Manuel Chica Serrano




Researcher Profile

Total From 2020:
Citas Total: 2874 From 2020: 2015
Índice H Total: 30 From 2020: 24
Índice i10 Total: 67 From 2020: 54

Papers (141)

Title Authors Year
The evolution of cooperation in spatial public goods game with tolerant punishment based on reputation threshold G Zhang, Y Yao, Z Zeng, M Feng, M Chica. 2025
Success-driven opinion formation determines social tensions M Chica, M Perc, FC Santos. 2024
Adaptive payoff-driven interaction in networked snowdrift games X Xiong, Y Yao, M Feng, M Chica. 2024
Targeting incentives to adopt wind-assisted technologies in shipping by agent-based simulations E Romero, M Chica, RR Hermann, S Damas. 2024
Payoff-driven migration promotes the evolution of trust in networked populations Y Zhu, W Li, C Xia, M Chica. 2024
Social network of peer-to-peer accommodations for a visual decision support system in tourism: The case of the Canary Islands VA Vargas-Pérez, O Cordón, M Chica, JM Hernández. 2024
Seeding leading cooperators and institutions in networked climate dilemmas M Chica, FC Santos. 2023
Reinforcement Learning-Based Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm for Mixed-Model Multimanned Assembly Line Balancing Under Uncertain Demand Z Zhang, Q Tang, M Chica, Z Li. 2023
MultiCalib4DEB: A toolbox exploiting multimodal optimisation in Dynamic Energy Budget parameters calibration JF Robles, M Chica, R Filgueira, A Agüera, S Damas. 2023
Adopting different wind-assisted ship propulsion technologies as fleet retrofit: An agent-based modeling approach M Chica, RR Hermann, N Lin. 2023
Rewarding policies in an asymmetric game for sustainable tourism M Chica, JM Hernández, M Perc. 2023
Explaining Agent Behavior in Agent-Based Modeling Using Subgroup Discovery E Romero, CJ Carmona del Jesús, O Cordon, MJ del Jesus, S Damas, .... 2023
Two Decades of Agent-Based Modeling in Marketing: A Bibliometric Analysis E Romero, M Chica, S Damas, W Rand. 2023
Zio: an artificial intelligence digital twin to build virtual markets M Chica, O Cordón, JF Robles, A Garrido, J Mingot, S Damas. 2023
A multi-objective co-evolutionary algorithm for energy and cost-oriented mixed-model assembly line balancing with multi-skilled workers Z Zhang, M Chica, Q Tang, Z Li, L Zhang. 2023
Understanding the Impact of Climate Change in European Island Tourism by Agent-Based Simulations VA Vargas-Pérez, M Chica, CJ Leon, O Cordon. 2023
The evolution and social cost of herding mentality promote cooperation M Chica, W Rand, FC Santos. 2023
Sustainability in tourism determined by an asymmetric game with mobility M Chica, JM Hernández, M Perc. 2022
Evolution of cooperation and trust in an N-player social dilemma game with tags for migration decisions S Dhakal, R Chiong, M Chica. 2022
An Integrative Decision-Making Mechanism for Consumers’ Brand Selection using 2-Tuple Fuzzy Linguistic Perceptions and Decision Heuristics J Giráldez-Cru, M Chica, O Cordón. 2022
The effects of mass communication in a fuzzy linguistic framework of opinion dynamics J Giráldez-Cru, M Chica, O Cordόn. 2022
Deep reinforcement learning in agent-based simulations for optimal media planning VA Vargas-Pérez, P Mesejo, M Chica, Ó Cordón. 2022
The Role of the Tourism Network in the Coordination of Pandemic Control Measures JM Hernández, J Bulchand-Gidumal, M Chica. 2022
Simulating the influence of terror management strategies on the voter ideological distance using agent-based modeling I Moya, M Chica, JL Sáez-Lozano, Ó Cordón. 2021
Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization for Automatic Agent-Based Model Calibration: A Comparative Study I Moya, M Chica, Ó Cordón. 2021
Coral reefs optimization algorithms for agent-based model calibration I Moya, E Bermejo, M Chica, Ó Cordón. 2021
IPOP-CMA-ES and the Influence of Different Deviation Measures for Agent-Based Model Calibration V Vargas-Pérez, M Chica, Ó Cordón. 2021
Multimodal Evolutionary Algorithms for Easing the Complexity of Agent-Based Model Calibration JF Robles, E Bermejo, M Chica, Ó Cordón. 2021
A framework of opinion dynamics using fuzzy linguistic 2-tuples J Giráldez-Cru, M Chica, O Cordón. 2021
A collective risk dilemma for tourism restrictions under the COVID-19 context M Chica, JM Hernández, J Bulchand-Gidumal. 2021
Maintenance costs and makespan minimization for assembly permutation flow shop scheduling by considering preventive and corrective maintenance Z Zhang, Q Tang, M Chica. 2021
Standard methods for pollen research MG Campos, O Anjos, M Chica, P Campoy, J Nozkova, N Almaraz-Abarca, .... 2021
Understanding the dynamics of inter-provincial migration in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam: an agent-based modeling study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica, RH Middleton. 2021
Evolution of trust in the sharing economy with fixed provider and consumer roles under different host network structures R Chiong, S Dhakal, T Chaston, M Chica. 2021
An agent-based system for modeling users’ acquisition and retention in startup apps A Sayyed-Alikhani, M Chica, A Mohammadi. 2021
Cooperation dynamics under pandemic risks and heterogeneous economic interdependence M Chica, JM Hernandez, FC Santos. 2021
A robust MILP and gene expression programming based on heuristic rules for mixed-model multi-manned assembly line balancing Z Zhang, Q Tang, M Chica. 2021
An Evolutionary Game Model for Understanding Fraud in Consumption Taxes [Research Frontier] M Chica, JM Hernández, C Manrique-de-Lara-Peñate, R Chiong. 2021
Others' fortune in online vs offline settings: how envy affects people's intention to share information AS Vázquez, M Chica. 2021
Others' fortune in online vs offline settings: how envy affects people's intention to share information AS Vázquez, M Chica. 2021
Others' fortune in online vs offline settings: how envy affects people's intention to share information AS Vázquez, M Chica. 2021
Others' fortune in online vs offline settings: how envy affects people's intention to share information AS Vázquez, M Chica. 2021
Others' fortune in online vs offline settings: how envy affects people's intention to share information AS Vázquez, M Chica. 2021
Others' fortune in online vs offline settings: how envy affects people's intention to share information AS Vázquez, M Chica. 2021
Others' fortune in online vs offline settings: how envy affects people's intention to share information AS Vázquez, M Chica. 2021
Others' fortune in online vs offline settings: how envy affects people's intention to share information AS Vázquez, M Chica. 2021
Others' fortune in online vs offline settings: how envy affects people's intention to share information AS Vázquez, M Chica. 2021
Others' fortune in online vs offline settings: how envy affects people's intention to share information AS Vázquez, M Chica. 2021
Others' fortune in online vs offline settings: how envy affects people's intention to share information AS Vázquez, M Chica. 2021
Others' fortune in online vs offline settings: how envy affects people's intention to share information AS Vázquez, M Chica. 2021
Others' fortune in online vs offline settings: how envy affects people's intention to share information AS Vázquez, M Chica. 2021
Others' fortune in online vs offline settings: how envy affects people's intention to share information AS Vázquez, M Chica. 2021
Others' fortune in online vs offline settings: how envy affects people's intention to share information AS Vázquez, M Chica. 2021
Others' fortune in online vs offline settings: how envy affects people's intention to share information AS Vázquez, M Chica. 2021
Others' fortune in online vs offline settings: how envy affects people's intention to share information AS Vázquez, M Chica. 2021
Others' fortune in online vs offline settings: how envy affects people's intention to share information AS Vázquez, M Chica. 2021
Specific environmental charges to boost Cold Ironing use in the European Short Sea Shipping A Martínez-López, A Romero-Filgueira, M Chica. 2021
Modeling agent‐based consumers decision‐making with 2‐tuple fuzzy linguistic perceptions J Giráldez‐Cru, M Chica, O Cordón, F Herrera. 2020
Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization to Target Social Network Influentials in Viral Marketing JF Robles, M Chica, O Cordon. 2020
Climate change induced migration and the evolution of cooperation S Dhakal, R Chiong, M Chica, RH Middleton. 2020
Embracing multimodal optimization to enhance Dynamic Energy Budget parameterization R Filgueira, M Chica, JJ Palacios, T Strohmeier, R Lavaud, A Agüera, .... 2020
Green hybrid fleets using electric vehicles: solving the heterogeneous vehicle routing problem with multiple driving ranges and loading capacities S Hatami, M Eskandarpour, M Chica, AA Juan, D Ouelhadj. 2020
