Guided tours of the Pioneras Informáticas exhibition
23 November, 2023
#Event #november
In the context of the University of Jaén, from November 6, 2023 to November 17, 2023, a total of 16 visits were organized. This work has allowed a total of 414 students from 10 different centers in the province of Jaén (Jaén, La Carolina, Mengíbar, Torredelcampo and Torredonjimeno) to visit the exhibition “Pioneras informáticas: reconociendo las aportaciones de la mujer en la Ingeniería Informática” (Female Computer Science Pioneers: recognizing the contributions of women in Computer Engineering). These students of ESO and Bachillerato were guided by the students of the Degree of Computer Engineering: Celia Márquez Gracia, Inés Conforto Sánchez and Alba Gómez Liébana.
More information on the project website: