Juan Fernandez Olivares
UGRTotal | From 2020: | |
Citas | Total: 1263 | From 2020: 305 |
Índice H | Total: 18 | From 2020: 10 |
Índice i10 | Total: 38 | From 2020: 14 |
Papers (97)
Title | Authors | Year |
Discovering and Explaining Driver Behaviour under HoS Regulations | I Vellido, J Fdez-Olivares, R Pérez. | 2023 |
In heaven as on earth: The performance of students is as good as it is the digraph that describes their behavior | L Castillo, F Sánchez-Carrascosa, M Ruiz-Martínez, J Fdez-Olivares. | 2023 |
Learning to select goals in Automated Planning with Deep-Q Learning, | C Núñez-Molina, J Fernández-Olivares, R Pérez. | 2022 |
Analyzing Driver Behavior Compliance under HoS Regulations. | LAC Ignacio Vellido-Expósito, Juan Fernández-Olivares, Raúl Pérez. | 2022 |
AProposal to Generate Planning Problems with Graph Neural Networks | C Núñez-Molina, P Mesejo, J Fernández-Olivares. | 2022 |
A Proposal to Integrate Deep Q-Learning with Automated Planning to Improve the Performance of a Planning-Based Agent | C Núnez-Molina, I Vellido, V Nikolov-Vasilev, R Pérez, J Fdez-Olivares. | 2021 |
Discovering relational and numerical expressions from plan traces for learning action models | JÁ Segura-Muros, R Pérez, J Fernández-Olivares. | 2021 |
Addressing HTN Planning with Blind Depth First Search | J Fernandez-Olivares, I Vellido, L Castillo. | 2021 |
Planning from video game descriptions | I Vellido, C Núñez-Molina, V Nikolov, J Fdez-Olivares. | 2021 |
Discovering the dinosaur | L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, F Sánchez-Carrascosa. | 2021 |
Efficient inference models for classification problems with a high number of fuzzy rules | L Jara, R Ariza-Valderrama, J Fernández-Olivares, A González, R Pérez. | 2021 |
Driver activity recognition by means of temporal htn planning | J Fernandez-Olivares, R Perez. | 2020 |
A Knowledge Based Process for the Generation of HTN Domains from VGDL Video Game Descriptions | I Vellido, J Fdez-Olivares, R Pérez. | 2020 |
Goal Reasoning by Selecting Subgoals with Deep Q-Learning | C Núñez-Molina, V Nikolov, I Vellido, J Fernández-Olivares. | 2020 |
Personalized conciliation of clinical guidelines for comorbid patients through multi-agent planning | J Fdez-Olivares, E Onaindia, L Castillo, J Jordán, J Cózar. | 2019 |
Learning numerical action models from noisy and partially observable states by means of inductive rule learning techniques | JÁ Segura-Muros, R Pérez, J Fernández-Olivares. | 2018 |
Using Inductive Rule Learning Techniques to Learn Planning Domains | JÁ Segura-Muros, R Pérez, J Fernández-Olivares. | 2018 |
Learning Planning Action Models with Numerical Information and Logic Relationships Using Classification Techniques | JÁ Segura-Muros, R Pérez, J Fernández-Olivares. | 2018 |
Time prediction on multi-perspective declarative business processes | A Jimenez-Ramirez, I Barba, J Fernandez-Olivares, C Del Valle, B Weber. | 2018 |
Integration of an automated hierarchical task planner in ros using behaviour trees | JÁ Segura-Muros, J Fernández-Olivares. | 2017 |
Predicciones en Procesos de Negocio Declarativos | A Jiménez Ramírez, I Barba Rodríguez, J Fernández Olivares, .... | 2017 |
Learning HTN Domains using Process Mining and Data Mining techniques | JA Segura-Muros, R Pérez, J Fernández-Olivares. | 2015 |
A knowledge-based architecture for the management of patient-focused care pathways | I Sánchez-Garzón, A González-Ferrer, J Fernández-Olivares. | 2014 |
Separating the autonomous behaviors and coordination regimes of non-player characters. | G Milla-Millán, J Fernández-Olivares. | 2014 |
Automated generation of patient-tailored electronic care pathways by translating computer-interpretable guidelines into hierarchical task networks | A González-Ferrer, A Ten Teije, J Fdez-Olivares, K Milian. | 2013 |
A multi-agent planning approach for the generation of personalized treatment plans of comorbid patients | I Sánchez-Garzón, J Fdez-Olivares, E Onaindía, G Milla, J Jordán, .... | 2013 |