2-tuple fuzzy linguistic perceptions and probabilistic awareness-based heuristics for modeling consumer purchase behaviors J Giráldez-Cru, M Chica, O Cordón, F Herrera. 2020
Multi-manned assembly line balancing with time and space constraints: A MILP model and memetic ant colony system Z Zhang, Q Tang, M Chica. 2020
Joint Optimization of Routes and Container Fleets to Design Sustainable Intermodal Chains in Chile A Martínez-López, M Chica. 2020
Green hybrid fleets using electric vehicles S Hatami, M Eskandarpour, M Chica, ÁA Juan, D Ouelhadj. 2020
Why simheuristics?: Benefits, limitations, and best practices when combining metaheuristics with simulation M Chica, AA Juan, C Bayliss, O Cordón, WD Kelton. 2020
Benefits of robust multiobjective optimization for flexible automotive assembly line balancing M Chica, J Bautista, J de Armas. 2019
Mobile phone records to feed activity-based travel demand models: MATSim for studying a cordon toll policy in Barcelona A Bassolas, JJ Ramasco, R Herranz, OG Cantú-Ros. 2019
A multicriteria integral framework for agent-based model calibration using evolutionary multiobjective optimization and network-based visualization I Moya, M Chica, Ó Cordón. 2019
Letting the Computers Take Over: Using AI to Solve Marketing Problems G Overgoor, M Chica, W Rand, A Weishampel. 2019
Effects of update rules on networked N-player trust game dynamics M Chica, R Chiong, JJ Ramasco, H Abbass. 2019
Contract Farming in the Mekong Delta's Rice Supply Chain: Insights from an Agent-Based Modeling Study. HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Agent-based Modeling of Migration Dynamics in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam: Automated Calibration Using a Genetic Algorithm HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica, RH Middleton, S Dhakal. 2019
Contract farming in the Mekong Delta’s rice supply chain: Insights from an agent-based modeling study NH Khanh, R Chiong, M Chica. 2019
Constructive metaheuristics for solving the Car Sequencing Problem under uncertain partial demand I Moya, M Chica, J Bautista. 2019
Contract farming in the Mekong Delta's rice supply chain: insights from an agent-based modeling study H Nguyen Khanh, R Chiong, M Chica, R Middleton, TKP Dung. 2019
Contract farming in the Mekong Delta's rice supply chain: insights from an agent-based modeling study H Nguyen Khanh, R Chiong, M Chica, R Middleton, TKP Dung. 2019
Contract farming in the Mekong Delta's rice supply chain: insights from an agent-based modeling study H Nguyen Khanh, R Chiong, M Chica, R Middleton, TKP Dung. 2019
Contract farming in the Mekong Delta's rice supply chain: insights from an agent-based modeling study H Nguyen Khanh, R Chiong, M Chica, R Middleton, TKP Dung. 2019
Contract Farming in the Mekong Delta's Rice Supply Chain: Insights from an Agent-Based Modeling Study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica, R Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract farming in the Mekong Delta's rice supply chain: insights from an agent-based modeling study H Nguyen Khanh, R Chiong, M Chica, R Middleton, TKP Dung. 2019
Contract Farming in the Mekong Delta's Rice Supply Chain: Insights from an Agent-Based Modeling Study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract farming in the Mekong Delta's rice supply chain: insights from an agent-based modeling study H Nguyen Khanh, R Chiong, M Chica, R Middleton, TKP Dung. 2019
Contract Farming in the Mekong Delta's Rice Supply Chain: Insights from an Agent-Based Modeling Study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract farming in the Mekong Delta's rice supply chain: insights from an agent-based modeling study H Nguyen Khanh, R Chiong, M Chica, R Middleton, TKP Dung. 2019
Contract Farming in the Mekong Delta's Rice Supply Chain: Insights from an Agent-Based Modeling Study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract farming in the Mekong Delta's rice supply chain: insights from an agent-based modeling study H Nguyen Khanh, R Chiong, M Chica, R Middleton, TKP Dung. 2019
Contract Farming in the Mekong Delta's Rice Supply Chain: Insights from an Agent-Based Modeling Study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract farming in the Mekong Delta's rice supply chain: insights from an agent-based modeling study H Nguyen Khanh, R Chiong, M Chica, R Middleton, TKP Dung. 2019
Contract Farming in the Mekong Delta's Rice Supply Chain: Insights from an Agent-Based Modeling Study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract farming in the Mekong Delta's rice supply chain: insights from an agent-based modeling study H Nguyen Khanh, R Chiong, M Chica, R Middleton, TKP Dung. 2019
Contract Farming in the Mekong Delta's Rice Supply Chain: Insights from an Agent-Based Modeling Study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract farming in the Mekong Delta's rice supply chain: insights from an agent-based modeling study H Nguyen Khanh, R Chiong, M Chica, R Middleton, TKP Dung. 2019
Contract Farming in the Mekong Delta's Rice Supply Chain: Insights from an Agent-Based Modeling Study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract farming in the Mekong Delta's rice supply chain: insights from an agent-based modeling study H Nguyen Khanh, R Chiong, M Chica, R Middleton, TKP Dung. 2019
Contract Farming in the Mekong Delta's Rice Supply Chain: Insights from an Agent-Based Modeling Study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract Farming in the Mekong Delta's Rice Supply Chain: Insights from an Agent-Based Modeling Study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract Farming in the Mekong Delta's Rice Supply Chain: Insights from an Agent-Based Modeling Study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
An Evolutionary Game Model with Punishment and Protection to Promote Trust in the Sharing Economy M Chica, R Chiong, MTP Adam, T Teubner. 2019
Contract Farming in the Mekong Delta's Rice Supply Chain: Insights from an Agent-Based Modeling Study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract Farming in the Mekong Delta's Rice Supply Chain: Insights from an Agent-Based Modeling Study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract Farming in the Mekong Delta's Rice Supply Chain: Insights from an Agent-Based Modeling Study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract Farming in the Mekong Delta's Rice Supply Chain: Insights from an Agent-Based Modeling Study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract Farming in the Mekong Delta's Rice Supply Chain: Insights from an Agent-Based Modeling Study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract Farming in the Mekong Delta's Rice Supply Chain: Insights from an Agent-Based Modeling Study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract Farming in the Mekong Delta's Rice Supply Chain: Insights from an Agent-Based Modeling Study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract Farming in the Mekong Delta's Rice Supply Chain: Insights from an Agent-Based Modeling Study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract Farming in the Mekong Delta's Rice Supply Chain: Insights from an Agent-Based Modeling Study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract Farming in the Mekong Delta's Rice Supply Chain: Insights from an Agent-Based Modeling Study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract Farming in the Mekong Delta's Rice Supply Chain: Insights from an Agent-Based Modeling Study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract Farming in the Mekong Delta's Rice Supply Chain: Insights from an Agent-Based Modeling Study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract Farming in the Mekong Delta's Rice Supply Chain: Insights from an Agent-Based Modeling Study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract Farming in the Mekong Delta's Rice Supply Chain: Insights from an Agent-Based Modeling Study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract Farming in the Mekong Delta's Rice Supply Chain: Insights from an Agent-Based Modeling Study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract Farming in the Mekong Delta's Rice Supply Chain: Insights from an Agent-Based Modeling Study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract Farming in the Mekong Delta's Rice Supply Chain: Insights from an Agent-Based Modeling Study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract Farming in the Mekong Delta's Rice Supply Chain: Insights from an Agent-Based Modeling Study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract Farming in the Mekong Delta's Rice Supply Chain: Insights from an Agent-Based Modeling Study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract Farming in the Mekong Delta's Rice Supply Chain: Insights from an Agent-Based Modeling Study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract Farming in the Mekong Delta's Rice Supply Chain: Insights from an Agent-Based Modeling Study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract Farming in the Mekong Delta's Rice Supply Chain: Insights from an Agent-Based Modeling Study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Conveyor belt splicing improvement technology SA Cabrera, BE Mech. 2019
