#NIGHTspain 2023
25 June, 2023
#Event #September 2023

The European Researchers’ Night is a Europe-wide public event, showcasing the diversity of science and its impact on the daily lives of citizens in fun and inspiring ways.
This year, the event will take place in 25 countries on Friday, September 29, 2023. DaSCI is participating in the event from each of our locations in Granada, Jaen and Cordoba.
Activities to interact with…
Nature, an inspiration for Artificial Intelligence
Host: Daniel Molina
Abstract: Educational activity on Artificial Intelligence, and in particular, on the role Artificial Intelligence, and in particular, about the role it has played inspired by nature in surprising ways. From AI models based on the human brain models based on the human brain to identify objects, draw on the evolution of species to solve evolution of species to solve all kinds of problems, calculating the most optimal optimal routes based on how ants gather food, or drawing inspiration from how birds fly, for example. Or be inspired by how birds fly or whales hunt to improve the prediction of medical diagnoses. prediction of medical diagnoses.
Place: Granada
SintonIA: AI on the radio
Hosts: Rocio Romero and Francisco Martinez
Abstract: Live recording of the DaSCI Institute podcast interviewing researchers participating in the event and visitors. We will talk about Data Science and Artificial Intelligence and comment on how society sees the new tools, such as ChatGPT and MidJourney, which is revolutionizing our daily lives.
Place: Granada
Building the Future: The Power of the Digital Twin in Buildings
Hosts: Juan Chiachio and Emilio Daroch
Abstract: Discover how the digital twin can transform the design, construction and management of buildings, maximizing efficiency, sustainability and user experience.
Place: Granada
Automated Planning, or how AI also worries about the future
Host: Carlos Núñez
Abstract: In this activity, we will talk about the field of Automated Planning, which belongs to AI. We will explain how AI systems, just like humans, are able to reason about the steps that are needed in order to achieve a future goal or, in other words, to plan. Finally, we will show several practical examples and demos about planning.
Place: Granada
Artificial Intelligence: from chess to real applied cases
Hosts: Francisco Herrera and David Herrera
Abstract: A brief explanation will be given on how Artificial Intelligence has evolved from its first successes applied to complex calculation problems, such as Chess, to particular technological solutions that have real users. We will present a software that helps in the objective diagnosis of essential tremor disease, and an intelligent system that helps in the recognition of wood species that may be protected by endangered species. Research value: Use of image segmentation tools based on deep learning to provide objective disease diagnosis or to combat illegal timber trade.
Place: Granada
An app to evaluate science outreach events: DIME+
Host: Rosana Montes
Abstract: The European Researchers’ Night is a space for the dissemination of science, but how to know its impact? DIME+ is a decision support system that not only allows to collect the evaluations of an activity, generating collective evaluations of the event in which it is framed, but also offers a response to the organizers of the event. The implemented decision making allows the use of expressions with uncertainty, as people think. If you are an event organizer, contact us and use this platform!
Place: Granada
Your skull sounds familiar
Host: Sergio Damas
Abstract: A real-time demonstration will be conducted with people who come to the experiment for about 10 minutes. The use of several 3D models of skulls (already scanned) to find the best AI craniofacial overlap with a participant’s photo will be demonstrated. In addition, optionally, those interested will have a 3D model of their face made if they want to download it.
Place: Granada
Artificial Intelligence: between myth and reality
Host: Pablo Mesejo
Abstract: Informative activity for all audiences focused on introducing what Artificial Intelligence (AI) is, its historical trajectory, and some of its main limitations and capabilities. Numerous application examples will be shown (some successful and others not so much, mainly in the field of image analysis and visual perception), and the expectations created around AI will be addressed, relating it to the way in which the media and The cinema have presented, and present, this field of knowledge.
Place: Granada
Can Artificial Intelligence predict when my car is going to fail?
Hosts: José María Luna and Amelia Zafra
Abstract: We are used to performing preventive maintenance on vehicles based on a pre-set schedule of inspections and periodic maintenance, but that doesn’t guarantee that the vehicle won’t break down before that maintenance is performed or that maintenance is done when it wasn’t yet necessary. Advances in technology and machine learning make it possible to determine when a vehicle is going to fail Do you want to know what predictive maintenance is and how it manages to predict potential vehicle failures or problems before they occur?
Place: Córdoba, Patios de Ciencia
Robotics with Artificial Intelligence
Host: Cristobal J. Carmona
Abstract: A robot capable of understanding the world around it, recognizing objects and traffic signs thanks to Artificial Intelligence that users will have to program to be able to walk on a game board. We modify the workshop to an activity, and people will be able to enter the space, sitting at the computer in pairs and programming the robot to test its operation. The objective of this activity is for users to test the operation of different Computer Vision tasks implemented with Artificial Intelligence techniques.
Place: Jaén
DL4Vision – Deep Learning for Vision
Host: Mª Dolores Pérez and Antonio J. Rivera
Abstract: The idea is to show how Artificial Intelligence algorithms, specifically based on deep learning neural networks, are able to be applied to different prediction techniques in the field of computer vision. The user can choose the Deep Learning model that is already trained and use it to perform tasks such as image classification, segmentation, object recognition or pose detection. The models can be applied on images or use the computer’s webcam as a source.
Place: Jaén