University of Jaén recognizes the pioneers of computer science in an exhibition
29 March, 2022
Until April 7, the exhibition ‘Pioneras informáticas: reconociendo las aportaciones de la mujer en la Ingeniería Informática’ can be visited at the University of Jaén in the Exhibition Hall of the Zabaleta building (D 1) of the Campus Las Lagunillas of the UJA.
The exhibition is coordinated by the professors of the Department of Computer Science of the University of Jaén Lina García Cabrera (DaSCI Researcher) and José Mª Serrano Chica, and the teacher of the IES Auringis Irene Pedrosa García, the exhibition arises as a result of the Call for Cultural Projects of the Vice-rectorate of Projection of Culture and Sport, and has been coordinated by Lina García Cabrera and José María Serrano Chica, and Irene Pedrosa García.
All information in AULA MAGNA, El Periódico Universitario (In Spanish)