Contract Farming in the Mekong Delta's Rice Supply Chain: Insights from an Agent-Based Modeling Study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract Farming in the Mekong Delta's Rice Supply Chain: Insights from an Agent-Based Modeling Study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract Farming in the Mekong Delta's Rice Supply Chain: Insights from an Agent-Based Modeling Study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract Farming in the Mekong Delta's Rice Supply Chain: Insights from an Agent-Based Modeling Study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract Farming in the Mekong Delta's Rice Supply Chain: Insights from an Agent-Based Modeling Study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract Farming in the Mekong Delta's Rice Supply Chain: Insights from an Agent-Based Modeling Study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract farming in the Mekong delta's rice supply chain: Insights from an agent-based modeling study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract farming in the Mekong delta's rice supply chain: Insights from an agent-based modeling study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract farming in the Mekong delta's rice supply chain: Insights from an agent-based modeling study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract farming in the Mekong delta's rice supply chain: Insights from an agent-based modeling study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract farming in the Mekong delta's rice supply chain: Insights from an agent-based modeling study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract farming in the Mekong delta's rice supply chain: Insights from an agent-based modeling study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract farming in the Mekong delta's rice supply chain: Insights from an agent-based modeling study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract farming in the Mekong delta's rice supply chain: Insights from an agent-based modeling study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract farming in the Mekong delta's rice supply chain: Insights from an agent-based modeling study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract farming in the Mekong delta's rice supply chain: Insights from an agent-based modeling study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract farming in the Mekong delta's rice supply chain: Insights from an agent-based modeling study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract farming in the Mekong delta's rice supply chain: Insights from an agent-based modeling study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract farming in the Mekong delta's rice supply chain: Insights from an agent-based modeling study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract farming in the Mekong delta's rice supply chain: Insights from an agent-based modeling study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract farming in the Mekong delta's rice supply chain: Insights from an agent-based modeling study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract farming in the Mekong delta's rice supply chain: Insights from an agent-based modeling study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract farming in the Mekong delta's rice supply chain: Insights from an agent-based modeling study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
Contract farming in the Mekong delta's rice supply chain: Insights from an agent-based modeling study HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica Serrano, RH Middleton, DTK Pham. 2019
On the use of machine learning methods to predict component reliability from data-driven industrial case studies EF Alsina, M Chica, K Trawiński, A Regattieri. 2018
