Óscar Cordón García

SCOPUS Highly Cited Researcher in 2020
ÓSCAR CORDÓN (Fellow, IEEE) was the Founder and a Leader of the Virtual Learning Center (2001-05) and the Vice President of Digital University (2015-19) with the University of Granada (UGR). He was one of the Founding Researchers with the European Centre for Soft Computing (2006-11), being contracted as Distinguished Affiliated Researcher until December 2015. He is currently a Professor with the UGR. He has been, for >25 years, an internationally recognized contributor to Research and Development Programs in fundamentals and real-world applications of computational intelligence. He has published >380 peer-reviewed scientific publications, including a research book on Genetic Fuzzy Systems (with >1400 citations in Google Scholar) and 112 JCR-SCI-indexed journal papers (68 in Q1 and 38 in D1), advised 19 Ph.D. dissertations, and coordinated 37 research projects and contracts (with an overall amount of >9M€). From May 2021, his publications had received 5422 citations (H-index=39), being included in the 1% of most-cited researchers in the world (source: Web of Science), with 14687 citations and H-index=58 in Google Scholar. He also has a granted international patent on an intelligent system for forensic identification commercialized in Mexico and South Africa.
He received the UGR Young Researcher Career Award in 2004, the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) Outstanding Early Career Award in 2011 (the first such award conferred), the IFSA Award for Outstanding Applications of Fuzzy Technology in 2011, the National Award on Computer Science ARITMEL by the Spanish Computer Science Scientific Society in 2014, the IFSA Fellowship in 2019, and the Recognition of the Spanish AI Association (AEPIA) for his Scientific Career and the Promotion of AI. He is currently or was Associate Editor of 19 international journals. He was a member of the High-Level Expert Group that developed the Spanish R+D Strategy for Artificial Intelligence by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, 2018-19. He was recognized as an Outstanding Associate Editor of IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS in 2008 and of IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION in 2019. Since 2004, he has taken many different representative positions with EUSFLAT and the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society.
His current research lines are on artificial intelligence for forensic identification (with the UGR Physical Anthropology lab and several international forensic labs and security forces) and agent-based modeling and social network analysis for marketing (with R0D Brand Consultants in projects for CAPSA, Mercedes, Jaguar-Land Rover, El Corte Inglés, Telefónica, Samsung, Coca Cola Europe, Cola Cao, WiZink, …).