Episode 24: Cinema and AI Noticia

#podcast #T3E3 2 november, 2022 In the movie Artificial Intelligence by Steven Spielberg, it is said that “creating an artificial man has always been the dream of science”. This is reflected in countless movies related to Artificial Intelligence where, usually, a humanoid robot that has to make intelligent and sometimes ethically conflicting decisions is physically […]

Episode 23: Automatic translation Noticia

#podcast #T3E2 18 october, 2022 Will machine translation make us lose interest in learning new languages? Are machine translators really the end of professional translators? As always, technology has its pros and cons. In this episode we will talk about the techniques historically used to perform machine translations and we will catch up with Dr. […]

Episode 22: Neural networks… of impulses Noticia

#podcast #T3E1 4th october 2022 Artificial neural networks never cease to amaze us with their many applications. But… Did you know that they are not biologically realistic? There are other types of artificial neural networks, based on impulses, which make up the third generation of artificial neural networks. In this episode Dr. Angel Garcia Vico […]

2022 European Researchers’ Night Noticia

#Scientific Activities, September 2022 The European Researchers’ Night is a Europe-wide public event, which displays the diversity of science and its impact on citizens’ daily lives in fun, inspiring ways. This year, the event will take place in 25 countries on Friday 30 September 2022. DaSCI participates in it from each of our offices in […]

Will the next Cervantes be an AI? Noticia

By Rosana Montes, Natalia Díaz-Rodríguez, Carlos Peláez Gonzalez y Carlos Núñez Molina Large Language Models are capable of performing various language-related tasks, such as completing sentences, translating from one language to another, summarizing texts and even writing original texts on their own. When these models are given an initial text as seed, they are able […]

Will we soon see self-driving cars? Noticia

By Rosana Montes, Nacho Aguilera AI is powered by data such as a car’s sensors and cameras, commonly referred to as the Internet of Things (IoT). Ensuring the safety of occupants and pedestrians raises ethical questions about their actual operation on the road. The autonomous car is the quintessential example when it comes to AI […]

Episode 21: AI infrastructures Noticia

#podcast #T2E13 The artificial intelligence revolution would not have been possible without the adaptation of libraries for computation on graphics cards, also known as GPUs. GPUs made it possible to reduce training time by several orders of magnitude, allowing much more complex and accurate models to be created. Today’s AI requires many of these and […]

Episode 20: Genetic Programming Noticia

#podcast #T2E12 Programming… Recombining… Did you know that you can make programs that program? In this episode we talk about Genetic Programming, a special type of bio-inspired algorithm capable of evolving trees, a special type of graph where there is only one way to go from one vertex to another. Our guest, José María Luna […]

Episode 19: Graphs Noticia

#podcast #T2E11 There are concepts, people, data that are connected and interact with each other, in a network that explains much of the world around us. And in mathematics – and in computer science – all these interactions can be modeled as a graph. A graph is a structure that combines two types of objects: […]

DaSCI Institute participates in the first seminar on predictive fleet sustainment with Artificial Intelligence between the Spain’s Navy and the University of Granada Noticia

Last Thursday, March 10th, a seminar on “Predictive Fleet Sustainment with Artificial Intelligence” was held in the main hall of the “Espacio V Centenario” of the University of Granada. This first meeting is part of the activities to be held under the agreement signed between the Spain’s Navy and the University of Granada in May […]

Episode 18: Genetic Algorithms Noticia

#podcast #T2E10 Dear biologists, we have plagiarized you!! First it was Charles Darwin in his famous book “The Origin of Species“, where he talks about genetics (the science that studies how certain traits and characteristics are transmitted from parents to offspring), natural selection and survival of the fittest. Then it was John Holland, years later, […]

Episode 17: Recurrent networks Noticia

#podcast #T2E9 Data. Always data. Data is all around us, and there is a lot of talk about personal data, profiles, etc. But there is a special type that is not so well known: sequences. Data ordered according to a specific criterion; for example, this text. It is ordered according to the grammatical rules of […]

Inaugural lecture of the Ángela Ruíz Robles Cycle Noticia

#Event February – May – July 2022 This year, the DaSCI institute is organizing a new series of conferences centered on the innovative teacher Ángela Ruíz Robles from Spain. The proposal for this cycle brings together three figures with great charisma. We open on February 22 with Paula de la Hoz. Computer engineer, communicator and […]

Episode 16: Ant Colonies Noticia

#podcast #T2E8 Artificial Intelligence does not live by neural networks alone. There are numerous algorithms beyond that, and many of them are also inspired by nature. In this episode we discuss one of the best-known bio-inspired algorithms: the ant colony algorithm, which has countless uses, from finding the shortest paths on google maps to optimizing […]

AI will have a transforming role in our societies Noticia

We start the DaSCI Newsletter interviews with the participation of José Luis Flórez, Director of Artificial Intelligence at Minsait (Indra) and President of Dive Computer Vision. José Luis holds a PhD in economics and is a mathematician. His professional career has always been linked to the application of algorithms and machine learning methods to help […]

Episode 15: CSI..A Noticia

#podcast #T2E7 Many of us are familiar with forensic science thanks to series such as CSI or Bones. The protagonists of these series are very fluent in describing characteristics of human remains, such as population, sex, age, etc., or even identify a crime victim without DNA evidence. But in real life, these tasks are very […]

Francisco Herrera interviewed on Radio Nacional de España Noticia

#podcast #EL PLACER DE ADMIRAR Paleontologist Juan Luis Arsuaga talks on Radio Nacional de España with Francisco Herrera, in a conversation in which he discusses how he sees the future of society in a highly technological world in which Artificial Intelligence (machines, robots, intelligent systems) plays a fundamental role. For example, repetitive tasks are likely […]

MOOC Machine Learning and Big Data for Bioinformatics Noticia

#curso #gratis #OER #MOOC #MachineLearning #BigData #2022 #secondEdition University of Granada, through the Center for the Production of Resources for the Digital University, is part of the global initiative of offering Open Educational Resources as MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) through the platform AbiertaUGR. Among its catalog of courses, AbiertaUGR offers the MOOC “Machine Learning and Big […]

Students from CEIP Sierra Elvira complete their knowledge of the brain Noticia

#event #outreach The youngest students so far in our classrooms visit DaSCI. Together with their teacher Juana León and other teachers of the CEIP Sierra Elvira, twelve kids between 7 and 11 years old visited us at the E.T.S. de Ingenierías de Informática y Telecomunicación. The idea was to learn more about artificial intelligence and […]