Coral reef optimization with substrate layers for medical image registration E Bermejo, M Chica, S Damas, S Salcedo-Sanz, O Cordón. 2018
Agent-based Modeling of Inter-provincial Migration in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam: A Data Analytics Approach HK Nguyen, R Chiong, M Chica, RH Middleton. 2018
Mono-modal Medical Image Registration with Coral Reef Optimization E Bermejo, M Chica, S Damas, S Salcedo-Sanz, O Cordón. 2018
Appendices for “Benefits of robust multiobjective optimization for flexible automotive assembly line balancing” M Chica Serrano, J Bautista Valhondo, J de Armas. 2018
Metaheurísticas constructivas para Car Sequencing Problem con flotas de vehículos especiales I Moya Señas, J Bautista Valhondo, M Chica Serrano, S Damas Arroyo, .... 2018
Metaheurısticas constructivas para Car Sequencing Problem con Flotas de vehıculos especiales I Moya, J Bautista, M Chica, S Damas, O Cordón. 2018
Metaheurısticas para calibracion de modelos basados en agentes en dinámicas de adopcion premium I Moya, M Chica, W Rand, O Cordón. 2018
Equilibrado robusto de una línea de motores mixtos con atributos temporales, espaciales y ergonómicos J Bautista, M Chica, O Cordón, S Damas. 2018
Registrado de Imagen Médica mediante Algoritmos de Optimizacion basados en Arrecifes de Coral E Bermejo, M Chica, S Damas, S Salcedo-Sanz, O Cordón. 2018
A Networked N-player Trust Game and its Evolutionary Dynamics M Chica Serrano, R Chiong, M Kirley, H Ishibuchi. 2018
Building agent-based decision support systems for word-of-mouth programs: a freemium application M Chica, W Rand. 2017
Multimodal optimization: An effective framework for model calibration M Chica, J Barranquero, T Kajdanowicz, S Damas, Ó Cordón. 2017
An agent-based model for understanding the influence of the 11-M terrorist attacks on the 2004 Spanish elections I Moya, M Chica, JL Sáez-Lozano, Ó Cordón. 2017
moGrams: A Network-Based Methodology for Visualizing the Set of Nondominated Solutions in Multiobjective Optimization K Trawiński, M Chica, DP Pancho, S Damas, O Cordón. 2017
A Networked-Player Trust Game and Its Evolutionary Dynamics M Chica, R Chiong, M Kirley, H Ishibuchi. 2017
Why simheuristics? Benefits, limitations, and best practices when combining metaheuristics with simulation M Chica, AA Juan Pérez, O Cordon, D Kelton. 2017
An evolutionary trust game for the sharing economy M Chica, R Chiong, MTP Adam, S Damas, T Teubner. 2017
Coral reef optimization for intensity-based medical image registration E Bermejo, M Chica, SS Sanz, O Cordón. 2017
Multimodal optimization M Chica, J Barranquero, T Kajdanowicz, S Damas, Ó Cordón. 2017
Agent-based simulation of contract rice farming in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam HN Khanh, R Chiong, M Chica, RH Middleton. 2017
Why simheuristics M Chica, AAJ Pérez, O Cordon, D Kelton. 2017
Age, growth and patterns of occurrence in smooth hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna zygaena) off the coast of New South Wales, Australia A Wray-Barnes, TAD Jolly, PS Cooper, JL Rennie, CR Levi, R Lenroot, .... 2017
Depression and risk of unintentional injury in rural communities a longitudinal analysis of the Australian rural mental health study L Fragar, T Lower, A Booth, T Handley, E Holliday, KJ Inder, BJ Kelly, .... 2017
Activity trackers implement different behavior change techniques for activity, sleep, and sedentary behaviors CR Moulton, MJ House, V Lye, CI Tang, M Krawiec, DJ Joseph, .... 2017
AExaCTT–Aerobic Exercise and Consecutive Task-specific Training for the upper limb after stroke: protocol for a randomised controlled pilot study SR Valkenborghs, MM Visser, A Dunn, KI Erickson, M Nilsson, R Callister, .... 2017
A Networked -Player Trust Game and Its Evolutionary Dynamics M Chica, R Chiong, M Kirley, H Ishibuchi. 2017
Building agent-based decision support systems for managing word-of-mouth programs: a freemium application M Chica Serrano, W Rand. 2017
A multiobjective model and evolutionary algorithms for robust time and space assembly line balancing under uncertain demand M Chica, J Bautista, Ó Cordón, S Damas. 2016
Identimod: Modeling and managing brand value using soft computing M Chica, Ó Cordón, S Damas, V Iglesias, J Mingot. 2016
Building Agent-Based Decision Support Systems for Word-of-Mouth Programs M Chica, W Rand. 2016