From business process models to hierarchical task network planning domains | A González-Ferrer, J Fernández-Olivares, L Castillo. | 2013 |
A common-recipe and conflict-solving map approach for care planning in comorbid patients | G Milla-Millán, J Fdez-Olivares, I Sánchez-Garzón. | 2013 |
Multi-agent planning based on the dynamic selection and merging of hierarchical task networks | G Milla-Millán, J Fdez-Olivares, I Sánchez-Garzón. | 2013 |
PELEA: a domain-independent architecture for planning, execution and learning | C Guzmán, V Alcázar, D Prior, E Onaindia, D Borrajo, J Fdez-Olivares, .... | 2012 |
Context-aware generation and adaptive execution of daily living care pathways | I Sánchez-Garzón, G Milla-Millán, J Fernández-Olivares. | 2012 |
An approach for representing and managing medical exceptions in care pathways based on temporal hierarchical planning techniques | I Sánchez-Garzón, J Fdez-Olivares, L Castillo. | 2012 |
Knowledge-driven adaptive execution of care pathways based on continuous planning techniques | G Milla-Millán, J Fdez-Olivares, I Sánchez-Garzón, D Prior, L Castillo. | 2012 |
Supporting clinical processes and decisions by hierarchical planning and scheduling | J Fdez‐Olivares, L Castillo, JA Cózar, O Garcia Perez. | 2011 |
Autonomous mobile robot control and learning with the pelea architecture | E Quintero, V Alcázar, D Borrajo, J Fdez-Olivares, F Fernández, .... | 2011 |
Athena: Smart process management for daily activity planning for cognitive impairment | E Hidalgo, L Castillo, RI Madrid, Ó García-Pérez, MR Cabello, .... | 2011 |
Task network based modeling, dynamic generation and adaptive execution of patient-tailored treatment plans based on smart process management technologies | J Fdez-Olivares, I Sánchez-Garzón, A González-Ferrer, JA Cózar, .... | 2011 |
An extended HTN knowledge representation based on a graphical notation | L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, O Garcıa, F Palao. | 2011 |
Careflow planning: From time-annotated clinical guidelines to temporal hierarchical task networks | A González-Ferrer, A Ten Teije, J Fdez-Olivares, K Milian. | 2011 |
Cities that offer a customized and personalized tourist experience to each and every visitor: the smartourism project | F Palao, L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, O García. | 2011 |
Monitoring, repair and replanning techniques to support exception handling in HTN-based therapy planning systems | I Sánchez-Garzón, J Fdez-Olivares, L Castillo. | 2011 |
Building a Domain-Independent Architecture for Planning, Learning and Execution. PELEA | C Guzmán, V Alcázar, D Prior, E Onaindıa, D Borrajo, J Fdez-Olivares. | 2011 |
A Repair-Replanning Strategy for HTN-based Therapy Planning Systems | I Sánchez-Garzón, J Fdez-Olivares, L Castillo. | 2011 |
Autonomous Mobile Robot Control and Learning with the PELEA Architecture. | E Quintero, V Alcázar, D Borrajo, J Fernández-Olivares, F Fernández, .... | 2011 |
A knowledge engineering methodology for rapid prototyping of planning applications | L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, A González, G Milla, D Prior, L Morales, .... | 2010 |
Automatic generation of temporal planning domains for e-learning problems | L Castillo, L Morales, A González-Ferrer, J Fdez-Olivares, D Borrajo, .... | 2010 |
Smart Process Management: automated generation of adaptive cases based on Intelligent Planning technologies | A González-Ferrer, J Fdez-Olivares, I Sánchez-Garzón, L Castillo. | 2010 |
Integrating plans into BPM technologies for human-centric process execution | J Fdez-Olivares, I Sánchez-Garzón, LA Castillo, A González-Ferrer. | 2010 |
Using Knowledge Engineering for Planning Techniques to leverage the BPM life-cycle for dynamic and adaptive processes | J Fdez-Olivares, A González-Ferrer, I Sánchez-Garzón, L Castillo. | 2010 |
