Granada candidate to be AESIA headquarters Noticia

#TG7 Granada #LaGuinda #Monday November 7, 2022 Panel discussion with representatives of the team work on the preparation of the proposal presented by the City of Granada to be a candidate for the headquarters of the State Agency for the Supervision of Artificial Intelligence. The program La Guinda of the local television of Granada TG7, […]

Coral del Val: Artificial Intelligence and Genetics Research Noticia

CANAL SUR A few days ago, the researcher of the Coral del Val Institute, participated in the program Conciencia on Canal Sur to talk about how artificial intelligence has changed what we know about the history of man based on his genetics. (Minute 12 of video. In Spanish)

Interview to our researcher Natalia Díaz in the newspaper EL Mundo: “So are the young Spanish ‘brains’ that have not escaped” Noticia

#News #InMedia NATALIA DÍAZ: AN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE THAT WE CAN UNDERSTAND Artificial intelligence will be increasingly present in our lives thanks to recent advances in machine learning techniques, which allow machines to confront immense data sets and find patterns that a human would be unable to see. The problem is that these kinds of algorithms […]

Recognition of talent and excellence in Artificial Intelligence Noticia

It ends a week of recognition for our researchers that began on Monday 24 with the publication of the “Ranking of the World Scientists: World’s Top 2% Scientists”, prepared by Stanford University, which places 127 UGR researchers among the most influential in the world.Of that number, a large group of 18 researchers in the area […]

Signed a collaboration agreement between CETINIA and DaSCI Institute Noticia

On October 22nd, the signing of a general protocol of action between the Rey Juan Carlos University (Research Center for Intelligent Information Technologies and their Applications of the Rey Juan Carlos University) and the University of Granada (Andalusian Interuniversity Institute in Data Science and Computational Intelligence), for the realization of joint research and transfer activities, […]

Francisco Herrera, a beatiful mind Noticia

CANAL SUR TV A few days ago Canal Sur dedicated a program to the figure of our director Francisco Herrera. Analyzed by those who know him best, Enrique Herrera, Óscar Cordón, Rosana Montes and Nuria Rodríguez, in about half an hour we can get an idea of who is Francisco Herrera.

Natalia Díaz, “Andaluces del Futuro” award winner Noticia

Natalia Díaz, has been awarded in the category of Science of the “XIV Andalusian Future Awards” Natalia Díaz, DaSCI researcher, has received in Malaga the recognition of her research career. The XIV Andalusian Future Awards, organized by Grupo Joly and Caixabank, have awarded her in the category of Science. More than 200 people attended the […]

Pioneer Women in IT Exhibition Noticia

On YouTuve the video that shows us how was the exhibition PIONERAS INFORMÁTICAS. Recognizing the contributions of women in computer engineering. This is a Cultural Project coordinated by Lina García Cabrera, José Mª Serrano Chica (University of Jaén) and Irene Pedrosa García (IES Auringis) and that has been carried out in the exhibition hall of […]

Interview with Francisco Herrera in Cadena SER Noticia

On the morning of May 4, Francisco Herrera, director of the Institute, was interviewed on Cadena Ser in Granada. He has talked about digital transformation, cybersecurity, digital twins and the commitment of companies like Ghenova for Granada. Also about #aiMPULSA and our desire that Granada becomes the new headquarters of the Spanish Agency for Artificial […]

An application designed at the UGR helps the study of the brain using Artificial Intelligence Noticia

A multidisciplinary scientific team at the University of Granada (UGR) has designed the MVPAlab application, which thanks to programming and artificial intelligence (AI) offers an intuitive and easy-to-use tool for the analysis of brain electroencephalograms, key explorations in human neuroscience. This work exemplifies the existing collaboration between university institutes of the UGR that unite AI […]

University of Jaén recognizes the pioneers of computer science in an exhibition Noticia

Until April 7, the exhibition ‘Pioneras informáticas: reconociendo las aportaciones de la mujer en la Ingeniería Informática’ can be visited at the University of Jaén in the Exhibition Hall of the Zabaleta building (D 1) of the Campus Las Lagunillas of the UJA. The exhibition is coordinated by the professors of the Department of Computer […]

Granada touches the sky with AI (Artificial Intelligence) Noticia

The city of Granada is gaining momentum to host the National Artificial Intelligence (AI) Centre and Agency, which would turn the historic city into the most important technological and scientific reference point in Spain. Granada already has the Ifmif-Dones particle accelerator and a quantum supercomputer. We analyse the relevance of this initiative and the immediate […]

DaSCI is present at Dubai Expo Noticia

During the 14th, 15th and 16th of February, a delegation of representatives from different sectors of our city, including Enrique Herrera (Vice Chancellor and member of DaSCI) and Francisco Herrera (Director of the Institute) traveled to the Dubai Expo where they presented the programs and strategic projects of the UGR. Among others, AIRAndalusia and the […]

The importance of teaching programming Noticia

The University of Jaén brings computer science to schools through the ‘Hour of Code’ initiative.“Programming is easy, fun and creative and has a very important future” says DaSCI researcher Lina García.In the following video they encourage us to also be part of the Hour of Code initiative. The following image shows how the Scientific Culture […]

Francisco Herrera interviewed on Radio Nacional de España Noticia

#podcast #EL PLACER DE ADMIRAR Paleontologist Juan Luis Arsuaga talks on Radio Nacional de España with Francisco Herrera, in a conversation in which he discusses how he sees the future of society in a highly technological world in which Artificial Intelligence (machines, robots, intelligent systems) plays a fundamental role. For example, repetitive tasks are likely […]

Francisco Herrera, director of the DaSCI Institute participates in the radio show “Hoy por Hoy” and highlights Granada’s plans to host the National Centre and the State Agency for the Supervision of Artificial Intelligence Noticia

Enrique Árbol has talked to Francisco Herrera, director of the DaSCI Institute and councillor of the Granada City Council about the news published these days in different media of the province about the intention of making Granada the next host of the National Centre and the State Agency for the supervision of Artificial Intelligence. You […]

AIR-Andalusia is presented at the University of Granada as a centre for transfer and training in artificial intelligence and robotics Noticia

News #Press Release The rector of the University of Granada, Pilar Aranda; the Minister of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities of the Junta de Andalucía, Rogelio Velasco; the mayor of Granada, Francisco Cuenca, and the president of the Spanish Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises (CEPYME), Gerardo Cuerva, have presented this morning the Andalusian […]