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in all market areas, setting clear and impact-oriented goals and creating a lively ecosystem of researchers, companies and investors to achieve these goals, train students, attract talented people, and create “innovation ecosystems” in which companies, technology centres, universities and investors interact. In addition, AIR-Andalusia will leverage the strengths of dynamic actors to connect with actors in other regions.