BPM 2010 Demonstration Track | M La Rosa. | 2010 |
A Knowledge Engineering Methodology for Rapid Prototyping of Planning Applications. | LA Castillo, J Fernandez-Olivares, AG Muñoz, G Milla, D Prior, L Morales, .... | 2010 |
JABBAH: a Java application framework for the translation between business process models and HTN | A González-Ferrer, J Fernández-Olivares, L Castillo. | 2009 |
Planning for conditional learning routes | L Morales, L Castillo, J Fernández-Olivares. | 2009 |
Knowledge Management for Health Care Procedures ECAI 2008 Workshop K4HelP 2008, Patras, Greece, July 21, 2008, Revised Selected Papers | SR Abidi, SSR Abidi, L Butler, S Hussain, F Real, D Riaño, .... | 2009 |
Automatic generation of user adapted learning designs: An AI-planning proposal | L Morales, L Castillo, J Fernandez-Olivares, A Gonzalez-Ferrer. | 2008 |
Towards the use of xpdl as planning and scheduling modeling tool: the workflow patterns approach | A González-Ferrer, J Fdez-Olivares, L Castillo, L Morales. | 2008 |
Oncotheraper: Clinical decision support for oncology therapy planning based on temporal hierarchical tasks networks | J Fdez-Olivares, JA Cózar, L Castillo. | 2008 |
Workflow planning for e-learning center management | A González-Ferrer, L Castillo, J Fernández-Olivares, L Morales. | 2008 |
Building learning designs by using an automatic planning domain generation: A state-based approach | A Cesta, N Fakotakis. | 2008 |
Jiménez-Ruiz, Ernesto 312 | R Casañas, MA Castaño, L Castillo, A Ledezma, D Castro-Castro, J Leite, .... | 2008 |
Handling fuzzy temporal constraints in a planning environment | M de la Asunción, L Castillo, J Fernández-Olivares, O García-Pérez, .... | 2007 |
Reducing the impact of ai planning on end users | L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, O Garcıa-Pérez, F Palao, A Gonzalez. | 2007 |
A middle-ware for the automated composition and invocation of semantic web services based on temporal htn planning techniques | J Fernández-Olivares, T Garzón, L Castillo, Ó García-Pérez, F Palao. | 2007 |
Knowledge engineering and planning for the automated synthesis of customized learning designs | L Castillo, L Morales, A González-Ferrer, J Fernández-Olivares, .... | 2007 |
García-Pérez, Öscar 40, 70 | A Albore, CJ Alonso, CL Alonso, A Alonso-Betanzos, H Anaya-Sánchez, .... | 2007 |
Efficiently Handling Temporal Knowledge in an HTN Planner. | LA Castillo, J Fernández-Olivares, Ó García-Pérez, F Palao. | 2006 |
Bringing users and planning technology together. Experiences in SIADEX | J Fdez-Olivares, L Castillo, O Garcıa-Pérez, F Palao. | 2006 |
Planning process from a user perspective | OJG Perez, FCP Reines, JF Olivares, LC Vidal, TG Hervas. | 2006 |
Selected Papers from the 11th Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAEPIA 2005)-Temporal Enhancements of an HTN Planner | L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, O Garcia-Perez, F Palao. | 2006 |
SIADEX: An interactive knowledge-based planner for decision support in forest fire fighting | M de la Asunción, L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, Ó García-Pérez, .... | 2005 |
Knowledge and plan execution management in planning fire fighting operations | M de la Asunción, L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, O Garcıa-Pérez, .... | 2005 |
Integration of fuzzy scheduling into a planning framework | L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, A González. | 2005 |
planning framework | L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, A González. | 2005 |
Temporal enhancements of an HTN planner | L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, Ó García-Pérez, F Palao. | 2005 |
SIADEX: An integrated planning framework for crisis action planning | M Asuncion, L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares. | 2005 |
SIADEX. An integrated planning framework for crisis action planning | L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, O Garcıa-Perez, F Palao. | 2005 |
