Granada consolidates its position as the epicentre of biosanitary innovation with the holding of the 3rd PTS Research Congress

16 September, 2024

  • From 3 to 5 February the Faculty of Medicine of the UGR will host this event organised by Granada Salud, a public-private initiative aimed at boosting the innovative and economic potential of the health sciences ecosystem.
  • The event will bring together leading experts and talents in biomedicine and biotechnology to share knowledge, promote synergies and highlight the latest research and developments in the field of health.

The PTS Granada Foundation, a public entity with the support of the Regional Ministry of Universities, Research and Innovation, is organising its 3rd Research Congress together with some thirty public-private institutions that make up Granada Salud, an initiative to make the city visible and position it as a benchmark for innovation in health. The DaSCI Institute has been part of this initiative since this year and participates in the organisation of the congress itself.

The 3rd PTS Granada Research Congress, to be held from 3 to 5 February at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Granada (UGR), is consolidating its position as one of the main forums for knowledge exchange and transfer in the life sciences and health sector. This key event in the regional and national scientific calendar will bring together researchers, health staff, students and representatives of research centres and companies to learn about the most outstanding and current lines of research in biomedicine and biotechnology, share advances, possible synergies and collaborations between the different agents of the innovation ecosystem of PTS Granada.

In its previous edition, the congress brought together more than four hundred researchers and more than twenty companies, and generated three hundred communications. A precedent of success and participation that is expected to be repeated this year with a full agenda of plenary lectures, thematic sessions, B2B meetings between attendees, sessions with patient associations and informative conferences.

The 3rd PTS Granada Research Congress promises to be a meeting point for professionals dedicated to science and technology in health. And it will fulfil the mission of promoting the transfer between the academic field and the bio-health industry, promoting innovation and technological development, thus contributing to economic progress and improving the quality of life in Andalusia.

Thematic lines

During the three days of the congress, a diverse range of scientific communications will be addressed in the following thematic areas: Neurosciences; Oncology; Inflammatory Diseases; Infectious Diseases; Nutrition and Food Technology; Physical Activity and Sport for Health; Rare Diseases; Epidemiology and Public Health. One Health; Cardiovascular Diseases. Dermatology. Transplantation. Advances in Clinical Research; Personalised Medicine and Advanced Therapies; ICT for Health; AI Research; Transfer and Provision of Services and Support for Health Research.

In September, the call for proposals for any of the parallel sessions of the congress will open. The prestigious speakers who will give a keynote lecture at the opening and closing sessions will also be announced.

Granada, an Andalusian reference in health sciences and technology

Biomedicine and biotechnology are playing an increasingly important role due to their capacity to improve diagnoses, design new treatments and optimise existing ones. The city of Granada has more than thirty public and private actors in the sector, most of them based in the PTS. And it has an enormous and growing potential in research and business development, healthcare and training. With the aim of making this ecosystem of biosanitary innovation visible and promoting it as an engine of economic and social development for the province, the PTS Granada Foundation is organising the congress together with the member entities of Granada Salud and the management of the Biomedical Research Centre of the University of Granada (CIBM), which is responsible for coordinating the Scientific Committee.

The strategic institutional collaboration alliance Granada Salud has a network of resources for the development of the health sector available to any company, researcher, entrepreneur or citizen. The congress will be an exceptional platform to promote knowledge transfer and collaboration between researchers, companies and the public sector. For this reason, it will have a wide institutional representation and support, and the sponsorship of the most cutting-edge companies in the health and health technology sector.

About Granada Salud

Granada Salud is part of the key objectives of the Regional Ministry of University, Research and Innovation of promoting and coordinating scientific and technical research, knowledge transfer, support for technological innovation and business investment in technology, as well as the development of entrepreneurial culture and technological entrepreneurship in the region.

The following entities form part of Granada Salud: UGR emprendedora, OTRI-UGR, Centro de Investigación Biomédica (CIBM), Instituto de Parasitología y Biomedicina López-Neyra (IPBLN), Fundación MEDINA, Centro Pfizer de Genética y Oncología (GENYO), Fundación IAVANTE, Biobank of the Andalusian Public Health System, Instituto Mixto Universitario de Deporte y Salud (IMUDS), Hospital Universitario Clínico San Cecilio, Hospital Virgen de las Nieves, Fundación de Investigación Biosanitaria Andalucía Oriental (FIBAO), Instituto de Investigación Biosanitaria (ibs. GRANADA), the Andalusian School of Public Health (EASP), the Experimental Station of Zaidín (EEZ-CSIC), the Granada Confederation of Entrepreneurs (CGE), the Association of Young Entrepreneurs (AJE), the Science Park, the Biological Air Quality Unit (UCBA-UGR), onTech Innovation, the Technological Circle of Granada, the Granada Chamber of Commerce and Andalucía TRADE. And recently IFMIF-DONES; Fundación AI Granada, Instituto DaSCI, Centro Tecnológico CIDAF, CITIC-UGR, and Fundación Andalucía Emprende have joined as new members.