Incorporating awareness and genetic-based viral marketing strategies to a consumer behavior model JF Robles, M Chica, Ó Cordón. 2016
Car Sequencing Problem con flotas de vehículos especiales. Presentación J Bautista Valhondo, M Chica Serrano, I Moya Señas. 2016
When Shared Joy Is Lessened: Comparing Psychological Costs Between Online and Offline Positive Word of Mouth A Suárez Vázquez, M Chica Serrano. 2016
Metaheuristic calibration of an agent-based model for modeling premium adoption dynamics I Moya, M Chica, W Rand. 2016
Simheuristics: a method of first resort for solving real-life combinatorial optimization problems AA Juan, M Chica, J de Armas, WD Kelton. 2016
Un caso práctico de modelado y gestión de" branding" usando" soft computing" SD Arroyo, ÓC García, M Chica, V Iglesias, J Mingot. 2016
Detecting key variables in system dynamics modelling by using social network metrics J Barranquero, M Chica, O Cordón, S Damas. 2015
The forfire photodetector A Peyaud, A Angelopoulos, C Chelmis, V Costopoulos, M Chica, .... 2015
Adaptive IDEA for Robust Multiobjective Optimization, Application to the r-TSALBP-m/A M Chica, J Bautista, S Damas, O Cordon. 2015
Standard methods for inexpensive pollen loads authentication by means of computer vision and machine learning M Chica, P Campoy. 2015
Intelligent hospital bed and method for operating same OV Tobia, MC Serrano, RR Velazquez, C Thorpe, L Hall, E Lada, .... 2015
Adaptive IDEA for robust multiobjective optimization. Application to the r-TSALBP-m/A M Chica Serrano, J Bautista Valhondo, O Cordón García, S Damas Arroyo. 2015
Métricas sobre la robustez de soluciones en el problema TSALB ante la variación del mix de producción J Bautista Valhondo, M Chica Serrano, O Cordón García, S Damas Arroyo. 2015
Modelado y detección de variables clave en un sistema dinámico de employer branding M Chica, S Damas, Ó Cordón, V Iglesias, J Mingot. 2015
Interactive preferences in multiobjective ant colony optimisation for assembly line balancing J Bautista, M Chica, O Cordón, S Damas. 2014
Managing Complexity: Challenges for Industrial Engineering and Operations Management C Hernández, A López-Paredes, JM Pérez-Ríos. 2014
A comparative study of multi-objective ant colony optimization algorithms for the time and space assembly line balancing problem J Rada-Vilela, M Chica, Ó Cordón, S Damas. 2013
A robustness information and visualization model for time and space assembly line balancing under uncertain demand M Chica, Ó Cordón, S Damas, J Bautista. 2013
NTIGen: a software for generating Nissan based instances for time and space assembly line balancing M Chica Serrano, O Cordón García, S Damas Arroyo, J Bautista Valhondo. 2013
A multiobjective genetic algorithm and robustness information function for time and space assembly line balancing M Chica Serrano, O Cordón García, S Damas Arroyo, J Bautista Valhondo. 2013
Multiobjective memetic algorithms for time and space assembly line balancing M Chica, O Cordon, S Damas, J Bautista. 2012
Authentication of bee pollen grains in bright‐field microscopy by combining one‐class classification techniques and image processing M Chica. 2012
Discernment of bee pollen loads using computer vision and one-class classification techniques M Chica, P Campoy. 2012
Real-time recognition of patient intentions from sequences of pressure maps using artificial neural networks M Chica, P Campoy, MA Pérez, T Rodríguez, R Rodríguez, Ó Valdemoros. 2012
Análisis del NSGA-II para el TSALBP-1/3 cuando existe variación de demanda en una producción mixta M Chica, O Cordón, S Damas, J Bautista Valhondo. 2012
Metaheurísticas multi-objetivo para equilibrado de líneas de montaje en automoción: optimización conjunta de tiempo y espacio M Chica Serrano. 2012
Mathematical programming and metaheuristic approaches applied to biological-based fluence map optimization in radiotherapy G Cabrera, M Chica, M Ehrgott, A Mason. 2012
Prácticas en la atención de la salud que favorecen el derecho humano a la protección de la maternidad M Serrano. 2012
Realtime recognition of patient intentions from sequences of pressure maps using artificial neural networks M Chica Serrano, P Campoy, MA Pérez, R Rodríguez, T Rodríguez. 2012
Authentication of Bee Pollen Grains in Bright-Field Microscopy by Combining One-Class Classification Techniques and Image Processing M Chica Serrano. 2012
An advanced multiobjective genetic algorithm design for the time and space assembly line balancing problem M Chica, O Cordon, S Damas. 2011
