The number of professors of the DaSCI Institute grows with the incorporation of Macarena Espinilla as a Professor at UJA Noticia

Thursday 25th of November of 2021, Macarena Espinilla Estevez, DaSCI researcher, passed the exams for the access to Professors at the University of Jaén. She defended this position with a research project “Recognition of activities in intelligent environments” and a teaching project “Computer architecture in the Degree of Computer Engineering“. The main strength of our […]

Javier Melero participates in the Webinar: Artificial Intelligence and its application in companies. AIRANDALUSIA the Andalusian AI digital hub Noticia

#Webinar Thursday AIRANDALUSIA is the Andalusian eDIH in which DaSCI collaborates so that SMEs and freelancers can find services that facilitate innovation. An innovation based on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and associated Disruptive Digital Technologies, innovating and transferring technology to society and industry. Artificial Intelligence has established itself as one of the technologies with the greatest […]

The City Council of Guarroman is inspired by the efforts of our researcher Rosa María Rodríguez Domínguez to create an extraordinary award for high school students in the province of Jaén Noticia

#recognition This city council sees in the word Effort a more than necessary value in the educational world. Therefore, it has created the Rosa Rodríguez Extraordinary Award for Compulsory Education at provincial level to the best academic record of the course. In this way it wants to recognize the most diligent secondary school student in […]

Inaugural lecture of the Academic Year 21/22 at the University of Jaén given by Mª José del Jesus Díaz Noticia

#Conference The professor of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence of the UJA, and DaSCI researcher M.ª José del Jesus Díaz, gave in her institution the master lecture entitled ‘Artificial Intelligence and data for society’. The event could be followed live on YouTube. This lecture presented a reflection on the benefits that Artificial Intelligence, through machine […]

Prof. Oscar Cordón was awarded by the Spanish Association of AI (AEPIA) for his activities and his promotion of AI Noticia

DaSCI Researchers participate in the XIX Conference of the Spanish Association of Artificial Intelligence (CAEPIA).This year CAEPIA is being held in the context of the 6th Spanish Congress on Computer Science (CEDI 2020), which includes many events and activities related to Computer Science, with greater visibility and social impact. The Conference of the Spanish Association […]

La Guinda, a TV program commenting on the European Researchers’ Night 2021 Noticia

#TV #Granada #Science Participating in this debate are three leading figures. The director of the DaSCI institute, Francisco Herrera, the director of the Fundación Descubre, Teresa Cruz and the director of the Participation and Social Innovation unit, MediaLab, of the Vice-rectorate of Institutional Policy and Planning of the University of Granada, Esteban Romero. You can […]

Artificial Intelligence and Gastronomy, a good pairing Noticia

On Friday the 2nd of July, the IDEAL newspaper dedicated its Gourmet space to talk to Francisco Herrera, our director, about digitalisation in the hotel and catering industry and what Artificial Intelligence can do for gastronomy and restaurants. A fundamental sector for the economy of our region. All the information in the IDEAL newspaper (In […]

The Institute celebrates its first “DaSCI Day” Noticia

Last Friday, 18 June 2021 and coinciding with the Institute’s Council Celebration, a large number of DaSCI researchers gathered in a virtual meeting to celebrate the DaSCI Day. This year we have been working intensively on improving communication and dissemination aspects in the Institute. In this process we have been advised by the “Fundación Descubre” […]

SintonIA, a podcast for the Andalusian Research Institute in Data Science and Computational Intelligence (DaSCI) Noticia

The podcast sheds light into the technologies used in the processing and analysis of information. Hosted by Rocío Romero and Francisco Jesús Martínez, both researchers at the DaSCI institute, the podcast deals with the latest advances in these technologies and their future prospects in simple language and for all audiences. The podcast is a biweekly […]

12 DaSCI researchers have been included in the Ranking of scientists who are among the top 2% of the world’s leading scientists Noticia

The “World Scientist: World’s Top 2% Scientists” is a list created by a group of researchers coordinated from Stanford University, which has been recently published in the prestigious journal Plos Biology, and in which the world’s elite in the world of scientific research is included. Among the authors recognized in the area of Artificial Intelligence […]

Study examines Artificial Intelligence as a means to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals Noticia

Ferrovial has partnered with Spain’s Royal Academy of Engineering (RAI) and the University of Granada (UGR), through the DaSCI Research Institute, to examine the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with a view to understanding how engineering and the technology solutions strongly anchored in Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help attain the goals. The UN established the […]


In September we are launching a cycle of seminars especially designed for those PhD students who are just starting out their research career. This series of seminars will take place every Monday at 16.30 and will last approximately 1 hour. The first speaker will be Francisco Herrera, director of the Institute. His first three seminars […]

The Government of Mexico invites Oscar Cordón, professor at the University of Granada, to give a talk on artificial intelligence in forensic science. Noticia

Professor Oscar Cordón, member of the Andalusian Research Institute in Data Science and Computational Intelligence, has made a dissertation at the request of the Mexican Government’s Directorate-General for Public Policy on Human Rights. The online talk, entitled ‘Artificial intelligence applied to forensic science’, was given as part of the seminar ‘Forensic science from a human […]

New international contribution by one of our researchers. Noticia

Ivan Palomares presented a tutorial in the SIGIR 2020 ACM Congress on Information Retrieval. “Reciprocal Recommendation: matching Users with the Right Users” aims to bring the youngest scientific community closer, the so-called reciprocal SRs that are characterized by recommending users to each other in a personalized way to connect or establish some kind of relationship […]