The exhibition “Paseo Matemático al-Ándalus” opens in Granada
22 November, 2021
Exhibition 11/26/2021 to 01/9/2022
This coming Friday, November 26, 2021, at 6 p.m., the exhibition “Paseo Matemático al-Ándalus” will be inaugurated in Granada, which synthesizes a great study on mathematics and Andalusian monumental art. It includes the Alhambra in Granada, the Mosque-Cathedral and the Synagogue in Cordoba and the Real Alcazar, the Giralda and the Torre del Oro in Seville, bringing together Caliphate, Almohad, Nasrid and Mudejar art.
It is the result of a great professional team, led by Alvaro Martínez Sevilla (DaSCI), with Enrique Infante (Art History, US), Sergio Alonso (Models and 3D Manufacturing, UGR-DaSCI), Rocio Ortega (freelance photographer), Juan García (Graphic Design, UNIA), Carlos Ureña (Augmented Reality and Computer Graphics, UGR), Tomás Morales (Mathematics, UCO), Francisco Javier Roldán (Architect, LAAC) and Fernando Blasco (Mathematics, UPM). The Fundación Descubre collaborated in the organization. It has been funded by the FECYT and the Consejería de Innovación, Conocimiento y Empresa de la Junta de Andalucía.
The exhibition can be seen until January 9, 2022 in the Cuarto Real de Santo Domingo (Plaza de los Campos, 6) and together with it we will carry out a program of activities for high school students and the general public, which will include guided tours of the exhibition and the Cuarto Real (mathematical walk), as well as workshops on digital fabrication, anthropometry and “the skies of Granada”, on the coffered ceilings of the city. We will also present the video “Journey to the Andalusian domes”.

An invitation to this very special event is below.