Including different kinds of preferences in a multi-objective ant algorithm for time and space assembly line balancing on different Nissan scenarios M Chica, O Cordón, S Damas, J Bautista. 2011
A new diversity induction mechanism for a multi-objective ant colony algorithm to solve a real-world time and space assembly line balancing problem M Chica, O Cordón, S Damas, J Bautista. 2011
A multiobjective memetic ant colony optimization algorithm for the 1/3 variant of the time and space assembly line balancing problem M Chica Serrano, O Cordón García, J Bautista Valhondo, S Damas Arroyo. 2011
Tackling the 1/3 variant of the time and space assembly line balancing problem by means of a multiobjective genetic algorithm M Chica, O Cordón, S Damas. 2011
Including different kinds of preferences in a multiobjective ant algorithm for time and space assembly line balancing on different Nissan scenarios J Bautista, M Chica, O Cordon, S Damas. 2011
An advanced multi-objective genetic algorithm design for the time and space assembly line balancing problem M Chica Serrano, Ó Cordón García, S Damas Arroyo. 2011
Multiobjective constructive heuristics for the 1/3 variant of the time and space assembly line balancing problem: ACO and random greedy search M Chica, O Cordon, S Damas, J Bautista. 2010
A multiobjective GRASP for the 1/3 variant of the time and space assembly line balancing problem M Chica, O Cordón, S Damas, J Bautista. 2010
íscar Cordón, Sergio Damas, Joaquín Bautista, Multiobjective constructive heuristics for the 1/3 variant of the time and space assembly line balancing problem: ACO and random … M Chica. 2010
Adding diversity to two multiobjective constructive metaheuristics for time and space assembly line balancing M Chica, O Cordón, S Damas, J Bautista. 2010
Multi-objective constructive heuristics for the 1/3 variant of the time and space assembly line balancing problem: ACO and random greedy search M Chica Serrano, Ó Cordón García, S Damas Arroyo, J Bautista. 2010
Integration of an emo-based preference elicitation scheme into a multi-objective aco algorithm for time and space assembly line balancing M Chica, Ó Cordón, S Damas, J Bautista. 2009
Heurısticas constructivas multiobjetivo para el problema de equilibrado de lıneas de montaje considerando tiempo y espacio M Chica, O Cordón, S Damas, J Bautista, J Pereira. 2009
Adding diversity to a multiobjective ant colony algorithm for time and space assembly line balancing M Chica, S Damas, J Bautista. 2009
On using heuristic information in a multi-objective ACO algorithm for the time and space assembly line balancing problem M Chica, O Cordón, S Damas, J Bautista, J Pereira. 2009
Incorporating preferences to a multi-objective ant colony algorithm for time and space assembly line balancing J Bautista, M Chica, O Cordon, S Damas, J Pereira. 2008
A multiobjective ant colony optimization algorithm for the 1/3 variant of the time and space assembly line balancing problem M Chica, O Cordón, S Damas, J Bautista, J Pereira. 2008
Niching genetic feature selection algorithms applied to the design of fuzzy rule-based classification systems JJ Aguilera, M Chica, MJ del Jesus, F Herrera. 2007
Analizando la influencia de los atentados del 11-M en las elecciones generales de 2004: un enfoque ABM I Moya, M Chica, JL Sáez-Lozano, O Cordón. 2007
La cuestion forestal: Quisqueya Verde, Plan Sierra y Sabana Clara M Serrano, R Díaz, V Ruiz. 2004
Revisión de programas de desarrollo cognitivo. El Programa de Enriquecimiento Instrumental (PEI) M Serrano, R Tormo. 2000
Estudio bibliométrico sobre aprendizaje mediado M Serrano Hidalgo, R Tormo. 2000
Estudio bibliométrico sobre el aprendizaje M Serrano, R Tormo, PCL Hispano. 2000
Desarrollo, agroforestería y participación comunitaria en Zambrana-Chacuey M Serrano, M Valerio, G Severino, F Geilfus, V Ruiz. 1997
Centro de salud Virgen de la Caridad, Cartagena M Serrano, MR Ariño. 1994
El Vivero M Serrano. 1992
The use of otolaringological emergency services by elderly people. Some reflexions from Primary Care J Perez, JL Perez, M Serrano, A Vazquez. 1992
Crecimiento inicial de catorce especies maderables locales e introducidas en Zambrana-Chacuey, Cotui, Provincia Sánchez Ramírez, Republica Dominicana F Geilfus, M Serrano. 1991

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