International Day of Women and Girls in Science [2023]

7 February, 2023

Meeting with women scientists

Target audience: School audiences live and streaming
Friday, February 10, at 12.00 h.
Place: Auditorium. Macroscopio Building, Parque de las Ciencias Granada.
Streaming through the YouTube Channel of the Parque de las Ciencias.


Teresa de Pedro Lucio – Researcher at the Center for Automatics and Robotics (CSIC).
Rosana Montes Soldado – Professor at the Department of Computer Languages and Systems (UGR) and Researcher and Secretary at the Interuniversity Institute for Research in Data Science and Computational Intelligence (DaSCI).
Rocío Romero Zaliz – Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence and Assistant Director of Research, Transfer and Teaching at the Center for Research in Information and Communication Technologies (CITIC-UGR). Vanesa Gámiz Sánchez – Professor of the Department of Didactics and School Organization (UGR).

Recording session