Carlos García Martínez




Researcher Profile

Total From 2020:
Citas Total: 2710 From 2020: 860
Índice H Total: 25 From 2020: 15
Índice i10 Total: 39 From 2020: 23

Papers (64)

Title Authors Year
Smart Operators for Inducing Colorectal Cancer Classification Trees with PonyGE2 Grammatical Evolution Python Package JA Delgado-Osuna, C Garcia-Martinez, S Ventura. 2022
Analysing the Needs of Homeless People Using Feature Selection and Mining Association Rules JM Alcalde-Llergo, C García-Martínez, M Vaquero-Abellán, .... 2022
Heuristics for interesting class association rule mining a colorectal cancer database JA Delgado-Osuna, C García-Martínez, J Gómez-Barbadillo, S Ventura. 2020
Multi-view Genetic Programming Learning to Obtain Interpretable Rule-Based Classifiers for Semi-supervised Contexts. Lessons Learnt C García-Martínez, S Ventura. 2020
JCLEC-MO: A Java suite for solving many-objective optimization engineering problems A Ramírez, JR Romero, C García-Martínez, S Ventura. 2019
Improving essay peer grading accuracy in massive open online courses using personalized weights from student's engagement and performance C García‐Martínez, R Cerezo, M Bermúdez, C Romero. 2019
Obtaining Tractable and Interpretable Descriptions for Cases with Complications from a Colorectal Cancer Database JA Delgado-Osuna, C García-Martínez, S Ventura, JG Barbadillo. 2019
Genetic Algorithms C García-Martínez, FJ Rodriguez, M Lozano. 2018
Genetic Algorithms. C García-Martínez, FJ Rodríguez, M Lozano. 2018
Since CEC 2005 competition on real-parameter optimisation: a decade of research, progress and comparative analysis’s weakness C García-Martínez, PD Gutiérrez, D Molina, M Lozano, F Herrera. 2017
Optimizing network attacks by artificial bee colony M Lozano, C García-Martínez, FJ Rodríguez, HM Trujillo. 2017
Extremely high-dimensional optimization with MapReduce: scaling functions and algorithm A Cano, C García-Martínez, S Ventura. 2017
GRASP with exterior path-relinking and restricted local search for the multidimensional two-way number partitioning problem FJ Rodriguez, F Glover, C García-Martínez, R Martí, M Lozano. 2017
Multi-view semi-supervised learning using genetic programming interpretable classification rules C Garcia-Martinez, S Ventura. 2017
An Iterated Greedy Algorithm for Improving the Generation of Synthetic Patterns in Imbalanced Learning FJ Maestre-García, C García-Martínez, M Pérez-Ortiz, PA Gutiérrez. 2017
An alternative artificial bee colony algorithm with destructive–constructive neighbourhood operator for the problem of composing medical crews JA Delgado-Osuna, M Lozano, C García-Martínez. 2016
A genetic algorithm for the minimum generating set problem M Lozano, M Laguna, R Martí, FJ Rodríguez, C García-Martínez. 2016
100 million dimensions large-scale global optimization using distributed GPU computing A Cano, C García-Martínez. 2016
Randomized greedy multi-start algorithm for the minimum common integer partition problem M Lozano, FJ Rodriguez, D Peralta, C García-Martínez. 2016
Predicción de la aceptación o rechazo de las calificaciones finales propuestas por el alumnado usando técnicas de Minería de Datos J Fuentes-Alventosa, C Romero, C García-Martínez, S Ventura. 2016
Optimización de ataques a redes complejas mediante un algoritmo de colonias de abejas artificiales M Lozano, C García-Martínez, FJ Rodríguez, HM Trujillo. 2016
Predicción de la aceptación o rechazo de las calificaciones finales propuestas por el alumnado usando técnicas de Minería de Datos J Fuentes-Alventosa, C Romero, C García-Martínez, S Ventura. 2016
The firefighter problem: Empirical results on random graphs C García-Martínez, C Blum, FJ Rodriguez, M Lozano. 2015
A two-stage constructive method for the unweighted minimum string cover problem M Lozano, FJ Rodriguez, C García-Martínez. 2015
Tabu-enhanced iterated greedy algorithm: a case study in the quadratic multiple knapsack problem C García-Martínez, FJ Rodriguez, M Lozano. 2014
Tabu search with strategic oscillation for the quadratic minimum spanning tree M Lozano, F Glover, C García-Martínez, FJ Rodríguez, R Martí. 2014
The firefighter problem: application of hybrid ant colony optimization algorithms C Blum, MJ Blesa, C García-Martínez, FJ Rodríguez, M Lozano. 2014
