Hour of Code at University of Jaén Noticia
#Special Event #October The Department of Computer Science of the University of Jaén (coordinated by PhD Lina García-Cabrera) is promoting “Hour of Code” in the province of Jaén in many ways:
#Special Event #October The Department of Computer Science of the University of Jaén (coordinated by PhD Lina García-Cabrera) is promoting “Hour of Code” in the province of Jaén in many ways:
#podcast #T4E1 25 october, 2023 Get ready for an episode recorded live from the Paseo del Salón in Granada during the European Researchers’ Night! In this special episode we dive into the fascinating world of technological innovation applied to event evaluation. Our expert Rosana Montes Soldado introduces us to DIME+, an application that she assures […]
#InMedia #Awards #October2023 The award recognizes the contribution of women pursuing doctoral studies in the area of computer science to encourage their start in the research career and create references for new generations. The Spanish Computer Science Society (SCIE) has awarded a runner-up prize in the third edition of the SCIE-ZONTA-SNGULAR awards to Práxedes Martínez […]
#Event #September 2023 The European Researchers’ Night is a Europe-wide public event, showcasing the diversity of science and its impact on the daily lives of citizens in fun and inspiring ways. This year, the event will take place in 25 countries on Friday, September 29, 2023. DaSCI is participating in the event from each of […]
#event #29th september Pablo Mesejo Santiago Dept. Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Pablo Mesejo holds a PhD in Computer Science (Università degli Studi di Parma, Italy, 2013), a Postgraduate degree in Bioinformatics: Genomics and Structural Biology (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, 2010), and a degree in Computer Engineering (Universidade da Coruña, 2009). He has worked as […]
#event #29th september Rocío Romero Zaliz Dpt. Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence About Me I have been a computer scientist almost since I can remember. Computers and all the gadgets in the world are my passion. Curiosity is a main part of my day-to-day life and what has led me to work on very diverse topics: medicine, […]
#event #29th september Juan Chiachío Ruano Mechanics of Structures and Hydraulic Engineering Department About Me Research Interests Outstanding results Vocation Scientific Desire
#event #29th september Sergio Damas Arroyo Professor at Software Engineering Department About Me Sergio Damas is … Research Interests Aplicación de diferentes técnicas de inteligencia artificial a problemas reales en Imagen médica, Antropología forense, Modelado basado en agentes, Equilibrado de líneas de montaje, etc. Outstanding results Descubrir yo el apasionante mundo de la ciencia y […]
#event #29th september Rosana Montes Soldado Software Engineering Department About Me Rosana Montes Soldado acquired in 2008 the degree of Doctor with European Mention in Computer Science from the University of Granada (Spain). She has been teaching classes since 2000 and currently does so at the Higher Technical School of Computer Engineering and Telecommunications (ETSIIT) in […]
#podcast #T3E8 20 march, 2023 Technology can help transform the travel industry and enhance the traveler experience. Artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things and Virtual Reality can be used to personalize experiences, from trip planning to the stay at the destination. To talk about all this we had the participation of Javier Melero Rus, CEO […]
InMedia #Awards #March2023 The awards ceremony of the prizes ‘Granada. City of Science and Innovation 2022, was held last Friday at the Manuel de Falla Auditorium. We accompanied Óscar Cordón, DaSCI researcher who received an award in the category of Innovation to Knowledge Transfer. It has been an afternoon in which science and its dissemination […]
#Training #Event Aimed at the entire university community and open to organizations, centers, companies, researchers, vocational training students, etc., who are interested in the subject. Through the different scheduled presentations, the aim is to give an overview of the subject as well as practical applications of Computer Science within the area of Bioinformatics (application of […]
#podcast #T3E7 14 february, 2023 In this first episode recorded at the Parque de las Ciencias in Granada we talk about autonomous cars. We investigate the past, present and future of this technology and how it can change the automotive industry. For this we interviewed Teresa de Pedro, a pioneer in this world and now […]
#Teaching #Event: FEBRUARY | MARCH 2023 With the title “Artificial Intelligence: a door to the future“, the Parque de las Ciencias and DaSCI organize this Scientific Dissemination Course that aims to present the most important ideas of Artificial Intelligence (AI) through various applications that we can find around us. The course aims that anyone has […]
#Media #Awards #January 2023 The rector of the University of Granada, Pilar Aranda, presided last January 11 the award ceremony of the first edition of the awards and runner-up prizes for the best bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral theses in the field of equality and inclusion. In total, 12 awards have been granted: 4 for TFG, […]
#BUILDCHAIN #project Professors Juan Chiachío (PI) and Manuel Chiachío (Co-IP), from the Department of Structural Mechanics and Hydraulic Engineering and researchers of the Interuniversity Institute in Data Science and Computational Intelligence (DaSCI), will be responsible for coordinating the participation of the UGR in the European consortium “BUILDCHAIN”. This project will develop a broad spectrum of […]
#News #InMedia In the special supplement of the newspaper El Mundo of Monday, December 26, 2022, Artificial Intelligence is presented as the idea of the year. With the title “The great leap forward of Artificial Intelligence” and the support of the Dall.E image generator that illustrates the 8 pages of this special, three questions are […]
#News #InMedia “Artificial Intelligence products will come with a prospectus, like medicines” After 11 years between Paris, California and the Netherlands, Natalia Diaz joins the group of experts in AI at the University of Granada. IDEAL de Granada (In Spanish)
#podcast #T3E6 14 december, 2022 Statistics, mathematics and computer science are fundamental knowledge for a good data scientist. In this episode we will review with Anabel Forte the basics of this new area of study: Data Science. Do you think you know everything about this topic? Don’t you know what we are talking about? Then […]
#News #InMedia Six DaSCI researchers share their projects in IDEAL newspaper These tools show how Science leaves the laboratories to have a direct impact on companies and administrations by providing solutions. IDEAL de Granada (In Spanish)