Alberto Fernández

Highly Cited Researcher at years 2016 and 2017
Alberto Fernández was born in Cádiz in 1982. He obtained the degree of Engineer and Doctor in Computer Science from the University of Granada, Granada, Spain, in 2005 and 2010, respectively. He has been a University Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence since 2017, and teaches at the Faculty of Science and at the E.T.S. of Computer Engineering and Telecommunications at the University of Granada, Spain.
He has received the Extraordinary Doctoral Thesis Award 2010, on three occasions the Award for Works of Excellence of the University of Granada, as well as the Lofti Zadeh award for best publication in 2009. His research focuses on topics such as classification in unbalanced domains, learning fuzzy rules, evolutionary algorithms, multi-classification problems with Ensembles and decomposition techniques and Data Science and Big Data applications, in which he has published more than 50 works in international journals ISI, collaborated in more than 20 projects and research contracts and 3 doctoral theses.
He is a member of the editorial committee of a number of international journals such as Applied Intelligence, PLOS-One, Progress in Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Computation and Big Data, and a member of the “referees” committee of other ISI journals such as Fuzzy Sets and Systems, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Information Sciences, among others.
According to Web of Science of Thomson Reuters his scientific production has received more than 4000 citations, presenting an H index of 27. In 2017 he was identified by Clarivate Analytics as one of the Highly Cited and most influential Scientists in his field.