Francisco Chiclana

Highly Cited Researcher at years 2018, 2019 and 2020
I received my BSc in Mathematics from the University of Granada (UoG, Spain) in June 1989. I was awarded a young researcher scholarship from the Andalucía Regional Government to work in the Department of Statistics and Operational Research at the UoG for the academic year 1989-1990. In July 1990, I took the Spanish public examination to become part of the government civil service as a secondary school teacher. I worked full time as a secondary school teacher from September 1990 until July 2003. In 1996, I enrolled as a part-time student in the Doctoral Training Programme of the Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (UoG) and, on 24th March 2000, I was awarded a PhD in Mathematics (Distinction Cum Laude). On 27th November 2002, The UoG recognised my PhD thesis with the Outstanding Award for a PhD in Mathematics for the academic year 1999/2000. I am member of the research group SECABA and Professor Enrique Herrera-Viedma and Professor Francisco Herrera were my PhD co-supervisors.
I joined De Montfort University (DMU) in August 2003 as a Senior Lecturer and as a research member of the Centre for Computational Intelligence, now Institute of Artificial Intelligence. In August 2006, I became a Principal Lecturer and in October 2007 I was awarded the title of Reader in Computational Intelligence. On 29th May 2012, I was conferred the title of Professor of Computational Intelligence and Decision Making at DMU, and during the period 2015–2018 I was Honorary Professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Leicester. Currently, I am the Associate Dean of Research and Innovation at the Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Media as well as the DMU REF Coordinator for Computer Science and Informatics. I am Associate Editor (AE) and Guest Editor for several ISI indexed journals, and the Specialty Chief Editor with Prof. Enrique Herrera-Viedma of the Fuzzy Systems section of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence
The main and most important research results that I have obtained during my research activity at DMU refer to the modelling and developing of rational group decision making models. Strongly related to this area is the aggregation of information, which is fundamental in group and/or consensus decision making. In this area, the development of the novel type-1 OWA operator and the proof of its associated representation theorem will undoubtedly help researchers to fully tackle the modelling and building of formal, fast and reliable human like decision making models.
I am a Highly Cited Researcher in Computer Sciences. I currently (December 2014) have 240 scientific publications in books, leading international conferences and international journals; 167 are indexed at Web of Science, distributed as follows: 106 articles (64%); 63 proceedings papers (38%); 5 editorials (3%); 3 book chapters (2%); 2 review papers (1%). According to Essential Science Indicators updated as of November 15, 2018 to cover the 10-year plus 8-month period, January 1, 2008 – August 31, 2018, I have has 20 journal papers classed as highly cited (HCP): 11 in Computer Science; 8 in Engineering; 1 in Economics & Business.