#conference Francisco Herrera talks in the keynote event about “Big Data and AI in Health: the Power of Data” The Health Research Institute of Aragon (IIS Aragon) in collaboration with the Andalusian Inter-University Institute of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, the Rioja Health Foundation, the Cantabrian Health Service, the Health Research Institute of Navarre, the […]

AI and the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals Noticia

Artificial Intelligence and the rapid development of technologies could become an asset to make our world more fair and equitable. However, they can also become a threat in issues such as security, privacy, dependence, etc. These technologies have implications in all areas of human activity and it must be us, together with governments and companies, […]


Next week will take place the ENHAnCE TRAINING WEEK, a training activity organized in the framework of the European Project ENHAnCE, coordinated by the DaSCI Institute. It is an on-line event that starts on Monday 26th and that will focus on offering an “Introduction to Research Practice” until Friday 30th. The participants will be able […]

Virtual expo: Artificial intelligence Noticia

The University of Granada has organised an exhibition about Artificial Intelligence. A virtual and physical place, in the “Palacio de la Madraza”, that invites us to know more about Artificial Intelligence and some achievements and ongoing projects developed by the UGR. The institute’s researchers are very present on it through videos of their works on […]

DaSCI at the Southtechweek Noticia

The Andalusian Forum South Tech Week is currently being held in Granada. This forum is a perfect place to find entrepreneurial opportunities, to meet and exchange success stories and the most innovative ideas. Artificial Intelligence is the theme of this edition. DaSCI will be represented by different researchers who will participate very actively. Francisco Herrera […]

UNIA Summer Courses Noticia

Iván Palomares (UGR) and Macarena Espinilla (UJA) have been lectures in the virtual course on “Data Science and Machine Learning with Applications” included in the UNIA Summer courses. 25 students have registered in this course and they have been able to follow the classes in a synchronous and asynchronous way. The result of the course […]

DaSCI at La Madraza Noticia

#UGRencasa #conference Francisco Herrera, gives the conference “How can artificial intelligence help in the pandemic and to face the future? This cultural activity is part of the virtual conference cycle “After Covid-19, what?” organized by La Madraza. La Madraza, the Centre of Contemporary Culture of the University of Granada is the reference centre of the […]

Multilabel Classification. Problem Analysis, Metrics and Techniques Noticia

Francisco Herrera, Francisco Charte, Antonio J. Rivera, Maria J. del Jesús Classification of data patterns into different categories that are not mutually exclusive, through a model usually generated by means of supervised learning techniques, is a problem that has generated a large volume of publications in the last decade. Publisher: Springer 2016 ISBN: 978-3-319-41111-8Pages: 194 […]

European Researcher’s Night 2019 Noticia

#Scientific Activities, September 2019 We actively participate in the European Researchers’ Night. This activity is organized by the “Descubre” Foundation, and it is part of the Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Actions of the European Commission programme to promote Science. OUR PARTICIPATING RESEARCHERS Siham Tabik Sergio Damas Rosana Montes Pablo Mesejo

Mediterranean Center of The University of Granada Noticia

#Scientific Activities #Courses Mediterranean Centre of the University of Granada organizes, in collaboration with researchers of the Institute, the second edition of the Tech Talks  “What is happening in our world? The Digital Society: Casualty or Salvation from Humanism?” An interesting cycle of Tech Talks that will highlight our increasingly digital society, showing its opportunities […]


#SCIENCE ACTIVITIES July, 2019 The DaSCI Institute, by hand of Francisco Herrera, will participate in the round table “The future is coming” organised under the auspices of the “III JORNADAS DE TURISMO CIENTÍFICO LERÍN TIERRA ESTRELLA 2019”. An event in which tourism and science come together in the incomparable setting of Lerín, municipality of Navarra […]

Café con ciencia Noticia

#Scientific Activities, March 2019 Our researchers also participate in this activity organized by the “Descubre” Foundation. The participant researchers has a coffee with a group of guests. The expert talks to them about his/her scientific activity, daily life and hobbies. This activity promotes a relaxed atmosphere near and interaction far from the traditional speaker-attendant scheme. […]

MonuMAI – A Deep Learning project that boosts Science for Everyone Noticia

MonuMAI was born in Granada, within the framework of the European Researchers’ Night. On the one hand, it offers all the people who attend this event the opportunity to experience the research in first person, participating as members of the Citizen Science team, and on the other hand, it takes advantage of the great success […]

Andalusian Research Institute on Data Science and Computational Intelligence, obtains the European qualification of “Digital Innovation Hub” Noticia

Andalusian Research Institute on Data Science and Computational Ingelligence, has been included in the catalogue of the “Digital Innovation Hub” (DIH) whose main objective is to increase the competitiveness of industry through digital technologies and is the highest European recognition of innovative ecosystems. http://s3platform.jrc.ec.europa.eu/digital-innovation-hubs-tool/-/dih/12691/view