The PTS Foundation and the AI Granada Foundation sign an agreement to promote the development of artificial intelligence and its application to the bio-health sector

19 June, 2024

  • The agreement establishes a stable framework of collaboration in which both entities undertake to develop initiatives in the areas of promotion, training and research.

The PTS Granada Foundation, a public entity supported by the Regional Ministry of Universities, Research and Innovation, and the AI Granada Research & Innovation Foundation, have today signed a collaboration agreement to carry out joint promotion, training and research activities aimed at fostering the development of artificial intelligence and its application in the bio-health sector in Andalusia.

The signing took place in the UGR AI building, headquarters of the AI Granada Foundation, and was attended by the managing director of the PTS Granada Foundation, Luis González, and the vice-rector for Research and Transfer of the UGR and proxy of the AI Granada Foundation, Enrique Herrera Viedma.

The alliance will be valid for four years, and in order to select the activities in which the collaboration will be materialised, it will have a monitoring committee made up of a representative from each institution. Both will establish initiatives and actions for their dissemination, with the aim of guaranteeing the highest degree of knowledge by the public.

The collaboration between the PTS Foundation and the AI Granada Foundation represents a firm commitment and a sum of efforts of both institutions to promote the transfer of knowledge, the advancement of research and technological innovation. The agreement will give continuity to and expand common lines of action already in place, such as the “Matchmaking Experience“, which connects university students with skills in artificial intelligence with professional opportunities in local companies, thus strengthening Granada’s technological ecosystem.

This public-private collaboration is expected to contribute to consolidate and position the province as a national and international benchmark in research and innovation in artificial intelligence, contributing to economic development and improving the quality of life of the people of Granada. As well as creating a stable environment that fosters excellence, responsibility and equity, sustainability and social impact.

This new institutional agreement will not only benefit the entities involved, but will also have a positive impact on the scientific and technological community, companies and society in general at a key moment for the technological and biosanitary development of the region.

The PTS Granada Foundation is an entity of the Andalusian Public Sector and has a board of trustees that includes leading institutions in scientific and technological development, such as the Regional Ministry of University, Research and Innovation, the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs of the Andalusian Regional Government, the University of Granada, local councils in the region, as well as financial entities and collaborators from the business and scientific sectors. This conglomerate of institutions works together to promote entrepreneurship, the consolidation of quality employment, the training of highly qualified professionals and the improvement of the quality of life of citizens. The mission of the PTS Foundation is to be an axis of wealth generation, promoting the transfer of knowledge between the university, research centres and companies. Its long-term vision is to consolidate the Health Technology Park as a national and international benchmark in research, business innovation and technological development applied to Life Sciences and Health.

The main objective of the AI Granada Foundation is to boost and promote public and private activities related to research, innovation, technological development and knowledge transfer in the field of artificial intelligence and digital technologies, developing activities and integrating initiatives such as the AI Lab centre, aiMPULSA or AIR-Andalusia. The foundation is based on a public-private collaboration model in which the Junta de Andalucía through the Agencia Digital de Andalucía, the Granada City Council, the Granada Chamber of Commerce and different companies are integrated.