“Health & AI” Workshop ENIA IAFER Project Noticia

We are pleased to announce the organisation of the free Workshop ‘Health and AI’, on the increasing importance that Artificial Intelligence, AI, plays in Health. This activity is part of the Artificial Intelligence, Ethical, Responsible and General Purpose (IAFER) project. It will be held in person at the UGR-AI Building in the PTS on Tuesday […]

11 FEB – Day of Women and Girls in Science. DaSCI Edition 2025 Noticia

On 11 February we commemorate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, a key day to highlight the role of women in science and technology, as well as to promote equal opportunities in these disciplines. In Spain, the central theme this year will be mental health, a fundamental aspect both for the well-being […]

Episode 43: DaSCI Little Talks Noticia

#podcast #T5E5 24 Jan, 2025 Meet the next generation of AI innovators! In this episode of Tuning In, we sit down with DASCI’s brilliant pre-doctoral researchers, who share their cutting-edge work in just three minutes. From wine-sniffing AI to self-supervised learning and the ethics of alignment, discover the diverse and exciting world of artificial intelligence […]

Desgranando Ciencia celebrates its tenth edition with a look at history and innovation for all audiences Noticia

Los próximos 16 y 17 de mayo, Desgranando Ciencia reunirá un año más en Granada a más de setenta representantes de la comunidad divulgadora e investigadora de todo el país. En su décimo aniversario, el festival de divulgación científica, referente en Andalucía y al que han acudido miles de personas desde sus inicios, mantiene su objetivo: comunicar al público la ciencia más innovadora en charlas breves de diez minutos de duración, acompañadas de espectáculos y actividades paralelas. Además, volverá al Parque de las Ciencias, escenario donde nació en el año 2013 a partir de una iniciativa surgida por investigadores y divulgadores locales.

Bridges of Science: Research as a tool for cultural union Noticia

“Puentes de Ciencia” es un programa de divulgación científica inclusiva que busca acercar la investigación realizada en los centros del CSIC en Granada y el Instituto DaSCI de la Universidad de Granada a colectivos en riesgo de exclusión social. Nacido como un programa piloto en 2024 bajo el lema “Jornadas de cultura científica sin fronteras”, este proyecto ha demostrado el poder de la ciencia como lenguaje universal para conectar culturas y promover la integración.

Episode 42: A Smart Christmas Carol Noticia

#podcast #T5E4 19 dic, 2024 A researcher obsessed with artificial intelligence receives an unexpected visit on Christmas Eve that will lead him to reflect on the impact of his work on society. In this Christmas adaptation of ‘A Christmas Carol’, IAn Grinch, a cold and calculating scientist, is visited by three spirits of artificial intelligence […]

AI tool developed to anticipate metabolic risks in obese children Noticia

The work is part of the EprObes (‘Early Prevention of Obesity’) project coordinated by the CIBER and in which UGR researchers participate, including 3 from the DaSCI institute. It has been published in the journal ‘Artificial Intelligence in Medicine’. The AI model uses clinical and epigenetic data to personalise the prediction of metabolic risks, allowing […]

Francisco Herrera, an example of the best of the province according to IDEAL’s editorial board Noticia

The editorial staff of IDEAL has selected, as it does every year, five people or groups who have stood out throughout 2024 for their contribution to society, science or for their outstanding achievements. These figures, representative of the best of Granada, will be recognised with the award that bears the name of this newspaper, an award that is now in its 37th edition.

Episode 41: ¡Qué ParanoIA! Noticia

#podcast #T5E3 5 nov, 2024 In this episode of ‘Sintonía’, Rocío and Pakito explore the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) in various disciplines beyond computer science, in the context of the European Researchers’ Night 2024. With the participation of guests such as Juan Antonio Marchal, who researches the application of AI in medicine for the […]

UGR coordinates a manual on explainable artificial intelligence to improve transparency and trust in AI Noticia

The UGR has coordinated the development of a handbook that seeks to strengthen trust, accountability and fairness in AI applications in sectors such as health, finance and law. This resource provides a way to verify and certify the results of complex models and contributes to the development of AI systems that are not only effective, but also understandable and fair.

Nobel Prizes in Physics and Chemistry for applied Artificial Intelligence tools Noticia

Este año, la Real Academia de las Ciencias de Suecia anunció, por un lado, el Premio Nobel de Física ex aequo para dos investigadores de inteligencia artificial (IA), Jonh Hopfield (Universidad de Princeton) y Geoffrey E. Hinton (Universidad de Toronto) y, por el otro, el Premio Nobel de Química 2024 compartido entre David Baker (Universidad de Washington) por el diseño computacional de proteínas y, de forma conjunta, a Demis Hassabis y John Jumper (Google DeepMind) por la predicción de estructuras de proteínas.

Episode 40: Alfanobel: A Nobel for AI Noticia

#podcast #T5E2 16 oct, 2024 In this episode of SintonIA, Rocío and Francisco find out that two Nobel Prizes related to Artificial Intelligence have been awarded. On the one hand, the Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to John Hopfield and Geoffrey Hinton for their contributions to the development of artificial neural networks. On […]

The most investigative night is approaching and DaSCI is coming full of activities. Noticia

The European Researchers’ Night will be celebrated on Friday 27th September and DaSCI has many activities for you. From GRANADA: Women and men who do science for you is the motto of the night of researchers in Andalusia, coordinated by the Descubre Foundation and in which more than thirty institutions participate, including our centre DaSCI. […]

Episode 39: UGR-Repsol project Noticia

#podcast #T5E1 17 sept, 2024 The University of Granada, in collaboration with the company Repsol, has obtained funding of 1.6 million euros to create a University-Business Chair which, over the next four years, will develop the project ‘Ethical, Responsible and General Purpose Artificial Intelligence: Applications in Risk Scenario’. To talk about this project we interviewed […]