WS2 | JF Olivares, E Onaindía. | 2005 |
IOS Press, 2005 | L Castillo, AG Fdez-Olivares. | 2005 |
Planning, Scheduling and Constraint Satisfaction: From Theory to Practice L. Castillo et al.(Eds.) IOS Press, 2005 | L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, A González. | 2005 |
Planning, Scheduling and Constraint Satisfaction: From Theory to Practice 69 L. Castillo et al.(Eds.) IOS Press, 2005 | L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, A González. | 2005 |
Siadex: A real-world planning approach to forest fire fighting | M de la Asunción, L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, O Garcıa-Pérez, .... | 2004 |
Planning tourist visits adapted to user preferences | S Fernández, L Sebastia, J Fdez-Olivares. | 2004 |
SIADEX: A Real World Planning Approach for Forest Fire Fighting | M de la Asunción, O Garcıa-Pérez, F Palao. | 2004 |
Integrating hierarchical and conditional planning techniques into a software design process for automated manufacturing | L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, A Gonzalez. | 2003 |
Some Issues about the Representation and Exploitation of Imprecise Temporal Knowledge for an AI Planner | L Castillo, J Fernández-Olivares, A González. | 2003 |
Local (human-centered) replanning in the SIADEX framework | M De La Asunción, L Castillo, J Fernández-Olivares, O Garcıa-Pérez, .... | 2003 |
SIADEX: assisted design of forest fire fighting plans by artificial intelligence planning techniques | M de la Asunción, L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, O Garcıa-Pérez, .... | 2003 |
A temporal constraint network based temporal planner | L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, A González. | 2002 |
A conditional planning approach for the autonomous design of reactive and robust sequential control programs | L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, A González. | 2002 |
A flexible temporal planner | L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, A González. | 2002 |
Shifting AI planning technology from automated manufacturing to autonomous operation and control in space missions | L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, A Gonz’alez. | 2002 |
On the adequacy of hierarchical planning characteristics for real-world problem solving | L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, A González. | 2001 |
Mixing expressiveness and efficiency in a manufacturing planner | L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares IV, A González. | 2001 |
Automatic generation of control sequences for manufacturing systems based on partial order planning techniques | L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, A González. | 2000 |
A three-level knowledge-based system for the generation of live and safe petri nets for manufacturing systems | L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, A Gonza´ lez. | 2000 |
A hybrid hierarchical operator-based planning approach for the design of control programs. | LA Castillo, J Fernández-Olivares, AG Muñoz. | 2000 |
Intelligent planning of Grafcet charts | L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, A González. | 2000 |
A Hybrid Planning Architecture for the Design of Control Programs in Manufacturing Systems | L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, A González, G Spain. | 2000 |
A knowledge-based tool for the automated synthesis of Petri nets for manufacturing systems | L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, A González. | 1999 |
Un algoritmo de planificación no lineal para la generación automáticade programas industriales. | LA Castillo, J Fernández-Olivares, A Gonzalez. | 1999 |
Automatic synthesis of control sequences: a nonlinear planning approach | L Castillo, J Fdez-Olivares, A González. | 1998 |
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