Physical resources
DaSCI Headquarters
Since February 2022, DaSCI has its headquarters at the PTS Business Center (CEPTS) located at the Avenida del Conocimiento 41, Sector A, 3rd floor.
It is located in the “Parque Tecnológico de la Salud” with capacity for 50 researchers, and for the management and secretariat of the institute. There are research offices, work and meeting rooms and two laboratories: the first specialized in Artificial Intelligence for Forensic Anthropology and Human Identification; and the second one, dedicated to signal processing and biomedical applications.

Management & Secretary’s Office
Research Offices
AI4HumanID Lab
The Artificial Intelligence for Forensic Anthropology and Human Identification Laboratory (IAFAIH-Lab) of the Data Science and Computational Intelligence Research Institute (DaSCI-UGR) exploits the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to assist forensic professionals. We apply AI techniques to assist the forensic expert and technician in the application of biological profile and ID estimation techniques. It has specific infrastructure, acquired through research projects and competitive calls for research infrastructure in which the UGR has participated, at a cost of about 200K euros.
Signal & Biomed Lab
The signal processing and biomedical applications laboratory of the UGR (DASCI- SIPBA) and collaborators at the University of Malaga and Cambridge, has several infrastructures among which we highlight the GPU-based computing systems and devices for the acquisition of bioelectrical, biometric and cortical activation signals. The technological assets of this equipment lie in the state-of-the-art implementation of the most advanced feature extraction methods for the processing of biomedical signals in general, and magnetic resonance and tomography images in particular. The complete equipment (hardware+software) make up innovative diagnostic support systems using machine learning, such as those based on deep learning or statistical agnostic models in neuroscience.
The Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática y de Telecomunicaciones was inaugurated in 2002. It has its origin in the old Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática, that since 1994 offered the possibility of taking these grades in the University of Granada.
The building project was designed by the architect Luis Ceres Frias, and was developed in an area of recent urbanization of the city, the Almunia Park. The basic pillars of the construction are the simplicity of lines to draw clear volumes that were materialised using concrete as a reference element, in contrast to areas covered with ceramic tiles in blue tones and enclosures in orange-red.
Auditorium (Basement Floor)
- Capacity: 196
- Two video projectors (WUXGA with 4-meter screen, UXGA with 2-meter screen)
- Sound
Grade Hall (Ground Floor)
- Capacity: 60
- Two video projectors
- Sound
- Videoconference System
Board Room (Ground Floor)
- Capacity: 12
- Videoprojectors
- Videoconference Monitor
Multipurpose Room (5th Floor)
- Capacity: 20
- Videoprojector
- Overhead transparency projector
- Sailing slate
- Reconfigurable
Polyvalent Room (Room -1.2)
- Capacity: 40
- Videoprojector
- Sailing slate
- GA3 Class Recording System
- Reconfigurable: Each table has 4 plugs on the wall. The tables are centred on the sockets. Chairs with shovel also have wall sockets

