The university recognizes the work of the DaSCI institute in scientific dissemination and in research 2021
13 July, 2022
In the morning of Wednesday, July 7, the UGR Research Awards were presented. The ceremony was led, Pilar Aranda, accompanied at the presidential table by the secretary general, María Asunción Torres, and by Francisco Javier O’Valle, director of Research Centers and Institutes and president of the jury
The University of Granada firmly believes that an effort must be made to transfer to society all the research, teaching and management that is done on a daily basis in the different institutions that make up our university. These awards recognize the value of people and institutions that “help society to understand what we do, how, where and why”.
Our institute has been awarded 4 times in the following modalities:
- UNIVERSITY OF GRANADA AWARD FOR SCIENTIFIC DISCLOSURE, for BARBER’S SCIENCE, of which our colleague Fco. Javier Martínez Murcia.
- UNIVERSITY OF GRANADA AWARD FOR EXCELLENT RESEARCH WORK in the area of Technical Sciences to Enrique Herrera Viedma, Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, UGR. For the work referred to below: “Consensus Building for the Heterogeneous Large-Scale GDM with the Individual Concerns and Satifactions” Zhang, HJ, Dong, YC, Herrera Viedma, E. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 26,2, 884-898. 2018
- UNIVERSITY OF GRANADA AWARD FOR COMMUNICATION AND INNOVATION IN DIGITAL MEDIA, in its collective modality to the Andalusian Interuniversity Institute in Data Science and Computational Intelligence (DaSCI), Rocio Celeste Romero Zaliz.

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