Strategic oscillation for the quadratic multiple knapsack problem C García-Martínez, F Glover, FJ Rodriguez, M Lozano, R Martí. 2014
Accepting or Rejecting Students' Self-grading in their Final Marks by using Data Mining J Fuentes, C Romero, CGM Ventura. 2014
Classification rule mining with iterated greedy JA Pedraza, C García-Martínez, A Cano, S Ventura. 2014
An iterated greedy algorithm for the large-scale unrelated parallel machines scheduling problem FJ Rodriguez, M Lozano, C Blum, C GarcíA-MartíNez. 2013
An artificial bee colony algorithm for the maximally diverse grouping problem FJ Rodriguez, M Lozano, C García-Martínez, JD GonzáLez-Barrera. 2013
Hybrid metaheuristics based on evolutionary algorithms and simulated annealing: taxonomy, comparison, and synergy test F Rodriguez, C Garcia-Martinez, M Lozano. 2012
Arbitrary function optimisation with metaheuristics C Garcia-Martinez, FJ Rodriguez, M Lozano. 2012
A simulated annealing method based on a specialised evolutionary algorithm C García-Martínez, M Lozano, FJ Rodríguez-Díaz. 2012
GRASP with path-relinking for the non-identical parallel machine scheduling problem with minimising total weighted completion times FJ Rodriguez, C Blum, C García-Martínez, M Lozano. 2012
An artificial bee colony algorithm for the unrelated parallel machines scheduling problem FJ Rodriguez, C García-Martínez, C Blum, M Lozano. 2012
Iterated greedy algorithms for the maximal covering location problem FJ Rodriguez, C Blum, M Lozano, C García-Martínez. 2012
Role differentiation and malleable mating for differential evolution: an analysis on large-scale optimisation C García-Martínez, FJ Rodríguez, M Lozano. 2011
Analysing the significance of no free lunch theorems on the set of real-world binary problems C García-Martinez, FJ Rodriguez, M Lozano. 2011
Hybrid metaheuristics with evolutionary algorithms specializing in intensification and diversification: Overview and progress report M Lozano, C García-Martínez. 2010
Memetic algorithms for continuous optimisation based on local search chains D Molina, M Lozano, C García-Martínez, F Herrera. 2010
Evaluating a local genetic algorithm as context-independent local search operator for metaheuristics C García-Martínez, M Lozano. 2010
A GA-based multiple simulated annealing FJ Rodriguez-Diaz, C Garcia-Martinez, M Lozano. 2010
P system model optimisation by means of evolutionary based search algorithms C García-Martínez, C Lima, J Twycross, N Krasnogor, M Lozano. 2010
Evolutionary symbolic discovery for bioinformatics, systems and synthetic biology P Widera, J Bacardit, N Krasnogor, C García-Martínez, M Lozano. 2010
A continuous variable neighbourhood search based on specialised EAs: application to the noiseless BBO-benchmark 2009 C García-Martínez, M Lozano. 2009
Continuous variable neighbourhood search algorithm based on evolutionary metaheuristic components: a scalability test C García-Martínez, M Lozano. 2009
Simulated annealing based on local genetic search C García-Martínez, M Lozano. 2009
Global and local real-coded genetic algorithms based on parent-centric crossover operators C García-Martínez, M Lozano, F Herrera, D Molina, AM Sánchez. 2008
Real‐parameter crossover operators with multiple descendents: An experimental study AM Sánchez, M Lozano, C García‐Martínez, D Molina, F Herrera. 2008
Memetic algorithm for intense local search methods using local search chains D Molina, M Lozano, C García-Martínez, F Herrera. 2008
An evolutionary ILS-perturbation technique M Lozano, C García-Martínez. 2008
Algoritmos genéticos locales C García Martínez. 2008
A taxonomy and an empirical analysis of multiple objective ant colony optimization algorithms for the bi-criteria TSP C García-Martínez, O Cordón, F Herrera. 2007
Local search based on genetic algorithms C García-Martínez, M Lozano. 2007
A local genetic algorithm for binary-coded problems C García-Martínez, M Lozano, D Molina. 2006
Chromosome differentiation for the application of parent-centric real-parameter crossover operators C Garcia-Martinez, M Lozano, D Molina, AM Sanchez. 2005
Hybrid real-coded genetic algorithms with female and male differentiation C García-Martínez, M Lozano. 2005
An empirical analysis of multiple objective ant colony optimization algorithms for the bi-criteria TSP C García-Martínez, O Cordón, F Herrera. 2004

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