The Information and Communication Technologies Research Centre (CITIC) building is located in the popular neighbourhood of La Chana, parallel to Avenida de Andalucía. It is the architect Luis Ceres Frías who designed the CITIC, configuring it as one of the references of the contemporary construction of the city. Inaugurated in 2013, the institution is today one of the reference centres for technological research at the University of Granada.
Escuela Politécnica Superior de Jaén (EPSJ)
The Escuela Politécnica Superior de Jaén (EPSJ) is a university centre of the highest level, both academically and in research, with more than 100 years of experience in the training of engineers. The current building was inaugurated in 2004 and is located in the Campus de las Lagunillas of the University of Jaén.
This building has modern facilities, well-equipped and adapted to new teaching and research methodologies:
Grade Hall
- Capacity: 127 persons
- Two video projectors, with 4-meter and 2-meter screens respectively
- Computer for presentations
- Sound
Board Room
- Capacity: 38 persons
- Two video projectors, with 2-meter screens
- Computer for presentations
- Sound
Research Seminar
The research groups of the University of Jaén participating in DASCI have a research seminar with 12 positions.
Seminars – Meeting rooms
It also has 2 seminars / meeting rooms for the development of activities.
- Capacity: 30 y 20 personas
- Video projector
- Computer for presentations
- Electronic whiteboard
- 60-inch TV for presentations
- Meeting tables
- Sound
The Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (CEATIC) is housed in the new Research Centres building of the Universidad de Jaén.
The CEATIC is part of the strategy to support research and teaching excellence, as well as to promote the transfer of knowledge. The objective of this Centre is to bring together research groups, resources and sufficient instrumental means to enable the advancement of knowledge, development and innovation in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), through education, scientific research and technological development of excellence.
The varied research carried out by CEATIC is possible thanks to a wide range of resources, such as:
Multimedia Room
The CEATIC has a multimedia room for videoconferences, meetings and practical workshops.
The room has de following equipment:
- Capacity: 12 persons
- 1 Polycom HDX 6000 HD videoconference server
- 1 workstation for presentations and video calls
- 2 video projectors
- 1 meeting table
Mobile Room
The CEATIC has a mobile croom that facilitates the teaching of practical activities such as courses, workshops or seminars. It is located in room 108 of building C6 and is made up of the following elements:
- 1 programmable SmartAX portable charger cabinet
- A mobile cabinet with five removable trays for the storage and loading of up to 24 laptops up to 17″ and 12 electronic tablets.
- Electrical system that allows the programmed loading of the stored equipment according to the scheduled hours of use.
- 17 Fujitsu Lifebook E554 laptops
- 3 Fujitsu Lifebook port replicator switches
CEATIC has an intelligent laboratory of 25 square metres in roon 109 of the C6 building, making it easier for its researchers to study people’s behaviour and habits in a controlled and supervised environment.
The laboratory is equipped with more than 130 sensors of more than 30 different types, making it possible to carry out the study and monitoring of the inhabitants who are there precisely.
The laboratory is divided into three parts: kitchen, living room and bedroom.
Escuela Politécnica Superior de Córdoba (EPSC)
La Escuela Politécnica Superior de Córdoba de la Universidad de Córdoba lleva desde el año 1928 formando profesionales en distintas ramas de la Ingeniería y la Ingeniería Técnica en titulaciones de las más demandadas por la sociedad.
En 1990, siendo Rector de la Universidad de Córdoba, D. Amador Jover Moyano, se inició el proceso de habilitar la antigua Universidad Laboral para el actual Campus de Rabanales, donde están ubicadas las Facultades de Veterinaria y de Ciencias, así como la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Agrónomos y de Montes, y la Escuela Politécnica Superior.
Por último, durante el curso 2008/2009 y tras más de 75 años de existencia se produce el traslado definitivo de la EPSC a su sede actual en el campus de Rabanales de la Universidad de Córdoba.
Edificio Albert Einstein Campus de Rabanales
La sede del Departamento de Informática y Análisis Numérico se ubica en la 3ª Planta del Edificio Albert Einstein (C2) del Campus de Rabanales, cerca del Campus Tecnológico Rabanales 21, espacio donde se ubican diversas empresas innovadoras de ámbito tecnológico. El personal investigador del Departamento se distribuye en 8 grupos de investigación. El personal del Departamento imparte en 16 Titulaciones de la Universidad de Córdoba, imparte docencia en diferentes Másteres Universitarios y se ofertan líneas de investigación en el Programa de Doctorado “Ingeniería y Tecnología”.
Salón de Actos Juan XXIII

El salón cuenta con el siguiente equipamiento:
- Aforo: 960
- Pizarra
- Videoproyector
- Sonido
Salón de grados Manuel Medina

El salón cuenta con el siguiente equipamiento:
- Aforo: 90
- Videoproyector
- Sistema de videoconferencia
- Sonido
Sala de juntas

La sala cuenta con el siguiente equipamiento:
- Aforo: 42
- Videoproyector
- Sonido
Sala de comisiones

La sala cuenta con el siguiente equipamiento:
- Aforo: 14
- Videoproyector
- Pizarra