Episode 39: UGR-Repsol Chair

30 September, 2024

#podcast #T5E1 17 sept, 2024

The University of Granada, in collaboration with the company Repsol, has obtained funding of 1.6 million euros to create a University-Business Chair which, over the next four years, will develop the project ‘Ethical, Responsible and General Purpose Artificial Intelligence: Applications in Risk Scenario’. To talk about this project we interviewed Isaac Triguero Velázquez who will talk to us about the objectives and challenges of responsible, reliable and ethical AI framed within the National Artificial Intelligence Strategy. Don’t miss anything and leave us your comments and thoughts on our social networks (@sintonia_dasci).

Link: https://dasci.es/es/divulgacion/catedra-universidad-empresa-en-ia-ugr-repsol/

Listen “SintonIA 39 – Cátedra UGR-Repsol.