European Night of Researchers 2021
21 September, 2021
DaSCI and Fundación Descubre jointly organize workshops in the European Night of Researchers
Specifically, the cities of Granada, Jaen and Cordoba will host workshops on Artificial Intelligence and citizen science around the MonuMAI project, which combines mathematical algorithms, artistic descriptions and citizen participation to identify architectural objects in monuments and now incorporates Hispano-Muslim art.
Our science outreach activities are:
Description: An educated society is always a freer and fairer society. In the specific case of this talk, it is an informative activity on Artificial Intelligence, a discipline that, for years, has occupied a prominent place in the media and political agenda. It is, therefore, tremendously beneficial for citizens to have tools that allow them to face today’s challenges, of which AI is a key element, in a critical, constructive and considered way, without falling into catastrophism or euphoria.
Participating researchers:
Place: 24/09/2021 17:30h at UGR stand
Province: Granada
Description: The workshop will show with a children’s movie recommendation system the difference between receiving product recommendations with or without explanations. To create in the attendees a vision of the need to demand clarity from intelligent systems about their processes.
Participating researchers:
Place: 24/09/2021 18:00 Plaza de El Corte Inglés | Science Fair.
Province: Jaen
Description: In this interactive workshop, through augmented reality, basic concepts such as evolution and genetics will be explained. But it will also be oriented to show how the use of data science and artificial intelligence techniques can help in areas such as biology, medicine and psychiatry. Interdisciplinary work allows researchers from different areas to get the most out of experimental data, as it would be impossible to do the same study “by hand” without the help of computer tools designed for this purpose.
Participating researchers:
Place: 24/09/2021 Paseo del Salón, tent Fundación Descrubre – MonuMAI
Province: Granada
Description: Artificial intelligence is part of our lives, although we often do not realize it. Its very name, so evocative, sometimes leads us to philosophical debates: what is intelligence, can machines think, how can we humans differentiate ourselves from them? In this last aspect, human “creativity” is one of the factors that are often cited as differences. However, we have seen how AIs generate images, music, and even dream. Is that creativity? With this workshop we will delve into the paradigm of “co-creation”: AI as a tool to help artistic creation, and its application to image design and sound processing. The workshop will have a highly interactive part in which visitors will be able to interact with AI systems that allow drawing and creating music.
Participating researchers:
Place: 24/09/2021 Paseo del Salón, tent Fundación Descrubre – MonuMAI
Province: Granada
Description: Can we humans understand AI reasoning? When it fails, why does it fail? We will address the growing need for AI to explain how it works, as a way to build confidence in its predictions and uncover biases. In this activity we will discuss how an AI reasons and, in more detail, whether a doctor should trust his diagnosis or a driver of his autonomous vehicle.
Participating researchers:
Place: Patios
Province: Córdoba
#Activity 6 – DIME+ – An app for evaluating science outreach events
The European Night of Researchers is a space for the dissemination of science, but how to know its impact? DIME+ is a decision support system that not only allows the collection of evaluations of an activity, generating collective evaluations of the event in which it is framed, but also offers a response to the organizers of the event. The Decision Making implemented allows the use of expressions with uncertainty, just as people think. If you are an event organizer contact us and use this platform!
Participating researchers: all of DaSCI’s researchers at Granada, Jaén and Córdoba.
Place: same that previous activities