SintonIA, a podcast for the Andalusian Research Institute in Data Science and Computational Intelligence (DaSCI) Noticia

The podcast sheds light into the technologies used in the processing and analysis of information. Hosted by Rocío Romero and Francisco Jesús Martínez, both researchers at the DaSCI institute, the podcast deals with the latest advances in these technologies and their future prospects in simple language and for all audiences. The podcast is a biweekly […]

Episode 5: Fake News Noticia

#podcast #T1E5 There’s a lot of talk lately about fake news. Fake news, also known as hoaxes, is one of the biggest problems facing the information society. The ability to spread and the reach they have has multiplied the potential to misinform, especially if they are specifically designed to do so. In this episode we […]

Episode 4: A very “cute” episode Noticia

#podcast #T1E4 The application of data science and artificial intelligence to other fields is generating scientific breakthroughs never seen before. And perhaps one of the most striking cases is that of bioinformatics. Bioinformatics applies statistical and computational techniques to analyze biological data, such as DNA. In this episode we see how bioinformatics is able to […]

Episode 3: They listen to us, but do they understand us? Noticia

#podcast #T1E3 Maybe the other day you were talking to a friend about pharmacies, and from that moment on you only get ads for pregnancy tests. Or you received a confirmation of your sushi order by email, and now your facebook is full of take-out food ads. Don’t worry, there is no person following you […]

Episode 2: Your face sounds familiar! Noticia

#podcast #T1E2 In this episode we talk about Generative Neural Networks. For those who don’t know very well what this is about, Neural Networks are a kind of program that is able to learn to perform tasks automatically, just by seeing thousands of examples. In other words, we “train” them, exposing them to example after […]

Episode 0: Hello! Are you there? Noticia

#podcast #T1E0 Imagine for a moment that you wake up in the morning. Maybe your smart wristband decided it was the right time by analyzing your biomedical signals. Or maybe it’s your lifelong alarm clock. You wake up and look at the weather forecast on your phone. You have 20 notifications. You’ll look at them […]

Episode 1: Women in IT Noticia

#podcast #T1E1 In this episode we discuss controversial topics, such as the recent publication by leading researchers at the Andalusian Institute of Data Science and Computational Intelligence (DaSCI) of a book on the impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Sustainable Development Goals proposed by the UN, and particularly, how they affect SDG 5 Gender Equality. […]