Cristobal Romero Morales

SCOPUS Highly Cited Researcher in 2020
Cristóbal Romero is Full Professor at the University of Córdoba in Spain and member of the KDIS (Knowledge Discovery and Intelligent Systems) research group. His main research interests are the application of data mining/learning analytics and artificial intelligence techniques to educational data/environment/domain. He has published more than 150 research papers in journals and conferences, 50 of which have been published in Thomson-Reuters Impact Factor (IF) journals, some of them are important EDM (Educational Data Mining) surveys/reviews. He was also the co-editor of several special issues and two books regarding EDM specific topics. He was a founding officers of the international EDM society and associate editor of the IEEE Transaction on Learning Technologies journal from 2015 until 2020. He was pre-selected as Highly Cited Computer Science Researcher by Thomson Reuters in 2013 (Docampo & Torres-Salinas, 2013). He was the 2020 WINNER of The Prof. Ram Kumar Educational Data Mining Test of Time Award that it grants the EDM society. It has a Crown indicator of 5,80 during 2015-2018, that is a value higher than the World average of 1.
In 2020, he has been included in the list of researchers “World Scientist: World’s Top 2% Scientists” published in the prestigious journal Plos Biology, in which the global elite in the world of scientific research is included.