Prof. Oscar Cordón was awarded by the Spanish Association of AI (AEPIA) for his activities and his promotion of AI
28 September, 2021
DaSCI Researchers participate in the XIX Conference of the Spanish Association of Artificial Intelligence (CAEPIA).This year CAEPIA is being held in the context of the 6th Spanish Congress on Computer Science (CEDI 2020), which includes many events and activities related to Computer Science, with greater visibility and social impact.

The Conference of the Spanish Association of Artificial Intelligence (CAEPIA) is a biennial forum open to researchers from all over the world to present and discuss their latest scientific and technological advances in Artificial Intelligence (A.I.).
On this occasion, one of the two Plenary Lectures at CAEPIA 2021 was given by Óscar Cordón, (researcher of the DaSCI institute) titled “Artificial Intelligence for Forensic Anthropology and Human Identification”. Prof. Oscar Cordón was also awarded by the Spanish Association of A.I. (AEPIA) for his activities and his promotion of A.I.
More information (In Spanish)